Pirate World.

“Karp, do you understand?”

Sengoku looked at Karp, who was clasping his nose on the side.

“I can’t read it, but I’m blown away!”

Karp gave up thinking, if there is a fight he will watch, without this part, selective blindness.

Scientists in the pirate world are working hard to develop technology.

With the power of technology, maybe even the Devil Fruit can surpass!


Doraemon World.

“Doraemon, is time travel dangerous?” Nobita asked suspiciously.

After all, they often ride time machines to various points in time.

“Nobita, we go on a daily basis, don’t care about these details…”

Doraemon gave him a blank look, in this world you seriously lose!

Big Bear nodded thoughtfully, after all, he didn’t understand, just follow his own thoughts.


Marvel Universe.

Tony and Pepper looked at their future daughter, their eyes full of love.

“Our daughter is so cute!” Tony smiled, as if something had been opened in his heart.

“Little Morgan…”

Pepper was a little distracted, she thought that she and Tony would not have crystallization in this life, but she didn’t expect…


【Screen continues】

[In the dimly lit kitchen, Tony stood alone in the kitchen, took a picture frame from the cupboard, and gently wiped it…]

[The above is a photo of Tony and the little spider, Tony looked at it quietly, returned to the room with a complicated expression, and continued to experiment…]

[“I have a little inspiration, I don’t know if it will work…”]

[Tony has been studying time travel for a long time, but he has never succeeded in modeling…]

[“It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t succeed… I just…”

[Under Friday’s operation, the model is gradually being completed…]

【”Modeling completed…”】

[When Friday’s voice fell, Tony slumped in his chair, so excited that he didn’t know where to put his hands! ] 】

[He actually succeeded in this experiment! ] 】

[“Shett! “】

Little Morgan hid behind him, couldn’t help repeating, and said softly: “Shett! “】

[Tony jerked his head back, widened his eyes and told her that he must not say dirty words in front of her mother! ] 】

[Tony gently carried little Morgan back to the room and coaxed her to sleep…]

【”Tell me a story…”】

[Tony stroked little Morgan’s cheek, full of pampering…]

“A long time ago there was a little girl who went to bed… End…”]

【”What a boring story…”】

[“No… It’s your favorite story! “】

[Tony got up and gave little Morgan a kiss on the forehead…]

【”Love you a thousand times…”】

[Little Morgan rubbed his little hands while laughing…]

“Then I love you three thousand times!”] “】

[When Tony heard this, his heart trembled, happy like a child…]


[“Three thousand times… That’s awesome! “】


Marvel Universe.

Tony began to show himself in front of Pepper.

“See, little Morgan said he loved me three thousand times!”

“You do a thousand or so times at most…”

Tony can’t wait to hold little Morgan and kiss him now, but unfortunately he hasn’t been born yet…

Pepper saw Tony’s excited smile, and couldn’t help but smile, didn’t refute him, let him go proudly now.

The other Avengers were either envious and some shocked.

Unexpectedly, Tony actually succeeded!


Time Authority.

“It seems that they are going to break the law of time, are they going to catch it?”

“You don’t have to… What happens in the past, present and future is already predetermined, all in a straight line. ”

“This is something that is bound to happen, don’t care!”

The Time Keepers fell silent again, not caring about the matter.

Many things are predestined, and the ending has been set.

“Haven’t you found out the origin of this light curtain?”

The top level of the Time Authority has already been investigating, but nothing has been found.

They already know that this light curtain can allow the multiverse, all living beings to see this picture, it is too terrifying!

It seems that this is a greater being than the God who created the Authority of Time.

I don’t know what impact it will have on the world.

All timelines become extremely unstable due to light curtains!


【In the screen…】

[Everyone’s experiment still hasn’t made any progress, and Scott is about to be played badly…]

[At this time, Tony drove to the side of the American team, rolled down the window, and looked at the sad face of the American team…]

[“Why pull a face?”] “】

“Let me guess, he became a baby…”]

[Team America gave him a blank look, thought he came to ridicule him, and asked: “Yes”]

[“This is the EPR paradox, time just flows in Scott’s body…”

[“This time I want to protect what I already have…”

[“Just stop working so hard…”]

[The two finally reached cooperation…]

[T came to the trunk and handed the shield back to the American team…]

【”Thank you… Tony…”]

[“Then can you keep a low profile… I didn’t bring gifts for anyone else…”


“Tony, where’s my present?”

