Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 344: Night market alliance

I looked back at Xin Yu and laughed: "Xin Yu can eat a thousand pieces at a meal. If you can afford it, take it away ..."

Xin Yu glanced at me: "You can, you can learn to eat dry and wipe out!"

I laughed, and turned back to those people and said, "When you go online again, tell me the desperate one, and say that I really want to ally with him, but these days I'm doing a task and can't get away for a while. After two days, when I will ask him to talk to him for an alliance, everyone will have a holiday with Xu Fei, and make friends in the future, and fight with him in the Silver Moon City for the strength of the blood red! "

The middle-aged laughed: "No problem! Now, our brave and invincible need your powerful allies very much, I think, our boss must also want to form an alliance with you, rest assured, this thing covers me!"

I immediately poured a glass of Coke and toasted, "Well, good luck with our cooperation!"

"Hey ~!"

Their glass cup knocked my paper cup out of a small puppet. Xinyu and Murong Shan couldn't help covering their mouths and chuckling.

The young men behind the middle-aged were all very happy, and one of them laughed: "I didn't expect to meet two beautiful women from the green family here, as well as Lin Fan and Murong Shanshan, *, I thought I was I'm dreaming! "

I smiled, "Where do you guys work?"

The middle-aged responded: "I used to work in Xu Fei's dad's company, but now I have changed jobs. Our partners have done a small business and basically can support the old one. I go home and play the game until now. , So come out for a drink now. "

"Oh, my little life is pretty good, so are we, haha, everyone will be your own in the future, your bills have already been paid, otherwise I will pay for you!"

"Haha, your mind is ours, and my brother and I have almost all the drinks, so go back first, eat slowly ~"

The middle-aged man left with a few young men, and Lu Xuehan chuckled: "They don't want to eat with us, probably restrained!"

I laughed and said, "Let's go. Let's just eat. Isn't it clean next to us?"

Xinyu asked cautiously: "Lin Fan, do you think they will fake the trust? Now they are looking for someone to prepare a guy to come and chop us?"

I glanced at * not far away, and said with a smile: "There is a police station there. They dare to chop it. Besides, you also heard what they said just now. They also have resentment against Xu Fei, so don't worry about it."

Xin Yu nodded and asked: "Lin Fan, teleportation between countries has been fully opened, but you need to complete a task of the corresponding difficulty of this level to open the teleportation array. Have you tried this?"

"No, I have been doing the task of the Lost Temple. I have never been out at all. Why? Is there any movement outside now?"

Xin Yu pouted a smile and said, "That task is not difficult. Basically, a person with green equipment can easily complete it. The transmission requirements between countries are not high. Only players with a level of 50 or higher are required, do you know? Today, there is a small-scale conflict over the city of life. It seems that there is a river city close to Japan. As a result, several Japanese players come to visit. As you know, in other countries, players are marked with flags, so , Those players carrying the health banner were all torn off. "

I smiled and said, "Does the Chinese official apologize for this matter?"

"Apologize for a hair!" Xin Yu grinned, and said, "In the game, players are fighting, the government simply does not ask, and most of the players in the city of life are players in Beijing and the three northeast provinces. You think, they Will you let those Japanese players go? "

"That Silvermoon City also has a lot of players in Nanjing. Once the battle is started, haha, the players sent by Silvermoon City must be second to none!"

"Serving the battle?" Murong Shanshan said with a pout, "It is estimated that the service will not be opened until at least one month later. The hatred between players in the two cities must reach a certain level to meet the requirements of the war!"

I thought about it and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the city of life has already worked with Japanese players, and it is estimated that the service will be opened soon."

Murong Shanshan pouted and chuckled and asked me, "Lin Fan, do you say we also need to participate in the war against Japan?"

"Look again, but I guess the brothers in the city of life are enough to kill the projectile land, let ’s Silvermoon City, which is closer to the main cities of western countries. I think we may not have launched an offensive. Those countries have already begun to invade. You must know that the map resources in China are rich, and the types of monsters and the resources of the main city have not been said. Did n’t the official of Hengheng also say? If you kill them all, the main city will be owned by the other party. You think, Silvermoon City claims to be the world ’s first main city. Which country does n’t want it? "

Murong Shanshan put out her tongue and was surprised: "Is the West really going to attack us?"

"Well, this attitude is wrong. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty in China, we also thought that others were afraid to attack themselves. As a result, how terrible it was! I think that the major foreign cities closest to us should be our targets. Anyway, there are many Chinese players, slowly expanding outwards, taking up a mid-level city, and finally winning the main city in one fell swoop, letting all Indian and Vietnamese players go to be gamers! "

"So, is it good for us?"

