In the morning, the bright sunlight was projected through the gap in the curtains. I barely opened my eyes and looked at the mobile phone next to my eyes. It was just 8:30 in the morning.

No matter, keep sleeping! Last night, I was too tired to be tossed by several MMs. It is estimated that Xu Lin is not much better. Lu Xuehan will not fight. The landlord has to pull her up and play until three o'clock before letting her go back to sleep.

I only slept for 5 hours in this way. It shouldn't be too much to sleep until noon.

So he closed the curtains, covered the quilt, and continued to tease Zhou Gong's daughter.


I don't know how long it took, but suddenly I was awakened by a "snoring" sound, and stretched out my head to see that someone was knocking at the door.

"Lin Fan, can I come in?" It was Murong Shanshan's voice.

I'm in great pain, why can't she let me go ...

"Shanshan, why did you wake up so early? Go back to sleep again. I will call you to eat at noon!"

"No, I think of going to Beijing in two days, so I can't sleep, I'm thirsty, and I don't have any juice in my room, so come to you and ask ..."

Her tone was pitiful, and I could n’t say “MB could n’t do it”. I said awfully, “If you can come in, come in ...”

"Ka-chan ~!"

The door opened, and I suddenly realized that Murong Shanshan was the last one to go last night. She didn't help me lock the door!

When my mouth was closed, Murong Shanshan had already come in. She was wearing office clothes and holding a milky cup in her hand. It seemed that she was really looking for a drink.

She came in and glanced at the melon seed husk on the ground, smiled slightly, then lowered the cup, and actually picked up the broom to sweep the ground.

I thought I had seen a ghost and was shocked: "Shanshan, when are you so diligent?"

"Hmm ~ I've been hardworking, you just don't pay attention to me ..."

Murong Shanshan smiled and didn't look at me. Her long hair dangled from her shoulders and rippled on her chest. All she could see was a white skin at the neckline of the white shirt. The abominable shirt was actually designed so high !!

A few minutes later, Murong cleaned up everything, and then went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of beverage and turned on the TV.

At this point I had sat up, a suit shirt, and still wearing big crayons printed with crayon Xiaoxin, but still covered with a quilt, at least Murong Shanshan would not find anything.

Just put on a coat, Murong Shanshan was already sitting by the bed, and suddenly a pleasant fragrance came.

"Lin Fan ..." She glanced back at me and said, "Go to Beijing the day after tomorrow, and I've asked someone in the marketing department to buy tickets for us. There are two days left, probably the last day we can level up in ten days Time, do you think about how to use these two days? "

I thought about it and said, "Today, when I finish eating, I go online to practice all my skills to level 8. This will probably take us nearly a day, and I have to revive the red leaves. When she hit yesterday, she was Seckill ... "

Murong Shanshan smiled and looked up at me and said, "Why, the red leaves are hanging up. Do you feel bad?"

"Of course, I have to spend popularity and gold coins to resurrect her, why can't I feel bad?"

"Well, when we were playing Juggernaut together, I didn't see you so worried after hanging up!"

Murong Shanshan's words felt a bit sour.

"Haha ~" I laughed twice, patted her shoulder and said, "Why don't you feel bad, you don't know, I saw the team message when you hung up ... Well, I was so upset, oh no Yes, it's like a knife in a heart! "

Murong Shanshan smiled at me side by side with a smile.

"Stop those, you talk about, where is it better to brush your skills today?"

"It's best to find a monster that can carry it. It has a thick skin and a long time to fight, and the monster level can't differ from us by more than ten levels, otherwise there will be no skill experience. Well, I remember one in Shadowmoon Valley This kind of tree monster is not high in attack, but it has no defense or health, and the level is above 60, which should be very suitable for us to practice skills. "

"Yes." Murong Shanshan smiled and nodded, and said, "You get up quickly, and go for a walk around your own place before eating lunch. I heard that the Technology Department has a new beautiful MM yesterday ~"

I smiled and said disapprovingly, "So what, is there any more beautiful girl in the whole company than us? I don't think so."

Sure enough, Murong Shanshan is extremely happy, and I am secretly glad that, *, wears a lot of clothes, not fart!

It ’s good to say that Murong Shanshan went to another room to watch TV. Then I had the opportunity to dress neatly, brush my teeth and wash my face. After pulling out Murong Shanshan from another room, the two went to the front office building together.

She had a two-day bread in her hand. The shelf life had not yet passed. It was a breakfast. Murong Shanshan parted ways with me at the entrance of the stairs. She went to her office and I went to see my department. The new employee MM, although I just said that I don't care, in fact, I still want to see it itch, after all, Murong Shanshan said that this MM is a beauty, then it will definitely not go anywhere, at least, you should also talk to Wang Xue It's a level.

