"If you know what is wrong, you need to correct it, do you know?"

Dark solemnly took the wooden token hanging around Meow Meow’s neck Take it off and put it aside.

Immediately after that piece of wooden token was rushed back into the sleeping basket by the cat...

Meow took a look, suddenly stretched out his paw and touched the sleeping basket. , He touched the wooden token with the engraved [Mischievous] back, and hid it behind him.

Dark can't help being stunned after witnessing the whole process.


After Miaomiao put the wooden token in his small cabinet like a baby, Dark took it back into the Magic Card.

Then he lay on the bed, pinched the deep purple bead with two fingers, and looked at the ceiling carefully.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly clamped it hard, and the divine light circulating in the bead became a little brighter for a moment.


It was bright, and he gradually felt the magical effect of this bead. Remember the URL m.xswang. com

But he has no impression of similar objects.

The last "seven star coin" can be traced, but the beads at this time are completely missing.

Under normal circumstances, unless you are lucky enough to find matching materials in the library, it is easier to ask the professors to get answers.

But it was not good to rely on the professor once, so Dark planned to check it out in the library tomorrow.


The first day of March starts with arithmetic class.

Dark received a private notice from Professor Lily at 6:30 in the morning-like this kind of use of the branch card for personal gain, Dark strongly condemns it!

But he still came to Professor Lily's office at about 6:50.

"Good morning, Professor Lily."

Dark opened the door and saw the textbooks all over the floor.

Professor Lily akimbo, looking towards him with a smug look: "How is it? My textbook is well-bound, right? I also listened to you and changed the name to "Mathematics I". Numbers His knowledge, mathematics, don’t poke the needle!"

Dark picked up a copy of "Mathematics I" and flipped through it, and found that the content was better than he expected.

Not only is there no big problem with the layout, but most of the chapters are even equipped with very cute illustrations.

In this look... it is not Professor Lily's handwriting.

Dark asked casually: "Professor, have you asked for help?"

Professor Lily's expression suddenly became stiff, and his vision became erratic.

Dark added: "It's a good job, he must be a careful professor?"

Professor Lily laughed embarrassingly and said, "I was in charge of the second-year arithmetic class. Professor Bacon, she heard from the students what we are teaching, she came to the door to seek cooperation, hoping that we can allow her to use our teaching materials in the second grade."

"Professor Bacon? " Dark knocked on their heads, but it is not able to have such a thought of giving" Bacon "impression of the professor.

However, his original intention to compile this textbook was the idea of ​​popularizing it, so he has no opinion on the joining of Professor Bacon.

It was Professor Lily's obvious transfer of work→slacking technique, which made him quite helpless.

But the twisted melon is not sweet.

Professor Bacon, who took the initiative to intervene, is more attentive in making textbooks.

So in general, there is no loss in blood!

Professor Lily saw that he was a little puzzled, and said, "Professor Bacon is a good person by accident. Would you like me to recommend it for you, such as organizing a math tea party?"

Dark said with a slight smile: "That's not necessary. When the time comes, just say thank you to her."

"Huh?" Professor Lily said in a puzzled way, "The only beneficiary is her By the way, why did we say thank you?"

Dark laughed but said nothing.


Wait until class is near.

Dark will summon [Miao Miao] and ask it to help move the teaching materials of the two branches to the classroom together.

Professor Lily also summon a back of a tiger and waist of a bear to help.

The two pets walked all the way to the classroom holding the teaching materials.

When they arrived in the classroom, it was already full of people.

Professor Lily used the power of professors, ordered a few boys to help, and distributed "Mathematics I".

The students enjoyed the joy of finally having the textbook, and a few were even moved to tears.

Then Professor Lily started to talk about simple geometry.

This class mainly talks about the "Pythagorean Theorem", which is "Hook Three Shares, Four Mysteries and Five".

People who are new to the Pythagorean theorem generally find this magical.

In fact, it is really amazing.

Students learn with keen interest pleasure, and it feels like they are learning magic.

But they did not realize that magic is extremely profound and difficult to learn.

At this point, mathematics is the same.


The break after the math class.

Dark clearly felt that the atmosphere had become different.

It seems that the opening in March made the young magisters suddenly realize that the White Youth Day is coming. Whether it is boys or girls who are suspenseful or not, they can't help but become nervous.

As for where are they nervous?

Who can say it clearly.

Maybe it is the anticipation of the response.

Maybe I don’t want friends in the circle to leave the group because they find the other half of their lives.

Maybe people who don’t want to have a crush on getting a response, or giving others a response.

In short, there are more reasons than most people think.

Dark surrounded by this, can't help but get upset about it.

The double festival setting of Valentine's Day and White Youth Day is good, but it is very unfriendly to the party who was given chocolate on Valentine's Day.

If both parties are in a relationship between friends and lovers, the trouble will be even greater.

According to your response, the original friendship may collapse.

Dark is in this state of entanglement.

But if you think about it carefully, the atmosphere of Pandora, Rose and Professor Lily giving chocolates on Valentine's Day is actually quite casual, not the atmosphere of passion.

The Valentine's Day they spent on the snow, on the contrary, had that kind of plain and natural feeling.

It seems to have passed the passion directly, and fast forward to the state of living together.

In fact, this may not be the case.

But it did feel that way at the time.

So Dark is also prepared to be more casual.

"Take it as a way to enhance feelings."

He was originally not prepared to respond.

But it's impolite not to make a return for what one receives.

So in the end, I'm ready to behave.


After the second class in the morning-the magic introduction, Dark went straight to the library.

He began to try to find the information about that bead on his own.

The search keywords are "orb", "shock absorption", and "purple".

But in such a huge library, it is too difficult to rely on such a little information to find the target materials.

