Go to the left from the fork and walk for about 2-3 minutes, and you will see a very spacious waiting room for players.

Participants from the first to third grades have entered one after another.

After Dark and Diana got the number plates, they also entered one after another.

The two found two vacancies inside to sit down and talked in a low voice.

The number of contestants is displayed on the wall of the waiting room.

Up to now, there have been more than 80 players in grades one to three who have completed registration. It is estimated that they will be able to break through the 100 mark soon.

This is already very much compared to the total number of less than 500 people in the three grades.

And such a large number of participants will inevitably lead to a temporary adjustment of the competition system.

Dark observed all around and found that more and more acquaintances appeared in this waiting room.

All the seven duels in the first grade have arrived, apart from this there are many students who forcibly collected forty Magic Cards to experience the chaos mode.

Many people in the small circle where Duolong was squeezed in, hehe haha ​​was in the corner at this time. The starting URL http://m.xswang.com

In the case of Knight House, White · Gawd is sitting with another Knight House duelist Justin Wayne, but the two seem to have nothing to talk about. But chat, the atmosphere seems a bit stiff.

There is no silhouette of Robert Brogheim in the waiting room. Obviously he failed to make up forty Magic Cards.

Dark was very optimistic about him, after all, the Magic Card left by Vampire Vlad is still in his hands.

If summon can successfully make [Vampire Earl] in the sea election, most of Robert can easily qualify.

Unfortunately, he did not seize this good opportunity to show himself.

Dark's eyes turned, and he noticed that Emma Mortis was with a group of senior sisters in the third grade.

One of the Senior Sisters has a ponytail, valiant and formidable looking, and is a member of the literary society who has a good relationship with Emma—Herona Tracy.

In addition, Angelia Hudson Senior Sister and Winnie Scarty Senior Sister, both of whom are also in the vicinity, are also in the vicinity.

Dark is vaguely impressed, that Winnie Skadi Senior Sister accepted the invitation of the Great Princess on Halloween and danced with her.

She seems to be the descendant of a certain sage, and she ranks among the top grades in the third grade of Magic House.

As for the descendants of sages, Dark's eyes could not help but turn to Sara Swati, the dark-skinned girl is as eye-catching as ever.

Looking at it, Dark suddenly felt a sharp look.

He turned his head subconsciously and found that in a corner not far behind him, Mike Irving Senior, who had had a street duel with him on Valentine's Day, was chatting with a group of men and women.

"Is it a member of that noble history or society?"

At that moment, Dark collided with one of the boys' eyes.

But after the boy became conscious, he immediately turned his head, talked and laughed pretendingly, avoiding his sight.

Such a guilty act immediately made Dark a little vigilant.

"On Valentine's Day, Irving Senior came to me for a duel with a lot of errors and omissions. This time someone harboring malicious intentions. Is it possible that my refusal to join their club triggered their revenge. But it’s been more than a month ago. Besides, if it’s really for this reason, it’s too petty, right?"

Dark shook the head, which means I don’t understand and I don’t want Think about it.


After a few minutes, the number of people shown on the wall finally freezes.

First to third grade: 132 people

4th to sixth grade: 171 people


Finally, it turns out that it is true Of more than three hundred people!

In the first to third grades, it is mainly because the number of people in the first grade is delayed, which makes it worse than the fourth to sixth grade.

The enthusiasm of the students for the sea election chaos is beyond imagination.

The final competition system has also been adjusted after the number of people is determined.

Inia Knight, the Vice-section Head, the duel club responsible for the first to third grades, speaks clearly about the final competition system.

"This Easter duel festival is divided into high and low grade groups, and the first to third grades are the low grade group. As of now, there are 132 people in total."

"The competition is divided into two rounds in total. , The first round is the sea election, and the second round is the race."

"As you all know, the sea election uses a chaos mode that has never been useful."

