Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 129: Mountain God Order

Zhang Yang estimated that the altitude of this place is very high, almost three kilometers or more, so although it is the season when everything is flourishing, it is still a chill in the evening.

His injuries were basically under control, and the only problem was weakness, which prevented him from exploring the world and even dared not to leave the temporary camp.

Moreover, the coming night is also a huge challenge for him. In addition to the possible beasts, the big man may also touch it in the dark.

The night will bring their strengths and weaknesses closer together to the greatest extent.

"So, what kind of world is this? It's okay to be deprived of my power. Why is the soul field also erased?"

Zhang Yang is very painful, otherwise if he has a soul field, he still needs to play some eagle games!

"My lord, the world we live in will never be an ordinary world. Maybe the mortal power here is not too high, but it definitely has more power than the extraordinary, so please be careful."

The mountain **** is now incarnate as a salted fish, and he is so polite when speaking. What is it for me to be careful? If this is Lao Tzu's trial task, how can it not be so miserable!

Zhang Yang was full of complaints, and then continued to dig holes around the tent. He was also digging traps and inserted sharpened wooden thorns in the traps. He had been doing this almost all day.

Half an hour later, as the last light of the sky dimmed, Zhang Yang also arranged all the wooden thorn traps.

As for the big man, he hadn't seen it for a long time, but Zhang Yang didn't worry that he would run away.

This is not only because the man’s leg rotted, but also because there were no people here at all, with snow-capped mountains in front and back, and only a temporary business route.

There is no fire. Because of the continuous rain, there is no dry firewood, so Zhang Yang can only lie in the damp and foul-smelling tent, slowly regaining his strength, while working hard to swallow the cold horse meat.

This horse meat should come from that big man's mount. Look at the supplies he carries, what shattered shields, and broken spears. This obviously has experienced a fierce battle.

But even if the battle fails, for a knight, especially a knight with wealth, as long as the conditions are available, I am afraid that he will not eat his mount.

So this is enough to show that the consequences of that battle are terrible and the enemy is terrible!

The mountain breeze blew up, as if hundreds of ghosts gathered together to sing a serenade.

Zhang Yang had stopped chewing horse meat, so he knelt down and sat on the ground next to the two-meter-long wooden spear. He was ready to fight, but not with the big man, because he seemed to have heard the beast near the evening. Howling.

I don't know how long it has passed, the howling mountain wind suddenly stopped, and the whole world was silent.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a pair of eyes looking down, which felt very strange, Zhang Yang's soul was swept away in an instant, and even a little secret could not be kept.

The whole process lasted for an unknown amount of time. When he woke up again, the sound of wooden thorns broke and shook in his ears.

A rousing spirit, Zhang Yang immediately held down the wooden pendant of the mountain god.


A yellow light instantly enveloped Zhang Yang's body, including the wooden spear.

This is the salted fish mountain **** burning all the divinity, and will give the public a three-second extraordinary, relatively invincible magical effect.

But these three seconds are also equivalent to Zhang Yang and Shan Shen's vitality.

One step is wrong, and all the game is lost!


With a low roar, Zhang Yang's whole body flew like a spring, and his whole body was like thunder, and instantly exploded the cowhide tent into countless fragments.

The figure flashed, and a spear pierced out. It was quite like Wu Yuan interrupted the charm of the soul thorn, or it was the soul thorn!

Because at this moment, it is not Zhang Yang who is in control of this body, but the salted fish mountain **** Zhao Xiaoer!

If he were not dead, he would be an elite spearman older than Wu Yuan!

Zhang Yang witnessed the whole process of participating in this stormy three seconds from the perspective of a bystander!

Twenty-seven thorns in three seconds!

Below A-Transcendent, this attack power is already the ultimate!

In an instant, the sky full of spear shadows disappeared, and at the same time the wooden spear itself was scattered, because it could not carry such a power, it turned into powder directly.


Zhang Yang was like a corpse falling down, all he could feel was huge exhaustion and numbness, and the limbs didn't seem to belong to him.

This is the sequelae of being possessed.

Fortunately, the enemy was also killed, but not the big man.

It is a black shadow, like ink, that can change at will, but it is not nothingness. It can be harmed by physical and divine nature.

This thing has exceeded Zhang Yang's imagination, like a ghost but not a ghost, like a demon but not a demon.

It took a full half a minute before Zhang Yang recovered, and there was no information mapping in his eyes. It seems that the village building order really has no effect here.

"There is no order to build a village, but it does not mean that there is no gain."

Zhang Yang's eyes were shining brightly at the jet-black air mass floating in front of him. The thing was quickly being absorbed by the wooden accessories, and then transformed into a black wooden sign with a large palm.

The original vague pattern on the wooden sign quickly became clear, lifelike, and it was a level 5 mountain temple.

But the magical place is not here, but when Zhang Yang focused his attention on the pattern, for a moment, he really thought he was in the mountain Zhang Yang was very surprised, and then looked carefully. The only pattern left is the pattern, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

"Mountain God?"

"Salted fish?"

"Zhao Xiaoer?"

"Are you still alive?"

Nothing happened, Zhang Yang's expression changed, and then he gritted his teeth violently, "Niang Xipi, Lao Tzu is going to give up, isn't you the salted fish mountain **** lacking faith? There was Lu Xun kicking ghosts in ancient times, but now I am openly worshipping God! The fish has made a lot of money."

At the moment, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate, put the changed mountain **** wooden card on the ground, and then he took a step back.

One worship, two worship, three worship!

The publicity is ruthless, and terrible, and the skin is thick enough!

After these three prayers, he himself saw a white line floating from him to the mountain **** wooden sign, and then in an instant, the mountain **** sign seemed to be nourished more than ten times directly.

Then, before he could react, the illusion reappeared just now, and he was already in the mountain temple.

The sculpture of Zhao Xiaoer in the mountain temple seems to be smiling, but this is not the point. The point is that he once again sensed the village building order.

"Congratulations, you have successfully created a primary mountain **** order, and this mountain **** order will automatically be bound to you (check the attributes)."

"Mountain God Order: Order to build a village for subordinate units, which must meet special conditions to open."

"Effect 1: After the task of building a village is completed, you can take it away from the world of building a village."

"Effect 2: Automatically provide a 15-level special building for the village."

"Effect 3: The village is automatically provided with storage space for 5 heroes and 200 warrior spirits, that is, they can be resurrected once without the resurrection potion after death. The note is not affected by the number of times the resurrection potion is resurrected."


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