Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 100: Rebellious

If it were in the old days, the old man would drew his sword and hacked this madman boy to death.

But today, everything doesn't matter.

So amidst the rumbling drums of war on the top of the city, the old man laughed heartily, his white hair flying, and the wisdom in his eyes was unfathomable.

"My nephew, I don’t know how you can rely on it, but if you really want to rush into the battle, I suggest you go to the right wing of the magic soldier, yes, in that direction, don’t worry about the magic soldier shooting a volley of arrows, as long as you can rush into the chaos. On the right wing of the enemy, the old man can guarantee that none of us will die. You can rush and leave the rest to me."

Zhang Yang nodded his head, and that's right. The old man is a famous general in the world. At this time, if he still doesn't see some clues, then he is really in vain.

At the moment, the ten strongest and best combat skills of the Qiao family's children quickly changed their big shields, and before the end of the drums on the city, they rushed out under Zhang Yang's command.

Fifty meters behind them are the 28 children of the Qiao family and guard veterans led by the old man. Fifty meters behind them are the women and children and five carts.

That's right, the entire camp of dead soldiers, including Zhang Yang, including all the disabled, including the old man, can fight only 40 people, and the rest are not old women, but women and children.

This is an alternative full-fledged copy cut, but it gives a chance to die in battle.

When the dead men’s camp launched a charge against the tens of thousands of demon soldiers on the opposite side, the 30,000 elite troops in the rear remained motionless, just watching, watching the brightening sky, watching the man who made countless contributions for the life of the Wei Dynasty. The old general led his descendants, like a lame wolf, rushing to his death.

The old man roared, and the guard veterans who had followed him for half his life roared. His sons and sons roared. In the roar, there were still women's sobbing and children's crying, but the pace of the charge and the wheels did not slow down. .

A few gray-haired old women sat in the car steadily, driving the scalpers to speed up.

On the opposite side, in the demon army's army formation, countless spears flickered in the sky, and countless arrowheads rose slightly. As long as a command was issued, ten thousand arrows would be sent.

Zhang Yang hid behind Uncle Qiaozhi and was very nervous. He was afraid that the old man had guessed wrong. Once the commander of the demon soldier really ordered the arrow to be released, nothing more, let's go home and eat melons.

Five hundred meters,

Four hundred meters,

Three hundred meters.

There was no sound of feather arrows breaking through the air. The old man guessed it right. The magic soldiers had at least five thousand archers. If they gave an order, it would be easy to shoot them 87 small fish and shrimps, but that’s true. It's not worth it, and it wastes arrows and energy.

"Chong, speed up!"

Zhang Yang yelled, at this moment a fluffy feather arrow shot over, but it was the three hundred demon archers dispatched by the demon soldiers.


"Soul Force Field!"

Invisibly, the soul force field has mastered an area with a diameter of 500 meters. There is no need to control the feather arrows with too much complexity. It is enough to change the trajectory slightly when the feather arrows are thrown to the highest point, which is the moment when the force is the smallest. , And then the quasi-heads of these feather arrows that fall by gravity do not know where they fly.

At this time, the charging Uncle Qiao waited for ten people and wondered why the accuracy of the magic archer became so bad?

But there is no time to think about it at this time, they are the most elite fighters, and naturally know that the most important thing at the moment is to charge, and rush into the enemy's formation at the fastest speed!

The magic archer shot three rounds within ten seconds, and their commander realized something and immediately ordered the three hundred archers to retreat, because Uncle Qiao had already rushed within 30 meters.

But even so, the commander of the demon army didn't take it to heart. With just such a small number of people, even the front row of the army can't move, and in a blink of an eye they will be chopped into meat sauce.

"It's this moment!"

Zhang Yang, hiding behind Qiao Shuzhi, suddenly contracted his soul field to a secondary compression state.

In this state, the consumption of soul power is not large, and the impact on teammates is not large, but if you control the magic weapon to attack, it can produce at least double the speed and double the impact and lethality.

This is what Zhang Yang has tested with the Spear of Imprisonment.

So at this moment, the armor-piercing cones of the three high-grade magical weapons flashed like ghosts, with no shadows. In an instant of 0.1 second, three rivers of blood were opened from the magic army formation 30 meters away!

Yes, Blood River!

It was because the throats of the groups of magic soldiers were penetrated, and the splashing blood merged together to form the most magical picture.

The power of the top-grade artifacts is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

In just one second, at least three hundred magic soldiers were killed, and the three armor-piercing cones were also out of control because of their spiritual endurance.

But this is scary enough, even if Zhang Yang is still a fake immortal cultivator, this kind of extraordinary attack method is terrifying. So that Uncle Qiao was full of corpses when the ten of them rushed in, as if they were in no one.

"Old man, now is the time to test whether you are a famous general!"

