Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 340: Lonely soul

"Dang ~", the role of the orange armor was revealed, and NB shocked the left arm of the blood corpse, and this time the blood corpse attacked me was invisible, causing little harm. However, I still felt a numbness in my shoulders, and then my blood began to decrease.

*, My RP really is not covered, the first time I was hit by a toxin attack, 1000 points of blood and so explain.

The next group of blood corpses have not found me yet. It seems that their vision is not far away. In this case, I dare not rush to rush into the group. After all, the effect of this toxin does not know if it can be superimposed. If I did, I would definitely be poisoned if I went into the group.

The blood-red sword flew up and down, and the "parts" on the blood corpse in front of it fell off piece by piece. I suddenly felt like a butcher, and a kind of slaughter with poor craftsmanship.

In the end, the blood corpse was finally depleted at the moment the head was also cut off, and a "slap ~" slumped to the ground, bursting out a few glittering gold coins, and a green glittering Picking up the axe, it turns out that it is green equipment. The 65-level green axe has only a poor 180-240 attack. It can't be sold for money. It can only be thrown to the equipment purchaser.

The next thing to face is at least ten blood corpses. Close observation shows that these blood corpses do not jump out of thin air, but there are many human-shaped patterns on the wall of the first floor. These patterns are like molds. Put the blood corpse inside. When I approach the wall, the blood corpse will immediately break out behind the human figure on the nearby wall. The scene is absolutely scary.

I glanced at a small sigh next to me, and I summoned Hongye immediately, and said to her for the first time: "Hongye, I will hide in this aisle for a while, I will be stuck in the doorway, just help me add blood."

"Yeah." Hongye was very smart and immediately understood.

So I immediately ran around the blood corpses, and then returned with a group of monsters.

Hongye had already squeezed into that martyrdom, and I was surprised when I ran closer. What kind of aisle was this? It was a very shallow dead end. Fortunately, there was still room for two people.

Even so, in order to reduce my attack surface, I had to lean on Hongye tightly, and Hongye blinked and added blood to me silently.

Hongye ’s body is relatively modest. Even the chest is just the right type. The touch in the game is still very realistic. I clearly felt that my back was leaning against two soft masses. This feeling makes me miss, It was also the same when leveling Xuehan with landing in Xinshoucun. Facing the wolves, we depended on each other and eventually upgraded. Now, it is very different from that time. At that time, I was just an ordinary player ranked tens of thousands away, but now, because of this life and death level reward, I am firmly on the world's top throne, and Lu Xuehan It is no longer the cute little priest who used the priest's staff to knock on the monster. In her heart, she is already a well-known beautiful priest MM in Yinyuecheng.

Obviously, blood corpses are relatively bulky monsters. Facing my small target, they only know how to linger outside, yelling low, and only a few monsters in front can touch me.

Due to the low blood corpse attack, Hongye's healing technique can not only keep up with my blood loss rate, but even it is not necessary to dispel it. So I turned back and said, "Hongye, now, my blood. When 5000, you will add blood to me, and it will be full. The blood and blood will be reduced to below 5000 and then added. This will save medicinal potions. We are here. I do n’t know how long I will stay there. The monsters killed here will not be refreshed. "

Hongye said "Oh" and said, "I know, rest assured, Hongye has a lot of potions. If you use it at this speed, it will be enough to stay here for a week."

I suddenly remembered that the last time I went to Murongshanshan's station, I ransacked a lot of potions there. At that time, I was full of red leaves, and it was not much used. There are still a lot left, and I bring a lot In the life-and-death game, the potion was not so consumed at all. The victory and defeat was only an instant, and no one would give the opponent a chance of attrition.

It was not until four o'clock that all the maps on the ground floor of the Lost Temple were completely trampled. There will no longer be blood corpses jumping out of the wall. They have all been converted into experience and a small amount of reputation, and my There are also a dozen pieces of equipment packed into the package, half of which are green equipment and the other half are blue equipment. The attributes are not very good. It seems that there is no hope for violent equipment from these little monsters.

Moreover, the experience here is not high. The monsters I killed in a few hours are not small, but the experience bar has almost no movement. The original 77 level 12 has only risen to 13.


Turning around a huge stone pillar, I saw a magical pattern of six-pointed stars shining faintly on the stage in front, but what is surprising is that there is no legend here and nothing.

I was immediately confused, and I clearly remember that Yueheng ’s official information provided that each floor of the Lost Temple had a guard above the platinum level, and that in Beijing, Hongye had also been eating It was revealed to me that the information given by Yueheng on the interior of the Lost Temple was basically correct, including the information.

Regardless, go and see first!

