Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 125: Reject a draw

The appearance of the village chief Wang Shun did not disrupt the publicity plan.

The next day, Rennes, Wang Mumu and others set off again. This time there were more people. A full 100 captain-level soldiers, plus those of Wang Shun's men, were all sent to dig coal and transport coal.

Under the deterrence of powerful force, or the deterrence of the mysterious and powerful ghost lady, they had no other choice.

And Zhang Yang also asked craftsmen to build one hundred big sledges, each of which can hold five tons of coal, and stopped at a place with deep snow one hundred and fifty miles away. Then Wang Mumu would have to work a little harder and take the road If the snow is thickened, widened and hardened, coal can be quickly transported back.

At the same time, Zhang Yang also continued to make seamless iron pipes. Every time a batch was made, the construction team would take it out and assemble a batch.

This thing needs to be placed three meters underground, and then sealed with stones to prevent rust to the greatest extent. Although this may not be able to be used for a few years, as long as it survives this winter, it will be the biggest for Zhang Yang Victory.

For the next half month, Zhang Yang completed the production of all the seamless iron pipes, and all the iron ingots were consumed. As for the steel ingots, he made them into a heating boiler.

These heating pipes were given priority to the residents, and then to the barracks where the soldiers lived, and finally disappeared, and the castles where Zhang Yang and several heroes lived were not allocated.

During this time, Rennes and others also sent back two consecutive coals, which is 1,000 tons, which provided the greatest guarantee for the subsequent heating.

Fill the boiler with water, ignite, supply heat, and supervise the whole process, and use the soul field to lock every detail.

Although the drawings of the heating system were all returned by him with hope fragments, and the heating boilers used were the simplest, after all, this was an unfamiliar area.

After three full days of tossing and solving a lot of minor troubles, this heating system that can cover 900 people can finally be used normally.

In the state of heating 24 hours a day, the temperature in each residential house will not be lower than 24 degrees above zero.

In addition, in order to prevent any accidents, the original heating equipment such as kangs and fireplaces in each residential building are also preserved. The protection is to save themselves when the temperature is too low and the heating system is not suitable.

When Rennes, Wang Mumu and others sent back the third batch of coal, Zhang Yang asked them to stop coal mining. Even Wu Yuan's tree felling stopped. Now that there is sufficient fuel, there is no need to cut all the trees, otherwise next year The spring tide of the wood demon is not easy.

"Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng. Next, I will take the mountain **** to the trial. The result of this trip is unpredictable, so I must make arrangements in advance."

In the castle, Zhang Yang gathered the core of all the villages, the respected elderly, craftsmen, and his heir Zhang Wenyuan, the three village chief’s wives, and all the elite population.

"In case I can't come back—"

When Zhang Yang said a word, everyone was shocked.

"It's all quiet. I have my own opinion on this matter. This trial is necessary. If anything happens, Zhang Wenyuan will be the successor of the village head, Wu Yuan, Ren, Wang Shen, Wang Mumu, Duan Kuan, Liu Dali, Song Dahui, Zhao Tiezhu Datou Zhou, and all of you, must continue to swear allegiance to him and work hard to live."

"Wu Yuan, come here, give you this ice marrow pill, it can help you break through the extraordinary, when there are two extraordinary heroes in the village, plus my previous arrangements, even if the ghost lady advanced ghost queen, You also have the ability to drag it on until spring comes."

"My lord, I can't use this ice marrow pill. You can take it by yourself. This will also increase your chances of success in completing the trial!" Wu Yuan was puzzled.

Zhang Yang pouted his lips and said to his heart, do you think I don't want to? I am not a fool.

Previously, he consumed 1,000 units of ghost crystals to exchange for this ice marrow pill, which he intended to use for himself. As a result, Nima, the message indicated that the ice marrow pill is only effective when it is taken the first time, and the effect is reduced after the second use. half.

So after Zhang Yang thought about it all night, he made this decision very depressed.

Wu Yuan is the most prestigious hero in the village besides him, and when he participated in the hero trial before, he was completely delayed, otherwise he would have to be an extraordinary hero now.

As long as each hero succeeded in the trial, he could no longer start the hero trial, so from this point of view, this ice marrow pill was also necessary for Wu Yuan.

"Don't talk nonsense, eat it."

Openly and sternly, Wu Yuan is now a three-star hero, and his average attributes are quite good, so he is also looking forward to seeing his extraordinary performance.

"Thank you for your cultivation, and the subordinates who have broken bones can't return."

Wu Yuan was also very excited and directly ate that ice marrow pill on the spot.

But nothing has changed. This is normal. It's just a pill, and it's not flying through the catastrophe.

Moreover, Wu Yuan's servant was much more adept at understanding and controlling the anger in the ice marrow pill than Zhang Yang, and immediately took out the hero's spear and waved it in the open.

But the strange thing is that Wu Yuan made no sound when he shot out, fluttering, as if he didn't have any strength, and he didn't have any tactics, just dancing randomly.

Even his body didn't release any killing intent, it looked like an ordinary person was drunk crazy.