"The benefits are much better. Once the main city is captured, then all the cities under the main city and all transactions are transferred to China. What do you know? That means that set of data is directly in the Internet. Slowly moved to China, all the players' consumption and trading activities will be managed by China Yueheng Branch. This is naked plunder and aggression. Imagine that in the beginning, did several countries still distribute some main cities and cause some contradictions? Internet resources are linked to real-world currencies, and everyone is jealous. If we can win a few main cities in the West, by then, fees such as transaction fees will be enough to benefit our country. "

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly: "So what can we get?"

"It's no good, but taking everyone to fight over and siege the city, don't you want to experience it? *, Taking everyone to the main cities of western countries and taking back all their antiques and treasures. It ’s so cool to put it in our Silvermoon City.

I was so excited. At this moment, Lu Xuehan smiled and helped me to pour a cup of Coke, and said, "How far away do you want to be? It can't be so easy to capture a main city. It won't work without months of accumulation."

I smiled and said, "Although you ca n’t wait, it ’s always good to plan early. You have n’t seen the map of Yueheng. The four main cities in China just occupy the most central golden area of ​​Yueheng. The city is bordered by other cities, especially the Minamata City, which is next to the three main cities of Canada, the United States and Greenland. It is estimated that those people will be busy soon. Fortunately, there are only two main cities adjacent to India and the United Kingdom. With the strength of the players in Silvermoon, I believe that it is not impossible for the Communist Party to pass. "

Murong Shanshan blinked and asked with a smile: "How did India and Britain get together? Aren't they not together?"

I explained: "The distribution of cities between countries is not completely in accordance with reality. After all, Yueheng mainland is a large whole and there are not so many sea areas. Moreover, the specific location is also determined by the parties in each country. There is a main city Fortunately, there is a small country that does not have a decent main city at all. For example, Norway has only a second-tier city about the size of Hurricane City. The Vatican is even worse. There is only one city in the country. It's almost big, Shanshan, you remember, it's that wild wolf village! "

Murong Shanshan gave me a bad look and stunned, "How can you not remember, at that time, the guy with money in your eyes still stabbed me 3000 yuan with a beast sword that attacked 7-12? Well, it made me rush to eat cocoa every time I went to the cafeteria that week! "

Looking back, I laughed and said, "I'm willing to sell, you're willing to buy, what are you talking about? Then, at the time, my sword of the beast that attacked 7-12 was superb. Most people want to buy me and don't sell it. At that time, what did Xue Han use? Attacking only 3-6 broken wooden sticks, that's not bad. Generally players were still playing melee at that time, you should be satisfied ~~ "

Murong Shanshan smiled slightly and said with a sigh, "It ’s been so fast. It ’s been 4 months in the blink of an eye. It seems that we are still trading in Xinshoucun, but now we are all close to 80 three-turns. At the time, I never thought I would play this game to this point, nor did I think I could build the first guild in China ’s first main city. Even Coco said that sometimes, I feel a little different. Now. "

"What's different?" I looked at her with a smile.

Murong Shanshan held her face with one hand and looked at the stars, saying, "She said that I became more and more bossy. Sometimes, she did not dare to talk to me ..."

"Are you there?" I smiled, and said, "People can blame you for taking up too much time. Even when people kiss me and Wu Dong kiss me, you have to make big light bulbs by your side. You do n’t know it! "

"However, I'm good for her too!" Murong Shanshan was a little unconvinced, looked up at me and said, "What kind of person Wu Dong is, you should also be able to see a little bit, he is basically half-hearted about Coco, now I Out of school, Coco may have gotten into bed with that silly girl! "

I patted her on the shoulder: "Ah, cocoa is already an adult and has the right to enjoy. Why should you be like an ascetic? Besides, you may be in the school when Wu Dong sees you every day. I do n’t care too much about Cocoa, but as soon as you leave, there will be so many beauties in the school, Wu Dong may be the second best, and then he will fall to Cocoa? ”

Xin Yu gave me a strange look and said, "Don't discuss such an adult thing with Shanshan, you see her blushing."

"Are you blushing? It was grilled by the heat of charcoal ..."

Murong Shanshan wiped her mouth and said, "After a few days, I want to go back and look at Coco. Maybe this girl can't live in school anymore."

I suggest: "Don't go back, this kind of thing is better to let it go. You forcefully block it, but Coco may hate you for a lifetime, let her taste it, and suffer both physically and mentally. Maybe she is considered a true adult. , Hey, China's rites of rite are too simple, in fact, often the true rites of rite are performed in bed. "

Murong Shanshan nodded gently: "Maybe you're right, forget it, I won't care about it, my own business is already a headache."

Xin Yu smiled and asked, "Shan Shan, what's your headache?"

