[At the time when everyone was in danger, a rainbow pillar of light falling from the sky fell violently! ] 】

[A stormy tomahawk with the power of thunder and lightning constantly cuts the lives of monsters, and everyone is saved! ] 】

[Thor, Rocket Raccoon, Groot walked out of the Rainbow Bridge! ] 】

[“Hahaha, you’re finished! “】

[When Banner saw Thor, he roared excitedly! ] 】

【Boom!!! 】

[The power of endless thunder swept the entire battlefield, and the monsters were as fragile as paper in the face of thunder and lightning! ] 】

[“Tell Thanos to get out!”] “】

[Thor’s strength with the Storm Tomahawk has greatly increased, and his confidence is high! ] 】


Marvel World, headquarters of the Avengers.

Everyone watched this scene quietly until Rhode spoke.

“Why don’t you bombard them with thermal weapons?”

It seems that he alone is suppressing the fire, right?

This counts as if they are playing him, although there is no evidence…

It’s good that Thor arrived in time, otherwise it would have been cold!

“Maybe they disdained it…”

Tony saw how high-tech Wakanda was, and maybe firearms had been eliminated by them.

Spears can shoot lasers, which is more powerful and convenient than firearms!

Although it looks ancient, it is very advanced, and there is a contradiction between the two!

Tony is more and more excited the more he thinks about it, Wakanda must have a lot of vibranium and new energy!

This aroused his interest in wanting to go to Wakanda even more.

What kind of spark will be created by the collision of technology, and perhaps it will be possible to find artificial intelligence that replaces Ultron!


Thanos Legion.

Thanos looked at these earthlings who were desperately resisting, and seemed to think of the world that had invaded before.

They too, desperately resisting.

But in the end, there is only one result, and that is to become a revenant under his sword.

This is true of other planets, and so will Earth!

You’ll get six Infinity Stones and wipe out half of your life!

What if Thor got the Storm Tomahawk, he is by no means his opponent!

What’s more, Thanos will never believe that he will fail, he himself is destiny!


【The screen continues…】

[Tony and Quill are waiting for Thanos on Titan…]

[Tony is about to discuss a plan, but Star-Lord Quill does not agree with his plan…]

[Listen, we just need to grab his Infinity Gauntlet…”


[Tony turned around and looked at the snorting Drax with a helpless expression…]

[However, Drax is still like that, and it is absolutely impossible for Reckless to follow the plan! ] 】

“Sorry, that’s how they are…”]

[Star-Lord has long been used to it and began to quarrel with Tony…]

[However, at this time, the praying mantis girl interrupted them, her eyes widened like copper bells, and she said in horror: “Excuse me, excuse me…”

“Do your friends often do that?” “】

[Everyone is looking for prestige…]

[Doctor Strange is suspended in the air, his brain is constantly twitching, as if he is snorting! ] 】

“Stephen, are you okay? “】

[Tony leaned towards him, what’s wrong, how did a good magician become like this! ] 】


On the street, many people recognized Stephen and wanted to know how his magic worked.

But seeing this scene, they were all frightened and went backwards madly.

I’m afraid this magician is not fake.

Just as Stephen was speechless, a portal appeared behind him, and a big hand pulled him away in an instant…


【In the screen…】

[Doctor Strange recovered and collapsed to the ground, Tony quickly helped him…]

“What happened?” “】

[Doctor Strange gasped and sweated, and said, “I jumped in time to see a possible future… foreseeing the consequences of the conflict…”]

“How many possibilities do you see?” “】

[“14,000,605 species…”】

[“How many did we win?” “】

[Doctor Strange looked at everyone, his tone was a little low, and he said in a deep voice:


[Among so many possibilities, only one can be won, and the probability of winning is almost minimal!] 】


“Is Thanos really that scary?”

The Avengers were silent, and this enemy looked incredibly powerful.

In order to wipe out half of the life in the universe, he did not hesitate to do this.

And what can they do to stop this disaster?

“Or destroy the Cosmic Cube first!” Rhode whispered.

A planet is too weak in front of Thanos!

Since he collects the Infinity Stones, destroy it directly!

“It’s useless, without the Infinity Stones, he will find other ways to collect them, we must collect the Infinity Stones before they do!”

