Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 728: Off the bench

Countdown is over, it's off!

Deep Sea Azure did not have the humility just now, and came forward with a string of fireballs.




Fortunately, the silent blood of falling rain is also close to 70,000 points, and it will not be bombarded.

Sundering arrows!

"call out!"

The sound of the sharp arrow tearing the air was particularly harsh, and the deep blue was startled, flashing in a hurry, and at this moment, a drop of laughter was falling on the corner of the silent mouth.

"Stunned arrows!"

With a "snap", the deep blue was stunned, and the falling rain was followed by a thunder arrow!



The mage is a little bit, and he has to react in the future. The falling rain has been rushing, and he took out a dagger and made a slap, and the mage was made lightly.

All of us were slightly surprised. After tempering, the falling rain was silent and there were some masters!

Go ahead, the second game!

Luo Yu silently took the initiative to talk to the other party: "Hello, a distant friend."

Deep blue stunned: "Hello, beauties."

"Which country do you come from?"

"New Zealand, how about you?"



It started again, and the thunder arrow that the rain fell silently forced the opponent's flicker, turned back to be a stun arrow, pulled out the dagger and rushed forward, and then the unlucky child was given by the melee archer Poke dead a second time.

1: 0, our bench lineup also won a game!

In the second game, last summer LV-215 VS horseshoe LV-227. The horseshoe is a cavalry of about 30 years old. It is estimated that his father was iron, otherwise it should not have such a professional name.

In the summer, he appeared on the grass, holding a staff, wearing a thin robe, although the front was not convex, but his hips were still very straight. This is very important for a MM who wins with cuteness. As a result, The horseshoe looked blank, drooling and said, "Little sister, brother takes you to see the goldfish?"

Xia Xia blinked: "This phrase sounds familiar ..."

Then, in summer, she was shocked, and pointed her staff at the horseshoe: "Come less, I only watch goldfish with my elder brother! Hehe ..."

The horseshoe was hit hard and he lifted up his sword and was ready to fight!

Summer also waved his staff in advance to summon creatures!


A whirlwind flew up, the wind beast was summoned, and then cast his skills to summon a wind wolf. The two summons were left and right attached to the opponent. From the operation point of view, the little summoner in summer is still Very professional.

The horseshoe roared: "Cyclone!"

As a result, this idiot died with two pets, and smiled sweetly in the summer. He easily released the fireball in the distance, the horseshoe's blood went straight, and he couldn't keep up with the bleeding bottle to drink. , Unknownly hung up the first game.

In the second game, the horseshoes learned to be smart, looking for a chance to charge, there is no future in killing pets, and killing the summoner is the king!

However, summer is not a rookie, immediately flashed into the jungle, dodging left and right, using the terrain to block the opponent's charge, the wind wolf and the wind beast chased after the opponent, and the horseshoes were swollen and swollen. They lost the second game and lost very much. It was so tragic that I didn't even touch iced tea at all.

2: 0, too easy.

The third game, Ziyue LV-214 VS Free Fight Song LV-221, this is the key battle. As long as Ziyue wins, then Xueyue ’s big game is won, but it does n’t matter if you lose. Next comes the rice flower fragrance, which is 100%.

Ziyue debuts, the beautiful assassin MM wears exquisite leather armor, a pair of human-level weapon on the chest, and looks directly at the opponent's swallowing saliva. This free battle song is a young archer about 25 years old, tall, but the breast muscle is obviously not The development of Ziyue.




start fighting!

With a bang, Ziyue entered the invisible state at the first time, and I immediately yelled at the sidelines: "Back! Speed!"

Ling Xue held me down: "Don't talk, she can't hear ..."


As a result, Ziyue moved forward, and the song of freedom battle immediately lifted the long bow, facing the sky was a lighting arrow, and the figure of the beautiful assassin was soon revealed.

"Stunned arrows!"


"Battery arrows!"

A series of archer skills, Ziyue hung silently, did not touch the opponent at all.

Returning to the sidelines, Ziyue said blankly: "Sister brother, why should I lose?"

I said, "That's because the weather is bad today ~"

"O ..."

Ling Xue laughed: "Ziyue, back as far as possible before the game, and then sneak in at the beginning of the game, the first time to retreat up, the second time to retreat, deceive your opponent's lighting arrow, you can completely control the battle rhythm It's in my hands. "

Ziyue nodded and smiled: "Well, thank you Xiaoxue!"

"You are so kind, haha ​​..."

In the second game, Ziyue made his debut again!

After the game started, Ziyue followed the instructions of Ling Xue and then moved up in stealth. Sure enough, the free battle song failed to make a judgment, and a lighting arrow was missed. That good judgment is wrong.



