Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 274: Ancient battlefield

The first change today! )

A few minutes later, after boarding Ling Yue on the simple lookout in the territory, as agreed, we immediately became the target of public criticism, and almost all the eight hundred riders around us attacked us.

General Qing Jian screamed: "Attack and beat me down. You must not let Qingfeng Lanyue live on the observation deck! The archer can't hit the Qingfeng Lanyue directly, and all are thrown into the sky!"

Below us, a voice came: "All priests, add blood to the scholar and Ling Yue, immediately!"

I looked down, but saw a familiar figure-Flurry Dance!

Ran Wu Chun Qiu is a classmate of Ling Xue, a 77-level mage. Judging by the current player's progress, he can also be regarded as a front-line master, so he still has some prestige in Xueyue's guild.

For a while, the fireballs and arrows flew in the sky, and "Ding Dang Dang Dang" hit the Ghost Shield. I didn't worry that I would be dropped, but I couldn't help worrying about the durability of my equipment. This high-density blow, even if the Shield is a ground device, I am afraid it will not last for hours!

"Lingyue, suppress their attack!"

Ling Yue nodded, the staff waved, and the surrounding frost surged, all flying to the sky. The next moment, the frost burst suddenly on the top of the eight hundred riders, countless ice cones and snowflakes fell from the sky, ice cones like arrows, Instantly, a large number of players were pierced by ice cones, blood splattered, the warm blood coagulated rapidly, and the power of the cold snow and ice could not be underestimated, and the blood arrows were quickly frozen into ice arrows.

It was just an attack. Below our slope, the front of the territory conveniently formed a small vacuum zone!

Ling Yue was not indifferent, and then she lost a few magics. She fought back to 800 riding fronts, and a super guild was forced by a female mage to retreat!

The general general hated his teeth and whispered a few words next to him. The general immediately commanded out loudly: "Come here with five thousand men, and follow me, let's go and attack Simon!"

Eight hundred riders rushed to Ximen like a tide, and that direction was exactly where Ling Xue and Qin Yun defended!

Ling Yue turned around and looked there, worried: "Lian Xiaoqi passed that person too, wouldn't Ling Xue have any danger?"

I shook my head and smiled: "Trust Lingxue, she is very smart, Xiaoqi will not be in a class with her at all! We still have a group of 5,000 people here, can't walk away, Lingx cannot stop us from passing by! "

"Huh!" Ling Yue focused her head.


In the distance, the reinforcements of 800 riders rejoiced the remnants of the water-like years there. A group of people began to concentrate their efforts to hit the city, the fireball was flying, and a whole line stretched for hundreds of meters. A bright line of war like a galaxy.

Xiaoqi smiled, he stepped forward with a sword, and suddenly an ice axe dropped dozens of Snow Moon players in seconds, and then laughed out loud: "From here as a breakthrough, Snow Moon's defense is nothing like this!"

The words didn't fall, but they saw a beautiful figure flying by. Two blocked players were instantly spiked. Ling Xue's already heavy sword was frozen and fell on Xiaoqiang!

It turned out that Ling Xue hid behind the wind and did not hurt her. Although Ling Xue was already very tall in the girls, the girl's petite figure hid secretly behind a row of top shield knights. It was a very simple matter. Remember that the sneak attack far exceeded the expectations of Xiaoqiang, very fast!


Snowflake Unicorn's Sword pulls across the rider's shoulders, and the frost quickly condenses. The rider will soon be frozen and cannot add blood!

Ling Xuehan said with a beautiful face, "Go to death!"


The beauty raised a blow of Xuanbing sword relentlessly, and the remaining Snow Moon players hated this 800-rider master and attacked one after another. How could Xiaoqiu stand up to such a blow in Xuanbing? In the light of Jianqi, Xiaoqi snorted and was immediately killed, and also burst out a shield of dark gold!

After the trump card hanged, the general was furious, a long sword waved and yelled: "All give me concentration and kill the breeze and snow!"

Ling Xue didn't let it go, and the body flashed to the general's presence. Snowflake sword swept past, and Shuiyuezhan bloomed a dazzling light, and then a flame of fire and phoenix was thrown over. As a result, the general Unprepared to be killed in seconds!

The eight hundred riders have killed their red eyes, and the two old-fashioned characters were just killed by a clever little girl. This kind of thing is unbearable!

The next moment, Ling Xue is facing a siege of nearly 800 riders!

