Nicholas Copernicus, was a Polish astronomer, mathematician, canonicalian, priest, and the founder of heliocentric theory during the Renaissance. He pioneered Modern astronomy.

Of course, he is not a figure in this world.

Dark only paid attention to Olivia Copernicus because of the familiar surname.

Professor Hax just happened to assign a homework to study the traitor, and he thought of her.

In that issue of the Great Sage Daily, there was an arrest warrant posted by Olivia Copernicus, but it was more than ten years ago.

But since she can be easily recognized, her appearance has changed a lot in the past ten years.

With a name, a look, and the release time of the arrest warrant.

The scope of data search was reduced to an acceptable level in an instant.

After Dark came to the library with Diana and Rose, it took about two hours to find a thick pile of materials.

Among them there are newspapers, magazines, and some historical documents related to them.

Olivia is not well-known among the "Betrayers". The first URL

After all, her betrayal is not the same in nature as the betrayers like the ghost cow chief Omundo Zacanias.

There is no typical case of betrayal.

And just because most of the human bloodline flows in her bloodline, she later became the minion of Demon Race and was classified as a "betrayer".

So the information about her is not easy to find.

Most students are looking for those well-known betrayers, there are specific examples to trace back, and there are even many ready-made evaluations to learn from.

Diana and Rose both chose similar people, and their completion speed on this subject went ahead of Dark.

But Dark is not in a hurry.

If you do your homework just to complete the task, then the meaning of the homework itself will lose a lot.


It took a whole night for Dark to get a more detailed understanding of the Demon Race hybrid.

What surprised him was that the arrest warrant against Olivia Copernicus appeared suddenly at the end of the war, and a large number of people who appeared in the same period as her were marked "betrayed."者" sign.

But Dark checked the past of some other statisticians and found that only Olivia did not have any past records.

Or the past about her was cut off artificially.

This makes her like a person who appears out of thin air.

The arrest warrant is her resume to introduce herself to the world for the first time.

And her charge is a unified "crime of betrayal."

At the end of the war when mankind is about to finally win, a large number of people have been liquidated, and she is likely to be a part of it.

But in the process of "escape", she showed a very powerful battle strength.

Whether it is the Bounty Hunter who is greedy for rewards to hunt down, or the heretical judge of the Saint Church, they all returned in low spirits after failing.

After a long time, she suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he turned himself in!


This "betrayer" suddenly appeared in the church of Holy Sect in the middle of a certain night, made a pious confession to the "Holy", and let the Holy Sect Knight group arrest him.

That incident was also publicized by good people.

Holy Sect helped to promote a wave of teachings.

After that, Olivia went through a public trial in the Heresy Inquisition, and was sentenced to a one-hundred-year imprisonment and imprisoned in Bastille Prison.

On a newspaper that Dark found, there was also a high-definition color picture of her wearing a prison uniform and yoke on her feet and being sent to the prison gate.

Olivia has beautiful red hair, pale skin, but delicate features. She is about 30 years old and looks like a ripe peach.

In order to show her ferociousness, that color picture deliberately portrayed her fangs very clearly.

Obviously, the Demon Race bloodline flowing on her belongs to vampire!

"How is this possible?"

Dark was surprised when he found this.

After dealing with Vlad in the secret room, he has specifically checked vampire-related knowledge.

The bloodline of vampire is very aggressive.

Their inheritance is roughly divided into two ways.

One is the first embrace, transforming human beings into blood slaves, and then starting from blood slaves to purify bloodline step by step to become a real vampire.

The other is biological inheritance!

No matter what species, the remaining offspring after multiplying with vampire can only be vampire!

Their bloodline may be degraded and become "impure".

But it's just a low-sequence inferior vampire, not anything else.

According to the legend, even after gods and vampire multiply, the heirs born are also vampire!

That god was even exiled for it!

So the hybrid between humans and vampire does not exist in theory.

But if Olivia is a complete vampire, the only thing waiting for her is the death penalty, and impossible is fixed-term imprisonment.

This is obviously contradictory.

Unless Olivia has a special power that can resist the erosion of that bloodline.


Dark turned the tip of the pen on the notebook slightly, thinking about the probability.

He has a faint feeling that he seems to have something he should know, but he wants to do not raise.

After a long while.

He got up and went into the snack room to eat something, and when he came out, he gave up and continued to pursue this.

After that, he began to write related papers.

The argument of the thesis is rather weird. Is it about whether Olivia is betrayed?

A "vampire" powerhouse that has no record of actively slaughtering humans.

A "betrayer" who took the initiative to go to the church to confess and surrender.

So where is she betraying?

Dark has not found Olivia's "betrayal" after searching the information, so he needs someone to tell him.

This feeling of eating melons suddenly disappeared after eating halfway through, which is not very pleasant.


After finishing the homework, Dark returned to the dormitory.

He thought about it carefully and chose one of three among [Pride], [Lust] and [Greed]. He chose [Greed], and then extracted it and stored it.

Next, he used three flower cards to lower the [Lust] index by three points for insurance.

The purpose of extracting [Greed] is to refine a magical spirit with [Fruit of Greed] as the core.

After everything is handled.

He took out [Pride Ⅲ] again and used it on the little demonic beast.

This time, the evolution of the small demonic beast is very smooth, and it does not stay in the "intermediate state", but directly evolves into a demonic beast based on "memory".

Neither need [Pride Ⅰ] to guide.

"Sure enough..."

Dark's mind was slightly moved, so he took the opportunity to practice manned [teleportation] several times with the demonic beast, in order to prevent the critical moments from being insufficiently skilled.

I talked with Eevee sauce again and got it ready for the "audience" tomorrow night.

After three months, astronomy finally starts again!


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