Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 138: Where is the evildoer?


With the pulling of the bellows, the flames in the huge furnace rolled and the heat wave was pressing.

Several big men were naked, each with their sledgehammers, and beat them on the chopping board to sparks.

This is a blacksmith shop in Storm City. The scale is not too big, but the reputation is not small. The owner of the blacksmith shop, Hammer Daim, is the leading blacksmith in Storm City. Even some of the weapons and equipment needed by Storm City’s army are here. which provided.

Therefore, the most indispensable one here is the iron ingot, and the second is the blacksmith apprentice.

After all, in this difficult and dangerous world, being a blacksmith is in itself a thing that makes all the people at the bottom envious.

For example, today there is an 18 or 9-year-old, very cautious and curious impoverished teenager who was sent over by his family with high hopes. After paying a certain amount of copper, he officially became an apprentice here. In the next ten years, everything about him, including his life Will all belong here.

"Very strong young man, you are responsible for filling the stove with coal in the morning, pull the bellows in the afternoon, and teach you how to hammer in a few days."

Hammer Daim is very satisfied. Look at the muscles of this young man, unlike other newly sent bean sprouts, they have to be cultivated slowly.

"Good boss."

The young man was very polite and smiled honestly, showing a row of yellowish black teeth. For the people at the bottom, a row of small white teeth would make people suspicious.

The new apprentice blacksmith is naturally open.

In the past five days, he first accumulated another 50 portions of dry food for himself, and then carefully scouts as a beggar, farmer, peddler, and mercenary.

Not only spying on Robin with Broken Leg, he also got a detailed understanding of the folk customs of Storm City, the past history, the current power composition and so on.

Finally, he rescued a family of free men by the way, and hired them to pretend to be their parents at the price of 20 coppers and sent themselves to Hammer Daim's forge.

There are two reasons for coming here.

One is that Robin's gang with Broken Leg is here after several days of preparations for incubation.

And it must be mentioned that that guy is simply too cautious.

After returning, I sold the property in the rich area in the north of the city, and then bought a large house in the south of the city near the slums and commercial areas. There are a large number of poor people and beggars, gangsters, underground gangs, various mercenaries, caravans, The tavern is flooded with it, not only easy to attract believers, but also easy to inquire about news.

But as far as Zhang Yang saw, Robin with Broken Leg did not have any plan to expand the believers after returning, nor did he establish a church of the gods through the gods to absorb the prayers of the former gods.

Because this kind of seemingly empty and very safe prayer communication is also easy to be intercepted and deciphered by ghosts, and when it is discovered, it will be all over.

So the safest method is one-on-one, face-to-face, point-to-point training.

Robin has done these points very well, especially he is still a nobleman of Storm City, and he has so many gods, as long as he is careful, he will not worry about the source of believers.

Even Zhang Yang suspected that Robin with Broken Leg was going to play a militarized, secretive belief in gods, and would never give those spirits who hunted gods a chance.

And the second reason is that Zhang Yang needs to fix the second red bead. In this regard, there is no more suitable place than the blacksmith shop. In addition, he needs to create some special sniper weapons for himself.

For the next three consecutive days, Zhang Yang did his duty. It was not until the afternoon of the fourth day that he found a suitable opportunity.

Hammer Daim is out because he has just built a batch of weapons and needs to be delivered to the City Lord's Mansion.

And because they just finished a big order, the other blacksmiths in the forge also need to relax, so they either go home early or go to the tavern to have a drink.

What remains is a senior blacksmith apprentice Karl. He has been working at Hammer Daim for eight years and has mastered various forging skills, so this afternoon is also his opportunity.

"Jack, fill the furnace with coal, make sure that the furnace temperature is normal, and done well, I may teach you some forging tips."

The senior blacksmith apprentice Carl shouted, and then excitedly took the other blacksmith apprentices to collect the leftovers in the shop and cultivate their proficiency for their own forging.

Of course, Zhang Yang would not refuse such a rare opportunity.

Because in the past, whether it was burning coal or pulling a bellows, a few apprentices were responsible, and there were many people, and the hammer Daim and several other blacksmiths were all experienced. The flame in the furnace changed slightly to know how to return It's impossible to hide it.

But now it’s completely different if it’s replaced by the less experienced Carl.

Zhang Yang started trotting and filled the furnace with the most coal at the fastest speed. In fact, the leftovers that Carl and the others want to melt do not need such coal at all, but they are immersed in the joy of forging by themselves. ?

Then Zhang Yang began to pull the wind box and eat a portion of dry food at the same time, constructing a second closed circuit circle to quietly absorb a large amount of surrounding air, so that the coal in the furnace was fully and quickly burned.

In just ten seconds, the temperature rose, and Zhang Yang immediately controlled it, otherwise the stove would be burnt down after a few seconds.

