However, their team was driving in the forest. Normally, even if they would not encounter villages on the main road opened by caravans, after driving for more than half an hour, they could still meet a few merchants. right.
But… During the march, they didn’t even meet a single merchant. What’s even more strange was that even in the forest, the ubiquitous chirping of insects and birds disappeared from all surroundings.
This road is like a death passage specially opened for them. This kind of weird silence is obviously a dangerous creature, which will only appear when it is actively hiding its breath and ambushing around.
Because the sixth sense of wild animals is much stronger than that of humans, to some extent, they should have anticipated any changes that would happen, and hid them in advance to avoid being affected by fish ponds.
“Everyone! Alert! Get ready…” Rickard, who felt more disobedient as he moved forward, subconsciously shouted to make the members alert.
But before he finished speaking, he couldn’t help squinting his eyes when he noticed the dragon car driving ahead at a high speed.
The liger cart pulling the goods at the front collapsed suddenly, as the literal meaning, it was undoubtedly collapsed.
The liger pulling the cart ran into it before it could stop, and the wooden stake suddenly popped out from the ground, and the wooden stake directly penetrated its chest.
The body of the truck, which had lost its power source and was forced to stop abruptly, was hindered by the huge liger corpse and the ground thorns, and suddenly turned over and hit the ground hard.
Amidst the loud noise, the goods and carriages completely lost their prototypes in an instant. They disintegrated into parts and flew across the ground, rolling up a huge amount of smoke and dust, and hitting the mercenaries guarding in front, causing a burst of wailing.
“—Enemy attack!!”
“Where is the enemy!?”
“A thief?”
“Miss Protection!!”
The well-trained mercenaries quickly stopped the remaining ligers and surrounded Anastasia’s carriage nervously.
Ricard also quickly got out of the car, took a machete to observe the surrounding situation, and noticed that the ground thorn that penetrated the liger was not made by magic, but a physical mechanism.
It was precisely this that made them unaware of the magic fluctuations, and even unable to make defenses.
But when he took a closer look, he found that it wasn’t really a handcrafted mechanism. To be precise, it should be something that was shaped by magic, and then stimulated in a physical form to achieve unexpected effects.
“This doesn’t look like the handwriting of a thief…”
If it was the thief Ricard, he wouldn’t be afraid, but he couldn’t help being a little nervous because this was obviously a temporary but very precise laser.
Just at this time, the smoke and dust in front of them faded a little, so that he could see through the smoke and dust, many figures of people who did not know when to block their way forward.
Chapter 36 Ambush
The silent black-robed man is Luo Mo’s subordinate in the Witch Cult, and the man in the black robe who walks in armor and makes the sound of metal collisions is not a Witch Cultist, but a sword slave he bought from the Phlakia Empire .
As the name suggests, sword slaves are slaves who use swords. They are similar to gladiators in the ancient Roman Empire. They fought animals, monsters, and humans in the arena for entertainment.
The other bishops mainly rely on themselves, because their powers are too powerful. Except for himself, Luo Mo’s powers actually have more auxiliary effect than the actual effect, so he bought a group of high-quality sword slaves to work with him. They made slave contracts that made them their own pawns.
The sword slaves also proved with practical actions that the money he earned by squeezing the believers was not in vain.
Anastasia Hessing herself became a candidate, which was full of drama.
When Yurius, the deputy head of the Knights of the Guards, introduced her chamber of commerce into the kingdom, she accidentally touched the badge during the meeting to make the dragon ball on the badge glow, so she turned into a candidate for the throne, Yuri Uth became her knight too.
This time, I split up with my subordinates and left the capital with the head of the mercenary group under the chamber of commerce, mainly for the original purpose of coming to the Dragon Kingdom…to put it simply, to go to other cities to discuss business.
Inside the dragon chariot, the dog man was more like a beast than a human. The head of the mercenary group, Rickard Wilkin, stroked his moxie hair made of bronze-colored hair. Can’t help opening the mouth and saying:
“Miss, you are the candidate for the throne, why did you let Julius and Mimi lobby the nobles instead of you?”
