Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 161: 10The bird is in the forest, why not roast it?

Zhang Yang couldn't guess why the red-skin monster with superior strength lurked in the fish-lipped demon camp, and it was definitely not sent by the shrimp-shell demon camp.

Before passing it, it would rather continue to pretend to stay in this fishmouth fortress, so it is not difficult to draw a few conclusions.

One, the red skin monster has nothing to do with the fish-lipped demon camp and the shrimp shell demon camp.

Second, through its extraordinary strength, it is enough to prove that it is an alien creature. Because the upper limit of the strength that can be improved in this world is extraordinary. This was obtained by Zhang Yang’s countless tests. At the beginning, whether he was cultivating the mysterious art of stealing the sky or the Qingyun swordsmanship, he could not comprehend it, but the progress always remained superficial. degree.

Later, he went to the third-level sequence battlefield where Zhao Xianyu was located, and only then did he accumulate the current family property, but he was still far away from the extraordinary.

Therefore, if enough transcendent alien creatures enter this world, then this world will become a battlefield for second-level sequence civilization, which Zhang Yang has recently awakened.

In the same way, the three-level sequence civilization battlefield he had visited before was actually not tied to the world of Xianxia.

And if there is an invasion of Xianxia World, it should actually be regarded as the battlefield of four-level sequence civilization.

Therefore, mana is greater than divinity, divinity is greater than hope fragments, and hope fragments are greater than energy. This should be regarded as the currency of circulation in the four-level world, but this currency of circulation is not fixed, as if it could be used in the mission of building a village in fantasy. Obtain the mana representing the highest level currently known.

Third, based on the first and second points, the Redskin Monster stayed here to wait for an unknown target or unknown event. There is a high probability that the target and event will appear or happen near this fishmouth fortress.

Fourth, the Redskin Monster has a big plan!

Five, so the patience and waiting before Zhang Yang are all correct, well, this one is to make up the number, because he also has a bigger plan.

"What the **** is the red skin monster waiting for?"

While watching the battle, Zhang Yang looked at the surrounding area for dozens of times. It seemed to be very ordinary. Two mountain packs, with a fish mouth fortress in between, unspoiled forests in the distance, and an official road nearby. There are treasures born.


The thinking Zhang Yang suddenly moved his eyes. He caught a very discordant scene on the chaotic battlefield. A strong shrimp shell demon was about to tear off his opponent's head, but suddenly he twitched. It was difficult to detect the scene, but it was enough for the weaker demon on the opposite side to roar and smash it with a hammer, suddenly his brain burst.

"Good fellow, can't you help it finally!"

Zhang Yang is now more sure of his previous guess.

Soon, as the red-skin monster continued to make secret moves, the situation on the battlefield quickly stabilized. The morale of the fish-lipped demon became stronger and stronger, while the shrimp-shell demon began to doubt life. It makes no sense, the strongest. When the warriors rushed up, they would be beaten to death by the opponent Xiao Budian.

But at this moment, the situation that made Zhang Yang couldn't help but rejoice occurred, and the commander of the fish-lipped demon suddenly ordered the whole army to retreat with this short-term advantage.

Well, in fact, it is understandable to do so. It has less than 500 troops on its own side, but there are 3,000 troops on the opposite side. The advantage of the fortress is gone, and when its own soldiers just hit a superior counterattack, they don’t retreat at this time. Time?

But it didn't know that this advantage was caused by a secret action by the Redskin Monster. As long as it continued to persist, it might win an inexplicable but absolutely hearty victory.


Zhang Yang couldn't help but imagine how bad the Redskin Monster's mood would be at this moment. What's more, he was not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Seeing the friendly army retreat like the tide of hula la, and the enemy pounced on like the tide after a moment, the redskin monster was instantly caught in a dilemma, whether it was stubborn or confused? This is a problem.

However, if the Redskin Monster knows that Zhang Yang has been prying around nearby, it will definitely be eager, and now, it chooses-怼!

Unbelievable, unsatisfied with everything!

The devil's skin was torn in an instant, and a dazzling red skin monster appeared on the stage.

"Katchak Tomb Bila!"

At this time, Zhang Yang finally heard the commander of the Shrimp Shell Demon, an extraordinary hero, uttered an earth-shattering shout. It seemed to recognize the origin of this red-skin monster.