After looking at Carl and others who knew nothing about it, Zhang Yang threw the second bead in.

At the same time, he immediately added three portions of dry food and controlled it very carefully. The reason for this was that this bead was dropped by the paper man named Hehe, who was responsible for asking for help and issuing alarms.

So maybe there is a moth hidden in its storage orb.

It is worthwhile to consume a few more portions of dry food for this reason.

"I need to build a triple curve force field at least, and the core temperature must be above 3000 degrees before insurance."

Zhang Yang thought about it, and he was also quickly arranging it. Now he uses mana instead of the soul field, so it is easier to build the mana structure, the effect is better, and it can be more finely controlled.

The first heavy curve force field was quickly constructed, forming an independent fireball space in the furnace.

Zhang Yang steadily controlled, and built the second curve force field in the furnace. This curve force field is actually independent, because the two curve force fields are not compatible at all. They either collapse at the same time, or one swallows the other. .

He currently does not have the ability to make them compatible with each other.

So the so-called triple curve force field is to arrange three in different spaces, two standby, one running, waiting in line.

In this way, even if a moth runs out of the first curve force field, he can activate the second curve force field at the fastest speed, thereby intercepting the target.

One minute later, the three-fold curve force field was constructed separately. This is the limit that Zhang Yang can control. For this, he needs to pay the price of consuming 3 portions of dry food per minute.

"Warm up!"

The three curved force fields operate separately. After reaching a high temperature of 1000 degrees, the last two curved force fields enter the standby state, but this is not a standby with reduced energy, but a double energy consumption immediately to stabilize standby , Otherwise, these two curve force fields will conflict with the first curve force field, and eventually the three will all die together.

As for the first curved force field, heating continues. A small part of the flame inside comes from this furnace, and a larger part directly burns mana. This is to reduce the force field that is swallowed externally.

The energy efficiency ratio of burning mana is the best. In just ten seconds, the flame temperature in the first heavy curve force field has soared to more than 2000 degrees, and the bead in it has begun to weakly deform and will be melted. .

Zhang Yang used his soul field to stare at every minute, not letting go of every subtle change. At this time, it was too late to observe with the naked eye, because the reaction changes inside were all in milliseconds.

"It's this moment!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yang suddenly activated the second curve force field, and at the same time manipulated it to merge with the first curve force field.

This is a very dangerous behavior, one is wrong, he will not even leave behind the bones, even if he put in all the dry food, he can't stop it.

But Zhang Yang dared to be sure that there was some stronger power hidden in that storage orb, so this seemingly extremely dangerous behavior was the safest behavior.

The instantaneous fusion of the two curved force fields may not be comparable to the collision of two black holes, but it can definitely cause a small space collapse and a super big explosion that follows.

Yes, it collapsed.

The two curved force fields directly collapsed, and formed a kind of terrifying suction that made Zhang Yang shudder. If it can't be stopped, I am afraid that the entire Storm City will turn into powder at this moment.

But at the same time, the storage orb was melted by the high temperature, and a strange wave spread out, extremely majestic, extremely domineering, and extremely terrifying!

"Where is the evildoer? So courageous!"

Zhang Yang only heard such a sentence through the soul field, and then he felt that he was like a little ant about to be trampled by a giant elephant. The trembling from the depths of the soul was beyond description.

If it continues for a moment longer, he is afraid that he will be scared into a mental illness or a vegetable.

But when this terrifying coercion only appeared, it formed a perfect effect with the collapse of the two curved force fields.

The ghost knew what was hidden in the storage orb, anyway, apart from publicity, even Carl and others a few meters away didn't feel anything.

I didn't know that a crisis that could destroy Storm City just passed by.

The smoke disappeared.

The deadly collapse and contraction force was neutralized.

And the terrifying power in that orb was annihilated before it appeared.

Everything goes well and the door is open.

The third curve force field was enveloped lightly and lightly and landed perfectly.


Then it's stable.

Zhang Yang burned most of the materials in the Storage Orb, leaving only the twelve items that seemed the safest in the end.

Among them are five weapons with residual divinity, and a total of 34 units of divinity ~ ~ madness worth 1290 points.

The three blue stones should be some kind of material.

The size of two fists, the whole is black, and there is steel with dragon scale texture on them.

A piece of jade with faint soul fluctuations.

Finally, there is a peculiar stone tablet with various patterns and words engraved on it.

The items in this storage orb are much better than the last one.

But it didn't stop there, because he burned most of the materials, and finally Zhang Yang received 500 units of blue molten steel, which was a bit troublesome to handle.

In the end, he consumed five portions of dry food and directly melted this peculiar blue molten steel into several weapons.

A short sword, an arm shield, a steel crossbow, 60 crossbow arrows, and several expected bed crossbow parts.

At this point, major events can be expected.

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