Finally, he patted his head and decided to ask Pandora Senior Sister nearby.

However, it was Ms. Bella who was on duty at noon.

Ms. Bella is a somewhat fat middle-aged woman. She looks very friendly and makes people unconsciously get close to her.

The exchange between Dark and Ms. Bella is actually limited, so after asking if Pandora is not on duty at noon today, he is going to leave here.

But Ms. Bella waved to him, and she took out a stool from under the cabinet and motioned for him to sit down.

Dark sat down obediently even though he was surprised.

Ms. Bella said kindly: "Demon, are you twelve years old this year?"

Dark nodded and said: "Yes, ma'am. I am my birthday in June. "

Ms. Bella suddenly said: "That is three years short."

Dark: "??"

Ms. Bella Asked again: "You shouldn't be married, right?"

Dark couldn't help but open his mouth, and said nothing for a long time.

This is of course not because he is reluctant to say it, but because he is not sure about it himself!

In theory, he has a fiancee, after all, that is the most popular female character in the original game.

But in memory, he did not have a marriage contract.

So when he thinks about this issue, he will think, will it be a marriage contract made after this?

If he had just enrolled in school, he had pinned his expectations of happiness on the unknown fiancee.

So now, he actually doesn't care much about the fiancee who doesn't know if he exists.

If he can develop naturally with one of the girls in the Academy who likes him, he will probably feel very satisfied.

Dark · Demon, although [Greed] has been rising, he is not actually a greedy person.

And at this time, he made an honest answer.

Dark shook the head and said: "Ms. Bella, you should know that nobles sometimes get married for various reasons. Although I don't know myself, I am not sure that I have no marriage contractor."

"Is that so?"

Ms. Bella was a little disappointed sighed.

But instead of letting Dark go, she continued to ask: "So what do you think of the current marriage system?"

"Marriage system?" Dark couldn't help feeling doubt.

Ms. Bella added: "That's polygamy."

Dark suddenly came across.

This World, because too many men died in the Early-Stage war, and the ratio of men to women was severely imbalanced, so there was polygamy.

But then women also entered the battlefield, and because of the previous tendency to give birth to boys and not girls, the male to female ratio gradually returned to a more normal level.

Polygamy was gradually banned at this time.

But it's not complete.

Whether it is a commoner or a part of aristocrats, it is more difficult to marry more. They need to go to the church to repent, and then pay a large sum of money to marry one more Qualifications.

But the nobles above the earl have no concerns in this regard.

To be precise, it is the earl who owns the territory and the nobles above the earl that normally enjoy the privilege of polygamy.

But this so-called polygamy is actually polygamy and concubine.

Only the only true wife can be called "aristocratic lady" in formal occasions and have the right to inherit the title.

There is also the term "flat wife", which refers to a compromise between the regular wife and the concubine room, which is higher than the concubine room but lower than the main room.

But "Ping Wife" is not actually recognized by the law.

Of course, this privilege of the great nobles is now being resisted.

The status of women is gradually rising, and such social phenomena will also increase.

Ms. Bella, apparently also raised this question under this general background.

But Dark actually has an indifferent attitude towards this.

He has a kind of "follow the flow" thought.

Of course, it is also because he does not have that many spare energy to think about issues that have nothing to do with him.

So he also replied at this time: "The times will tell us the answer."

Ms. Bella was disappointed again.

She definitely hopes that Dark is a firm supporter of monogamy...

In other words, she hopes that Dark is a dedicated person.

Dark had actually guessed Ms. Bella's thoughts at this time. He could cater to her and make her satisfied, but he didn't do that.

It makes no sense.

Dark · Demon doesn't need that degree of self-dressing at all.


The conversation between Dark and Ms. Bella ends here.

He took this conversation a bit seriously, but it only stopped there.

In the next class on the history of magic, Professor Ryan Hacks finally talked about his historical battle again. Dark listened very carefully, and then ignored the conversation with Ms. Bella. Rear.

After class, after he packed his things, he went straight to Professor Kaiser's office and knocked on the door.

"dong dong dong."

"Come in."

Dark opens the door and enters , closing the door with his backhand.

Professor Kaiser is improving the door card and it seems to be very busy.

In order not to disturb the professor, he straight to the point, took out the purple bead directly, and asked: "Professor, do you know what this is?"

Professor Kaiser took the beads and observed it carefully. The more he looked at the results, the more surprised he became. He couldn't help but said: "Where did you find the jade of the shield tortoise?"

Dark: "The jade of the shield tortoise?"

Professor Kaiser nodded: "Shield tortoise jade, a product of a high-level monster called shield tortoise, is located on the top of its tortoise shell, which can absorb physical shocks and transform it into the magic power of shield tortoise. It is one A great material for making shields."


"Is the material for making shields? It's similar to what I guessed."

Dark thinks slightly , There is care in my heart.

He then said goodbye to Professor Kaiser and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Then made a decision.

Bring out [Miaomiao] summon, tell him the function of this [Shield Tortoise Jade], and let it take this [Shield Tortoise Jade] as the center to make a wooden shield!

Miao Miao retrieved her beads again, looking towards Dark again and again, as if she couldn't believe it.

It is still vivid in the change in Dark's attitude after getting the beads last night.

In fact, I attributed part of the reason for my forgiveness to this "gift."

But after regaining the beads, this idea was overturned.

It couldn't help but fall into contemplation.


Dark carefully observed Meow's reaction and knew that he was on the right step for this step.

He couldn't help showing a little smile, and then began to prepare the "basic refining method" of the magic spirit.

Tonight, he is going to use up all Vampire Vlad’s [soul powder]!



【Two in One 4000+】

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