And when it yelled out this sound, an extremely magical scene appeared. The fish-lipped demon commander who had ordered the escape before also shouted, and all the demon soldiers who were retreating also came back. Last moment, both sides It can kill you to death, but at this moment they are united together without any suspense.

And different from the previous hacking street dance, this time, Zhang Yang has seen the fighting power of the demon army.

They are no longer slashing regardless of any type of arms, but at a speed beyond imagination, no matter whether the enemy or the enemy is on the spot, they form a five-circle shield formation, even if the redskin monster has already launched lightning-like killings, the shield formation is always fast forming.

Three seconds, only three seconds.

The redskin monster instantly killed five hundred demon elites with superior strength, but the two demon armies also formed a thirteen shield formation. Excluding the slaughtered, there are still five shield formations!


They uttered a roar at the same time, and the five-layer shield array rushed towards the center like crazy. The subtle cooperation of each demon soldier made Zhang Yang amazed.

Then he thought that the redskin monster would jump up and escape, after all, at its extraordinary speed, besides being unable to fly, it was basically faster than flying.

But the Redskin Monster didn't do that, because, in the outer circle, there were about a thousand demon soldiers pulling out their tail vertebrae. This **** weapon seemed more terrifying than the wooden spear javelin!

In this situation, he would definitely not jump up because he would be dead.

But at this time he became more and more curious, what secrets there is in this place, it is worth the Redskin monster so desperately, especially when it knows the consequences of revealing its identity.


The shields were shredded on each side, and the devil soldiers were torn apart, and the red skin monster also broke out, like a red tornado, constantly tearing the shield array that was colliding, but as the space became smaller and smaller, It didn't dare to jump again, and the final result was that it was squeezed together by the first heavy shield formation. Although it was torn again by it in an instant, the second heavy shield formation slammed into it.

At this time, the demon soldiers had adopted a collision sequence with nine shields, just like gears, hitting them without any problems.

Although each impact would undoubtedly kill the nine demon soldiers, they also caused certain damage to the redskin monster.

Especially the limited space for the Redskin Monster to play, this is really hopeless.

Finally, the Redskin Monster roared, and a red light appeared instantly, and it was fleeting. It seemed to have no power, but the next second, centering on it, all the shield formations in Fangyuan were swept away.

What a terrifying lethality, it deserves to be above the extraordinary.

At this time, the red light was slightly dim, but the red skin monster screamed violently. The red light suddenly turned into a javelin, swish, and instantly took the command of the shrimp shell demon and the fish lips demon. Two extraordinary heroes were killed directly.

At this point, the red light dissipated, and Zhang Yang noticed that the red skin on the red-skin monster quickly turned to dim and blue-purple. Obviously, these three consecutive killings caused it to lose a lot.

Zhang Yang himself broke out in a cold sweat, because he asked himself, he was afraid that he would not be able to hide from the red cursor gun, because the speed was too fast.


All the remaining demon soldiers roared and threw their tail vertebrae all over the sky, with spear shadows all over the sky, which was extremely deterrent. Even the redskin monsters were shot into hedgehogs in an instant.

But it was still alive, and it was quick to move. With a flash of blue light, it was a slaughter like slices of wheat.

A thousand demon soldiers were slaughtered in only ten seconds.

What a capricious strength!

Zhang Yang saw the souls bursting out, and while sweating coldly, he was also excited in his heart. Fortunately, fortunately!

But he still didn't do it, because he saw that the red-skin monster began to swallow the demon's body unscrupulously. What does this show is that it doesn't need to lurch anymore, and it doesn't need to be patient. Although things are a little bit different, there should be no surprise Up.

Zhang Yang suppressed his mood, his soul force field remained unchanged, and he waited patiently after a distance of three kilometers. He had a hundred thousand affirmations, and the harvest was in sight.

Of course, he also worried that the strength of the redskin monster would be restored by devouring the demon's corpse, but he shook his head after thinking about it. If the strength can be restored by devouring the demon's corpse, the efficiency of this energy conversion is comparable to mana. Up.

With this efficiency, the Redskin Monster still needs to be lurking? It and its ethnic group will just come up directly.

five minutes,

ten minutes,

Half an hour later, when the red-skin monster suddenly looked up at the sky, Zhang Yang finally knew what it was waiting for. A crack suddenly opened in the sky. At the edge of the crack, there was a blue violent wind, golden lightning flashed, but inside the crack was You can't see anything in the black hole.

Although this is the first time I have witnessed it, Zhang Yang can guess what else it can be except Guo Jianglong!