When I stepped on the high platform, I heard a weak voice clearly--

"Brother! Brother ..."

Looking back, Hongye didn't speak, and she looked around in confusion.

What's going on? Rarely, besides me and Hongye, other players also broke in? No, those mages outside the Lost Temple will never allow strangers to enter. I am afraid that only the Hehe level in the world can enter safely.

Hongye's gaze suddenly stopped on the six-pointed star, and she said to me in surprise: "Brother, look! What's that ..."

I followed Hongye's instructions and looked over, and suddenly panicked.

If the luminosity of the six-pointed star is absent, the sky begins to fly with fine fluorescence. In the dark and dark space, these fluorescence slowly condense and eventually become a humanoid, a translucent boy, with a blue collar The colored scarf, a pair of innocent eyes stared straight at me.

"Brother, save me ..."

The boy called me helplessly.

When I saw the blue scarf, the whole person was stunned. Agers said before I left, his young grandson Amy was wearing the blue scarf, and that was Amy's father. The ornaments worn during the service were given to Amy as a 6-year-old birthday gift, and it is also her most cherished thing.

A pair of big red hands rose from the six-pointed star, and slowly and couldn't struggle to hold Amy's arms, making him unable to move.

"Fuck, what's that ?!" I growled, and the blood-red sword quickly split up.

"Dang ~!"

The blood-red sword ran across the big red hand like a stream of water. It was endlessly cast, chopped on the stone platform, and struck a few Mars.


It was the voice of Hongye. She caught up from behind, looked at the big red hand, and said, "It's the magic of soul imprisonment. It can't be cut with ordinary weapons!"

"Soul imprisonment?" I asked back and said, "Why is it said that soul imprisonment, isn't Amy dead?"

Hongye sighed and said helplessly: "I think so ..."

I turned to look, and sure enough, little Amy had a line of words on her head: "Spirit of Soul".

Seeing that I couldn't cut off the big hand of soul confinement, Amy was no longer struggling. He sat down quietly, looked up at the stairs leading to the second floor, and said, "Brother, you can help me find Dad? He's down there, and I can feel his breath ... "

At this time he was still thinking about his dad. I hesitated a little and said, "Amy, why don't you go home, grandpa is waiting for you, you are already his only dependence."

Little Amy looked at me stubbornly and said, "Amy has to wait for Dad. Dad said he would come back!"

Poor little Amy, he still didn't know he was dead, still waiting for his father.


"Brother, can you help me?" Amy said, crying suddenly, a little fluorescence slipped from his cheek to the ground, and sputtered into a beautiful soul flower.

"Dad has been in the bottom for more than ten days. He must be hungry. Grandpa's pine forest cakes are baked on the stove. Dad will definitely like grandpa's baked cakes. Brother, help Amy to save father, let He took Amy home to see Grandpa, okay? Brother ... "

Amy's voice hits my heart like a hammer. Is this the voice of the soul?

Although it's just a game, Amy's dedication is moving, everyone will insist, but Amy's insistence is so innocent.

"Ding ~!"

System prompt: Accept Amy's request?

I clicked OK, and the mission followed--

The system prompts: You have accepted the follow-up task [Finding Lost Warrior Adela].

Quest content: After accepting Amy's request to find his father, Idra leads his subordinates to the seventh floor of the Lost Temple to challenge the weak undead focus instructor Russ, who was originally an evil orc shaman The priest, the desire for endless mana made him embarked on the dark road. At the same time that he gained endless mana, Russ also degraded his soul and became an undead focused mentor, especially controlling the soul expertise of others. Amy's village Became a victim of the power of Ruth's soul. The ritual of blood sacrifice consumed too much precious life. Amy's father, Edra, challenged Ruth's life and death. Please go to the deepest part of the Lost Temple to find the hidden in the dark Righteous soul in it!


Finally, the mission led to the culprit encountered by Amy, the undead focus mentor, Russ!

It is conceivable that Russ's mana cultivation requires a large number of human lives, so Amy's village was ravaged, and Aydra returned to save her loved ones, but was permanently left in the Lost Temple.

Farewell Amy, I walked down with red leaves.

There is no real meaning in the first layer. Strictly speaking, that should be the little Amy. Unfortunately, it is a non-attack one, it is just the official starting point of the mission.

Entering the second floor, I was frightened by the hustle and bustle of the distance. I stretched my head and looked at the ghouls all over the hall.

Fortunately, none of these ghouls have noticed my arrival, otherwise I guess there would be no chance if I swarmed. After all, I do n’t have Xu Lin ’s powerful fire system group skills, nor Murong Shanshan ’s overbearing and powerful sword strength. I only have the Xuanbing Sword that does not come out once in a few years. .