When others are puzzled, Zhang Yang wants to give a high-five.


When he himself took that ice marrow pill before, he was afraid that at least 20% of the spiritual effect was wasted, and that was the advantage of giving him the advantage of losing his body and exhausting his soul.

But Wu Yuan is now at the peak of his heyday, and as a result, none of the spiritual effects of the ice marrow pill was wasted.

Wu Yuan, the drunkard dancing spear, lasted for an hour, and there was nothing surprising from start to finish, as if he wasn't eating a pill, but Jin Ke La.

Seeing everyone was puzzled.

Finally, Wu Yuan took the gun and stood. There was no change in his whole body. Even his height, weight and appearance were all normal. The more so, the more jealous Zhang Yang became.

That’s right, it’s jealous. Don’t look at him taking the ice marrow pill and grow 5 centimeters taller, but that’s because he couldn’t fully absorb the power of the medicine, and then he was blocked by cheating with the soul field. This made the spiritual effect spread all over The whole body, so let him grow 5 centimeters taller, is that a failure at all.

Look at Wu Yuan, this is 100% absorption of the spiritual effect of the ice marrow pill.

"Thank you for your fulfillment!"

Wu Yuan bowed to the ground three times, then stood up and walked aside, as if nothing happened.

"Hey hey, boss Wu, is that all right?"

Song Dahui couldn't help asking, he felt very weird. We watched for an hour and you didn't even give us a special effect. Are you worthy of our monthly pass?

"No, what do you guys think, do you really treat me like a monkey joke?" Wu Yuan replied with a smile.

A group of people didn't believe it.

Ren even shouted, did you juggling, that ice marrow pill was not swallowed at all.

"It's all quiet, Wu Yuan is now extraordinary." Zhang Yang yelled, opened the village building order, found Wu Yuan's attributes, and looked at the changes above, he sighed.

When Wu Yuan was an advanced two-star hero, his attributes were strength B+, agility B+, defense C+, and soul C-.

When he breaks through the three-star hero, his attributes are Strength B+, Agility B+, Defense C+, Soul C+.

And now, Made!

Strength A-, Agility A-, Defense B-, Soul A-.

What's more, the three attributes are extraordinary, I went crazy, and Zhang Yang was envious of it.

The three attributes are extraordinary, what is that concept?

Well, he doesn't know what the concept is, because he also encountered it for the first time.

But the following attributes are enough to explain everything.

"Talent, gun spirit, huge power, knowing."

"Skills, fighting all directions, breaking the soul thorn."

"Heroic aura, Changhong goes through the sun, the effect is that murderous intent is released, forming substance, the void becomes a spear, and Changhong goes through the sun."

"Heroic aura, shaking like thunder."


"Wu Yuan, how many Wang Mumu can you kill now?"

Zhang Yang asked at this time, because in terms of attributes, Wu Yuan is undoubtedly very powerful, but it is hard to say to what extent.

Wang Mumu has two extraordinary attributes, so this is the best reference.

Wu Yuan looked back at Wang Mumu, "Return to your lord, I can't kill a few Wang Mumu, I can only say, like a life and death battle, I can defeat him within three shots."

"Meet that orc lord again?"

"Three shots can kill."

"Where's Ren?"

"Three shots defeated."

"Except for Wang Mumu, where are all the three bears?"

"Just a shot."

"what about me?"

"Uh, depending on the situation, if there is a fire around you, my lord, I will immediately turn around and flee, as far as I can."

Zhang Yang laughed, very satisfied with the answer, but he still has one last question.

"If I don't come back in time, and Mrs. Ghost is an advanced ghost queen, what is your chance of winning?"

"I don't know, sir, because no one knows how powerful the ghost queen is, so I can't compare it. However, I can guarantee that the village will not be surrounded by clouds of cloud, so that even the wind cannot blow in. With the wind-breathing technique of the mountain god, and your lord, you are sitting in the town, we will definitely be able to fight the ghost queen."

"So, I beg your lord not to go to the mountain **** to try!"

Wu Yuan knelt down again, and the others quickly knelt down and prayed. It is true that what Zhang Yang said this time frightened them all. What if he really never returned?

Zhang Yang watched silently, but left without saying anything.

He is not how capricious, but looks farther!

How about a tie with the ghost queen?

Spring is Yang Qi rises, Yin Qi recedes, but the ghost queen will not return to the abyss, it will only hide, find a place where Yin Qi stays more, and wait for the next year The arrival of winter.

And this guy's wisdom is very high, as long as it is still alive, it may play out some moths.

For example, the ghost queen can become a beautiful woman. It is estimated that it is impossible for all human villages to discover its disguise. At that time, it will destroy all human villages one by one, destroying everyone, no, even those foreign villages. , When the time comes, the sons of thousands of ghost mothers will be formed, comparable to the tide of zombies.

How will it break?

Do you really think you can relax after a tie?


In Zhang Yang's view, there is no such thing as a tie in this fantasy world. Winning is a way to survive, and losing is a dead end.

And a tie is also a dead end.

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