Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 172: King-level internal affairs talent

"Non-royal city comes with special buildings: Level 22 martial arts sect-Qingyun Sword Sect (based on the influence of the incomplete village building order + Qingyun swordsmanship

"Function: It can provide two special professions that are not soldiers' system for King City, (click to view

"Qingyun Swordsman: Master the first volume of Qingyun Imperial Swordsmanship, and believe that the way of swordsmanship, sword intent is the first, and is good at fighting enemies in close combat."

"Strength A-, Agility A+, Defense B, Soul B, Swordsmanship Proficiency: 550, Talent: Sword intent flushes with the emptiness, characteristics, to realize the emptiness, the emptiness as the reality, weird and unpredictable, Skills: three fire swordsmanship, dragon swordsmanship , Chongxu swordsmanship."

"Qingyun Swordsman: Master the first volume of Qingyun Imperial Swordsmanship, and believes that the sword is the soul of swordsmanship, and he is good at defeating enemies remotely."

"Strength A-, Agility B, Defense B, Soul A+, Swordsmanship Proficiency: 550, Talent, Sword Soul, Characteristics, Use the sword to enter the soul, the soul can carry the sword, suddenly, kill the enemy with a hundred feet. Skill: Sword aura Level, the elementary level of aura swordsmanship, sword aura breaks the soul."


When Zhang Yang read all the information, his heart was surging, but he did not forget the potential threat to the north. What if the red-skinned monster wanted not to take the usual path?

So the next step is of course to expand troops, prepare for war, develop population, and develop people's livelihood.

"It's time to summon Duan Jiusi, the founding emperor of Da Chu."

Zhang Yang opened the village building order and found the name Duan Jiusi, but in the next second, his expression became extremely weird, because Duan Jiusi's summoning cost actually required 23 points of Wang Qi.

What the hell?

A legendary master craftsman needs a little bit of aura, the first generation of stone king Wu Lei only needs two points of aristocracy, and the second generation of stone king Wu Ya only needs three points of aristocracy. Why this guy needs 23 points, is it a BUG?

Frozen for a long time, Zhang Yang could only give up, but he was extremely shocked, because he thought of a possibility that it would not be the founding emperor of the Great Chu Dynasty, Duan Jiusi, who is already supernatural strength, otherwise it is impossible. To be so cheating!

"If Duan Jiusi is above the extraordinary, then he is even alive now, or he has lived for a long time in history. This is not impossible. You must know that Duan Jiusi has defeated 1,000 Qianlongs of various races, including the demon. Clan, Demon Clan, Human Clan and Ghost Clan, then it is possible for him to get enough Jidan, start the job transfer task, and finally successfully build the foundation."

"As far as I feel, if a person can build a foundation, his life span can exceed 300 years, but in history, the Chu Dynasty only lasted for more than 300 years. What this shows, only shows that Duan Jiusi also gained After the order of building a village, he left this world. It is really terrifying to think about it. I can't summon this guy."

Zhang Yang's gaze was solemn, and then he hesitated again on the names of the two historical figures.

One is Lei Ming, Ren's grandson, and Zhang Liang, his great-great-grandson. The former needs 3 points of Wang Qi, which shows that he and Wu Ya are of the same level, while the latter needs 6 points of Wang Qi.

"Lei Ming's grandson, Lei Ming, is a very stable guy and the first general of the Da Zhang Dynasty. He and Zhang Liang complement each other well. The two have known each other since childhood, and they are about the same age. The monarchs and ministers do not doubt that they have been together for 60 years and have completely stabilized the book. In the civilized realm, thunder is outside, conquering and unsatisfied, but Zhang Liang hasn't left the royal city for half a step in his life, and he is extremely cautious."

"It can be said that Thunder is not Wu Ya's genius and easy-to-use commander, but he is definitely the most versatile commander. Regardless of offensive and defensive suppression, he can do everything he can."

"And Zhang Liang is a master of internal affairs and a conspiracy expert. He has spent his entire life studying how to control the officials, control the world, and control the people. He can double the population from 10 million to 20 million in 60 years. It is the first. In fact, Duan Jiusi was able to establish the Great Chu Dynasty later, at least for a very important reason, thanks to the huge population base of this civilization."

"Then, choose them two."

Zhang Yang made a decision. At 9 o'clock, Wang Qi was consumed, two white lights flashed, and the call was successful, but at the same time, a message suddenly mapped.

"You have consumed too much royal qi to summon historical figures. This is not conducive to your rule. With your status and martial arts, you have reached the upper limit of safety. If you continue to summon the sixth historical figure, please make sure that your royal qi is greater than 10. If you summon the seventh historical figure, please make sure your arrogance is greater than 30, and so on."

"So there is such a setting? Sure enough, Lao Tzu's identity is not a panacea."

Zhang Yang was very calm. Then he looked at the two people in front of him. Both were about forty years old. The one on the left. I don’t know if Zhang Yang looks like himself, but the other person’s eyes are like the sea, calm as a mountain, with a high crown and robe, neither humble nor overbearing. Easy to deal with.

The one on the right is tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a high nose, and a face with Chinese characters. He is righteous, with a helmet and armor. He is not angry or prestigious.

Behind these two people are a total of eighteen extraordinary arms, of whom 6 are Thunder and 12 are Zhang Liang. They are really great grandchildren.

"Chen Zhang Liang."

"Chen thundering."

"Meet the lord."