“Does it need to be said? Julius is the deputy head of the Knights Guards. He understands politics better than me as a businessman, and he is much more suitable in terms of identity. After all, the most important thing for nobles is the origin, and we… …Ha ha.”
Anastasia hands downWith a soft smile on their lips, they didn’t shy away from their leader, talking about each other’s identities with a unique local accent.
In fact, although she is now a successful businessman, in the past she was just an orphan living in the lowest class of Kararagi, a place called Poor Street.
Anastasia is an orphan in the slums, and Ricard is even worse, a slave. Nobles who were born nobles, naturally they are the most unpopular people who come from humble backgrounds, so other people are better than them no matter what .
But Anastasia didn’t care about this, but continued to explain under the still puzzled eyes of the dog man opposite:
“The candidate’s affairs must be taken seriously. Winning the entire kingdom is my property, but business matters cannot be delayed~ After all, there is no way to fight without funds. Now the king…the election has not officially started yet, other Her candidate should not attack us, after all, the selection of the king is determined by the consciousness of the people of the whole country, the brilliance of the dragon balls, and the guidance of the dragon, so attacking the candidate should lower the evaluation a little, right?”
“It’s too complicated and I don’t understand it… As expected, it’s most convenient to follow the lady and listen to the lady’s orders! Hahahaha!”
This dog-man, who was more than two meters tall and looked a bit like a wolf, didn’t know whether he really didn’t understand or pretended not to understand, so he stopped thinking about this issue, patted his knees and laughed boldly.
However, at this moment…the white-robed mercenary riding a lion and tiger suddenly lifted the curtain of the carriage, frowning and interjecting:
“Miss, head, the situation seems to be a little bit wrong.”
“Not quite right?”
“What is the specific situation?”
Both Anastasia and Ricard immediately looked around with vigilant probes.
Although the world that relies on magic is stronger than the normal Middle Ages in many aspects, and even stronger than modern times in some aspects, the state of civilization development looks very much like the Middle Ages.
From a little farther away from the city, it is basically the same as arriving in no man’s land. It is either forest or grassland and wilderness. In short, it will become very difficult to see individuals.
However, their team was driving in the forest. Normally, even if they would not encounter villages on the main road opened by caravans, after driving for more than half an hour, they could still meet a few merchants. right.
But… During the march, they didn’t even meet a single merchant. What’s even more strange was that even in the forest, the ubiquitous chirping of insects and birds disappeared from all surroundings.
This road is like a death passage specially opened for them. This kind of weird silence is obviously a dangerous creature, which will only appear when it is actively hiding its breath and ambushing around.
Because the sixth sense of wild animals is much stronger than that of humans, to some extent, they should have anticipated any changes that would happen, and hid them in advance to avoid being affected by fish ponds.
“Everyone! Alert! Get ready…” Rickard, who felt more disobedient as he moved forward, subconsciously shouted to make the members alert.
But before he finished speaking, he couldn’t help squinting his eyes when he noticed the dragon car driving ahead at a high speed.
The liger cart pulling the goods at the front collapsed suddenly, as the literal meaning, it was undoubtedly collapsed.
The liger pulling the cart ran into it before it could stop, and the wooden stake suddenly popped out from the ground, and the wooden stake directly penetrated its chest.
The body of the truck, which had lost its power source and was forced to stop abruptly, was hindered by the huge liger corpse and the ground thorns, and suddenly turned over and hit the ground hard.
Amidst the loud noise, the goods and carriages completely lost their prototypes in an instant. They disintegrated into parts and flew across the ground, rolling up a huge amount of smoke and dust, and hitting the mercenaries guarding in front, causing a burst of wailing.
“—Enemy attack!!”
“Where is the enemy!?”
“A thief?”
“Miss Protection!!”
