According to the information given by Luo Mo, Roswaal made such a judgment, but he couldn’t believe that the powerful enemy more than 400 years ago died like this.
The question was not answered, but the group still took a detour for a while, planning to find a quiet area where they would not be disturbed and have a good chat first.
Roswaal contacted Luomo openly, which made his house temporarily unusable. Therefore… except for Roswaal who needed to think about life, Luomo brought the rest of the people to Pandora.
It is worth mentioning that the Marquis played by Pandora immediately announced that he was just cheated by Luo Mo, and immediately severed the relationship between mother and child.
But the attendants in the courtyard were obviously accounted for, and no one cared about him when he climbed over the wall, and let him lead them to the castle in a swaggering manner.
“Oh~ Isn’t this my good son? What’s the matter? After making a fuss all night, now that I finally got home, did I bring so many daughter-in-laws to my mother?”
As if expecting him to come, the pure white girl covered in white stood on the steps of the castle hall, watching him with a charming smile.
“I’m sorry… come to visit without prior notice, it’s really… huh?”
Emilia, who was at the end of the crowd, was the one who cared the most about etiquette, and subconsciously prepared to apologize when she heard the voice, but was stunned when she noticed the appearance of the legendary Marquis.
It’s completely different from what I imagined. This is not a middle-aged and elderly nobleman, but a beautiful girl with silver hair…or a top-notch loli with super-gender charm that attracts even women.
Loli… foster mother?
The two completely incompatible attributes made her freeze in place as if struck by lightning, and her mind was so confused that she couldn’t figure out what was going on.
…The last time Pandora used power to modify the way others saw her, but this time she directly exposed her original appearance, which shocked everyone by her young appearance.
But compared to her adoptive mother, Priscilla wondered if there was such a strange relationship between these two people.
After all, he is a nobleman… Even if it is only a child who can do strange things, there is nothing strange about it, and it may not even be that he is controlled by Luo Mo.
This caused an astonishing change in the way she looked at Luo Mo, the meaning of which even Luo Mo couldn’t bear:
“… What kind of eyes are you looking at me??”
“Look in the eyes of animals.”
“Tsk, what an ignorant guy, I dare to swear, if I compare with this guy, then I should be considered a good person.”
“A lot of nonsense.”
Due to his bad impression of Luo Mo, Priscilla naturally responded with a sneer at his explanation.
But he didn’t bother to care about Priscilla’s attitude, he gave up explaining and walked towards the living room, saying without looking back:
“Pan… Miss Xiya don’t come here for now, if you have any questions, just come with me.”
“It’s really the rebellious period, and you actually want to leave me at the first time~” Pandora sighed pretending to be sad, and was stared back by Luo Mo, before she said with a smile:
“Okay~ You guys will chat first, and I will have a long-lost evening drink with you in the evening~”
“….Yes Yes.”
Knowing that even if he disagreed, he would be teleported there, so he had nothing to do but agree, but he quickened his pace.
But the two sisters behind him stopped and stared at Pandora, clearly recognizing that she was the witch who took away Luo Mo back then.
But soon without waiting for Luo Mo to urge them, they pretended not to notice anything, looked at each other tacitly, and then left the hall.
The gorgeous and spacious living room in the castle.
Luo Mo sat directly in the middle of the three-seater sofa, Priscilla kept as far away from him as possible, and the two sisters sat directly opposite him.
Emilia doesAt the door, hesitantly seemed to be still worrying about whether to go in or not.
Because of her background, no matter whether she is disgusted by someone, alienated by someone, or hated by someone, she still has no way to get used to it, and still has a heart that can be hurt.
Looking forward to the pain of betrayal kept her awake at night, so she suddenly realized that she was just another misunderstanding. I don’t know how many times she has been on a roller coaster, and she really didn’t know how to face Luo Mo.
She huddled behind the door and wanted to go out, but lacked the necessary courage until… Luo Mo cast her gaze over:
“… You have come here with me, do you plan to come in?”
“…I’ll go in.”
Emilia, who couldn’t lift her head up in front of him, walked over with a discouraged voice like a child who has done something wrong, but she didn’t sit down but stood beside him.
She hesitated to speak several times, but couldn’t find a suitable opening line, so she could only deeply bow her head and apologize:
“—I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I should have trusted Luo Mo, but…I still…made the same mistake again, any punishment is fine! As long as I can do it!”
“That’s what you said last time, too?”
“This…indeed…that, that’s twice! Twice can do anything!”
“Really? Then I won’t be here…”
“—Be polite to Ram! Don’t use your brains!”
As if history was repeating itself, Ram slapped the coffee table and stood up. At the same time, the familiar cat-shaped elf Parker appeared from the silver hair next to Emilia’s ear.
“Wait! Leah! It’s too early to feel that I have misunderstood!” Parker, who was always kind to others, looked at him with vigilance:
“Did this guy admit that he was the archbishop of crimes that night and just now?”
