Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 178: I have a mill

Zhang Liang left, walking very peacefully.

He used that unsheathed black knife to sacrifice a qualification to go to another world for trial (the main task is to recruit 100,000 refugees and 20,000 new soldiers).

This is allowed by the village building order system. It doesn't count as Jianglong. It is the same as the heroic trial that once led Wu Yuan to open up.

As for the village building order, it was left. As long as he succeeded in the trial (completed the main task), that was his reward. If the trial failed, everything would cease.

But the possibility of failure is unlikely. After all, that is a king-level talent. He has been an emperor. What storms have not been seen?

Of course, Zhang Yang was more inclined to his great-grandson because he was afraid of the next decisive battle with the demon clan's siege, so he ran out to escape in advance.

Well, speaking of demons, another month has passed.

The construction of the two acropolises outside the king's city has been completed, and all kinds of defense equipment, grain and grass materials have been transported in, and in a few days, the main battlefield for the cavalry will also be disguised.

Yes, camouflage, this is a bad idea Zhang Liang's servant came out before he left. He said that the surface of the stone can be covered with a foot deep of soil. It is midsummer now. It only takes half a month to cover it. Weeds, after being exposed to the sun for a few days, are a perfect camouflage.

Otherwise, if the demon army arrives and sees the slippery square, it will be no surprise.

Zhang Yang thought this bad idea had little effect, but he still adopted it. It's better than nothing.

The old man Zhaozhou was even more happy to add a few more, for example, you can hide the main force of the 500 iron lion in the Acropolis, and then wait for the critical moment to fight from behind the demon army. The effect is sour when you think about it.

Zhang Yang is always accurate, because this is indeed his surprise, and the surprise is not surprising, the effect is half gone.

The specific measures and the details of the action need not be bothered. This is not the same as when he started the mission of building a mysterious village. At that time, he was only the village head, a village of hundreds of people. He had to do everything by himself, grasp every detail, and consider every Resources, carefully plan, can’t wait to spend two copies on a copper plate.

But now, he wants to fight for hegemony in the world. If he has to worry about food and grass as well as specific things, then what hegemony is he still fighting for?

All sorts of little things every day harp and crooked toss him to death.

"There are 40 giant siege crossbows in the King City, 5 in the South Tianmen, 5 in the West Fortress, 500 Panshi Heavy Steps is the best defense unit, at least one of them, 300 in the King City, 100 in the South Tianmen, 100 West Fortress."

"500 Feiyun Jianwei is also an army that can shine in offensive and defensive battles. A volley of three can shoot and kill a regular heavy armored demon. 300 are left in the royal city, 100 in the Nantianmen, and 100 in the West Fortress. ."

"The 12 heavy armored sword officers belong to the super-conventional strategic scalpel level, and are at the same level as the iron lion. They must stay in the king city, depending on the situation."

"Wu Lei will be responsible for guarding the South Tianmen Gate, and Ma Jin will be responsible for guarding the Western Fortress. I will be in the Wangcheng city. Wu Ya will lead 500 iron lions and 3000 bighorn deer hussars, and take the initiative to attack according to the situation."

"In short, this battle will be very bitter. It must focus on killing and injuring the enemy's vitality and delay as much as possible. After Lei Ming has trained 500 Feiyun Arrow Guards, he must immediately start training the Heavy Armor Mo Dao Lieutenant. Only 200 people can be trained a year."

Zhang Yang has made the most basic strategic deployment, and then he left the royal city and went to a place 300 miles away to the south to start practicing, but this time he did not practice the mysterious art of stealing the sky, but he wanted to use the golden elixir stage demon. The bones of blood repaired to help him.

This is the last hole card he has left in his hand since his bankruptcy.

Finding a quiet deep mountain, Zhang Yang directly summoned five adult wood monsters, all of which are more than two hundred years old, and they are all of extraordinary strength. It is difficult to kill enemy generals, but it is difficult to kill the opponent’s soldiers. Very easy to use, the most important thing is that they can be lurking underground and cannot be sensed in leisure.

"Give me warning from a kilometer away, and don't allow any living, dead, or immortal things to approach."

Zhang Yang gave an order and started this adventure.

Carefully took out a unit of Golden Core Demon Cultivation Essence Blood from the storage space of the Village Construction Order. The next second he saw it was not blood, but a cloud of golden light, or a flame of golden light. Energetic and very hostile, just this drop can make a field mouse immediately have 500 times the power, and then bang, explode.

If given to a tiger, then the tiger will immediately be reborn and advanced!

If you take ten drops, you will immediately advance to the transcendence, which is the transformation.

This is the unique talent and advantage of the monster race, because they can be particularly close to nature, and the communication with the heaven and earth aura is beyond the reach of other races.

Otherwise, how come there are talks about monsters and spirit beasts.

Why do human monks always hunt down monsters and spirit beasts to help practice?

Why don't human monks go hunting ghosts and killing demons?

But the demon blood is good, if Zhang Yang directly consumes this drop of blood that contains great power, even if he does not die, he will be tossed and disabled.

Fortunately, Human Race is Human Race because it can always come up with a solution.

The method Zhang Yang used this time was the fireball centrifugal method.