Everyone still plans to collect other gems first, and the most important thing is to completely stop Thanos!


【In the screen】

[Thanos came to the Titan Star, which has become a Death Star, through the space gem…]

[He looked at everything here, and felt a lot in his heart, the once prosperous Titan Star actually became this look…]

[Doctor Strange sat high and talked to Thanos, and neither side wanted to do it…]

[“With six Infinity Stones, I only need to flick my finger and they will all die, that’s mercy…”

[Doctor Strange got up, walked up to him, and asked, “And then?] “】

[Thanos lowered his head, looked at the Infinity Gauntlet, and said calmly: “I can finally rest… Watch the sun rise… Shine on the universe of gratitude…”】

“The most difficult choices require the strongest will…”

[Doctor Strange raised his hands, and the magic array appeared in his hands, and said loudly: “You will find that our will is not weaker than yours! ] “】

[“We? “】

[Thanos looked up, and the black shadow that covered the sky fell! ] 】

[Tony pushes the wreckage of a huge spaceship and smashes it towards Thanos! ] 】

[But before Thanos fell, he used the power of the power gem to resist it…]

【Bang!!! 】

[The spaceship scattered, stirred up puffs of dust, and spread around…]

[Boom! 】

[The power gem energy exploded in an instant, instantly destroying the wreckage of the spaceship into countless fragments, suspended in the air…]

[The reality gem light on the infinite fist sleeve flashed, and the original wreckage fragments instantly turned into countless bats, pulling Tony into the distance…]

【Snap!! 】

[The little spider took the opportunity to shoot two cobwebs, blocking Thanos’s vision…]

[Drax held a double dagger, cut into Thanos’ calf, cut a wound, blood flowed…]

[Doctor Strange followed closely behind, and the magic array turned into a magic sword, opening the skills of a melee mage! ] 】

[Thanos ate the pain, relying on the natural reaction of his body, kicked Drax into the air, caught the magic sword with one hand, tore open the cobweb, raised his right foot and kicked it! ] 】

[Doctor Strange unfolded a magic array on his chest to avoid the damage of this kick, but he was still retreated tens of meters by the force of the countershock…]

[Star-Lord attacked from behind, Thanos was caught off guard, and did not react for a while…]

[Star-Lord made an international gesture and jumped into the portal…]

[“Bang! “】

[Lightning exploded behind Thanos, shocking Thanos’ body, causing him to lose some momentary moments…]

[Doctor Strange said to the magic cloak: “Don’t let him hold his fists! “】

[The magic cloak quickly wrapped around Thanos’ fist holster, making it impossible to use the gem ability! ] 】

[The little spider quickly shuttles through the portal, punching Thanos from time to time! ] 】


【”More magic…”】

【”Flying Kick Magic…”】

[Thanos was also irritated by him, raised his hand to grab the body of the little spider, and slammed it on the ground! ] 】


When Deadpool saw this scene, his eyes showed the same kind of expression.

Finally, there are superheroes with broken mouths like him!

It’s cool that they are still one world!

Go to him now and form a new combination!

The name is called… Dead spider combo!


[Tony arrives and begins endless fire suppression! ] 】

[The violent explosion covered Thanos, and the flames wrapped him, but Thanos absorbed the flames and instantly sprayed towards Tony! ] 】

[Crash it into a dilapidated spaceship and cause an explosion in the sky!] 】

[At this time, a broken fighter plane crashed into Thanos, and Nebula appeared in front of him, but was easily kicked over by Thanos! ] 】

[Doctor Strange uses scarlet chains to bind Thanos firmly and wants to pull off the Infinity Gauntlet…]

[Little spider, Star-Lord uses various pincer attacks to make Thanos immobile…]

[Tony arrived in time and grabbed the Infinity Gauntlet…]

[The praying mantis woman jumped behind Thanos through the portal, controlling his nerves…]

[Star-Lord looked at Thanos who was so easily controlled with a relaxed look, and said with a smile: “It’s quite easy…”

“Where’s Gamora?”] “】

[The praying mantis woman felt the grief in Thanos’s heart…]

[“He’s sad…”]

[Star-Lord immediately understood that Gamora might be in distress, and the anger in his heart swelled more and more, looking like he wanted to kill him! ] 】