"We will According to the number plates that you get, preset positions around the divided round arena. When the time comes, please go to the corresponding player position according to the number plate and stand and wait for the game to start."

" The rules of the big chaos are very simple."

"With the circular field as the boundary, you can summon any magical spirit and use the Magic Card, but you can’t go beyond the boundaries and you can’t attack players outside the boundaries. If you accidentally injure players outside the boundaries, Directly lose."

"The game is divided into equal points by the number of spirits killed. Every time a spirit is killed, 1 point is added, and a point is deducted if a spirit is killed. Can be killed. The divided spirit will count as 1 point as a whole."

"The number of points of all players will be displayed on the big screen in real time."

"The normal game lasts for half an hour."

"Change from limited points system to limited time system."

"Finally ranked by points."

"The top eight players with the most points will be promoted directly The main match!"

"The main match adopts a single elimination system, the loser retires, and the winner advances."

"The two divisions will be played at intervals."

"In this competition, there will be one and only one player who will win this group. Academy has prepared Easter golden eggs for the winners!"



The rules of the game are indeed very easy to understand.

Dark even guessed the whole rule after only hearing half of it.

He only expressed his surprise at the time-limit system changed from the limited-point system.

Limited points system, that is, limited points, once you reach a certain point, you can qualify.

This can effectively allow high-scoring players to exit during the game, and the remaining players will have more opportunities to hunt for points.

The limited time system will gradually transform into a hunting ground for high-score players!

This will cause high-scoring players to continue hunting in order to get higher scores.

It will also make the whole game more intense.

If you want to win, you must race against time from the very beginning.

As for which format is better?

It's hard to say who is good and who is bad.

As one of the 303 contestants, what Dark can do at this time is to comply with the competition system and perform within the scope of the competition system.

It was the appearance of the number plate, which disrupted the positions of the students.

To a certain extent, the influence of off-court team formation is reduced.

There is also a real-time scoring method, which takes care of the players and audience at the same time, which is very good.

Another thing to note is the reduction of qualifying places.

Originally, there were thirty-two players from two combinations, but now there are only eight players in each group.

This will completely intensify competition.

It is also more difficult to qualify!

But it is easy to think of the reasons for streamlining the number of players.

After all, it is a festival of the nature of festivals, and the arrangement of the venue should not be too tight.

It is more suitable to have a game every half hour.

There are two games in one hour, with a gap in between. You can interview and introduce the players, so that the audience can have more knowledge of the players, so as to facilitate...well, circle fans.

So down, there are twelve games in total, which lasts six hours.

Plus the opening and curtain call, and two sea election battles.

Also free up lunch time.

By dusk, the game will be over.



Dark pondered a little and got a rough idea of ​​the schedule.

When he raised his head because of the end of thinking, the fourth-grade Inia Knight Senior Sister was already welcoming the players to enter the arena.

Because it was held in a hurry, the opening ceremony of the Easter duel festival was very concise. There were only about a few minutes of speeches and a war dance performance by the students in the school, which totaled no more than 15 minutes.

When the students’ war dance ended with the drum beat, the first to third graders who entered the field first were introduced into the arena.

It wasn't until this time that 132 players saw the stage of the sea election scramble for the first time-it was a standard circle with a diameter of more than two hundred meters, but there was no player stand.

The problems caused by the absence of a player station are very obvious.

The geographical height of the players will limit their field of vision, and they will not be able to view the entire venue from a high position.

The limitation of the field of vision will also cause them to only dispatch the magical spirit near themselves.

This will affect the entire strategic layout.

However, in the sea election chaos at this time, many people participated with an entertaining mentality. The so-called strategic layout is likely to be aborted on the spot.


As a first-year student.

Dark and Diana both walked behind the second and third grades when they entered.

"I always think there are a lot of people."

As soon as Diana came out, she was surprised by the densely packed auditorium.

She has only experienced a rookie match. Although there were a lot of spectators that morning, there were plenty of vacancies in the audience.