However, Ling Xue had no fear, Qing Jian rushed into the crowd, swept through the volley of thousands of troops, and triggered the effect of Jian Qi aspect!


Eight powerful sword swords are raging in eight directions with Ling Xue as the center. The power of sword swords is absolutely overwhelming. As long as the player encountered does not die, it is also seriously injured. The mage and the archer directly spike, heavy armor players may still have a Residual blood, almost instantaneously, the scene was completely out of control. Ling Xue was like a mighty little tiger who could not be stopped. Several 800 swordsmen who were eager to rush up were all killed in a face-to-face encounter, and the others were scared. !!

Within a short time of dozens of yards, there is a sword-strength of vertical and horizontal shuttles. The eight hundred riders are all at risk, and no matter how good it is to kill, it is good to be alive!


The effect of Ling Xue's sweeping Qianjun's triggering the Jianqi aspect was extremely obvious. When no one was fighting for Jianqi, there was another record of Xuanbing Jianqi, which was the crying father and mother who killed eight hundred riders!

Obviously, Ling Xue has entered a temporarily invincible state at this time. What I never expected was that the sword-qi vertical and horizontal skills could have such a mighty power in ten thousand stations, and no one could match it at all. , The mage and priest in the distance are also in danger!

At this time, 800 rides fell into an extremely embarrassing situation. After Xiaoqi was suspended, there were no masters who could kill Ling Xue at all, if not, then don't talk about killing Ling Xue, because Ling Xue is not only close to him. Hundred priests, but also senior priests such as Qin Yun, Jiang Nan Xiao Qiao, and Xun Meng, it is difficult to hang up!

Once no one can suppress Ling Xue and keep her invincible, it will be a terrible thing. The azure swords of ancient battlefields are enough to explain everything. There are always 10,000 people who have to defeat the 800 riders. !!

The confrontation in less than ten minutes, the Eighty Riding Front receded like a tide, Ling Xue wanted to chase, and Qin Yun shouted with a smile: "Xueer is back, don't be too far away from everyone!"

Ling Xue stopped, the sword was swinging lightly, and she smiled cheerfully at the 800 riders in the distance: "Do you think I am a good pinch persimmon? Then try it ~~"

The eight hundred riders and the players who looked like water in the water were all complex, but none of them dared to step forward.

The roar of the cold wind, the beautiful swordsman stood proudly in the battlefield, the sword pointed, could not look up!


My lips were a little dry, and I coughed, "Ling Xue, she's awesome ..."

Ling Yuexin looked pleased, with a pair of beautiful eyes full of proud look: "My younger sister, of course, very powerful? Is this need to say?"

It seems that it is quite wise to hand over the North Gate to Ling Xue, and her strength is enough to stand on her own!

The Dragon Soul is on the south gate, and the flying fire is on the north gate. Both teams are also extremely powerful. In a short time, Xueyue's defense is absolutely safe!

Looking at the time, it was only half an hour before the time agreed with Uncle Gufen. I took a deep breath and said, "There is still half an hour, even if it is over ..."

Ling Yuemei glanced and chuckled, "Tough work for you, scholar!"

I shook my head and smiled: "Do n’t you also say that, this time for myself, it ’s hard for me to work hard, as long as I can win the territory, everything is worth it, and Ling Xue does n’t like me being despised by others. I can only make myself stronger and make others dare not despise me anymore ... "

Ling Yue fluttered out a laugh and saw people's hearts stunned. I have to say that Ling Yue and Ling Xue are indeed stunners in the world. Their lethality is too powerful ...

Ling Yue glanced at the battlefield below, and Yaobai's attack seemed weak and weak. Obviously, he could not organize any deterrent offensive waves. Therefore, Ling Yue smiled and said to me, "Scholar, have you thought about What will happen next? "

"After? For example, what?"

"For example ..." Ling Yue looked down, her face flushed, and whispered, "For example, have you thought about me, Ling Xue, and sister Qin Yun?"

I hesitated for a moment, and then said after a while: "I haven't thought about it for a while. Actually, I don't have anything with Qin Yun, really ..."

Ling Yue blinked and said, "But you will take care of her forever, if she doesn't have anyone, does she?"

"Probably ... right."

"Oh, what is this!" Ling Yue pouted and chuckled, and said, "What do you explain to Ling Xue? Is it that sister Qin Yun is just her sister, but sister Qin Yun may not think so, and, Don't you understand Ling Xue's personality? Being sensible doesn't mean she can accept Qin Yun like this, you like this ... "

I sighed: "This is really a mess ..."