The same words. Obviously, this is the arrangement of the village building order. Of course, Zhang Yang will not be embarrassed enough to recognize a 40-year-old uncle as his great-grandson, as if nothing happened.

"Please get up."

Zhang Yang looked calm and looked at the two of them, or in other words, looked at Zhang Liang, and at the same time looked at their attributes.

Name: Zhang Liang.

Age: 45 years old.

Strength: B

Agility: B

Defense: A

Soul: A+

Achievement: once governed the country, allowed all people to rest, and laid a solid foundation for the continuation of this civilization.

Special arms under his command: None

Special occupations under his command: Civilian, good at managing local internal affairs, which needs to be trained by Zhang Liang himself.

Talent: insight, perseverance, inspiration, conspiracy, defense, internal affairs, deterrence, wisdom, (only for king-level talents).


Name: Thunder

Age: 46 years old.

Strength: A+

Agility: A-

Defense: A+

Soul: B

Achievement: Once led an army to sweep thousands of miles invincible, laying a solid foundation for the expansion and continuation of this civilization.

Special arms under his command 1: Feiyun Jianwei, long-range output arms, strength A, agility B, defense A-, soul C. Need to train and train thunder personally.

Special arms under his command 2: Heavy Armor Mo Dao Lieutenant, melee rushing and melee cavalry, strength A+, agility A-, defense A+, soul B+. Need to train and train thunder personally.

Talent: Tenacity, Iron Wall, Insight, Commander, Inspiration, Deterrence (Exclusive to King Talent)


"really not bad!"

After inspecting the attributes, Zhang Yang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. This cool and thunderous combination is obviously better than the Wu Lei and Wu Ya father-son combination. The key is that the two are one inside and one outside. It’s a unique model. Once it develops, I’m afraid it will be. It can be compared to Duan Jiu Si.


"The minister is here."

"Can you train Feiyun Arrow Guard and Heavy Armor Mo Dao Captain at the same time?"

"Return to the lord, no, the minister can only train 500 captain-level archers into 500 Feiyun arrow guards, or train 200 captain-level infantry into 100 heavy-armored Modao Lieutenants within a one-year training period. And during this period, the minister could not handle other affairs."

The thunder sounded solemnly.

Zhang Yang nodded. The former is an archer and is necessary for defending the city. The attributes are powerful, but the really powerful is the heavy armored swordsman, two attributes A+, one attribute A-, one attribute B+, which is more iron than Wu Ya's The lion is fierce. Paired with heavy armor and a huge three-meter long sword, it is almost like a devil.

Whether it is a field battle or a city wall defense battle, it is an absolute killer, and only 100 people a year.

However, considering Wu Ya's iron lion and Wu Lei's rock-heavy footsteps, the best one is the long-range Feiyun Arrow Guard for the coordination of the arms.

"Thunder, next year, you go to train Feiyun Jianwei."

"Yes, please follow the lord's order!"

Lei Ming saluted and left in strides. He would naturally select soldiers and go to the training ground, during which he would not have to worry about all kinds of matters.

At this time, only Zhang Liang was left, and this guy still did not move, nor did he trigger a side mission. It was very interesting.

Zhang Yang didn't speak, but waited quietly, but he didn't expect Zhang Liang to be more stable than him.

Reluctantly, Zhang Yang could only speak by himself, "The King City is newly built, a hundred waste is waiting to be flourished, and the population is the heaviest. Zhang Liang, can you recruit refugees for me?"

"Return to the lord, the minister thinks it is wrong."

Well, Zhang Liang finally spoke.


"The King City is too majestic and majestic. The refugees are miserable and timid. They are afraid to come. What's more, the roads are blocked in the barren mountains and ridges. The small people see shortsightedly and think this is a fairyland or a mirage demon country. Ghost land, therefore, the minister has three strategies, one is to build roads, the other is to cultivate land, and the third is to build a county seat."

"Sometimes, the small people of Shengdou only believed in these three types, and the ministers believed that the imperial city was not suitable for the migration of the refugees for the time being. It would be better to wait for the prefecture, state, county, and township to be integrated. People have land, business has roads, officials have cities, and soldiers have wars. , The inside and the outside are opened up, the cycle is slowly, after the endless life, the king city should be opened up and absorbed talents, everything is logical, so the great cause can be achieved."

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, a message was mapped, and the side mission was finally opened.

It's not easy, this guy is not easy to deal with.

"Your faction has a king-level internal affairs talent to join. Your people's hearts will increase, you will gain internal affairs talents, and you plan to reduce the amount of materials consumed for all construction projects in the dynasty by 30%."

"Trigger the internal affairs of the people’s livelihood task 1. Within three years, build an official road from the mountain to connect with the old Dawei official road (800 miles), build two branch official roads, connect two county towns (300 miles), and build two The Guanai official connects two passes (one hundred miles)."

"Trigger the internal affairs of the people's livelihood task 2, within five years, build a state town, two county towns, 100 villages, 10 small towns, two passes, and attract 50,000 refugees."

"The two side missions will consume one million tons of food, one million points of energy, a golden fragment of hope, and need to temporarily suspend the construction of the city, and call Zhaozhou and 1,000 high-level craftsmen, do you continue?"


Zhang Yang agreed without saying a word. Although this consumes a lot of resources, the problem is that he doesn't care.

As for the follow-up construction of the Royal City, there is no rush, anyway, the specific functions of the Royal City are already available, and now it is the second year after the mission is opened, and he can no longer delay it.

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