But this time, there are crowds and voices, especially in the two large areas, there is almost no vacancy.

Tens of thousands of spectators are in various branches, but their projections are gathered in one venue, and the scene is unprecedented.

Diana wants to try to find the silhouette of her parents like last time.

But as expected, there is not much to be seen on the flat ground.

She was a little sighed, but quickly became happy when she found Rose who was cheering.

At the same time.

Dark also found Pandora Senior Sister in the ring belt.

But unlike Diana, he immediately found his mother in the first row, as well as the silhouette of Claire and the two Little Princesses!

Alvette is playing with the white model, because the distance is too far and I see the specific appearance of that model not quite clear.

Claire still holds the fat cat.

The two Little Princesses are pulling and pulling. There are a bunch of models beside them. I don’t know if they have drawn out their favorite magical spirit?

"Please find the player position corresponding to their number plate as soon as possible after entering the field."

"Please find the player position corresponding to their number plate as soon as possible after entering the field. ."


The repeated announcements of the on-site host made Dark turn his attention back.

He looked towards Diana and encouraged: "Next, I 'm going to come on."

Diana: "en! You have to come on!"

Dark Extend the hand, and high-five each other with her, and then each walked in different directions.

Don't ask about winning or losing, spare no effort!


Two minutes later, Dark found his position as a player.

His number is 77, a lucky number for him.

Wait for him to stand on the position of player, player No. 76 and player No. 80 also arrived one after another.

The number plates are drawn randomly, so the numbers are not perfectly connected.

But the number of players is basically the arrangement of through childhood.

Dark's left hand is player 76, and the right hand is player 80.

Unfortunately, it is two seniors who look strange.

However, contestant No. 76 is wearing a second-grade school uniform, and contestant No. 80 is wearing a third-grade school uniform.

Big fish eat small fish.

If you want to score efficiently, you must start with Senior in the second grade.

Dark squinted a little and thought quickly.


And the other side.

No. 6 player Diana and No. 4 player White have become neighbors.

White feels a little relaxed because there is a fellow student next to him.

Diana is thinking about the big fish eating the small fish.


The ten or so contestants in the first grade are scattered between the second and third grades, and most of them are like shiver coldly lambs. , Was surrounded by wolves.

Zach Wilson, who was fortunate enough to be the commentator for this junior group sea selection, stood on the commentary platform and looked at the entire venue.

Although Wilson ranks in the middle and lower ranks in the Noble History Research Society because father is a viscount with little real power, he is a very popular member of the duel club.

He has many experience in regular game commentary, but this time he was not ordered to come here.

In fact, because he was completely unbiased in the commentary of the last rookie match, he has been swept down to the bottom by the president of the Noble History Research Society, and has become a very unwelcome person in the club. That part of people.

Wilson, who originally flattered Jeffrey of the same faction because his father was of the First Prince faction, lived more comfortably after no chance of flattering.

He relied on his ability to win the role of the commentator of the sea elections this time, and he observed the entire stadium with a very happy mood.

If you can be a good individual.

Who wants to be a dog?

"I don't know this time, can Dark · Demon be lucky enough to win?"


In the audience.

When the names of 132 players were completely projected on the big screen, the audience who came specifically for some people couldn't wait to find the name in their hearts on the big screen.

The second and third grades have been able to participate in the regular competition, and some students have gained a lot of fans through this.

But in addition to fans, there were also many parents who wanted to take the opportunity to take a look at their children.

Although Saint Marian Academy is a very ideal education in Holy Land, the child has been studying outside for a whole year, and it is inconvenient to communicate with letters and parents will inevitably miss it.

Thinking that his daughter might also compete this time, Viscount Greatbyer mixed with his wife in the crowd and counted the names on the big screen.

"Diana Greatbyer! My dear, I found it!"

"Where? Where?"

The Viscount Greatbyer said excitedly.

