Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 187: Wood demon also has spring

Before Zhang Yang had time to express emotion or think about this reward, there was a new mapping of information.

"Trigger a side mission and escape to life."

"Task description: Although you have successfully imprisoned an 18th-level false **** with your powerful soul talent and far superior skills, it also hurts your vitality. What's worse, you are now deep in the enemy's hinterland, angry The enemy will try their best to catch you and kill you, so please do your best to escape. It’s not embarrassing."

"Task rewards, as long as you can escape the enemy’s hunt and interception, you will get 500 猊猊 monsters and 300 heavy armored sword captains. Note: 狻猊 monsters are in the hands of Wu Ya and 300 heavy armors. School Lieutenant Mo Dao needs Thunder to gain external power to break through the extraordinary."

"Friendly reminder: You are not fighting alone, the civilization you guard is with you."


Seeing this side mission that suddenly appeared, Zhang Yang was really shocked. It was not because of the enemy’s pursuit, but because the side mission was triggered too much and in time, as if he really became a part of the game. The same as pig's feet.

"Is this the benefit of being a guardian of civilization?"

Zhang Yang was thoughtful, but he didn't care about Wu Ya's deduction of five hundred ugly animals. When the water was clear, there would be no fish.

"But it was out of my surprise to be able to give such a generous reward, but I'm sorry, because I don't want to escape, or if I simply escape, I can't escape at all."

Zhang Yang spoke calmly, not knowing whether it was for himself or the village building order.

He could guess that the basis for the mission given by the village building order is not that the village building order and his civilization are omnipotent and omniscient, but the 18th-level false **** that has just been imprisoned. After it has been swallowed up all the memories, the village is built. After a comprehensive analysis and judgment, Ling came to the conclusion that he must run away immediately, otherwise he would die.

This is the key to this side task being triggered.

"So, it is wrong to be completely superstitious about the mission. I bet that the side mission given by the village building order is not reliable. They don't understand Zhao Xianyu at all. Of course, I may not really understand it. But there is one thing I dare. Sure, that is that Zhao Xianyu dare not delegate power!"

While talking, Zhang Yang carefully repaired the traces on the battlefield, and at the same time shrouded the soul field on the three big trees. He wanted to create a three-headed'Earth Wood Monster', at least let others think it was a three-headed Wood Monster. .

Zhao Xianyu is very deep in the city, and there are many doubts, if he is in this world, then everything will stop, Zhang Yang would have died a long time ago.

But since Zhao Xianyu is playing Duan Jiushan in another world, the means he has left are very limited. At least, this one is the only big killer like Shen Jiang.

What is God’s surrender? It’s the direct descending of God’s body. It sounds very simple, and it is indeed very simple. But the premise is that you are a completely independent God, have your own independent kingdom of God, and have a large number of believers. It is 100% guaranteed that no enemies and competitors covet it.

This means that God surrender, because it is a miracle, is the best way to win the faith of believers, and it is more effective than oracles.

Now Zhao Xianyu is the **** king of the kingdom of the storm city, the king of all gods, probably so, all believers' beliefs must go through his **** kingdom network before they can be diverted to other branch gods.

Under this circumstance, if Zhao Xianyu, the **** king, is not at home, the other gods will come to God if nothing is wrong, show off their sense of existence when nothing is wrong, and brush the faith of believers. The nature of this matter is almost equivalent to the rebellion of the feudal dynasty what.

That's why Zhang Yang is so sure.

The 18th-level pseudo-god just now is definitely a hard-core subordinate trained by Zhao Xianyu, so he is qualified to descend, but other branch gods definitely don't have this authority.

And Zhao Xianyu, he still doesn't have the ability to remotely control his kingdom of God across time and space.

As for the words Zhao Xianyu yelled before, it was just a trick similar to a voice.

However, the absence of the gods does not mean that Zhang Yang is safe. In fact, he very much believes that Zhao Xianyu’s land **** kingdom should have launched an action plan beyond imagination at this moment, and more than one net is being deducted. After all, this is that. The guy has run the mundane kingdom for more than two thousand years.

"So, escape is a dead end!"

"Come out!"

Zhang Yang suddenly shouted in a low voice. The three big trees suddenly seemed to be alive. The trunks were curled up, and the roots of the trees were pulled out of the soil without any problems. This is exactly how the Earth Wood Demon came out.

Well, Zhang Yang once subdued hundreds of wood monsters, and he had studied this strange creature.

"The scene was successfully set up. Before there were more advanced reconnaissance methods, people would only think that I was relying on the three-headed adult ground wood demon to kill the 18th-level false god. This is very important, because here is A huge forest, it’s as difficult to hunt down an enemy who has the ability to manipulate the wood demon in the ocean, and to find sand in the desert."

"In the second step, I need to let the people who hunt me complain, and the plants are all soldiers. Of course, this is still based on the fact that the opponent can't dispatch a false god. Once the opponent can continue to surrender, I am in my current state and can only wait to die. "

Zhang Yang muttered to himself, as if he was mentally ill, and he began to wander around, occasionally bumping into a big tree, he would talk nervously.

"The Wood Demon is a magical race. Never think that the vegetation is ruthless, maybe there will be a pair of eyes staring at you."

After speaking, Zhang Yang also used the soul force field to carry out a warming, which is no ordinary warming.

It is his unique method.

That is to use the soul field to make arrangements in the deepest part of the tree.

In this way, on the surface, this is an ordinary big tree, but as long as the hunter confirms the existence of the Earth Wood Demon, then they must be able to detect it.

At that time, wow, this big tree is suspicious, Mad, set it on fire, and burn it!

Um, fake.

Still fake.

It's fake again... So, have we been caught by Zhang Yang's suspicion?

"It's almost here, a real wood demon."

Zhang Yang was already more than 20 miles away on the battlefield at this time, and he wanted to catalyze a real Wood Demon.

That's right The magic of this species is here, as long as there is a ghostly spirit, and all conditions are met, there is a certain chance of turning into an earth walking monster.

These conditions are:

At least two units of ghost crystals can barely be replaced by mana.

The trunk is intact, there are no wormholes, the wood fibers are smooth, suitable for evolution, and the best is the state of jade.

To have a mysterious connection with nearby trees, similar to a forest, watch the sunrise and sunset together, grow and grow together, and greet you with the rustle of the leaves every day.

In the end, the nearby trees were brutally felled.

The above conditions are indispensable.

So Zhang Yang, in order to ensure the chance of evolution, he specially planted more than a dozen big trees, as long as one big tree can evolve into an earth walking wood demon, he will be stable in this round.

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