Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 131: Ghost hunter

The ceremony is just a process, no matter how Zhao Xianyu wailes, Robin with one leg has indeed become his general letter.

A grey-white silk thread sank directly from the top of Robin's head with one leg into the mountain **** order.

"You persuaded Robin with one leg, and your Mountain God's order gained 54 pan-confidence points."

"Because of showing great interest in the name Zhao Xianyu, Robin with one leg expressed concern about the future, and your Mountain God Ling received 15 points of confidence."

"Because of curiosity about the existence of Shenmufengshan God, your Mountain God Order has gained 21 points of pan-trust."

"Because you are the true master of Shanshen Ling, you have the right to fully distribute and use the pan-trust value."

"Mountain **** Zhao Xianyu asked for 50 pan-trust points."

"Explanation 1: 100 points of trustworthiness can be exchanged for 10 points of integrity, 10 points of trustworthiness can be exchanged for 1 point of fanaticism, and 100 points of fanaticism can be exchanged for 1 unit of divinity."

"Explanation 2: A little pan-faith value can restore 1 point of health to believers, and a maximum of 20 points can restore and cure ordinary injuries/illnesses; a little integrity value can provide believers with a little divine power, and a maximum of 5 points can provide believers with a temporary magic. "

"Note 3: A little fanaticism value can be exchanged for 500 energy points, a gray hope fragment, and a maximum of 20 fanaticism points can revive fanatics."

"Explanation 4: One unit of divine nature can be exchanged for a white fragment of hope, and the golden balance can be opened for the fourth trading mode. It also grants eternal divine magic to believers, and can also consume divine nature to make believers live forever (Note: This ability is only Limited to mountain gods)."


"That's it!"

Zhang Yang was very interested. This belief system was very interesting. At this time, he ignored Zhao Xianyu's request, but smiled and asked the man on the opposite side of the trap.

"You weren't Robin one-legged before, right?"

"So what, you didn't call it Jack Wood Spear!"

"Well, in that case, why don't you call Robin Broken Leg, there will be a lot of people applauding for you without two words."

"I do not mind."

"So, Robin Broken Leg, why do you believe in so many gods? And why did you reprimand me as a heresy before? Of course, this is not after the autumn, I am just curious."

"Because the gods of the heavens have not responded to the call of their believers for a long time, I believe in so many gods, just hope to meet miracles."

"As for you, son of the shoemaker, although I believe in so many gods, all of these gods represent justice and benevolence, and can represent justice and majesty at the worst. And what you say is what mountain god, what fate sacrifice, I think anyone with a brain will doubt whether there is a problem with the **** you believe in."

"Well, brother, you have passed the test. Have you considered taking a step further and becoming an honest disciple of my lord Zhao Xianyu?"

Zhang Yang suddenly said, causing Robin with Broken Leg to be stunned for a long time. He said for a long time: "Mu Spear Jack, are you sure you are really the sky sacrifice of my lord Zhao Xianyu? How do I feel that you are more like you It's a shoe repairer!"

"Don't look down on people so much, I'm asking if you want to be an honest apprentice? I have a shortcut to the south." Zhang Yang was helpless, why didn't this fellow believe it, after all, he has a 90-point pan-trust resource.

"Forget it. Although I know that all the gods seem to have abandoned us, I still don't want to discuss this blasphemous topic. Really, I am a pan-believers. Otherwise, if I am a faithful now, I I will start admonishing you. If I am a fanatic, then I can start a trial against you, and then tie you to the fire, and let the flames purify your fallen soul!"

Robin with Broken Leg is very cruel, Nima, what the hell, who gives him confidence!

Zhang Yang was a little depressed.

"Well, brother, in another way, how can we make our lord feel our piety, or what should we do to attract our lord's attention?"

"Sorry, I'm just a general believer. The matter of communicating with my lord is the responsibility and ability of your sky priest."

"Minato, I am now a sacrifice in the sky, do you listen to me?" Zhang Yanghuo, how can this servant be so stubborn.

He grinned for a long time, and in the end, he still took care of his heart, and didn't worry too much about this issue.

"Brother, my companion, then let's not consider the question of our lord Zhao Xianyu, just as a ghost hunter, what should we do next? There are many ghosts in this place."

"First of all, you need to trust me and return the ebony troll to me, because I am a professional ghost hunter. Without such trust, I think we should go our separate ways." Robin Broken Leg said, a pair The muddy eyeballs were filled with a certain unspeakable smell, because up to now, Zhang Yangke still held this crossbow to lock Robin's head with the broken leg.

This is really an interesting situation.

But Zhang Yang wouldn't give up the initiative so easily, even if Robin with Broken Leg has become a fanfare of the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu.

