Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 185: Surrender

"Have something to say?"

Zhang Yang sneered, but roughly guessed the truth in his heart.

Take out that piece of God’s Village Building Order, where is the information mapping on it? It's just a layer of light yellow light faintly lit up, people who don't know will think this is a miracle.

"Zhao Xianyu, Zhao Xianyu, I really underestimated you, so you had expected that I would come, right."

Zhang Yang made a touch on the order of the gods to build a village, and at the same time spread the divine nature of 0.1 units. In an instant, a light and shadow appeared, and the next second Zhao Xianyu's voice rang.

"My lord, long time no see."

"Is it a pleasant surprise to see me? After all, we have not seen each other for more than two thousand years. You must not guess what happened to me in these two thousand years?"

Zhang Yang didn't say a word, Zhao Xianyu's voice said freely.

"I know, you will hate me for invading your world, but in fact I never hurt that world, even if it wasn't for me, how could Duan Jiusi defeat all Qianlong?"

"So, my lord, please don't force me. Once you have done such cruel and merciless things to me, I can choose to forgive you."

"Let’s reconcile, sir, you and I are invincible, I really don’t want to hurt you, I know you are listening, and I also know that you have invaded my world, but it’s useless, here I have passed two After thousands of years of war and management, my country is no longer limited to a thousand kilometers around Storm City."

"If you are willing to quit, I can also promise to quit. Otherwise, I will have eliminated Wuwei County and Yanming County before you find a way to deal with me in my world. Believe me, those little fools can't separate them. Who on earth am I?"

"Your current position has been locked by me, and my army will find you soon. By then, my lord, please don't blame me for being ruthless!"


As the 0.1 unit of divinity was exhausted, Zhao Xianyu's voice stopped.

Zhang Yang still didn't speak, and took out 0.1 unit of divinity, and scattered in the air, so the light and shadow reappeared, and Zhao Xianyu's voice sounded again.

"My lord, long time no see."

"Are you surprised to see me? After all..."


Zhang Yang just listened quietly. This scene seemed very weird, but the truth was very simple, especially for him who had a deep understanding of belief in divinity.

This method is like radio.

The village building order he carried was like a receiving medium, um, similar to a radio on earth.

He only needs to open the order of the gods to build a village, or scatter his divine nature in the air, and he can receive this salted fish declaration from Zhao Xianyu.

"He is not in this world, that's for sure."

"But Zhao Xianyu must be prepared. When I go to cast myself into the net, a **** with more than two thousand year-end accumulations, I am no match at all."

"In addition, with Zhao Xianyu’s caution, if I rashly turn on the medium of the god’s village building order, some mechanism may be triggered immediately. After all, this is the world of the gods, and the god’s village building order here is like a magnet. Shining."

Zhang Yang thoughtfully said, "So, I should go ahead, like rubbing a wooden spear or something--"


Thinking of this, a few pieces of information suddenly reflected on my eyes.

"Secondary mission: try to imprison and capture a foolish **** in another world, at least level 15 or above."

"Task reward: the durability of the civilization you guarded is repaired by 100 points, and the level of the foreign gods captured by the imprisonment increases by 1 level, and the durability is repaired by +10 points."

"Task Reward: You get a higher level of imprisonment Secret Art."

"Note: The principle of the release of this side mission is based on the needs of the civilization itself and the village building order system. Therefore, there may be a 1 in 10,000 chance of a bug in the mission itself, and you need to be cautious in receiving it."

"Confinement progress: 0/500."


"Me! What the hell?"

Zhang Yang almost thought he was wrong, and imprisoned a 15th-level false god. Do you know what a 15th-level false **** is? With the support of a belief in divinity, that is equivalent to a powerful existence of the immortal cultivator during the foundation period.

And he is now a cultivator during the Qi training period.

In addition, since the target is a false god, his power, agility, defense, and soul's four attributes of extraordinary A+ will be invalidated.

"But this rewards the thief a lot."

Zhang Yang was hesitant and coveted.

The endurance of his current small village civilization is only 98 points left, and it is in danger. Maybe after a large-scale war, the civilization will be over.

"Made, there is no excuse or motivation to refuse, let me think about it, make up, and put it together!"

Zhang Yang is willing to go out. Maybe the cultivator in the Qi training period and the foundation cultivator are fighting for death, but at least he is not an ordinary, casual cultivator, because he previously opened the ninth trading mode and obtained a Nascent Soul Stage Cultivation master's spiritual mind, so his life spirit reached 999 mouths.

In the process of smuggling Jianglong, 82 people were wiped out, but 917 people remained.

This means that he has 91.7 units of mana as a backing.

With so much mana, even if you don’t fight back, you should be able to exhaust a false god...

