Although the follow-up matters have been finalized, Zhang Yang does not intend to return immediately.

This is not because he was worried that Zhao Xianyu might not be able to handle it, nor was he worried that the lame Robin would rebel. In fact, he was worried that Zhao Xianyu would be disobedient.

So, taking advantage of all the control right now in his hands, he needs to make some arrangements.

This arrangement is not purely for the purpose of returning here again in the future, but also for the secrets of his back in the fantasy world.

Because Zhao Xianyu also mastered the way to go to the fantasy world, Zhang Yang was able to guard against this fight and return.

It's a bit too dark and tiring to think like this, but Zhang Yang just tries to figure out everyone with the greatest malice.

Based on this, Storm City, the heaven and underground kingdom of God, must accomplish several aspects.

First of all, ensure that it will not be broken by those alien invaders within a thousand years.

Second, make sure that Zhao Xianyu does not have enough strength to grow up, so that no one restricts self-esteem and arrogance, and ultimately counterattacks the blatant nest for profit.

Third, on this basis, another chain was put on Zhao Xianyu.

"Xianyu, you first inherit the godship of the kingdom of God and the false **** of thunder and lightning."

Standing on the highest point of Storm City, which is the former city lord’s mansion, the tower of the former thunder god’s temple, openly overlooking the surroundings, with an indifferent expression, behind him stood a lame Robin and a surprised and panicked Zhao Xianyu.

"Yes, my lord."

Zhao Xianyu acted according to the order. He is still a 37-level mountain god, so don't control the kingdom of God too easily. In just a few seconds, gorgeous and magnificent lines appear on the originally dark sky, rounding the entire storm city. Thousands of kilometers are covered.

This scene alarmed countless believers, and also alarmed the invaders who were attacking. Such a kingdom of God was indeed built with 1,200 units of divinity.

And when Zhao Xianyu merged with the thunderbolt pseudo-god, a dense thunderstorm descended from the sky, which would take a lot of damage to the abyss ghost army and the paper man army that are about to move around the border.

"My lord, this thing is so powerful, I, Zhao Xianyu, can finally exhale today."

Zhao Xianyu's surprised voice sounded.

At this time, the lame Robin who was standing behind Zhang Yang gave Zhang Yang a light look, and then continued to look at his nose, nose, mouth, and mouth.

This is an extremely clever man.

"With Storm City as the center, shrink the God's Defense Line to 500 kilometers in diameter."

Zhang Yang gave the order.

"Huh?" Zhao Xianyu was having fun controlling the thunderstorm. He suddenly felt puzzled when he heard this order, but he didn't hesitate and acted directly.

"Set up God's defense line, there are three levels, the first level is centered on the existing Storm City, extending 30 kilometers around, it is an absolute safety zone, and the concentration of divine power coverage is adjusted to 100%."

"The second level, with the first line of defense as the boundary, extends to 350 kilometers in all directions, is a secondary safety zone, and the divine power coverage density is adjusted to 75%."

"The third level, with the second line of defense as the boundary, extends to 500 kilometers in all directions. It is an ordinary safety zone, and the concentration of divine power coverage is adjusted to 35%."

"My lord, the concentration of divine power coverage has dropped too low, and it is easy for intruders to take advantage of it!" Zhao Xianyu said in amazement. The concentration of divine power coverage represents the restriction of foreign invaders. For example, the concentration is 100%. Ordinary evil spirits or paper people will be greatly weakened when they come in, and so on.

The concentration of this divine power coverage is also related to the consumption of divine nature.

"You keep 125 priests, 1250 sacred paladins, and more than 30,000 sacred wood guards. What do you do? Is it okay to bully the people or sing praises to you? Divide the area, send them to the general safe area to fight and gradually garrison."

"And in the secondary security zone, as the living area of ​​ordinary believers, there is a 75% concentration of divine power coverage. Even ordinary people, as long as they have enough courage and fighting skills, they can kill intruders."

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace, without being constantly alert to danger, no matter how fanatical believers are, their souls will be corrupted and twisted."

"The general safety zone and the sub-safety zone will become the best areas for honing fighters, honing knights, and even hard training. Maybe after many years, they will even have the courage and ability to go to the real danger zone."

"In this way, we can complete the most perfect defensive offense with the least amount of divine power."

Zhang Yang still arranged it in a hurry.

"The above is the war aspect, and the people's livelihood aspect is equally important. You now have 550,000 zealots, but I want you to give 450,000 of them an anti-fever shot to keep them in the faithful stage. Only the fever is reduced. Only then can they maintain rational piety and a rational lifestyle."

"Storm City needs to develop. It is inseparable from these honest believers, and then select a small number of mad believers from them every year. In this way, the most basic population reproduction and people's livelihood development can be maintained. I estimate that it will be explosive for 50 years at most. The population, as well as the army that has been tempered by uninterrupted fighting, has begun to expand outward. Only then will you have a chance to save the world."

After Zhang Yang said this, he took a look at the lame Robin. According to the previous agreement, the divine power belongs to Zhao Xianyu and the kingship belongs to Robin, and the 450,000 faithful who have gone down are naturally included in the lame. Under Robin's rule.

"Master Xie is perfect!"

The lame Robin knelt down and said loudly, looking extremely grateful, but he also had the purpose of differentiating the relationship between Zhang Yang and Zhao Xianyu.

Anyway, Zhao Xianyu rarely remained silent at this moment.

