Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 680: Fire Dragon Knight

Luoyan City, a main human city located in the jungle in the southwest corner of Lingbi mainland, is one of the rare empires on the mainland. It has great strength and strength, and once enslaved a group of alpine dwarves. A large number of well-equipped equipment, black iron armor and magic crystal-plated blades have been commonly used in the army of Luoyan City.

Shuguang City and Luoyan City are arranged in parallel, next to Baiyun City, the most powerful human empire on the mainland.

Therefore, the lips and teeth are interdependent. When Shuguang City is attacked by Baiyun City violently, the noble masters of Luoyan City can no longer rest assured and enjoy the noble lady's bedside. They must wave their troops north to unlock the perimeter of Shuguang City. Otherwise, when the dawn city is broken, the next one to be conquered must be the city of falling flames.

The human empire, the orc empire and the elven empire have been fighting endlessly. When the Dark Legion came, they united into the Silvermoon Alliance. When the dark forces fell dormant, this fragile agreement was gone, and the battle fell into flames. With the dawn of the city is imperative, something no one can stop.

The Lingdi continent is a world of weak meat and strong food. There is no Confucianism. If you don't want to be swallowed by others, you can only start by enlisting others for the strong. Everyone understands this simple truth, which is why we attacked Baiyun City. So, we have a clear conscience!


"My mother, look at their armor, they are all black iron luster, what a fine armor, is it ..."

The lone tomb said, his body suddenly shook, his pupils shrank for a minute, and he yelled, "I'm relying on! Big things aren't great. These oncoming troops are legions! This is the trump legion of the French city of Lauyan. The Dragon Knights! "

"Knights of Yanlong?" Ling Xue opened her mouth and looked surprised.

The lone tomb nodded, and Shen said, "I have read a chapter about Luo Yan City. In the epic epic of Ling Yan, Luo Yan City has suffered a calamity. It was the Yan Dragon Knights who killed many miles from the frontier. When he returned to his country, he killed the enemy blood and became famous on the mainland overnight. "

I looked up to the mountains in the southwest. The rolling cavalry was quickly crossing the mountains. The black horses were all black. The cavalry's armor was all black. The sword was waving in their hands and it was murderous!

"It doesn't look terrible, right? We should be able to stop it ..." I smiled slightly.

Lonely grave shook his head: "Scholar, you are too underestimated by the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment. Their superiority is not the single combat force, but the overall impact. Moreover, the number of soldiers in the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment is very large. We cannot afford it! "

The lone tomb looked distantly and sneered: "And, if nothing unexpected, the players in the French area are also here. If they are not stupid, they will act with the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment."

I took a deep breath and said, "In the southwest corner, the first thing to be hit is the sword and the rose and the Xuanyuan sword. Will these two lines work?"

"Xueyue and the Temple of the Moon go to help, here we are handed to us like water and love and listen to Yuxuan!" The lone tomb ordered.

I glanced at the Qixing lamp, he was wiping the rain on his face, and nodded, "Okay!"

Ling Xue went to give the order. Xue Yu Tianma turned into a white shadow and passed by in front of the player camp. Ling Xue's voice was sweet and loud: "All Snow Moon players are moving to the south collectively, preparing to meet the fallen city. power!"

The team moved violently. Ling Yue asked, "Scholar, why don't we stick to it?"

I shook my head and smiled: "No, if you are stubborn, the players in the French area will definitely cooperate with the Korean players in the city. When the time comes, the enemy will inevitably collapse. Therefore, we must have the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment to intercept in the depth of Shuguang City. Outside! "

"Oh, that's how it is……"

The Qixing lamp lifted the chaos and broke the sky, and whispered, "Soul returns to the battle robe! Follow me, we will meet the guys from France. People who have never seen a brave heart, this time I am so proud!"

Xiaoqi will smile and ask: "Is the brave heart big?"

Qixing Lamp sneered: "You have to ask her."

At this time, Ling Xue had rushed back, pulling Ling Yue onto the horse, iced tea with the fragrance of rice, and Qin Yun gave it to me again. In summer, the rain fell silently, purple moon, and snow primrose a group of mm followed the main team slowly. Forward.