[Bang! Bang! Bang! 】

[Quill raises his hand and angrily smashes Thanos’ head]

[“Quill! Stop it! “】

[Tony hurriedly stopped Star-Lord, the Infinity Gauntlet is about to take it down, what are you doing! ] 】

[Sure enough, Thanos, who regained his senses, turned everyone over again! ] 】

[Thanos dragged down the meteorite in the starry sky through the power gem! ] 】

【Boom!!! 】

[Countless meteorites fell to the ground, causing earth-shattering explosions, and everyone had almost no power to fight again under this blow! ] 】

[“I can save!”] “】

“Sorry, I can’t remember your names!”] “】

[Little Spider rescued the unconscious Guardians of the Galaxy…]

[In the ruins, Thanos looks at Doctor Strange…]

[The two are speechless, Doctor Strange unleashes magic – Thunder of Bosart, which is as fast as a snake! ] 】

[Thanos jumped in the air, and the energy of the power gem formed a laser and blasted towards Doctor Strange! ] 】

[“Mirror dimension! “】

[A huge twisted transparent mirror appeared in front of Doctor Strange, blocked the energy of the Power Gem, and pushed it back! ] 】

[Thanos landed on the ground and smashed it with a punch! ] 】

[Bang! 】

[The mirror latitude was shattered, and Thanos absorbed it to form a point, like that black hole, converging into a ball of energy and shooting! ] 】

[Doctor Strange’s hands condense magic… The Ancient Body of Hoggs! 】

[Turning Thanos’ attack into countless butterflies in an instant, which made Thanos a little confused, what about my black hole? ] 】

[“The shape of Ekern! “】

[Doctor Strange clasped his hands together, and countless hands appeared behind him, like a thousand hands Guanyin, and the doppelganger quickly spread out, surrounding Thanos! ] 】

[At this time, Thanos was stunned and didn’t know what to do! ] 】

[“Energy Whip! “】

[In Thanos, the avatars used the energy whip to bind Thanos firmly. ] 】

[Thanos clenched his fists with all his strength, and his body was instantly destroyed under the power of the power gem! ] 】

[“You’re full of tricks! Mage! “】

[If it weren’t for Thanos’ Infinity Stones, it would really be an incomparable headache, the attack was invisibly resolved, and so many doppelgangers appeared…]

[Change to anyone else, you must be confused! ] 】

[As soon as Thanos wanted to hold his fist, he was blocked by a flying mechanical palm! ] 】

[Tony said expressionlessly: “If you throw another planet down, I will be angry!”] “】

[Thanos looked at Iron Man quietly, tilted his head and whispered, “Stark…”

[Tony was stunned, he had never seen Thanos, and Thanos should have never seen him! ] 】

“You know me? “】

[Thanos’s voice was a little low, looking at him with a hint of appreciation…]


“You are not the only one cursed by knowledge…”]

“My only curse is you!”] “】

[Thanos has long buried an indelible shadow in Tony’s heart, and has been torturing him for a long time! ] 】

[“Let the horse come!”] “】

[Several small missiles behind Tony blasted over! ] 】

【Bang bang!!! 】

[Tony takes off, puts his feet together, and accelerates towards Thanos! ] 】

[Bang! 】

[This acceleration has already broken through the limits of the machine, but it only makes Thanos take a few steps back! ] 】

[Thanos grabbed Tony’s helmet and pulled it hard! ] 】

[Sting! ] 】

[The hard nano helmet was torn apart in an instant, and Tony hurriedly put his hands in front of him, quickly patching up the helmet…]

[But it was still blasted away by Thanos’s punch! ] 】

[Tony got up quickly, tied one of Thanos’ hands, and slammed the hammer into his face! ] 】

[However, this powerful attack only scratched a layer of Thanos’ skin…]

[Tony condensed his energy and shot at Thanos, but he was easily blocked by the energy of the Power Gem! ] 】

[Tony fused the nano armor of his left leg into his right hand to increase the power of the laser…]

[Thanos got closer and closer, and Tony hurriedly gathered the armor into a short sword and stabbed at him! ] 】


[Thanos easily dodged, broke the sword, and stabbed Tony in the abdomen…]

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