"Too much headache."

Murong Shanshan turned over the kebabs on the shelf and saw everyone watching her, so she smiled softly and explained: "There are so many and complicated things in the guild. If you don't manage it for a few days, you will be covered with grass. It can be given to the young and frivolous and the sun never sets, but after all, they can only share a small part of the income of the resident. If I don't do it myself, they will always have something to say over time. "

"Just because of this?"

"Of course not." Murong Shanshan looked up at me, and then looked at Xinyu and Lu Xuehan. After a few seconds, she said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, the person I am most worried about is my mother ..."

"Your mother?" I asked in amazement. "What happened to her and still need you to worry?"

Murong Shanshan shook her head and chuckled: "She does not lack anything materially, but she has divorced her father for so many years, and I have never seen her look for another man. You say, is this normal? Mom is still young, You should not put everything you have on your work. "

"I was worried about this ..." Xinyu couldn't help laughing: "Since I grew up, I also know how to care about my mother ~~"

Murong Shanshan blushed slightly and whispered, "I knew you would make fun of me. Forget it, I wouldn't say it if I knew it!"

I was busy and comforted: "It's okay to say it, at least I will feel more comfortable. Or, let's find one for the aunt?"

"Find one?" Murong looked at me in wonder, and couldn't help laughing after a few seconds: "Do you think that among the many men who are about the same age as my mother, is worthy of her? "

I touched my head for a long time, and there was no one. After all, Murong Shanshan's mother looked so young and beautiful, and she was very wealthy. There were really few men who could match her.

Murong Shanshan reluctantly said, "Now, you know why I have such a headache!"

I nodded: "It's really a headache. Have you knocked your aunt side by side and asked her if she had any thoughts on this?"

"No, I'm afraid of being scolded by her ~"

"This way, I see, don't worry about this kind of thing. Auntie doesn't know how much higher than your experience. She can handle it by herself. If we help, it will be self-defeating."

Xin Yu also nodded and said, "Lin Fan is right. If she needs it, she will find it by herself."

Although Xin Yu's words are not very pleasing, they are facts.

At this moment, Lu Xuehan suddenly handed over a brick-like thing, and said with a smile: "Lin Fan, try my roasted buns ~~"

I was horrified. This was a gimmick. I thought it was a black brick just taken out of the coal kiln!

"Xue Han, is this really a hoe?" I frowned, and reconfirmed again, the iron stick in my hand was still smoking.

Lu Xuehan nodded extremely earnestly, saying, "Yes, but the heat seems to be overdone."

MD, it ’s true. A woman ca n’t be used as a meal no matter how good-looking she is. Lu Xuehan ’s appearance is enough to compete with Murong Shanshan. But when it comes to the technology of barbecue, she seems to be far behind. It is estimated that before that, she also Haven't eaten anything before.

I could not help but secretly sigh: Xinyu is more practical, and it works just as well under the bed.

Xinyu at this time desperately laughed and said, "Lin Fan, try Xuehan's craftsmanship!"

Lu Xuehan and Murong Shanshan also looked at me with anticipation, but I had to close my eyes and take a bite.

It's crispy, and it has a strong burnt flavor ...

After drinking a cup of Coke in one breath, I cleaned the burnt taste in my mouth. I looked around. The diners had already dispersed a lot, and it was almost one o'clock in the morning, so I said, "If you're full, if you can't, then pack. Take it away? "

Murong Shanshan said, "No, it's full, but this bottle of coke has to be taken away!"

After that, she picked up half a bottle of Coke at the table.

A small MM who enters at least several million a day will care about a bottle of cola for 6 yuan, which is too incredible, but everyone is lazy to despise her, pack things, and go back to sleep.

"Lin Fan, are you still doing that task tomorrow?" Xin Yu stepped forward and asked back.

I replied, "Yeah ~ ~ I can't leave that map for the time being, otherwise, I don't know how much work it takes to go into the fourth floor."

Murong Shanshan asked in surprise: "You have entered the fourth floor of the Lost Temple?"

"Well, killing the first three tiers is pretty easy. I guess it will be difficult later."

Murong Shanshan asked: "I heard that there is one on each floor of the Lost Temple, so to speak, three have been killed, and there must be a lot of good equipment. Lost Temple, it is not easy ~! "

"There is nothing good to equip. There are only two purple ones, and the attributes are not good. Which idiot tells you that the lost temple will explode?"

"Red leaf, uh, you idiot."


After thinking about it, Hongye said that there must be her reasoning. Maybe the next few layers will really be well equipped, and that ’s all for the next day. I ’m going to sleep well tonight One day, I really didn't rest.

Back in the dormitory, I just fell asleep and soon fell into a dream.

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