Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 143: 30-level divination asks if you are afraid

"My lord, I can't hold it a bit. The other party is confining me. I have never heard of this kind of power, I have never seen it! And I have no power to fight back."

Zhao Xianyu continued to ask for help in panic.

On the mountain **** order, a series of messages also appeared.

"Your friendly Zhao Xianyu is locked by an unknown force."

"Your friendly Zhao Xianyu is cursed by unknown power."

"Your friend Zhao Xianyu is imprisoned by unknown power."

"Your friendly Zhao Xianyu was dragged into the unknown dimension by unknown forces."

"The unknown force used an unknown skill on your friend Zhao Xianyu."

"Unknown force caused -1000 damage to your friendly Zhao Xianyu."

"The unknown force performed an unknown utmost on your friendly Zhao Xianyu."

"Unknown force caused -10000 damage to your friendly Zhao Xianyu."

"Your friendly Zhao Xianyu has 9,999,999 points remaining."


"Come! What kind of magic can you release?" Zhang Yang couldn't laugh or cry. Could it be that Zhao Xianyu is not a combat professional?

"I can still release oracles and divination, and the other three kinds of attackable magic arts have been imprisoned. No, my divination magic has been imprisoned, and the opponent seems to have thrown a magic weapon at me."

"Also, my lord, that guy dragged me into another dimension, am I going to die?"

"Shut up, your health is enough for that guy to beat the dead!"

Zhang Yang shouted, but when he finished speaking, a new message appeared.

"The Unknown Force used a special item, a potion of Destroying God, on your friendly Zhao Xianyu."

"Unknown force caused -100,000 damage to your allies."




"Help, my lord, this thing specifically destroys my faith and supernatural power. I feel that my body is about to be disintegrated, and many believers have been forcibly stripped away!"

Zhao Xianyu was really panicked.

Zhang Yang is calm, because Zhao Xianyu is now at level 38, with a full 100 million health points. Although this is all accumulated by the beliefs of believers, it is not so easy to kill him.

And this opportunity of stalemate can just take the opportunity to see the opponent's routine clearly.

At the same time, Zhang Yang also quickly exchanged 30 units of divinity with the mad faith value, and all the bangs were added to Zhao Xianyu's oracle magic.

In an instant, his oracle broke through level 30.

"Release the oracles, keep releasing the oracles. The other party’s god-destroying potion is probably made by exploiting the loopholes in the civilization code of this world to strip believers’ beliefs. But you now have a level 30 oracle. A ball! As a god, you don't need to fight at all."

So Zhao Xianyu began to release oracles continuously.

The effect of the 30-level oracle was unexpected for him, because a single oracle can spread 20,000 kilometers, but it consumes a bit of a lot, requiring 2 units of divinity at a time.

But Zhang Yang concluded that this was a profit.

"Oracle, I am with you!"

"The oracle, whoever believes in me, will be under Storm City!"

The magnificent oracles, like thunder, spread quickly, and they can be heard by believers or unbelievers, and even enemies.

In just a few minutes, the effect became apparent.

Although the god-destroying potion stripped Zhao Xianyu's faith and health every moment, the faith and health gained by the 30-level oracle at every moment were several times the loss.

"My lord, you are really a clever calculation. How do you know that the power of the oracle will be so great when it reaches level 30?" Zhao Xianyu finally regained his confidence at this time, because in this way, he was almost invincible. Ground.

Fight, what is that?

I am a **** and disdain to fight bugs.

"Hehe, you don't know the effect of being bombarded by information, what is hot search, circle of friends, oracle, it's not even far away!"

Zhang Yang also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that his strategy is right. Now the gods of the whole world are either falling or hiding. It is when the people are confused, when the 30-level oracle comes out, who is going to fight!

Look at the 10,000+ pan-believers, 1,000+ faithful, and 100+ fanatics per minute. This is really invincible.

"The other party is going to run away, Zhao Xianyu, you don't even have the ability to keep people, do you remember to use divination."

Zhang Yang said softly, no longer paying attention to the mountain **** order, but quickly pushed out the special siege crossbow from his invisibility.

He didn't understand the operation of pulling Zhao Xianyu into the alien space just now, and he didn't need to understand it, but the other party came and left as he wanted, but it was not that easy.

Even if Zhao Xianyu is a salted fish, it is also a level 40 mountain **** salted fish.

"I understand, my lord!"

In the next second, violent fluctuations suddenly appeared above the entire Storm City. At the same time, Zhao Xianyu's imprisonment state of the five magical skills was cancelled, and the opponent was very decisive and slipped away if he could not die.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang immediately upgraded Zhao Xianyu's divination skills frantically, rising to level 30 in one breath.

Zhao Xianyu also cooperated quite well at the moment, playing a 30-level divination.

A piece of golden talisman paper with a little purple air fell directly, grabbed it openly, and unfolded it directly.

