Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 158: Wang Qi + Seven

Zhang Yang walked out of the meeting room like a monster, and walked back to his room like a monster. No one came forward to say hello. Everyone looked at him with fear or hatred and hatred.

There are even those who spit secretly.

Even Yuan Gang, Liu Kai and others who were known as the Seven Insects of Wuwei County at first avoided them.

He became a devilish guy.

After all, he just killed one of his own people for an inexplicable reason.

So no wonder the fat old man was so angry.

The family, they are the last fears of these extraordinary people, being able to shout out the four words to destroy his whole clan shows how Zhang Yang has done something to fuck—dump, at least before the matter came to light.

But Zhang Yang really admired the old man's atmosphere.

Blasting the head of his number one general in front of him, he didn't get mad, but instead blasted his army.

"Well, let me take back what was originally me. Is this a causal cycle?"

Zhang Yang was lying on the bed, motionless, thinking carefully.

For the next eight days, he never stepped out of the room until an hour before the game building order was activated, he was called into a huge conference room, where hundreds of people were sitting, of which 58 were the same as Zhang Yang , Is to activate the game building order, the rest are officials and expert teams.

The white and fat old man sat in the first place impressively. Next to him was a white old man. There were no shortage of white people in the expert team, including those who bound the village order. There were also 14 white men and women, one with slightly dark skin. Black man.

At this time, the white old man took the lead to speak, fluent Chinese.

"Ladies and gentlemen, warriors, we are well aware of the key to this mission, because this is our ladder to the next world and the key. Before that, we had failed three times in a row, one of which was It was defeated in the hands of our Mr. Zhang Yang. To use the ancient oriental proverb, this is really flooding the Dragon King Temple."

"This time, with this Mr. Zhang Yang personally leading the team, I firmly believe that we will be able to succeed, and for this success, we have each paid a huge price and compromise, because there can only be one victor in the Qianlong Contest. So far, Mr. Zhang Yang's winning rate is 89%, which is the result of repeated verification and repeated inferences by our expert team."

"And for such a result, the 58 warriors who represented our earth civilization this time will unconditionally cooperate with Mr. Zhang Yang——"

"and many more!"

Zhang Yang suddenly stood up and interrupted the old man's words, "I'm not doing things, I just want to say, I'm enough alone, and the rest can use the golden fragments of hope to withdraw directly from Qianlong Contest. This will not affect the final hegemony. As a result, because they didn’t help me much, they might be hunted down by a foreign race."

"Zhang Yang, you are too arrogant!"

Someone suddenly clashed on the crime, furious!

Zhang Yang turned his head and looked serious, "Do you think I am laughing in a group? The game world you know is clearly built by me. I know the situation in it better than everyone in the room, and what I have The advantage is that you can’t catch up with it."

"But I'm not showing off, and I'm not looking down on you, but I think that the strangeness of the alien Qianlong that appeared this time is something you can't resist. You all feel that I have killed Wang Xinzhi with a cruel heart, but if he It is not an affair with Princess Wei. This may become a hidden danger in the future. No matter how cruel I am, I will not kill an ally. My soul strength is A+. I can completely beat him into a vegetable."

"You didn’t believe the clues I gave from the beginning. I said, I’m not afraid of crossing Jianglong, and the civilization I left behind is not afraid of crossing Jianglong. The dragon was assassinated, but only suffered twice in the hands of the mysterious demon girl, who is the mother of the emperor Wei and princess Wei."

"I'm not saying that there is a conspiracy in it, but the other party's origin is too weird. If you are not careful, it is very possible that you didn't even have time to use the golden hope fragments, and you died. Since this is the result sooner or later, what did I jump out before Don’t I know the benefits of going down? I watched you all die. Wouldn’t it be the same if I shot?"

"Zhang Yang, thank you for your enthusiastic suggestions, but I'm sorry, I don't think the elites here are all idiots. We are not children and will protect ourselves. The big deal, in the future, we will kill beautiful women first! Remember, you are not the savior!"

Another person said coldly.

"Yes, Zhang Yang, according to what you said, we are all fighting for hegemony. We are all staying at home. Presumably you also know the second-order civilization battlefield and the third-order civilization battlefield. You said, all civilizations are competing for hegemony. Now, does it make sense for you to shrink like this? Sacrifice is inevitable, but I would rather die on the battlefield of a decisive battle with a foreign race than be killed by a headshot by your idiot. Your existence is just a word for your friendly army. The greatest shame!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yang, the captain, was attacked by a group of subordinates.

