This is also no way.

That's how human memory is after all.

I thought I remembered it, but when I looked back, there was always a word or two that I wanted to do not raise.

Mitiya looked at the students in a group , Could not help showing a wicked smile.

Then she raised her magic wand with a single tap, and a pumpkin carriage emerged from nothing, through childhood, on the podium.

She stepped onto the carriage, waved to the students, and said: "See you next week."

The two groups of beasts who pulled the cart ran forward. After a few steps, he suddenly vacated, galloped out from the ceiling, and quickly disappeared into the dark night sky.

"dīng líng líng."

The ringing of the bell after class made the students realize that everything was over.

Professor Mitia did not leave them a "prophecy" record.

"It's over!" The first URL

The students who remembered not quite clear about their "prophecy" couldn't help but wailed.

The person who remembered clearly couldn't help but cocked his mouth.

Rose saw Diana 's smirk and whispered: " Nana, did you forget?"

Diana said slightly, "Of course. On the hero monument. Will engrave my name! Isn't it?"

"It's a monument of heroic spirits."

Dark in the back row reluctantly added a sentence, then packed his pen and paper and stood up.

"It's time to go."


Looking down from the top of the spiral clock tower, the entire huge castle stands quietly in the darkness. in.

Students who are happy or sad, go down the spiral staircase slowly from 12 layers and gradually become smaller.

Professor Mitia’s pumpkin carriage was completely integrated into the night. She poked her head out of the car window and watched the students who seemed like black spots on the spiral staircase. Suddenly she asked out of thin air: "Did you see it?"

"I saw it." The voice in the sky carried a hint of joy.


At this time, the night is dark.

The students centered on the spiral clock tower, divided into four thin streams of people, scattered in four directions.

Dark separated from Diana and Rose at the entrance of the corridor and returned to the dormitory.

After entering the door, he immediately took out the little Eevee summon, and then loosened the neckline, exhales one breath saying.

"Don’t hesitate, don’t worry, to embrace the stars is to embrace everything."

"How do you interpret this sentence?"

I don't know that Professor Mitia mistook him for the "son of the stars", so he can only follow his own thinking to understand.

So far, he has been very convinced that the big sin is the connection with the stars.

If you embrace the stars, you embrace the great sin.

Does it mean that after a thorough study of major sins, can you lead an ideal life?

Or something else?


In fact, it's all right.

Dark smiled helplessly.

Professor Mitia is known as the "Guide of Destiny", "The Diviner of Star Eyes", and "The Witch of Silver Moon".

If you understand it literally, I'm afraid it is the owner of the "Eye of the Stars" just like Eudora.

The reason why she mentioned the "stars" should be the same as Udora, because she "sees" the trajectories of stars that ordinary people can't see.

Then follow her interpretation and write something about "star research".

The right is now to complete the job.


It didn't take long for Dark to finish the homework, and then began to learn today's [Greed].

Today is Wednesday, the tenth day of January.

After today, the quota for this month will be used up, and the last saved [Greed] is 3 points.

Dark after injecting [Greed] into the insect tree, it is ready to take a bath, then practice the [Divine technique] for half an hour, and then take a good night's sleep.

In life, you can sleep every day until you wake up naturally, and you can’t ask for it.

What to embrace the stars, embrace all...

It is better to hug the cat.


"dong dong dong."

A knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Dark walked out of the bathroom in wet blonde hair, fastened the buttons of the bathrobe, and glanced at the little demon.

The little demonic beast flew to the door obediently, and opened the doorknob with his claws.


As the bedroom door was opened, the little demonic beast saw Rose's somewhat helpless face.

Little demonic beast just wanted to report, but suddenly remembered his external setting of "cannot speak", and quickly closed his mouth.

Rose whispered: "Is Dark there?"

" Yes ."

Dark walked over while wiping his hair with a thick towel.

Rose saw his white and tender skin that had just been soaked in hot water, and his cheeks turned red.