The heavy rain was still pouring down, and the sound of "papapa" fell on the armor. The rhythmic percussion formed the pre-war sonatas. The iron hoofs of the war horses stepped on the soil of the war, and the mud was muddy and the ground was dull. The sound of this war seems to have just begun.

To the east of Dawn City, on the vast canyon plains, countless players have started to move as a whole. There are still more than 200,000 players in the Snowmoon League, all over the small half of the plain. The lamp temple led by the lamp, the seven-star lamp called the soul return shirt, makes people wonder what he thinks.

The team led by Qixing Lamp is about 100,000, which is not a large number, but it is already a force that cannot be ignored. At least, this time we need this force.

The weather was a bit cold due to the rain, and Qin Yun was soaked, and could not help but fight a shiver.

I quickly grabbed the reins with one hand and hugged her with the other. The warmth in the game was not very real, but this has made Qin Yun happy, and she smiled and turned back: "Scholar, you are feeling bad ? "

I smiled awkwardly: "It's right."

Turning around and looking at Ling Xue and Ling Yue, they are speeding through the crowd, ice tea is guarding the side, Dragon Soul is wielding ghost blades, and side by side with the main soldiers such as Xing Tian, ​​Fei Huo, Chao Wu Chun Qiu, etc. In a snowy moon, the armor is clear, the sword is like a forest, and the sound of horseshoes is stepping on the ground, like a thunderous thunder.


In the distance, the reinforcements of Luoyan City are getting closer and closer. A large number of black armored knights are wielding sharp blades and rushing towards Shuguang City aggressively. In the air, several huge black spots are getting closer.

"What is that?" Ling Xue looked at the sky with a hint of consternation in her eyes.

Ice tea ceremony: "Probably the sky knight, most of them are dragon knights!"

I said in a deep voice: "Yes, they become the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment, naturally there are dragon knights. It seems that they are black dragon knights and black dragon knights of the fire department!"


The dragon in the air gave out the scream of the celestial dragon, and numerous flames spewed out of his nose. Sure enough, it was really a fire-type black dragon.

"It's tricky!" Ling Xue bit her silver teeth tightly, her eyes helpless: "Coupled with brave heart, we only have one scholar who can fly to the sky. This battle is completely unfair!"

"There is no other way, unfair, and we have no reason to retreat."


When I first came to the south of Dawn City, there was also a person out of the sword and rose camp. It was Xiao Nangong. She gritted her teeth and drank, "Damn the city!"

I glanced at her and said, "Ready to defend! Xueyue and Luna Temple will block the attack from Luoyan City."

"Well, thank you ..."

Nangong turned away. She was not stubborn. Swords and roses were not the swords and roses led by Murong Shanshan in the past. They must not be able to go against the army in Luoyan City.

I held the Moonlight Sword high and ordered loudly: "All melee players are on the front line, and they are preparing for the charge! Gun Riders hold guns, the second row of archers, the stun arrows, the third row of the mage, the frost roar, the summoner release Pets go harassing-harassing, assassins are waiting for the opportunity to attack! This time, we must stop them anyway! "

As soon as the voice fell, "????" countless sword-drawing sounds, front-line players drew out long swords, and players with spears even directed their blades forward, using their advantages to cause damage to the opposing cavalry.

On the plain in the southwest, a whole line of defense stretches for several kilometers. A black player is waiting for the opponent's charge, and the entire battlefield is dead.


The helmet hummed hummingly. This was the earth shaking. The Yanlong Cavalry had already started to charge, and the speed was obviously increased. They smashed down from the top of the mountain, like a torrent flooding. The impact is shocking!

"!" Qixing lantern spit, swayed the Chaos Sun Moon Sword, and his face was long cynical. Even he was cautious, and it shows how terrible these Yanlong Knights are.

The earth trembled, the sky was hazy, and countless tall Yanlong knights urged Ma Qingjian to kill, and the roaring horseshoes shook through the sky, letting all of us breathe in air. This guy wanted to withstand it, and it really was very good. Some difficulty!

"Stop! Stop me! No one is allowed to step back half a step!"

The Qixing lamp was full of blood, and almost roared yelling at the front of the battlefield.


I sighed in a deep voice: "Stop the first wave, prepare to charge back, the priest adds blood, the soldiers are not allowed to retreat, pay attention to fill the gap!"


Finally, the two knights confronted each other, and the elite knights of the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment were only a hundred steps away from us.