“…What’s wrong with the archbishop of major crimes? I must be a bad person because I am the archbishop of major crimes? You are too arbitrary!” Don’t turn your face away to look at Ram, Luo Mo retorted with an innocent face.
“No, the Archbishop of Sin is too special, and…”
“Come on, I haven’t really joined the Witch Cult, and I’m also not interested in silver-haired half-elves, let alone my niece.”
“How should I trust you?”
“Since I realized it, have I done anything to hurt Emilia, or have I done anything to take advantage of her? I have always been wronged but always helped her without asking for anything in return. How do you want me to express it? ?â€
Thinking of the fact that he helped Emilia retrieve the badge, and how he has always been in the world, even if he couldn’t let go of his identity, Parker couldn’t find a reason to continue to doubt him.
The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, but Emilia quickly stood by Luo Mo’s side this time, dissatisfied:
“…Well, I understand…just do as Leah likes, no matter what Leah chooses, I will only be Leah’s comrade-in-arms and deal with Leah’s enemies.”
The daughter’s dissatisfaction caused Parker to raise his hands in surrender, solemnly emphasized his position, and finally took a deep look at Luo Mo before disappearing again.
Its eyes were obviously warning, and Emilia couldn’t help apologizing to Luo Mo again:
“I’m sorry, Parker just… because of my relationship, I have a lot of prejudice against the Witch Cult.”
“It’s okay, I understand.”
Being unreasonable and unforgiving is not in line with the current personality, so Luo Mo is very generous this time, which also makes Emilia very grateful:
“Thank you, but…Since you didn’t really join the Witch Cult, why did you act with other Sin Archbishops, that…lazy? Who the hell is Petichius? Does it have anything to do with me? ?â€
“This incident is very complicated to explain, and it probably started more than a hundred years ago.”
Under the sight of Emilia’s expecting twin sister who was indifferent and only listened to his nonsense, Luo Mo considered that Pandora might be nearby, so he pondered for a moment and chose to simplify the content of the year.
Luo Mo slowly recounted what he knew from Pandora after a little adaptation.
…The Witch Cult was not like this in the past. To be precise, it should not be a cult or a villain at all.
Petichius was the only moderate among them, and even almost became her adoptive father.
But it seems that he went crazy because of the blow he received when the forest was frozen, and it is not clear who he was frozen on the edge of.
It’s just that when he came out of the ice and met Petichius again, Petichius not only forgot all about the past, but also became what he is now. He also did it to find out the truth of the matter. From time to time, he communicated with Petichius.
“Liar! That person… used to have a good relationship with me and my adoptive mother, and almost became my adoptive father??”
The unbelievable “story”, as one of the parties involved, Emilia, even if she wanted to believe Luo Mo, she couldn’t help but wonder if he might have made a mistake.
“…I know the truth is hard for you to accept, but sometimes the truth is the way it is…more unbelievable than a lie.”
Luo Mo, who mixed the truth with lies and tried to justify his behavior as much as possible, looked at the distant sky with melancholy eyes while talking.
People who don’t know look at him like this, probably think that he is risking his life to join a cult in order to find out the truth of the past.
At least…. thought he was last nightIt was Emilia who wanted to eradicate the treacherous, and felt that she should trust him, but this truth was really hard for her to accept.
After another apology, she quickly stood up and walked out of the living room, intending to be alone for a while.
Luo Mo watched the back of Emilia’s frivolous footsteps, and unconsciously smiled with a successful plan.
He understands that now Emilia has completely believed in himself, and whether it is the badge or what to do next, it can become very simple.
And his smile convinced Priscilla, who didn’t believe his nonsense at all, that although this guy said everything with confidence, he was probably lying.
Ram was straightforward, picked up the apples on the table and threw them at him.
“I’m in the right mood, what are you doing?” He caught Pingguo casually and looked over helplessly.
“…You are in a good mood and Ram is in a bad mood, and your expression is disgusting, please calm down for Ram!”
“It’s really unreasonable as always… Can’t you really give me a little tenderness? We don’t have any hatred, do we?”
“Yes, a lot!”
“for example?”
“You’ve always made things difficult for Ram on purpose!”
“Is there such a thing? Hmm~~ Illusion?”
Thinking about it seriously, he remembered that when he was a child, he always took pleasure in playing with Ram, but it was impossible for him to admit his mistake at this time, so he could only pretend to be dazed, wondering if it would be too late. Retribution to come.
I was even a little worried that Lahm’s dishonesty and vicious tongue might have been “trained” by himself.
Chapter 65: Time to close the net
Luo Mo looked like she was thinking hard, and it seemed that she really didn’t know what she was talking about, which made Ram very angry.
Obviously, having known each other for so long, she naturally saw through Luo Mo’s pretending to be stupid.
I, the Elf Master, summon the Pluto Dragon at the beginning
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