She stepped away a little bit, letting the other person's silhouette half exposed, and then said: "Anita wants me to ask if you have happened to record her prophecy."

Dark glanced at the classmate named "Anita", and understood the outline.

I thought that this female classmate couldn't remember the prediction, so she tried to ask Rose who was sitting in the back row of her.

Hello from Rose, and knowing that Dark has taken notes, he helped to ask about it.

"I do have a record of the prophecy, please wait a moment."

Dark nodded, he turned back to the desk and copied the "Anita" prophecy on a sheet On paper, it was delivered to the door.

If Rose came alone, he would probably invite her in for a drink.

But since there are others, just forget it.



Anita was shocked and took the note quickly, happily said: "Thank you very much !"

She just accidentally looked dumbfounded.

The skin of classmate Dark was so good!



Rose helplessly said on the side: "Sorry, so Coming here late will cause you trouble."

Dark said with a slight smile; "A little thing, good night."

Rose raised his hand and showed a sweet smile: " Good night."

Then he took Anita and left.

Dark shook his head and locked the door again.

After that, he dried his hair, sat at the desk, selected Noble House's "prophecy" and copied a copy.

Among them, Diana and Rose's "prophecies" about himself are separated separately.

In the process of transcribing, he suddenly noticed that these predictions were not aimless.

At first glance, they all look like that.

"A true prophet, even if he speaks casually, has his own mystery?"

In the end, Dark noticed Robert's prophecy again.

Because that "prophecy" is an omen!

"Your life, the life of chess, the death of chess is broken."

Of all these prophecies, only this one refers directly to death.

Before, he thought this sentence was a nonsense to tell life.

But when I look at it now, the more I look at it, the more wrong it becomes.

He couldn't help being distracted.


"dong dong dong."

The knock on the door sounded again.

Dark picked up the "Prophecy" form of Noble House and opened the door himself.

Sure enough, I saw that Anita brought the other two classmates to the door.

So he pointed to the form, posted it on the door, and said with a smile: "It's all here, you can read it yourself if you need it."

The two classmates Suddenly Xin happily said: "Fortunately, we have Dark."

"Then I will go to bed first." Dark locked the door again, and hurryed to practice [Divine technique].

In the half hour of practicing, people passed by from time to time outside the door, but they didn't bother him.

This evening, I spent it so quietly.

The next day.


The first class in the morning is arithmetic.

Dark can roughly guess that Professor Lily will probably teach the "equation" related content in this class.

The basic equation itself is not difficult, and it is very useful for simplification of some calculations.

But for beginners, any new knowledge is not so easy to grasp. I hope Professor Lily can teach it more easily.

However, he didn't expect completely, he still underestimated Professor Lily's lower limit!

"dīng líng líng!"

The little fairy who flapped the wings of the dragonfly stepped on the bell and entered the classroom.

The first-year students suddenly raised their heads like a lamb waiting to be fed, and looked at the arithmetic professor (Zhou Zhen) with eyes eager to learn new knowledge.

"Let’s learn a new knowledge today."

Professor Lily smiled triumphantly and waved his magic pen.

When the students were in a state of war, she suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed towards Dark.

"Next, we will invite our substitute professor, Dark ·Demon, to come on stage to explain!"


"bang bang bang bang!"

Although the students felt very sudden, it was not the first time for Dark to substitute lessons, so most of them clapped in accordance with the atmosphere.

But while applauding, almost everyone couldn't help looking towards the blond boy sitting in the back corner of the classroom.

What caused a professor to ask a student for the class without taking a leave of absence?

Is it the loss of morality or the distortion of human nature?

Is this World swollen?

Dark's expression is slightly stiff under the concentrated sight of one after another.

He had to put down the "Field Card Elements Complete Solution" in his hand.

He originally planned to use the time of this class to learn about [Zoo], but now it seems to be too ideal.

"Professor Lily."

Dark frowns stood up.

This time, however, he did not follow Professor Lily's will.

Instead, he opened the mouth and said directly; "I think it’s not good to be lazy."