After Ziyue was full of energy, he burst into cold blood!


The song of freedom battle opened the long bow, and just about to stun the arrow, who ever thought that Ziyue's speed was faster, blue light appeared on the dagger, blinding!

The blow of the song of the free battle was interrupted and the place was slow.

Ziyue took the opportunity to save a small amount of energy, evil strike!


Kill it directly and win the second game!

In the third game, which was almost a mirror image of the second game, Ziyue moved downwards, and the lighting arrow of the free battle song fell again. When a clear space was shot, his heart was probably broken.

When Ziyue cut the fifth knife, Xueyue also won a total score of 3: 0!

The next two games are just to earn small points, but they still have to play, anyway, here they are.

Daohuaxiang comes on, two soul seals solve the opponent, 4: 0!

In the last game, 2V2, the full range of summer and silent rain, the opponent is a mage and a knight. As a result, the two pets ran away in the summer, easily killed the mage, and silently stunned the arrow With the thunder arrow, the knight had a lot of fun, it was another easy 2: 0, and the total score was locked at 5: 0!

Summer is very proud, and laughed: "I'm still very strong sister!"

I nodded: "Yeah, yeah, in fact, your opponent is really good enough. The bad position is really crazy, it is a shame of melee. Such a position can find a chance to charge and **** ..."



Ling Yue flipped through the forum for a while, and said, "In the past few days, the Temple of the Moon and the Brotherhood have played well, almost winning, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to advance to the round of 16.

"Where's the soul returning shirt?" I asked.

"Soul Returning Robe?" Ling Yue smiled: "Don't mention this guild, Soul Returning Robe has become a memory. After playing so many days in the WSL League, Soul Returning Robe won four games in total, still in Qixing Lantern is willing to play in the case of 2V2, otherwise you will have to lose to the end ... "

I smiled slightly: "It's a pity that the soul returns to the battle robe, how it was like the sun and the sky at first, they never thought that today is actually withered. This is the blood of the soul return to the battle robe and the little butterfly have joined the battle?"

Ling Yue shook her head: "No, Blood Drinking World has only participated in two games, Little Butterfly has never played a game. It looks like Blood Drinking World has battled with War Spirit Aotian once again, and Blood Drinking League has completely said goodbye to WSL It's ... "

"Is the relationship between Qixing Lantern and War Spirit Aotian good?"

"Who knows, the Seven Star Lanterns are much better now than War Soul and Sky, and they have the spirit of fire, ice, wind, generals, snapdragons, Gregory, and a group of masters who do not want to turn back Who is under War Soul Aotian? War Soul Iron Wing, War Soul is romantic, that kind of person is too dishy, ​​what is the first team ... "

I couldn't help but smile: "Don't be ridiculed, now players in China who don't know that Xueyue is the first team, for the same reason, the battle spirit has long been an unforgettable memory!"

"Oh, indeed!"


Soon after, today's second game began, Snow Moon VS a team from Northern Ireland.

In this game, Ling Yue defaulted to the lineup of the previous game. Several MMs entered the game one after another, killing the chicken flying dog.

Luoyu silently and powerfully sniped the opponent. It was a full-blood knight, chasing Luoyu silently and running across the mountain, and our beautiful archer was fighting and retreating. He drank the blood bottle and ran a circle. Grinded a full blood knight to death.

In the second game, summer encountered a mage. In the first game, he was accidentally killed by the opponent. In the second game, summer sturdyly started the third-line operation and escaped by himself. The two pets intercepted the mage in two ways, although The third-line operation was a mess, but at any rate, the opponent was killed. In the third game, the opponent also used the third-line operation to seconds, and successfully scored a point.

In the third game, our assassin Ziyue encountered a powerful fighter. It was difficult to break the opponent's defense and lost two games in a row, but this is not to blame her. The professional advantage is too obvious ~ ~ Heavy armor The warrior assassin was repressive until he died.

In the fourth game, Daohuaxiang spiked the opponent's two games, and 3: 1 has already won.

In the last game, the messy battle saw us all enthusiastically. This is the real game. It ’s so exciting to kill the chicken and jump!

In the end, the victory was locked 4: 1, and our bench team is still very sharp!

After playing the WSL game, I returned to the snow and continued to kill the Snow Giant.

The map of the snowy area is very large. We walked around and killed the Snow Giant for the whole five days. The time passed quickly and the level did not increase much, but the equipment was packed and the equipment of the two MMs was not worn for a long time. Now, desperately, I had to go back to the city again, bought a lot of Shen oil, and continue to fight!


There is still a day left before the Moon Shrine attacked Anding-gun, and today, we have finally approached the edge of the snowy area, a blood red on the map, and the final one will finally surface.

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