Rhode looked at Tony sourly on the side again, his good friend got married and gave birth to such a lovely daughter.

Now the shield is also returned to the American team.

Sure enough, will Jiyou’s love disappear?

“Perhaps, ready…”

Tony wordlessly turned his head and stopped looking at Rod’s black face.


【In the screen…】

[With Tony’s help, the whole progress has become very fast…]

[Banner, who has fused with the Hulk, and the rocket raccoon, obediently rides in a pickup truck…]

[Until we came to a small village where half of the Asgardians lived…]


“Banner, you’re actually one with the Hulk!”

It’s hard to believe that the Hulk will honestly sit in the pickup truck, which looks more well-behaved!

Or the Hulk that people fear?

Sure enough, the terrifying reality can wear out the edges and corners of the temper!


[Rocket raccoon looked at the busy Asgardians here, it was hard to imagine that the glorious Protoss would become like this! ] 】

“You shouldn’t come!”] “】

[The voice of the Valkyrie sounded behind them…]

[“Valkyries… It’s a pleasure to see you… Crazy girl! “】

[The Valkyrie looked at the Hulk who was neither Banner nor Hulk and frowned, he was better in the past than now…]

[The Valkyries also know the purpose of their coming here…]

“He won’t see you… We only see him every month when we resupply…”

[The Valkyrie looked at the pile of empty barrels piled in the corner of the wall…]



Thor is flustered for some reason, they won’t be talking about themselves…

I always feel that the next thing will be a little bad, and I won’t fall.

That shouldn’t be, after all, he is the new god king, the god of thunder who hacked Thanos to death with an axe!

How could he hide in such a place!

This is no possibility!

They definitely didn’t come to their own!


[Rocket raccoon knocks on the dilapidated door…]

【Bang bang!!! 】

[But no one responded for a long time, he pushed open the door and walked in…]

[However, as soon as I entered, I smelled a sky-rushing stench, and the rocket raccoon couldn’t help but sniffle…]

【”What’s going on…”】

“Did something die here?”] “】

[“Are you there! Thor!!! “】

[In the dark room, a fat man is limping out, still holding a wine bottle in his hand…]

[“You guys are here to fix cable TV, and sports channels can’t watch them now…”

[Until the burning fire in the house shines the fat man’s figure in the light curtain…]

[Exactly Thor! 】

[At this time, he is holding up a beer belly, his long hair is fluttering, and he is wearing big flower pants, and the whole person looks like an old drunkard…]


“Poof, this is Thor?”

“No way, that noble male god, how can his belly be bigger than me, a pregnant woman!”

The male god admired in the hearts of countless people actually degenerated into the god of wine!


“Oh! Fak! Groove!! ”

When Thor saw his appearance, his whole person was stupid!

The foreboding in my heart was still realized!

How could he have fallen into this, that beer belly, almost caught up with his father’s!


Odin roared at the sight of such a fallen son.

The Eternal Spear poked a big hole in the ground.

“Father, listen to me… No… Interpretation! ”

Thor quickly explained, but couldn’t think of any words, this is the future self!

“My dear brother, how did you become a god king like this, how did you lead the people of Asgard, and how did you protect the Nine Realms?”

Loki seized the opportunity to keep counting him.

The mighty domineering spirit that resisted the stars before was all broken at this moment!

The Queen of Heaven looked distressed, Thor suffered so much in the future.

It’s not impossible to enjoy it!


Guardians of the Galaxy.

“Quill, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said you were fat…”

Drax solemnly apologized to Quill, not to mention how sincere the look was.

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

Quill was not to mention how happy he was to see Thor!

However, in the next second, what Drax said instantly made him explode!

“Quill, you’re just a little fat guy!”

“Thor is a big fat man!”

Quill: “? ”

He’s a fat man, can’t get by, right?

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