"Let's change the way."

Zhang Yang slowly got up from the ground, the crossbow was still on the mound.

"You will be the bait, I will kill, how about it?"

"It's absolutely impossible, you will only kill us two."

"Then if I come to be the bait, then I need you to be an honest disciple of our lord."

"I said, I don't want to hear such blasphemous remarks anymore."

"Then do you want to kill ghosts?"

"That's natural."

"Please become an honest disciple of my lord Zhao Xianyu!"

"That's impossible!"

"If my lord Zhao Xianyu shows up and heals one of your legs—"

"That's impossible, sir, you will make us bankrupt if you make such a messy promise. Nine outs and 13 returns are the bottom line of our faith investment." Zhao Xianyu, the mountain god, was anxious.

"And his leg is not saved, there is still a plague on his body, it took me a unit of divinity to heal the plague on your body, have you forgotten?"

Zhang Yang was speechless, but Robin didn't believe it at all.

"Jack Wood Spear, or the little shoe repairer, rhetoric is useless. Only fighting can explain everything. As long as you and I can hunt down five more junior ghosts and you are still not dead, I believe you are The heavenly sacrifices sent by my lord, and then I will become a pan-believers of my lord, sins and sins, it’s hard to imagine that I would speak such blasphemous language."

"There are so many five, is three okay?"

"No, one less will work. I received a reward from Jory the Crocodile, the lord of Storm City. As long as I can hunt down a few ghosts and ghosts on this trade road, I will get 1,000 gold. Talun. Of course, don't worry, I will divide you in half."

"What are you going to use to prove that you killed them?"

Zhang Yang asked, because hunting ghosts is also a necessary condition for upgrading the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu, he is very worried about the conflict between the two.

"The Horcruxes are their heads. The ghosts themselves are invisible, but if you borrow a corpse, you can return to the world. The skull of a dead person is the best container. Once there is a skull that the ghost contains, it will show a blue Color, like this one in front of you."

Robin with Broken Leg believed it.

Zhang Yang dubiously turned over the decomposed corpse in the trap, and finally picked out the skull. As expected, the surface of the skull was already blue.

But at the same time, he also received the information mapping of the village building order.

"Found low-level Horcruxes, not for sale, they can be used to refine soul power or make magical weapons.

"Interesting! Salted fish, what energy did you absorb from this ghost to trigger the mountain **** order, or how did you upgrade?" Zhang Yang asked secretly.

"My lord, the attack method of the ghost is to swallow the soul, so it stores the soul memory of many people in its body. This is a big supplement for me. Of course, the so-called Horcrux is much worse, and I am not interested."

After understanding this, Zhang Yang pretended to ponder for a long time, "Okay, Robin with Broken Leg, then it's a deal. I will be your companion. I will be the bait when encountering ghosts, but I hope you can fulfill your promise. ."

At the moment, Zhang Yang took a few steps back, let Robin with Broken Leg escape the trap, and took away the ghost hunting crossbow called the Ebony Troll. This is a weapon developed specifically to hunt ghosts.

Robin with Broken Leg is undoubtedly familiar with this ghost hunting crossbow, and he puts the ghost hunting crossbow on his back after three strokes and five divides two windings.

"Pack things. We have stayed here for too long. There will be ghosts coming to attack tonight. We have to find a safe place."

Zhang Yang is naturally obedient, after all, he has no experience.

Of course, he is still guarding Robin with broken leg. This is very simple. He directly dialed 50 points of pan-trust value to Zhao Xianyu and asked him to exchange 5 points for integrity. In this way, he could use the bonus again. Body magic, killing a junior ghost.

"The extra 40 points of pan-trust value, sir, I will use it to gradually recover your body from the But because your body is too weak, you must also find a way to recover your body Soul force field, or find other ways to save lives."

"Of course, it would be nice if Robin with Broken Leg could become an honest apprentice."

Zhao Xianyu also thought about it seriously. If Zhang Yang died, he would belch in the same way, so he didn't dare to make a mistake.

Robin's experience with Broken Leg is very rich. Even with a limping leg, he still performs three or four times better than Zhang Yang.

The two of them set off from the original temporary camp and headed north.

"Soul ghosts are very cunning. Primary ghosts generally wander randomly, but intermediate ghosts have nests. As long as they dare to get close to their lairs, they will inevitably be attacked by ghosts. This trade route is still very It’s safe, but I don’t know what happened last winter. Ghosts began to appear here. Three caravans have already reported. However, there is no information about the destruction of the caravans, so I concluded that it was only a junior. Ghosts and ghosts are infested, but we didn't expect that before the ghosts were killed, we were infected with the unknown plague."

. m.

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