This time, the talisman paper did not burn, but turned into three golden clouds, namely the manifest cloud, the locked cloud, and the weak point cloud.

This is the power of 30-level divination, and it is a magical technique that has not been deciphered in this world.


Zhang Yang yelled and pointed at the cloud cluster, and saw the thing flew out with a whistling sound. The next moment, a beautiful golden giant emerged from the empty sky 500 meters away. Birds, but not alive, but paper birds.

The golden paper bird is flying high into the sky quickly, and on the back of the paper bird sits a living person. This time it is not a paper person. It is a man with rhino horns on his head. His expression is very frustrated and stunned. .

Obviously he didn't expect to be invisible, but he didn't know who did it, or it was useless if he knew, because the second cloud flew out.


A red light fell from the sky, marking the left abdomen of the man with rhino horns.


The third cloud group immediately submerged into the siege crossbow. It didn't look at it openly. He pulled the trigger abruptly, and only heard a buzzing sound. The clouds exploded. Three arms were as thick as a three-meter-long giant crossbow. The gun burst out.

At this moment, the rhino-horned man yelled, the golden paper bird flapped its wings and whirled madly to avoid it. He himself threw an object, which rose in the wind, but it was a large black net under his head like lightning.

It's a pity that the man with rhino horn underestimated the priority of Zhao Xianyu's divination skills, and also underestimated the harshness of publicizing this Voldemort.

Not only is the siege crossbow made of excellent materials by him, and its accuracy and power have been greatly improved. He also specially used a piece of dragon scale steel to make the head of the crossbow gun. The sharpness may not be as good as the legend. Flying sword in.

But what kind of person is Zhang Yang, that is, someone who does everything at will.

He spent more than half a day stripping out the fourth closed-circuit circle of the fireball spell, and then even consuming a lot of dry food, he also enchanted it on three giant crossbow guns.

You know, the effect of the fourth closed circle of the fireball spell is to propel the fireball to fly. Zhang Yang enchants it on the giant crossbow gun, which is equivalent to installing an engine on it.

When the three crossbow guns are fired, the ejection power of the siege crossbow itself will make the speed of the three crossbow guns exceed the speed of sound, which is terrifying for ordinary people, but in fact, even Wu Yuan can’t kill. What's more, this unfathomable cultivator?

But with Zhao Xianyu's appearance, weakness, and triple divination, he could be seriously injured.

That's why the man with rhino horns was so alarmed.

But, do you really think this is over?

Do you really think you can get rid of it with a large network of magical implements?

Well, it is indeed possible to get rid of it.

The three giant crossbow guns were entangled by the big net for the first time, although the huge kinetic energy and the sharpness of the thousand-forged dragon scale steel made them break the net immediately, but the short delay was enough for the rhino horn man to control The golden paper bird hovered and pulled up to a hundred meters away, but the three crossbow guns could not chase it.

The rhino-horned man turned his head. This time he finally saw Zhang Yang, but he didn't attack, just showed a sorrowful smile, as if he was saying, Little Bunny, Grandpa, I remember you.

Zhang Yang's expressionless face directly activated the fourth closed circuit structure attached to the three crossbow guns, saying that in order to maintain this effect, he lost a full 20 portions of dry food.

But it's all worth it!

Because at this moment, the three crossbow guns suddenly screamed, that is the fourth closed-circuit circular structure, under the surging mana, instantly produced an effect similar to a jet fighter.

The huge thrust is like a landslide and tsunami, and terrifying sound waves and sonic bursts erupt out of the air!

Because the mana consumed is enough, the thrust is large enough.

In an instant, the speed of the three giant crossbow guns soared directly to three times the speed of sound!

Then, no more.

Because the locked cloud group on the crossbow gun was still in effect, the expression of the rhino-horned man didn't have time to change, he was exposed by these three brutal crossbow guns!

Three times the speed of sound, this kind of damage is estimated to be able to penetrate a city, so even if this rhino-horned man is a mysterious cultivator, even if he has countless methods, it is too late to use it.

The blood mist formed by the high pressure swayed all over the sky, and even the corpses and bone scum were gone.

The next moment, a yellow light flashed across the entire Storm City, but it was the predatory function of the Mountain God Order. This was the same as the Jiancun Order After three full seconds, a few messages Emerge.

"Successfully killed an alien cultivator during the foundation period."

"Successfully plundered a level 1 complete fairy soul, which can be sold."

"Successfully looted a level 5 storage orb, which can be sold."

"Successfully looted a piece of incomplete Xian Xia village order, which can be sold."

"Successfully plundered a piece of incomplete Xianxia civilization code drawing, which can be sold."


"I'm coming together!"

Zhang Yang was stunned. He never expected that the other party had an order to build a village, what the hell?

It's too complicated, I want to be quiet.

. vertex

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