Zhang Yang didn't even bother to look back, and three more armor-piercing cones flew out, without giving the magic soldiers a chance to react up and down, and continued to tear forward and all around!

Because there is not much time left for them, at most one minute, the commander of the magic soldier will regroup, and without the deterrence of the high-grade magic weapon, they can only wait to die.

But at least at this moment, because of huge casualties and unknown means, the magic soldier's army inevitably has a huge chaos.

Because no one knows what's going on?

This kind of golden opportunity, such as Uncle Qiao to these generals, how could they not grasp it, they quickly formed a single-handed shield formation, cutting and charging all the way forward.

At the same time, the old man who was already more than 50 meters behind also burst out a terrible aura, like a tiger going down a mountain, raising the heavy crossbow in his hand, and the momentum all over his body was concentrated on the heavy crossbow, behind him The 22 soldiers armed with heavy crossbows and the children of the Qiao family also cooperated, aiming in one direction, that is, the right wing of the demon army formation, under a strange flag.


With the sound of the machine, 23 crossbow arrows broke through the air, like a dense swarm of bees, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, through the chaos in the magic army formation, the position was shot into a hornet's nest in the blink of an eye .

The right-wing commander of the magic soldier was shot directly.

This is not a very important goal, at least for the overall battlefield, but at this moment, as the right-wing commander of the magic soldier is shot, the magic soldier in this area can no longer be accurately mobilized, and the chaos cannot be effectively contained. .

When Zhang Yang ran out of the ninth armor-breaking cone, the 30,000 elite friendly forces in the rear finally dispatched and attacked the right wing of the demon with heavy troops.

"Hahaha, old husband Zhang Yeting, today, don't you rely on my virtuous nephew to break the battle!"

The army charged, the landslide and the tsunami, but the old man laughed and didn't have to die today.

Yes, although Zhang Yang never said the plan, the old man knew who he was and used Zhang Yang's almost flawed plan to make a new plan.

Amidst the chaos, with the deterrence of the blatant piercing cone, he did not take any action. The commander of the right wing of the demon soldier was killed as soon as he shot, which caused even greater chaos on the right wing of the demon soldier.

Under this circumstance, the 30,000 friendly forces in the rear must attack.

Private grudges return to private grudges, old grudges return to old grudges, even if there are a dozen nobles sitting on the wall waiting to see his Qiao family die, the general Zhang Yeting must seize this excellent fighter opportunity and take advantage of the chaos on the right wing of the demon soldier. , Directly press on.

Otherwise, Zhang Yeting is worthy of those nobles, but he is sorry for the generals, especially the former generals standing there. Isn't he afraid of mutiny?

Is it really a joke among women to fight the army?

When there is a great fighter, if you don't attack, and then you have to pay a tragic loss to win the battle, the morale of this army is basically ruined.

Therefore, if Zhang Yang's plan is just the scraps of not being able to come to Taiwan, then the old man is playing the trick.

Otherwise, with the help of the nine piercing cones, wanting to penetrate the tens of thousands of demon army formations, and also want no one to be killed or injured, is this silly boy lost?

The rolling soldiers quickly surpassed the old man and the children of the Qiao family, and the family members. From time to time, soldiers would throw water sacs and dry food on the cart. Of course, more of them would still drop their crossbows.

You can’t lose all of the crossbow bolts, nor can you throw heavy crossbows, but in the battle, who knows how many crossbow bolts I shoot out?

When Zhang Yang realized that there was a change in the future, the overall situation was set, and they did not even need to charge. More soldiers automatically replaced them, like iron flow, so he took the Bald Ridge Fortress easily, and then took the demons in one breath. The soldiers retreated five miles and returned in a big victory.

He never dreamed of such a change?

"Boy, you have a bone!"

Still sitting on the bald ridge fortress where there is no more enemy as if in a dream, the old man shuddered with fright at the first words.

"You ~ still think things are too simple, just this battle, if you tell your plan tray earlier-well, it seems that this is the result no matter how good it is. In short, Now the old man believes in you, we can stay on this bald ridge for at least five days before we die."

Zhang Yang looked at the old man and didn't want to say anything.

The old man didn’t let him go, and he still said meaningfully and authentically: "Boy, you have a bone, the old man’s eyes can’t be wrong to see people. If you are a minister, the old man will suggest that your majesty kill you, but if you are the king, then It's not a problem."

"But at the moment, the old man only said one thing, and Wei's spirit is not exhausted."

The corners of her mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

The old man smiled suddenly.

"It's too early to say, think of a way to survive, boy, we now have 6,000 crossbows, enough food and grass for ten days, and clean water, but we can't take advantage of the situation anymore. You see, Zhang Yeting has already retreated. Now, in the next few days, if we don’t die, they won’t launch a counterattack, and the magic soldiers will launch a strong attack on Balduling before tonight at the latest."

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