The falling rain sounded quietly and tenderly: "Archers ready! Dizzy arrows, shoot indiscriminately-let me!"


A ray of white arrow light intertwine in the air, and instantly fell into the camp of the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment.

"Hmm ..."

Countless sounds rang out, and the front cavalry was stunned by many people. They lost their direction and fell down from the horse in an instant. Then they were trampled by their comrades in the rear to become mud.

"Fuck! These are dead!" Qixing Deng yelped.


At last I touched, my sword was deflected, and I suddenly swooped down. "?" Chopped a cavalry back and forth, and beside me, Ling Xue waved Xuanbing sword gas, and stunned a group of cavalry.

The Qixing lamp roared: "Ghost Sword!"

Jianguang swept down, and a large swath of Qi and Blood burst straight.


The fearless flame dragon knight smashed against the player's gunpoint and was instantly pierced through the armor and **** pieces, but they still maintained the charge state. After the melee, the long sword fell into the player crowd like snow. .

Almost at the first moment of dismissal, more than 90% of the first-line fighters were defeated. The level of the Yanlong Knight was too high, and the attack power was extremely sharp, which instantly opened the player's gap.

"Brush it ..."

The sword light flickered, and many players in the front row had muffled to the ground and died.

"I rely! Waste, fill up the vacancy!" Qixing lamp was furious.

I was a little unhappy, but it didn't happen, just loudly: "Seven star lights, not everyone has a good fairy set like you!"

"Huh!" Qixing Lan did not argue with me.

Dragon Soul blocked the attack with a sword, and inspired morale: "Brothers, come and kill! After killing the knights in this city, find an empty batch of mm for everyone to refresh!"

Everyone laughed, but under the charge of the Yanlong Knight, they soon couldn't laugh.

As players continue to fall to the ground, the camp can hardly stabilize.

I turned quickly and hugged Ling Yue from the crowd.

"Why?" Ling Yue flushed. "So many people here!"

"Why not! Hurry up, affection skills, breaking the ice and rain! That skill can slow down the frozen target, and it can have a good suppressing effect on the Yanlong Knight!"


I lifted the flame war horse, stood side by side with Ling Yue, and waved a realm shield to protect both of them. Then, I started affectionate skills!

Breaking with ice and rain! In an instant, countless ice swords fell from the sky, indiscriminate bombing in the Yanlong Cavalry Regiment, flew straight and flew, many soldiers on the charge were frozen there, accepting the player's camp mage and archer Attack baptism.

Therefore, in the whole battlefield, Ling Yue and I ’s affectionate skills are blooming a snow lotus on the ground, which makes the morale of players in a small area soar!

"Hahaha, it's good!" Iced tea chuckled, and then turned back to shoot again, poking a Yanlong Knight into a transparent hole.

Ling Xue had already launched a counter-charge, and Jian Feng was raging among the crowd. Among the Chinese players on the scene, she was the only one with such courage. , Such a fearless powerful swordsman mm is indeed what we need most now.

"Pap ..."

Ling Xue shook out two sword flowers, and did not want to activate the effect attached to the Blade of the Snowy Field. Countless ice cones burst out, inserting countless Yanlong Knights in front of them into rock candy gourds.

I bid farewell to Ling Yue, dialed the horse to kill back again, and the moonlight ice blade swept across--

"Rising Dragon!"

"Blade Storm!"

"Afterimage strike!"

A series of skills were lost, killing the surrounding dragon dragon knights.

The arm was suddenly cold, the moonlight ice blade rose numerous times, turned into a blue giant sword, and suddenly swept across the crowd of Yanlong Knights. Once the sky strike appeared, it was a terrible crying ghost Already.

A group of blood-stained dragon knights followed, and I greeted them as soon as I gritted my teeth!


The Moonlight Sword turned into a ray of light that penetrated the chest of a Yanlong Knight in front ~ ~ The fierce sword spirit continued to rag, all the Dragon Knights on a straight line were picked up, and countless horrible injuries Numbers fly up-





I rely! Sharp splash pick!


But at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly came over the player camp not far away.


A black sword gas fell, a deep ditch was split above the earth, and a player was torn into pieces!

The Qixing lamp looked cold: "The Dragon Knight is here!"

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