Use the second closed circle of the fireball spell to form a curved force field, and then achieve the effect of an ultra-high speed centrifuge through high-speed rotation in the curved force field.

Well, he wants to separate the essence serum in the blood of the Golden Core Demon Cultivator and the part that represents the spiritual energy. The former is harmful to him, and the latter is a great supplement.

Zhang Yang guessed that the human race cultivator hunted and killed the demon race, collected its blood, and refined its alchemy. It was almost a similar process. Otherwise, why would the alchemy use civil and martial fire?


A large ball of fire appeared in Zhang Yang's hands, like a spinning basketball.

A few seconds later, a whirlpool appeared in the center of the fireball, and all the flames were inhaled in an instant. At the same time, the drop of golden blood was also out of control. At this moment, a faint shadow appeared on the golden blood, facing the publicity. Roar, very scary and amazing.

It's a pity that they are all eggs.

In the next second, the huge attraction from the curved force field sucked in this drop of golden blood.

The next step is constant compression and rotation.

Five thousand revolutions per minute, eight thousand revolutions per minute, 12,000 revolutions per minute.

This is the ultimate that Zhang Yang can do, and the blue gust of wind is absorbed and compressed.

After maintaining this state for almost three seconds, Zhang Yang was almost exhausted, and the demon cultivation spirit finally roared and was forcibly separated.

Zhang Yang had been prepared for a long time, and directly took out a first-grade Zhujidan and threw it in. In the next second, he immediately stopped the operation of the curve force field, and what followed was a rich fragrance, not a floral fragrance, or any creation in this world. The scent is the fragrance of elixir. It is the fragrance of aura brought by the golden pill stage demon who cultivates the heaven and earth aura, takes the essence of the heaven and the earth, and cultivates the heaven and the earth.

In an instant, a four-different spirit pill almost the size of an apple appeared in Zhang Yang's hands. This was the result of the expansion and change of the first-grade Jidan Zhuji after absorbing the essence and blood.

As for this principle, does the principle of popcorn count? (*^_^*)!

In fact, throwing any object into the curved force field at this moment will be contaminated with a lot of spiritual effects, even a stone.

Because that drop of Golden Core Demon Cultivation's blood is rotating and compressed at a high speed, it will naturally be decomposed and separated, not to mention that something that cultivates immortality is not controlled by the laws of physics, it just depends on how much pressure it faces.

What Zhang Yang did seem to be nonsensical, but in fact it is correct. He follows a principle.

I have a grind, everything is unbreakable!

I don't care if you are copper peas or iron watermelon. Throw it in and squeeze it for a while, and then you can naturally squeeze out the oil.

Then I threw in a Zhujidan, which could not be absorbed and used by the demon spirit, but the separated spiritual effect was no problem, so I could happily dip the oil and eat it with rice.

As for how much wasted in this process, is that something I need to care about?

He swallowed the deformed Zhuji Dan in one gulp, and Zhang Yang immediately used Pirate Heaven's one-qi good fortune profound art. At this moment, he felt a river of spiritual energy that was more turbulent and more vigorous than ever.

This is much faster than working hard to meditate and absorbing the faint aura of heaven and earth.

For an entire hour, the white air in Zhang Yang's mouth and nose roamed around like a small snake, and was finally swallowed by him.


Zhang Yang opened his eyes, excited.

Because according to this method, a drop of Golden Core Demon Cultivation's blood + a base building core can provide him with a pure life spirit.

It's just too wasteful.

It must be a waste, maybe even one-tenth of the spiritual effect is not used, but does Zhang Yang have a choice now?

He must advance beyond the extraordinary before the demon army discovers his 6th-level royal city, otherwise he will be dead.

All day long, Zhang Yang tried his best to restore his soul power.

He doesn't pursue speed. He takes a sip of his life aura a day. This speed is already amazing. It is 30 times faster than he had only cultivated a sip of life aura in a month.

For the next two full months, Zhang Yang didn't make perfect practice or reduce some waste. No, he was as rude as always.

What if I bought the casket and returned the beads?

Just boil the crane and burn the piano, violently violating the heavens, what's the matter?

Hit me if you refuse to accept it.

And the whole 73 mouthfuls of life spirit in his body are real gains.

But he couldn't go on anymore, because he sensed the Redskin Monster, and it was madly rushing towards its own city.

"The bastard!"

Zhang Yang cursed but it was not surprising.

In the past few months, the Redskin Monster should have had a miserable life. First, it worked hard to maintain the city's defense and continuously expanded its defense force, hoping to use the 4th-level royal city to defend itself.

Then there is a long, day and night fight.

Perhaps the Redskins wanted to negotiate countless times, and wanted to tell those **** demons that there was another one more damaging than me, four thousand miles to the south, but how could the demons easily believe it?

So the fighting continued, and the siege continued.

Finally, when the ammunition is exhausted and the food is exhausted, oh, no, the redskin monsters can actually last longer. The 4th level royal city is not a joke. The walls are very high. The redskin monsters themselves are superior in strength. The demons want to capture. At least get winter.

However, the angry and desperate redskin monster chose revenge.

The flames of vengeance made him abandon its 4th-level royal city and its soldiers. It rushed out of the siege and rushed forward.

. m.

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