When I came to the fourth floor, when I entered the department's front hall, I saw a MM holding documents coming up. He looked good and looked very smart. He took a closer look. The card on her chest was written with technology. unit.

Generally, lecherous men look at women from bottom to top, but I am more direct. When they meet, they stare at the chest of others, without blinking.

MM flushed and quickly lowered his head.

I coughed and said, "Are you ... a new employee in the technical department?"

I wore a manager-level uniform. Of course the MM could see it. When I asked her, she immediately said, "Yes ... I'm the assistant to the director who just joined the company. Lin Xin, you just call me Kobayashi ... "

Assistant Director? Liu Hua's assistant?

MLGBD, I suddenly got fire in my heart, Liu Hua was getting more and more NB, even the boss of my department was not qualified to use a secretary, he first recruited this beautiful little MM first to use it.

MM's name is Lin Xin, or my family, and her name is Xiaolin, which seems to be a bit inappropriate.

Not far away, Xiao Chen looked at us at his desk, holding back a smile.

I was upset and said to Lin Xin, "Come with me first!"

Lin Xin looked at me in confusion, and nodded after a few seconds.

Going directly to the free desk next to Xiao Chen, I opened a chair and said to Lin Xin, "Sit first, forget to introduce yourself. I'm Lin Fan, the manager of the technology department. Let me introduce you to our technology department first. History ~ "

Xiao Chen joked with a smile: "It's been less than a week since the establishment of the Technology Department, what about history? Manager, don't mislead our new colleagues ~"

I stared: "MB has no history in a week? The history of the May Fourth Movement can change the pattern, let alone we develop for a week? By the way, who recruited Lin Xin?"

Xiao Chen glanced at Liu Hua's office and said with a low voice: "Yesterday morning, you didn't come to the company. Liu Jian went to the talent market with several heads of the personnel department to recruit a few female staff members in the end and stayed. Yes, it is Lin Xin. "

"So, did you get Xu Lin's permission?"

"It seems that I greeted me in the morning, saying that there was still a shortage of posts in the Technical Department, and President Xu did not go too far. I would have thought that Liu Hua actually wanted to find a secret for himself ... "Xiao Chen glanced not far away, Wei Nuo Nuo Nuo looked to Lin Xin here, his face was full of pity and sweetness.

"It's a pity, such a beautiful little girl ..." Xiao Chen said with a pout.

Although Xiao Chen's voice was not loud, Lin Xin heard it. Suddenly, she looked panic-stricken, staring at me shyly.

"Rest assured, although Liu Hua is not a good person, he should still not be able to do such indecent things." I comforted Lin Xin and said, "Furthermore, we are our family, as long as you do not make mistakes yourself, there are Anything can come to me, including Liu Hua, hey, be careful anyway ... "

My comfort didn't help much. Lin Xin opened his eyes wide and said, "In the morning, the director asked me to move my desk into his office ..."

It seems that Liu Hua, a man over 40 years old, must not be able to bear loneliness, especially if he can see outstanding beauties like Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan all day long. Unfortunately, their positions are higher than Liu Hua. Not capable enough, but now this Lin Xin seems to be really a bit dangerous, and she is even worse than Wang Xue, not to mention Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan, but even so, she is young It also has a charming face, which has great lethal power to an old man like Liu Hua!

I thought about it and said, "So, your desk is here, and you can work with Xiao Chen. By the way, you can also do things like receive documents. In this case, Liu Hua will have nothing to do. Having said that, if he insists on it, you can tell me that it was arranged by me ... No, just say that Murong Shanshan arranged it this way. "

Lin Xin blinked and smiled for the first time: "Thank you, manager!"

Xiao Chen on the side is also very happy. After all, working with such a beautiful woman will be very enthusiastic, so I said: "Xiao Chen will be responsible for the work and other matters of the staff in the hall, and also help the brother.

Xiao Chen was dissatisfied: "These things have been dispatched to me by Brother Optics. He now basically studies the architecture of the website platform in the office starting from work every day. He doesn't even come to the lobby. Otherwise, what about Liu Hua? It would be so arrogant to hire staff. "

I shook my head: "It doesn't matter. Liu Huaai is whatever it is. If we can tolerate it, it is better to bear it. No one wants to make Xu Lin ugly, isn't it?"

Xiao Chen nodded and went to work.

I got up and said to Lin Xin: "Take your belongings away and stay at this desk. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Xiao Chen. If he is impatient, you will go directly to the manager's office to find me and I will turn back. Fix him fiercely! "

Lin Xin couldn't help but smile, Xiao Chen also smiled back and said, "How dare you, the beauty commanded me not to dare, let me say, manager, you can spend one day a week in the office is good, where do you let Lin Xin go? Look for you?"

I was speechless and slipped back to my office.