"Well, it's all quiet, it's meaningless to say this!"

The fat old man finally spoke.

"Zhang Yang, your starting point is good, but have you ever thought about it? The country needs information about civilizations of other races, and it needs to crack the technological advantages of other races' civilizations, and then turn them into their own use. The important reason is that offense is always more reliable than defense!"

"Don't think that you can walk sideways on the earth with all four attributes and A+ level, not to mention that the weapons that can kill you now can rank ten kilometers away. Do you think that all countries in the world lack masters? You are only tenth. Four people with all attributes A+, of course, when it comes to hitting the big luck, the other 13 people are far inferior to you!"

"Therefore, this Qianlong fight for hegemony seems to be just a task to establish a dynasty, but in fact it is our journey to explore the unknown. We need to explore more possibilities in this world, and we need to obtain more types of village building orders. So as to make our civilization go further."

"Finally, Zhang Yang, I will warn you one last time. Things like Wang Xinzhi will never be allowed a second time. The earth civilization is far from the time to die, or even if it is going to die, it is not you alone!"

Zhang Yang stared at the fat old man for a while, and then asked:

"What if they die in Qianlong Contest? Or I happen to know that they are going to die? Do I have to save them desperately? I wanted to kill Wang Xinzhi before because things were under control. Within the range, so I will shoot."

"But! If you are in the game world, if any of you are facing death threats, then I have to say sorry, I have my own plan, I am not a Virgin, I cannot save you all at all!"

"Since it is such a result sooner or later, Wang Xinzhi's death is considered wronged!"

"Arrogant, do you think our operations in the game are all papery? Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Ignorance is not a sin, but on this serious occasion, do we need a student who has just graduated from high school to tell me about it? I doubt it deeply."

"Enough, shut up!"

The old man Bai Pang expressed his power again, "Publish, then I will give you the correct answer. You only need to ensure that you can win this round. Others will cooperate with you fully, and this full cooperation includes even if they face death. You don’t need to go to the rescue, understand?"

"Write down your heir's name, and then immediately set the heir at the beginning of the game to build a village. Also, try to arrange for heirs over 18 years old."

The meeting room is quiet again,

Zhang Yang sat down and wrote Mu Shaojun in the column of heirs.

No way, two of his nine-ethnic blood branch met the selection criteria for heirs, one was 13-year-old Mu Shaojun and the other was only five-year-old Mu Shaoan.

What can he do? He is also desperate.

These are all investigated by the government. In addition, sometimes the heir to the village building order will be biased. It is clear that the heir is A, but in the end B is inherited.

"All stand together."

When the game’s village building order was about to be activated, all fifty-nine people, including Zhang Yang, stood in a predetermined grid, and their own logistics personnel rushed in, putting everyone on bulletproof vests representing the latest technology of the earth. , Tactical backpack, which contains medicines, maps, and small radio devices, and other similar small clouds, explosives, bombs, individual pocket missiles, drones, etc. Anyway, everyone carries more than 500 kilograms of equipment.

This is the new development that the countries of the earth have obtained in the past few years by cracking the technology of other civilizations, that is, it can make the people who build villages bind not too embarrassed at the beginning.

"The countdown is ten seconds, everyone backs up and keeps a safe distance of fifty meters."


When the countdown reached zero, Zhang Yang felt his body shake, but there was a certain change in the hexagonal grid under his feet. This was not the power of building a village, but the technological means of the earth.

The next moment, the game village order is activated.

Zhang Yang felt a piece of white snow in his vision, and in the next second, he disappeared in place.

Almost at the same time, there were detection equipment everywhere in the underground base, and someone shouted anxiously, "The signal of No. 001 cannot be monitored, and its tracking and positioning have been lost, and all monitoring devices have failed!"


"How about the others?"

"Number 002 is in place, everything is normal."

"Number 005 is in everything is normal."


A few minutes later, the white fat old man who heard the news hurriedly shouted, "Only Zhang Yang has the problem? What about the others?"

"Everything else is normal."

"Are you sure Zhang Yang is still in that game world?"

"Not sure, but he did activate the game to build a village, so it is impossible to make a mistake. Perhaps the only mistake is that what he said before is true, and the start is Wang Qi +7, perhaps because of this. , Zhang Yang does not need to follow certain rules of the game building order, he may appear in the most favorable place for him."

"Of course, this is just one possibility we guessed. Another possibility is that he appeared in the most unfavorable place for his appearance."

"What the **** is this?" The old fat white man angered.

"Then there is only one explanation. When the king returns, we should recast the sword of the king."

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