"Isn't it ~~"

Ling Yue smiled and said, "But you don't have to worry. If you drive away Qin Yun directly, it is not a scholar, let it be ..."

I nodded and asked, "What about you, Ling Yue? Have you ever thought about the future?"

"Am I?" Ling Yue's beautiful eyes flashed with hope, and she smiled lightly: "I can't save myself in the dark, so I've been dreaming, one day, my white horse The prince can step down from the sky on the seven-color cloud and take me out of the shadows ... "

"Oh, it's a fairy tale ..."

"Of course, but there is no fairy tale after growing up ..." Ling Yue looked down.

I moved in my heart, patted Ling Yue's delicate shoulders, and laughed: "Don't worry about those things anymore, there is a trace of dream in fairy tales in each of us, there is always a chance to realize it, even if there is no fairy tale, I will I will leave you and Ling Xue, even if you marry someone else, I will keep my promise and look at you in an unknown corner, stay with you, and grow old together! "

Ling Yue's eyes were red, and she almost cried. She said in a crying voice, "Scholar, you are a good person ... how nice if I could meet you sooner ... rest assured, Xueer and I won't let you Aggrieved again, never again ... "

I was shocked, but I tried to pretend to be relaxed: "Ling Yue, don't do this, I don't want to ... don't want to make you cry, that ... people are always aggrieved in my life, I'm used to ..."

Ling Yue's eyes were red, and she looked at me face to face and said, "You have suffered enough, and you will get used to happiness ..."

I couldn't help but smile and longed for: "Are you happy? Oh, that seems to be a long time ago ..."

Ling Yue broke her tears and said, "Don't talk about unhappy things anymore, let's go on!"

"But how did it go?"


"Just kidding, you little mage will fall to death ..."

"What are you afraid of, don't you have a meat pad?"

After that, Ling Yue really grabbed me and dragged me off the watchtower. Although this watchtower is not very high, after a slap, it still knocked us down and opened our eyes. However, it was found that Ling Yue had stood up with a smile and groan, but only half of her blood was lost. I just wiped away a trace of blood, and the soldier's vitality was powerful.

Ranwu Chunqiu opened his eyes and looked at us, exclaiming: "Young people really just love to play exciting games, so they dare to jump ..."

Ling Yue adjusted her dress and laughed arrogantly: "Why not dare, at such a high height, the little dragon girl would dare to jump off the cliff in the valley of unrequited love. We see a little witch at this point!"

Luanwu Chunqiu laughed: "The little dragon girl is lucky, there is a pool of spring water below, you ... hey, maybe jumping off the cliff and fell into the ogre's soup pot, pour a little sesame oil, sprinkle a pepper It ’s ready to cook. It ’s so spicy. ”

"Fuck, your kid is so bad!" I couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the flamboyant Chunqiu has a somewhat masterful style, and he is easy to get along with in the guild. Moreover, he usually takes the low-level MM in the guild to level up, but I suspect that his motivation is impure The results were also expected, but this declining person generally cast the net without success.

Jian Huo Xiaoyue always pointed at Wuwu Chunqiu's nose and bluntly said: "Brother Chunqiu! You are so handsome! However, my mother said that the handsome man must be a big radish, maybe!"

Therefore, a small group of MMs at the Snow Moon Guild agreed that Flurry Spring and Autumn is a big radish, and he has planned to develop outwards recently ~ ~ Is it necessary to go to listen to Yuxuan or Wishing Pool to find new The goal is simple. Xueyue's MM IQ is too high to be difficult to bubble.

Of course, there are also very low IQs in Xueyue, such as Ziyue, but they are too familiar to be used!


Everyone was chatting and laughing. Suddenly an assassin rushed out of the city, panting, "The big thing is not good! The space magician suddenly appeared on the ice field of despair, as if it was transmitted from Baiyun City. Opened a teleportation array, and now a large number of players from outside cities are coming! "

A little in my heart, the lone grave is really TMD. How long has it been before I actually turned the space magician back?

"What outer city player? Isn't it Baiyun City?" I asked, "Did you see any guild emblem?"

The assassin player was out of breath and said, "Yes! Two guilds, brotherhood and war spirit!"

fraternity? Fighting spirit?

"Isn't that the two major guilds of Qingfeng City?" Ling Yue opened his mouth wide in surprise.

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