In addition, Zhao Xianyu's servant is so scheming, I must not have guessed that the same scheming me would be so naive...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and opened the order of the gods to build a village as if he had died.

In the next moment, the surrounding air trembled slightly, and there were many eyes watching in the void.

What is special is the indigenous **** of this world, but without Zhao Xianyu, he really is not in this world.

At the same time, the red warning on Zhang Yang's core village building order kept showing up.

"Warning! You have been found!"

"Warning! You have been locked by the native gods of this world!"

"Warning! You have been judged as an intruder!"

"Warning! Because of your current state, you will become the initiator of the civilization war for hegemony. As a punishment, once you die, not only will all the civilizations you guard be confiscated, but your main civilization will also be deciphered by 10% of the civilization code. punishment!"


"Hahaha! Publicity dog ​​thief, when did you become so stupid? You thought you could surprise me with this naive method, and you have to say you disappointed me too much."

On the order of the gods to build the village, a yellow light continued to light up, as if some kind of force was coming forcibly, and Zhao Xianyu's voice sounded like thunder from all directions.

"But it's okay. Let's end it like this. I have endured you long enough. Do you think I am looking at your small village? Wrong, I like the civilization of the main world you are in! So beautiful and sweet. , So a civilization full of charm."

"Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity for revenge. Thank you very much for throwing me into this cruel world like a baby and helpless. I used to believe in you that way, but when you say something other than me, your heart will be blocked. My way forward!"

"You killed my best friend, Mrs. Ghost, she is so cute and gentle, she told me so many interesting and external things, but you killed her without any explanation!"

"You butcher, executioner, bastard! Thug! Now, I am very grateful for everything she told me, how is it, this trap I laid is very good, haha, you think I will invade and destroy the civilization of your little village, although I That’s true, but, but, what I really want to do is you, Zhang Yang, Zhang Xianyu, how about it? Isn’t it a pleasant surprise, isn’t it very touched, it feels like being called salted fish casually? Not very good!"

"Yes, I am not in this world at the moment, Zhang Xianyu, you think you can use this stupid way to test me out, but I regret to tell you, stop dreaming, I have been in this world for two thousand years. I don’t know what kind of power I have. I can send a **** to crush you to death. You can try your fireball, wooden spear, try all your methods, I guess you want to rub the wooden spear again , Unfortunately, your wooden spear can't save you this time."

"Now, get ready for death, Zhang Xianyu, you will be the chief culprit of your master world civilization, and I will personally lead an army to destroy your village civilization first, and then invade your master world, I will destroy you Hometown, kill all the people you know!"

Zhao Xianyu's voice reverberated endlessly, rampant and proud, of course, he did have this qualification.

Zhang Yang listened quietly, the expression on his face unchanged, and the yellow light on the gods building village order became clearer and more substantial.

Finally, a giant figure of a hundred feet high stepped out, carrying thunder and lightning, and carrying wind and yellow sand. This is not a person, but a false god!

A false **** who came in person.

"A 18th-level false god, with thunder and lightning, violent wind characteristics, the strength is equivalent to a cultivator in the foundation period, and I am equivalent to a cultivator in the aura training period, I can't beat it with a high probability, but nothing is absolute. , Because I am the one who can leapfrog the challenge!"

Zhang Yang's self-deprecating way of abuse, and at the same time he was in the mood to put away the gods to build a village, almost at the same time, he also shot a confinement spell.

Yes, it is the simplest imprisonment spell.

The 18th-level pseudo-god raised up to the sky and screamed, but was slightly affected, and then still strode towards Zhang Yang with a punch. This punch was like a meteor, carrying lightning and carrying a violent wind. It was really incomparable. It was like a kite that dropped the line, swishing out several kilometers away.

In the next second, Zhang Yang climbed up like a okay person, that is, his life spirit was directly consumed by 10 mouths, which was equivalent to 1 unit of mana.

But he didn't take it seriously, because such an attack was different in nature from being attacked by the golden lightning and cyan wind when passing through the barriers of time and space.

The former is to directly erase his life can no longer be restored, and must be practiced again.

The latter is just for consumption, and you can continue to recover. It only takes a few days of meditation.

In other words, Zhang Yang used 1 unit of mana to survive this attack.

However, he originally had 999 natal auras. After deducting the 82 punished before, he still has 917 natal auras. This is his trump card!

It is not that he can leapfrog the challenge, but that his ability to bear injuries is too strong!


Zhang Yang once again used the imprisonment spell. The 18th-level pseudo-god roared a few kilometers away, and rushed in stride, unaffected, but only Zhang Yang himself could see that on his core village building order, a piece of data was fast. Changing.

"Confinement progress: 12/500."

"Confinement progress: 24/500."

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