Turn on the computer, QQ will log in automatically, and then check the things about the survival game.

Surprisingly, even QQ's pop-up ads are promoting Yueheng's highly valued game. In addition, there are still several headshots on QQ. Click to take a look. Some of them are former female netizens. It ’s been a long time since they last remembered me, but it ’s a pity that they can still remember me, but it ’s a pity that I ca n’t remember them anymore, and even forgot what they talked to.

I think half a year ago, Xin Yu didn't dump me at all, and Lu Xuehan also ignored me. When I was bored, I could only go on the Internet to flicker the ignorant girl. Now it ’s not necessary anymore. Both Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan changed my view. There is one more glamorous and beautiful Murong Shanshan. It can be said that there is no shortage of beauties in my world, and the ones I know on QQ are either empty dinosaurs or non-mainstream people with brain disabilities. I do n’t know.

In fact, most of the people who chat with QQ are very unscrupulous. I heard that good people use MSN. If you want to come, this is still very reasonable, although we use QQ throughout the company.

Basically, the list of players participating in China has all come out. On the homepage of the forum in East China, the IDs of the selected players have been posted. Even the IDs of some foreign players have been collected. This makes it more convenient for players to know each other.

Without exception, there is a five-star red flag in front of the ID of each Chinese player. This is to distinguish nationalities. Although most Chinese players' IDs are composed of square squares, it is not excluded for some people. It's English, and some brain drains use a mixture of Japanese plus Chinese and English.

All the behind-the-scenes heroes have surfaced. The four people selected in Suzhou are Murong Shanshan, Ye Qiu, and Mad Sword. The last place is me, and the first one in Shanghai is blood red, and the second one is Silver Moon. City celebrity, cavalier professional player "Release that girl", I remember that this ID was taken from a line in Zhou Xingchi's blockbuster "Kung Fu", but it was later changed beyond recognition, for example: "Release that aunt" , "Drop the brick" and so on.

The young and frivolous are from Wuxi. They are also selected. At the same time, Zhenjiang's Night Kill is also selected. He is the most important core member of our Paradise Lost, except for never succumbing. Others do not know much. In fact, except in the rankings. I don't know many players who have appeared before.

At the back of the list is the treatment of players who participated in the game. All 80 people stayed in the star hotel of the capital during the game. Although the game will waste these people's time for nearly ten days, the Yueheng system has been adjusted for a long time. Players all have a level of +3, and if the ranking is good enough, the reward level will be more.

In addition, the Chinese government attaches great importance to this event, and has also allocated a portion of funds as a reward. All Chinese players who can enter the top 100 will be given a reward of more than one million RMB. Although the reward of more than 3 million RMB is not much for me, but who can play at that level who cares about that money, the most important thing is probably the equipment reward given by Yueheng and the share for the country. The honor of glory.

The details of the game are basically very different from what Xin Yu said. Generally speaking, it is quite beneficial to me. The player was randomly born at a certain location on the playing field. I only need to sneak stealthily in the first time. Players who earn more than 200 points will definitely pass the first day of testing, and this point system may not be able to determine the specific ranking within the last few minutes of the last day. After all, it can survive to the end The people have absorbed some points from all the people who were hung up, and they are a little bit inattentive. I am afraid that the high rankings will pass by themselves.

Murong Shanshan asked me what I'm going to do tomorrow. I didn't know it, but now I have an idea. Because the player account was blocked in the small black house the day before the life and death game started, so there is no doubt ~ www ~ All participants will now desperately pack their props into the package, which is beneficial to the game. After all, the victory is for those who are prepared. One extra point may be more likely to win the championship. Higher.

And what I want to prepare is very simple, that is, life-saving remedy that can save life, especially the dragon blood recovery preparation that can continuously restore qi and blood, plus one can kill for a long time, and the other material to be prepared It is a poison that can take human life. The poison can continue to reduce the target's qi and blood until the effect disappears or the other party dies. My level 5 pharmaceutical limit will probably be able to produce a poison with an effect duration of three minutes, no reduction in three seconds. The opponent has 30 points of blood and 1800 points of blood in three minutes. Although not much, it can greatly reduce the target's movement speed and attack speed. This can definitely dominate the tendency of victory balance in hunting and P.

After finally reaching noon, Murong Shanshan's beautiful figure finally appeared in the technical department, and I swiped quickly to get off work, and probably won't come again in the afternoon, so I greeted Xiao Chen and told him to work hard.

In the cafeteria, Xinyu and Lu Xuehan were encouraged. Several people decided not to go to work in the afternoon. Murong and I went to complete the task. Xinyu and Lu Xuehan also went to the Golden Dawn camp to take on the blue task.

When I was online, I appeared in Silvermoon City. After thinking about it, let's go to the resurrection of the red leaves first!

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