Observed from a different perspective, the second floor of the lobby is a square, there is no place to hide singles singles "one man and one man" tactics.

Far away, there is a humanoid monster with pointed corners behind the ghoul group. It looks like this layer, but it is too far away, and my appraisal is out of reach. I had to appraise the neighborhood first. Ghoul-

[Fever Ghoul] (Ordinary Monster)

Level: 80

Attack: 1300-50

Defense: 800

Qi and Blood: 12000


Sure enough, it is indeed the weakest kind of monsters in the Undead system. Except for the large number of ghouls, there is no prominent point. The attack is slightly higher than the blood corpse, but it still cannot cause me substantial damage. Moreover, the corpse Ghost is a famous streaking creature. There is no armor in the whole body, and the defense is low to a imaginable level. The defense of 800 is almost the same as that of a level 50 thief. The sword must be blood to flesh. And the health of the ghoul is only 12000, which is indeed lower than that of a monster at level 80.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the ghouls in this hall probably looked like a thousand, and they could be done in half an hour.

I looked back at Hongye and found that she was also looking at me with a blush, and said, "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Do nothing ..."

I said something, quickly held Hongye's small hand, and said, "I'll stop you in the above place for a while, you just stay there, don't blame."

Hongye hesitated for a moment, and nodded, "Hmm!"

So I did n’t say much anymore. I ran down the steps with the red leaves. Naturally, we immediately attracted the attention of a large number of ghouls. They ran madly. The speed made me breathe cold air. But fortunately, my destination will soon arrive.

There is a corner with a half-human-high stone pillar next to it. It just blocks the monsters in the direction of 30 degrees. The ghoul is an undead creature crawling on the ground. Only half-human is not tall. The system is not set. Monsters can jump, this one can make good use of it.

Quickly squeezed the red leaves into the corner, letting her cover herself directly by the stone pillars, and I faced the ghoul group that came alone.

Sure enough, I guessed it right. Although the size of the ghoul is small, it still cannot attack the red leaves behind me, and I, under the cover of a stone pillar, will only be attacked by three ghouls at the same time. I was close to the real defense of 1700, this attack was nothing at all, not to mention, the blood-sucking effect of the Blood Red Sword also played a very big role at this time.

"Slap ~!"

The blood-red sword split a ghoul in half, hitting a fatal blow, and suddenly hit more than 14,000 injuries. This unlucky ghoul became the first one on the second floor. Dropped monster.

The back ghouls relayed on, the sharp claws and teeth kept biting my armor, but fortunately, my equipment in these parts was quite strong, the upper body was orange tough armor, and the lower body was orange shining power leggings. , Wear more NB on the feet, currently the only magic weapon boots of Yueheng server, self-healing ability and defense ability are strong.

In the face of my uninvited guest, the ghoul showed no fear of death. Except for the rear one, others have already rushed up, and I am also happy to kill. Basically, two or three attacks can hang one. However, once the effect of Xuan Bingjian appears, it is even cooler. A group of ghouls are all shot by the ice cone of Xuan Bingjian in the air. That kind of scene is like a buffet barbecue, with broken arms and minced meat everywhere. Yes, it fell to the ground.

Experience has also started to rise. Unlike the blood corpses on the first floor, the experience value of the ghouls on the second floor is much higher. The most important thing is the ease of killing. Very quickly, my 13 points experience bar directly climbed 18. At this time, only a few ghouls were left.

Several swords flew the last ghoul, and I finally started to formally face this last one on the second floor.

The name was strange, and immediately identified his attributes-

[Stitcher Hans] (quasi-platinum)

Level: 80

Attack: 1800-2200

Defense: 1100

Qi and blood: 400,000

Attack Type: Primal Chaos Attack with 25 additional damage to various armors

Defense Type: No Armor ~ ~ Increased damage caused by various attack types by 25


It seems that the monsters on the second floor are from the low to low blood type. It is estimated that it will definitely not take me too much time to kill this monster, but at this time, my information prompter sounded.

"Drop ~!"

Murong Shanshan's text message: "Lin Fan, I'm offline for dinner. Sister Lin specially instructed the kitchen to prepare a table of good dishes, saying that it was for us to wash the dust!"

Looking at this in front of me, I was embarrassed, so I replied, "Wait for ten minutes, okay?"

Soon, Murong Shanshan replied: "Okay, I'll go first, and say to Sister Lin, except for the fruit, everyone is here today, please hurry up!"

"Oh, I see."

Turn off the information device, I turned to face this, now that I know his attributes, there is nothing to be afraid of, speed up to solve him, eat and drink, then come and slap the monsters on the next few layers!

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