The only difference is that this will be a dragon whose strength is above the extraordinary, and it will still be smuggled.

So that's why the red monster must wait here.

Because of forcibly breaking through the barriers of the world, it is impossible to be unharmed, just as Zhang Yang descended into the world of the gods that day and was discovered by the lame Robin and sealed the soul.

Unless it is through regular channels, that is, regular trials will come without injury, but that is called trial, not Jianglong.

In just a few seconds, a ball of light was struggling to emerge from the crack in the sky, like a hen laying an egg. It was extremely difficult, and the violent wind and lightning on the edge of the crack kept hitting it, and the ball of light was like the wind. The mid-candling, faltering, dimmed by more than 80% in an instant.

At this moment, the injured Redskin monster on the ground was also very nervous, constantly wandering, looking up to the sky, this should be the best chance for a sneak attack.

But Zhang Yang was still unmoved. He just stared at the light group. He had a hunch that as long as the light group was destroyed, the benefit would be higher than killing the redskin monster.

Two or three seconds later, the black crack in the sky quickly disappeared, and the light group had dimmed to one percent of the previous one, but even so, there was still a group of cyan violent wind and golden lightning chasing madly.

The light ball quickly fell. At a place more than a thousand meters above the ground, the light ball broke, revealing a more powerful body, the whole is a golden red skin monster, well, it should be called a gold skin monster.

The cyan wind and golden lightning hit it severely in an instant, and something that looked like blood was thrown all over the sky, and the golden skin monster also had light flashing continuously, which seemed to be resisting, but it was meaningless!

In just a few seconds of falling, that golden skin monster was dying until he passed out completely!

But it succeeded after all, because the red-skin monster that responded below roared wildly, and once again desperately gathered red light, madly blasting on the last remaining cyan wind and golden lightning.

"Puff!" The Redskin monster languished on the ground, still pulling up its energies, rushing to the sky, trying to take down the unconscious Golden Skin Monster.

"It's this moment!"

With a loud roar, the A+ level soul field is like a category 18 hurricane sweeping a radius of ten kilometers!

Yes, this is the power of the A+ grade intensity. If it were a moment ago, such a soul field would not be taken by the redskin monster.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang's patience and waiting finally reached the harvest time.

Twelve top quality jade-chemical wood spears rose into the air, passing a smoky afterimage in mid-air, passing a distance of three kilometers in a flash, and all bombarding the golden skin monster.

"Ten birds in the forest, it is better to have one bird in your hand!"

This is the usual style of publicity, even at the moment the Redskin Monster is extremely weak and useless.

For a moment,

A few rays of light appeared on the golden skin monster again, but under the continuous bombardment of twelve top quality jade wood spears, it quickly disintegrated, and then-it was directly bombarded into meat sauce!

The red monster uttered a strange cry of despair and anger, but was helpless.

Almost at the same time, a violent wind swept across, packing and looting the golden skin monster with bones and scum.

Then, without saying anything, Zhang Yang turned around and walked away silently.

From beginning to end, the Redskin Monster didn't know who the enemy was, or where it was?

Even the twelve jade wood spears were instantly taken back by Zhang Yang.


From the rear came the constant roar of the red monster. It was really crazy, and the whole body was more than three times violent, like a hundred excavators ravaged and vented in place!

The earth was rumbling, like an earthquake.

With such a power, Zhang Yang's sweat was so cold, mother, fortunately, I was very witty, otherwise, he was really not sure to kill this monster that was already exhausted.

Even--the ship was capsized in the gutter.

"Above the Judging from the appearance of the Red Skin Monster and the Golden Skin Monster, the rhythm of this world seems to be a bit wrong, it is too dangerous, I must be careful!"

He escaped dozens of miles in one breath, and Zhang Yang was relieved before he had the opportunity to inspect the information plundered by the village building order.

"Successfully killed an Abyssal Demon Chief (Epic/Golden Core)."

"Successfully plundered a complete fairy soul of level 15 for sale."

"Successfully looted a 15th-level storage orb, which can be sold."

"Successfully looted a piece of incomplete Xian Xia village order, which can be sold."

"Successfully looted a piece of incomplete abyss to build a village, which can be sold."

"Successfully looted a crippled drawing of the abyss civilization code, which can be sold."

"Successfully plundered 500 units of the abyssal monster blood, which can be sold."

"Successfully looted a complete Abyssal Demon Race skeleton, which can be sold."

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