The well-trained mercenaries quickly stopped the remaining ligers and surrounded Anastasia’s carriage nervously.
Ricard also quickly got out of the car, took a machete to observe the surrounding situation, and noticed that the ground thorn that penetrated the liger was not made by magic, but a physical mechanism.
It was precisely this that made them unaware of the magic fluctuations, and even unable to make defenses.
But when he took a closer look, he found that it wasn’t really a handcrafted mechanism. To be precise, it should be something that was shaped by magic, and then stimulated in a physical form to achieve unexpected effects.
“This doesn’t look like the handwriting of a thief…”
If it was the thief Ricard, he wouldn’t be afraid, but he couldn’t help being a little nervous because this was obviously a temporary but very precise laser.
Just at this time, the smoke and dust in front of them faded a little, so that he could see through the smoke and dust, many figures of people who did not know when to block their way forward.
Chapter 37 Appearing as the Archbishop of Sin
The black shadow group stood silently in place as if assimilating with the scenery, and the mere existence gave people an ominous feeling.
The branches and leaves swayed in the wind, and the robes of those black shadows swayed slightly with the wind. Obviously no one spoke, but the ominous feeling brought by those silent black shadows brought an invisible feeling to the nervous mercenaries. pressure.
“Are you … members of the Witch Cult?!” Ricard looked at the symbol of two crossed swords crossed on the black robe, and his face instantly became ugly:
“Why is the Witch Cult looking for us? Could it be that the Witch Cult has also started to hook up with the Thieves Group?”
“—It doesn’t matter if you don’t need to be so vigilant. I’m not interested in your goods, nor in killing people.”
The man in black cassock stalked through the shadows and came to the front of the crowd.
Although the opponent is wearing a hood, butBut it didn’t completely cover the face, but inexplicably, there was no way to recognize the appearance of the other party, and even the voice was clearly heard, but the characteristics of the voice could not be correctly remembered.
This made Ricard understand that the other party must have used some kind of magic that hinders cognition.
Although he didn’t understand why the other party wanted to do this, he couldn’t care less about it for the time being, and scolded with vigilance and disgust in his pupils:
“Then what do you guys want to do! If it’s okay, get out of here!”
“—No!” Anastasia, who got off the car in the last step, interrupted Ricard’s speech, and asked coldly:
“Who allowed you to kill my people and destroy my goods?!”
“Miss!” Rickard, who was originally impulsive, calmed down because Anastasia was there, and pulled Anastasia to persuade him:
“It’s better not to get entangled with these lunatics. We don’t have many people now. If you have something, our Chamber of Commerce will be over…Although they probably won’t leave obediently.”
“Don’t just treat people as crazy, okay? I’m a reasonable person.”
“Oh~ Reasonable, then do you want to compensate our chamber of commerce for the loss?”
Anastasia looked at the man in black who spread his hands, and talked about compensation as if it was a matter of course, but this made the other party sneer and shook his head:
“How come. I mean you hand over the badge and we’ll leave on our own initiative.”
“Want a badge? Are you looking for the wrong person? Your target should be the silver-haired half-demon supported by Roswaal, right? Or are you so crazy that you can’t even tell a half-demon from a human?”
Anastasia, who was a bit rude, had mocking light in her onion-colored pupils.
But the person who came was not annoyed at all, he just smiled lightly and said:
“Are you unwilling to give it?”
“It’s tiring talking to you guys. I don’t know if you have heard the famous saying of Kalaragi, time is money? How much do you want to pay me for wasting my time?”
“As expected of a businessman with unlimited greed, who even wants to occupy this kingdom, it’s all about money when he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth, but don’t you think that saving your life is more important than money now?”
While the person was talking, the magicians of the mercenary group could find the magic power in the air gathering towards that person, and the elves couldn’t stop whining to them for help.
But that person kept walking, ignoring the vigilance of the mercenaries, and gradually distanced himself from the silent group of black shadows, approaching them alone, and sighed helplessly.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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