Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 163: There is a local tyrant lock zone!

At this time Zhang Yang continued to follow the information.

"The maximum duration of the mission, 20 years."

"Maximum task limit, none."

"Because you have already started the task of forced job transfer, your village building order will be unconditionally forced into a war state, that is, as long as you enter the world (even the lowest level fantasy village building world), any one or more of them have started the war. If the status of the village build order is bound, this world is the battlefield of the second-order civilization battle.

"Friendly reminder, the current world is the game-building world, and there are already 12 village-building order bindings who have started the war state to intervene, that is, this world has been upgraded to the second-sequence civilization battlefield."

"Friendly reminder, unlike the original village building missions in this world, those bound to the village building order with the warfare enabled can sense the approximate location of others on the big map."

"Friendly reminder, because your main village building order has successfully entered the second-sequence civilized hegemony battlefield, therefore, the civilized hegemony system will be fully opened, and your current camp is the Celestial Human Race. (Click to view the characteristics of each camp

"The Celestial Tribe refers to races that live in areas covered by sunlight. There is currently no alliance. They are characterized by fragile bodies and short life span. Only soul fire is the biggest advantage. Therefore, they have extremely high intelligence, advanced industry and technology, and export wars. There are physical output (heavy firepower mecha chariot) and magic output (immortal cultivator), which are easily restrained by ghosts."

"The Celestial Demon Race, which is associated with the Celestial Human Race, is in a rivalry relationship. There is currently no alliance. It is characterized by a stronger body and a medium lifespan. It can sense the aura of heaven and earth more sensitively than any other race. The way to export war is to cultivate immortality. He is good at single-soldier operations and special operations, rarely invaded by large corps, and easily restrained by demons."

"Abyss ghost clan refers to creatures living in the dark abyss. It is not a ghost in the conventional sense. Currently, there is no alliance. The characteristic is that the body is invisible, can control the yin and cold ice, and is easily restrained by the monster clan to export wars. Yes, the environment output, the abyss ghost race can naturally control a large amount of Yin Qi to capture the target world."

"Abyss Demon Race refers to the creatures that live in the dark abyss. It is associated with the Ghost Race and is in a relationship of rivals. There is no alliance at present. It is characterized by super powerful body, strong regeneration ability, reproductive ability, and strong ability to manipulate species mutation. Immune to some spells and physical attacks, but the soul is weak and easy to be restrained by the human race. The way to export wars is to mutate and multiply output, that is, to transform the bloodline of a certain creature in the target world into a large number of demon warriors , And then suppressed the indigenous army with a large number of soldiers."


"Friendly reminder, because your main village building order has successfully entered the second-sequence civilization battlefield, based on the evaluation of the village building tasks you have completed in the past, you have been awarded a level 1 war medal. The function of this medal is—"

"Eligible to bind three types of neutral village building orders, namely fantasy village building orders, game village building orders, and fairy-xia village building orders. Note: The premise is that it must be obtained. In addition, the neutral village building order may not be permanently neutral and may become a war at any time. status."

"Eligible to bind two kinds of war-building orders, namely, the Abyssal Village-building Order. You can team up to the abyss with your comrades in the same camp, and start a more cruel village-building task by means of invasion."

"You can also bind the skydome building order. This village building order is held forever and can be used as a base camp, but it is vulnerable to attack."

"At the same time, you are eligible to open a copy-type village building order, such as the doomsday village building order, the martial arts village building order, the gods building village order, and the historical village building order. This type of village building order can be visited in groups or individuals, and you can get a lot of Rare resources, which can open more advanced trading modes."

"After obtaining the 1st-level War Medal, there will be no more mandatory village building tasks. If you are willing and qualified, you can even never start the village building tasks and just be an ordinary person."

"Class 1 War Medal is not transferable."

"Warning: Level 1 War Medal can only intervene in the battlefield of the first and second-sequence civilizations. If you force it into the third, fourth or even higher-sequence civilization battlefields, it will be regarded as a smuggling and will be forced to weaken your health to 1 point. In the same way, higher-level war medals cannot enter the low-level sequence battlefield."


After reading this information, Zhang Yang was stunned for a long time. He felt like a little flying insect, digging into a net of heaven and earth.

"It seems that the earth civilization is far behind. If I go back this time, I must cooperate with the national team, because the team formation mode in the later stage is very important, especially the abyss building order and the dungeon type village ordering order, which is to obtain Where the resources are the best, if I want to go for it alone, I am afraid there will be no chance of success."

Zhang Yang was thinking, and suddenly a series of red messages were reflected on the village building order.

"Qianlong 021 of the Tianqiong Human Race in Zhongdu County has been removed!"

"Zhongdu County Abyss Demon Race Qianlong 095 was removed!"

"Qianlong 154 of the Tianqiong Human Race in Zhongdu County was removed!"

"The Qianlong 910 of the Tianqiong Demon Race in Zhongdu County chose to surrender!"

"Zhongdu County Tianqiong Demon Race Qianlong 009 has four points of Wang Qi, and the current Wang Qi is +7."


"I'm leaning together, it seems like Wushuang is mowing."

Zhang Yang was taken aback. Has the intensity of the war in Zhongdu County reached this level? Only a few days ago, another main force of the national team was killed by the Sky Demon Race. Counting the previous one, it had already lost two consecutively.

However, there is actually a human Qianlong who is not part of the earth civilization in this world, which surprised him.

And how powerful is the Qianlong No. 009? If you kill so many in one go, isn't that guy the emperor Wei?

Zhang Yang felt depressed when he thought of this great Wei emperor and that great Wei princess. Now he has determined that the other party must be from the Sky Demon Race.

Because their behavior pattern is exactly the same as the introduction of the Sky Celestial Demon Race.

As for the mirage demon soldiers who fought against the Great Wei Dynasty for hundreds of years, they must be from the abyss demon clan. Then, the golden skin monster and the red skin monster he killed yesterday must be the sky monster clan. When he came, he accidentally wounded the enemy's enemy, but he was still the enemy.

So the Sky Celestial Demon Race actually wanted to come here to do things, but it turned out to be destroyed by themselves.

Zhang Yang feels happy to think about it.

Because if the red-skin monster really came from the Sky Sky Monster Race, he would definitely not dare to hunt him down on a large scale.

I just don’t know if yesterday’s events have alarmed the Qianlong of the Abyss Demon Race in this world?


Another purple message emerged.

"Abyss Demon Clan Qianlong 720 used two purple fragments of hope to lock down the battlefield. From this moment on, no villagers will be built to enable bound people to sneak in, otherwise they will receive a 200% condemnation. Lore."

"I'll go to This is also okay, purple hopes the fragments are so awesome? What a local tyrant"

Zhang Yang really feels like he's coming into the city as a hillbilly, which is an eye-opener.

Undoubtedly, the reason why the Qianlong of the Abyss Demon Race turned on the lock zone mode should be related to the smuggling of the Golden Skin Monster yesterday. In addition, the Qianlong of the Abyss Demon Race has the most advantage in the current situation. .

If you compare this battlefield for world hegemony to a chess game, then the Abyss Demon Race has already occupied half of the trend.

The rest of the Human Race Qianlong, the Monster Race Qianlong, and I don't know if there is any Ghost Race Qianlong, it is estimated that Xuan, only accounted for the other half, but in this half, the Monster Race Qianlong is the strongest.

"The human camp is worrying!"

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