In the last rookie match, his baby girl defeated Senior in the second grade as a first grader, but he really made him feel proud as a father.

This going out is a compliment of "tiger father will not beget a dog son", which is completely different from the child of the Duolong family who "despite defeat" on the other side.

The last time I watched the game, I accidentally roared too loudly, which seemed to provoke First Prince Charles.

Running without causing trouble, Viscount Greatbyer decided to shut his mouth this time.

After all, the Valkyrie sitting in the front row is so conspicuous.

The Viscount Greatbyer had the heart to exchange ideas with Valkyrie about "praising children", but the Viscountess always said that she would do it for the tea party.

Can you do this kind of exchange?

The giant bear sighed.


At the same time, Alvette has also found her son's name on the big screen, and she suddenly smiles.

The two little princesses complained that they could not drive [White Dragon of the sky], while also looking for the silhouette of Dark Demon on the field.

But it is not easy to find under the occlusion.

Claire looked at the rules of the game displayed on the side of the big screen, and said seriously: "This rule is a bit interesting."

Alvette smiled and agreed: "It seems disorderly But orderly. If this model is more formalized, it will become a network competition. Only people who know how to work together in the game can win undefeated. But the contestants in this game are quite mixed, obviously. Entertainment is more important, but luck is more important."

Claire smiled and said, "I don’t know if Dark’s luck is good enough?"

Alvette Willow frowned, and his gloom was bleak: "This child Since I was a child, my luck has not been very good."

The three Princess Anqi sitting between Claire and Alvette suddenly became happy: "Yes, I remember he kept losing by guessing punches!"

The second Princess Anna over there immediately dismantled the stage and said: "Aren't you the same? I am the only winner."

An Qi is upset: "I hate it, we are clearly 50-50!"



The capital of freedom.

Duel branch.

The City Lord Montiel Farrie in the box also found the name of Dark · Demon on the big screen.

"Sure enough, did you participate?" She tapped on the armrest with her fingertips, and said to Principal Arte, "Cynthia, I want to take a closer look at him."

"No problem. Principal Arte pointed a little, and a ray of fluorescent light flew out of his fingertips and penetrated into the whole single-sided mirror.

The open-air duel hall of Saint Marian Academy has no boxes in theory.

Only the Principal himself can set up another box to connect with the projection presented in the duel hall.

The spirit worm she released searched the projection and flew back "weng weng weng", and then exploded a firework, turning it into an oval mirror.

Dark · Demon's silhouette appeared in the mirror.

Montilfari City Lord frowned slightly and looked carefully.

Aurora beside her is slightly stared wide-eyed.

This son of Valkyrie, perfectly inherited Valkyrie's hair color, and his facial features are exquisite like a doll.

If there are not too many rumors about him, it must be an existence that can make women fall in love at first sight.

"Too thin and weak."

Montilfari City Lord was obviously dissatisfied.

"Alvette is also Martial God anyway, how did he bring out such a delicate child? How could such a delicate child be worthy of my little moon?"

La Que whispered: "It's okay, I'll take it lightly..."

Montilfari City Lord glared at her suddenly.

The pretty boy by Dark·Demon is indeed very confusing, and the average little girl can't stop it at all.

But of course her daughter is impossible so superficial.

Aurora will be especially concerned about Valkyrie's son, and she must be blamed.

After a relaxing drunk after a busy schedule, she accidentally missed her mouth, exposing their baby relatives.

Originally, the so-called "baby kiss" was made casually by the two mothers during the chat.

At that time, Montilfari had just had the intention to build a city, but due to lack of contacts and resources, he found the most trustworthy comrade-in-arms—Valkyrie · Alvette.

Alvette, such a gentle person, agreed when he learned that Montiel Fali’s purpose of building the city was to contain the discriminated hybrids, without the slightest hesitation.

At that time, a few years after the end of the war, the Ducal Palace was also licking the wounds left over from the war, and the inventory was also tight.