Professor Lily covered her mouth at once, her cute eyes widened, and she was surprised. "What does it mean to be lazy? I am the most diligent little fairy of Saint Marian!"

→After all, there is only one little fairy left in Saint Marian now!

Dark understood in a second, three invisible black lines hung in the corner of his eyes.

Thinking about the night with Professor Lily again, I couldn't help but feel soft.

But when Professor Lily had nothing to do, it was a bit too much to find someone to replace the class directly in front of the students.

Furthermore, she did not notify him in advance, nor did she leave him any time to prepare lessons.

The things of today are the fruits of tomorrow.

If this makes her unsatisfied again, what's the matter?

When the time comes, this arithmetic class is simply renamed "Dark · Demon's arithmetic lecture hall".

So, this kind of behavior must not be tolerated.

Dark said on the spot: "Professor, I’m just a student. It’s fine to help occasionally..."

Professor Lily immediately interrupted: "I am very sure that you are doing arithmetic Talent in the field is enough to serve as a professor. Maybe I should hand Arte a letter of recommendation to make you an official teaching assistant... Oh, how come there is such a great idea?"

Dark: "Professor Lily!"

Professor Lily: "Yes!"

Dark: "Please work harder!"

Professor Lily: "Oh... …But people don’t!"

Dark: "Please work harder!"

Professor Lily: "...women’s mouth."

Lily The professor seemed to finally understand Dark's good intentions, no longer talked back, just flung his wings and turned and flew to the podium.

Dark was satisfied and nodded, and sat down again.

But I didn't notice that the students in the entire classroom were stunned after witnessing the whole process of communication between him and Professor Lily.

"Who is the professor and who is the student?"

It is clear that Professor Lily is the elder one, but why does Dark·Demon look more like a teaching? By?

"No, wait."

Emma in the first row suddenly found Huadian!

"Did the professor just say that Dark · Demon's talent in the field of arithmetic is enough to serve as a professor?"

Susan and Lucy chicks sitting on both sides of her They were nodded like pecking rice, and they heard it too.

The arithmetic class is obviously so difficult, and they even master the content of the class very hard.

But among the classmates, some people got such a high evaluation.

This kind of gap is really unpleasant.


White couldn't help but ask Robert: "Is the gap really that big?"

Robert opened his mouth and said after a while : "Let’s take a look at what Professor Lily is going to teach in this class. Maybe it’s not that difficult?"

White swallowed his saliva and turned subconsciously: "First Take a look."


In the soft words of the students, Professor Lily drew a big "Ⅹ" on the blackboard!

"What we are going to teach today is the application of the unknown number Ⅹ..."

As she speaks faster and faster, the classroom is dead silent.

What is "unknown"?

What is "equation"?

Professor Lily gave a complete definition of these two concepts in his own words.

In her opinion, these two concepts are very simple.

As long as you understand the definition, you can use it directly.

But in order for the students to understand better, she followed Dark's explanation and gave a word problem in which a chicken and a rabbit are in the same cage.

That is, from the one-dimensional equations to the Simultaneous Equations (¯﹃¯), which are two-dimensional linear equations.


As smart as Emma, ​​naturally it will not be embarrassed by problems of this degree.

But idiots like Diana are like listening to Heavenly Book, and there is only a buzzing sound in their heads.

She blinked and stared at the blackboard, transcribing her notes mechanically.

And Rose beside her is not much better.

When people are exposed to brand-new knowledge, they always need a transition period. A brain-filled education will only have a negative effect.

Although Rose felt a pain in her brain, she also took notes carefully like Diana.

In short, copy it down first!

This is the learning secret that Dark taught them.


"Pa ta, click."

The sound of falling on the table after the failure to turn the pen is heard from time to time in the classroom.

Professor Lily's voice is like a lullaby, hypnotizing the nerves of the little magisters.

Until she wrote a new word problem on the blackboard and was about to order someone to solve it, the lullaby suddenly turned into a frightful song, and everyone was awakened!



【. . . . ]

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