But Zhang Yang didn't care, and the lame Robin definitely didn't want to suppress Zhao Xianyu, and then came back, because he is a mortal, he can't escape from birth, old age, sickness, and death.

In these 50 years, the lame Robin will only continue to work hard to expand his kingdom and prepare for his children and grandchildren, and it is hard to say whether his children and grandchildren are as smart as he is, so the lame Robin can only rely on the system, a kind of Everybody knows the system to fight the theocracy.

This system is the system established by Zhang Yang today.

However, the struggle between theocracy and kingship will not be too special, because there are still a large number of invaders outside.

In short, although this plan is rough, it is sufficient for hundreds of years.

And hundreds of years later, if Zhang Yang was still worried about the rebellion of Zhao Xianyu or the lame Robin, then he would have failed too much.

In fact, as long as he is given another five or six years, Zhao Xianyu can only be a salted fish forever.

All the dust settled.

Zhang Yang forced Zhao Xianyu to return 450,000 lunatic believers, and then issued an oracle, announcing that Lame Robin was the first king of the Storm Kingdom, as well as many complicated institutional laws.

These system laws were not invented by Zhang Yang, but Lame Robin and Zhao Xianyu fought each other in front of Zhang Yang, and they did not give up.

In short, at this moment, Zhao Xianyu is smart like a braised salted fish.

In the end, this full 329 system decrees were suppressed by Zhang Yang with 100 units of divinity. In other words, if Zhao Xianyu wanted to overthrow these system decrees, he would have to use 200 units of divinity.

And if the lame Robin dares to violate these system laws, then Zhao Xianyu can directly suppress him.

For a period of 100 years, then these 100 units of divinity will be attributed to Zhao Xianyu.

After completing all this, Zhang Yang lifted Zhao Xianyu's binding from the mountain **** order, and he was free.

Then for a moment, he saw the fierce light flashing in the eyes of Zhao Xianyu and Lame Robin.

But in the end they did not do anything.

Zhang Yang waited patiently for them for ten minutes, then smiled slightly and tore off the return rune paper that Zhao Xianyu had fortuned out for him.

No need, from now on, they are no longer friendly.


When the publicity voice fell, the legendary mountain rune on his body burned, and a unit of divinity didn't need to be consumed, and his figure disappeared directly in place.


When I went there was snow and ice, and when I returned, everything was the same.

In less than a month, the fantasy world was still shrouded in winter.

Zhang Yang walked out of the mountain **** temple. The mountain **** statue inside was broken, looking very depressed.

"Take it apart."

"I want to retreat, don't come to me until the ghost queen comes."

He casually said to Wu Yuan, Ren, Wang Shen, Duan Kuan and others who came to greet him. He returned to the castle on his own. Really, now the village doesn’t need this mountain **** system anymore, just the resources and strength he has now. With his eyes closed, the village can last for three hundred years.

It's just that what he thinks now is how to make the village last for one thousand years, two thousand years.

Because he firmly believed from beginning to end that the development of the most basic village is the foundation for him to enter the battlefield of the third-level sequence civilization in the future.

He won't give up this original heart just because of his strength growth, broad vision, or enough chips in his hands.

After returning to the castle, I first visited the three village chief’s wives. After all, they had to accompany him for 20 years. No matter what mentality he had at the beginning, Zhang Yang would do his best.

After taking a hot bath comfortably, the family reunited for a sumptuous dinner before Zhang Yang entered the quiet room.

After a night of meditation, recalling what he did in the past year, every plan, every step, and even all the details of the village development, big and small, are not let go.

Finally, Zhang Yang gave himself a passing comment.

He is not omnipotent, and he needs to grow stumbled step by step.

"Well, it's almost stable."

Saying to himself, Zhang Yang only then opened the fantasy village building order. After a month away, I really missed it.

Next, the first thing he did was to merge the gods to build a village and then bind the fairy tale building order.

That gods village building order was brought out from the kingdom of gods, and its attributes are unknown.

"At present, there is one elementary mountain **** order (bound), and one incomplete gods village construction order (unbound). Does it consume 50 units of the gods fusion gods village construction order?"


The divine nature of 50 units floated out automatically, and at the same time, the mountain **** order and the **** spirit building village order floated in front of Zhang Yang. Under the influence of the divine nature, the two quickly collapsed and turned into colorful rays of light, and the light flashed from time to time. Through various illusions.

In the end, a palm-sized token with a dark golden color as a whole fell into Zhang Yang's hands, and at the same time, a message was mapped out.

"Congratulations, you have successfully bound a piece of gods to build a village (check the attributes

"God's Village Building Order: Upgraded from the Mountain God's Order, it belongs to an unconventional village-building order. The level, the second sequence, has been activated."

"Activation function 1: Bring this village building order to freely start the task of building a village by gods, Note 1: You need to go to the battlefield of the second-order civilization battle; Note 2: This village building order is a non-compulsory village building item, which can be sold or transferred other people."

"Activation function 2: When carrying this village building order, if you are in the process of regular village building tasks, such as fantasy village building tasks, game village building tasks, you can provide the village with a special building of level 18 (optional)."

"Activation function 3: Due to the special nature of the God’s village building order, when carrying this village building order, if a regular village building task is in progress, it will automatically provide the village with storage space for 10 heroes and 500 warrior spirits, which means death After that, you can resurrect once without the resurrection potion, regardless of the number of times the resurrection potion is resurrected."

"Other functions: Please activate the mission of building a village by the gods before they can be activated."


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