Alvette's choice to support Montiel Farrie at that time without the slightest hesitation made Montiel Farrie very moved.

She happened to see two and a half older children posting stickers on the small bed, and she proposed this baby kiss on an impulse.

Alvette knew that doing so would give his comrades a little more peace of mind, so he agreed at the time.

But in fact, neither party is too serious.

After the successful construction of the city, Montilfari also provided great returns to the Ducal Palace.

If neither party mentions it, as the children of both parties gradually grow up, most of the "baby parents" will become In name only.

It is a pity that Montiel Farrie City Lord accidentally exposed such a thing when his daughter was five years old.

Since then, at the age of five, Aurora, who has made sense and knows right and wrong, has known that he has such a "fiance".

Although I haven't seen each other since I grew up, the news flow in Freedom City is fairly fast.

Occasionally, Aurora can also inquire about it from the maid beside him.

Slowly, she learned his name, learned his stubbornness, learned the rumors that seem right but actually isn't.

But what does that matter?

Does it matter if you look good? [✘]

A bad personality can be cultivated. [✔]

Aurora actually knows what this "baby pro" is all about.

But from her standpoint, if the marriage can be made smoothly, the burden on the mother's shoulders will be lightened immediately.

The establishment of the Freedom City is only the beginning, and subsequent development is the key.

As a new city built in the territory of Demon Race, its development must be full of difficulties and obstacles.

For mother, for the city, for all mixed races, Valkyrie's support is necessary.

Of course, Aurora is not that great.

She is just for mother.

In short, at first is indeed like this.

That was what she thought when she was five years old.


At that time, Aurora's goal was to become "the wife behind a successful man."

But later as she grew up, her understanding of the relationship between men and women became clearer, and she became ashamed of this goal.

The initial trace of utilitarianism gradually fades with age.

Montilfari City Lord always told her: The road is your own, and you have to walk on your own feet.

Always thinking about seize every opportunity and relying on others is an expression of immaturity.

After Aurora understood the truth, he cut off the first half of the "wife behind a successful man", leaving only the second half of the "wife".

As long as the "wife" is omnipotent, what about the "husband"?

Yes, just be a "wife" like that.

Aurora has habitually replaced herself in the role of "wife".

Although the two were not actually engaged, they didn't even meet each other when they grew up.

But now she has the confidence to support any "husband".


"No problem, Aurora."

Aurora looked at the "husband" in the mirror, feeling a little in her heart Cheer up, come on!


Saint Marian Academy.

Open-air duel hall.

Dark · Demon does not know that he is being followed.

After all, Valkyrie doesn't mention that stuff at all except for occasional jokes.

He was a heartless temperament before and would not pay attention to a few words.

So I don't have any impression of the so-called "baby pro".

But even if he knows, he won't change his mind because of it.

The so-called "fiancee" is a popular character in the original game.

But it has nothing to do with him now.

Even if you know each other in the future, it will be after you know it.

He used his best efforts to deal with [Demon God bloodline], and the apart from this part hopes to do as one pleases.

"It's going to start!"

With the 132 contestants, all have stood in the position of players.

The atmosphere in the venue has gradually changed from the very beginning to the solemn.

No matter what kind of mentality I came here.

Anyone who stands on the arena will realize that if you hold an entertaining mentality at this time, you will lose more than your face!

The audience's enthusiasm for the duel match horrified the first-year students who played for the first time.

Mountain cry out and sea howl-like shouts replaced the accompaniment at the beginning of the game.

In the audience and on the field are two completely different experiences.

Of those first-year students, some people shudder because of this.

And Dark · Demon, also felt the blood is gradually boiling.

Zac Wilson on the commentary stage waved his arms vigorously, trying to calm the audience.

But his aura is obviously not enough to hold the line.

The commentary on the upcoming sea election chaos is also a big test for him.

There is no way, he can only shout loudly in the shout: "Under the focal point of ten thousands, our players have their own positions, whether it is the first year of the battle, They are still well-trained third graders, all standing on the same venue, praising the brand new duel mode. Here, I greet all the audience on their behalf, Happy Easter!"

"Happy Easter!"

Although there are not many, there are finally some people who responded to Wilson's call piecemeal, and the blessing mixed in the voice made Wilson quietly wipe his sweat.

"Happy P!"

But some people took the opportunity to curse.

Angus Jeffrey, the president of the Noble History Research Association, was gnashing teeth in the ring belt, and he screamed in the crowd: "Kill him!"

Several members of the aristocratic history research society in the arena seemed to take a conscious look at his direction. Some were casual, while others showed their utmost attention.

Since the failure of Valentine's Day, the third-year Mike Owen has gradually reduced from Jeffrey's confidant to a marginal figure, so Jeffrey's side naturally has a vacancy.

No matter what the idea is, it will be beneficial in the short term to replace Mike Owen and become a cron of Jeffrey.

As for the long-term...

Who engages in long-term investment these years?

In short, the sea election chaos, no matter how chaos, people will not think it is wrong.

Then take the opportunity to mess up.

For Jeffrey’s proposal, there are three in the second grade and two in the third grade.

The one who is closer to Dark...

No. 74, second-year student.

Only two people away from Dark.

The second grade Noble House, Oligo Ruther!

The Ruther family is just a little-known family in the kingdom.

His patriarch is just a Baron.

But they have a vast Baron collar-although mostly wasteland.

But it seems that minerals have been mined recently.

As a result, Oligo Ruther barely squeezed into the Noble History Research Society. This was an opportunity for him to rise to the top of the ladder, and he was trying to grasp it.

For marginal aristocrats, if they can rise to the top of the ladder, it is an important way to improve the lintel.

People on the upper ladder and the lower ladder have completely different consultations and opportunities.

This is the same in aristocratic circles.

even more how The only capital owned by the Ruther family-a lot of land, is becoming worthless.

With the acceleration of urban construction, mankind is passing the Early Stage of "a hundred waste waiting to be developed".

I believe that soon, humans will begin to develop and reuse the Demon Race territory.

As an outpost, the City of Freedom will also become a battleground.

"Solar warrior" Suna Montilfali, indeed built a promising home for the mixed race.


In short, for the benefit of himself and his family, Oligo Ruther is thinking of a way to stumble Dark · Demon.

As for why not surrender to the son of the Duke?

On the one hand, he did not have a path of surrender. On the other hand, he has joined the Noble History Research Society.

People’s vision is usually blocked by their environment.

If you are in the Aristocratic History Research Institute but have a heart for outsiders, he probably won't have to go any further.

But how do you stumble Dark · Demon?

If you target it too deliberately, will you be misunderstood that you have an opinion on the Ducal Mansion?

If you attack him too hard, will you annoy the Duke’s son to get private revenge?

The Ruther family can't bear the duke's anger, even if it is a flame.

As a little nobleman, Ruther is really difficult.

He was so stressed.


As the game is about to begin.

Dark ·Demon takes out two Magic Cards from the card holder and holds them in hand.

There are no rules for the sea election chaos, except that you can’t start summon before the start of the game, you can do whatever you want.

So he directly took out [Cage: Little demonic beast] and [Pride Ⅲ].

In the early stage of the sea election, whoever is the faster summon and the powerful magical spirit will be able to gain the advantage faster.

The high-star magic spirit and the low-star magic spirit are both worth one point. Of course, they pick the low-star magic spirit to hunt!

For the low-star magic spirit, There is nothing faster than [demonic beast].

His gaze swept to both sides, ready to go.


"ding dong!"

As the bell rang.

A huge countdown appeared overhead.




【Four in One】


[Monthly ticket, recommended ticket, guaranteed blade]

【 0/12000]

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