Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 388: Destroy fortress

Use the turret?

I couldn't help but be a little suspicious, and asked, "How to use it? We were bombed into **** before we approached this way. At that time, you could only collect my body. You wouldn't want me to use it as a bait to seduce the battery to attack the arrows The tower group? No! The attack from the arrow tower is too high. As long as several of them attack me at the same time, they will definitely die! "

"Who asked you to take that risk ~" Murong Shanshan couldn't help smiling, and said with a smile: "Take a closer look, don't you find that the attack distance of the turret is actually much longer than the arrow tower?"

I looked up, and indeed, we entered the range of the turret from a long distance, but an arrow tower not far from us could not attack us. This can only be said that the range of the turret is much longer than the arrow tower. Murong Shanshan did observe more carefully.

"The turret is controlled. Look, someone is aiming the rudder on it!"

Following Murong Shanshan's direction, it turned out that there were two 90-level turrets controlling the turret, aiming at us far away, and just starting to attack after entering the range.

For a moment, I understood Murong Shanshan's thoughts, so I said, "So, Shanshan, please wait for me here for a while. After I clear out the arrow towers, let's leave!"

Murong Shanshan smiled and nodded: "Well, I will support you below and block all the guards who come over. Be careful yourself!"

I did n’t say anything. I immediately used the phosphor to sneak into the turret, and moved carefully to the turret. As long as the muzzle of the black hole is fired, I will definitely suffer. Now, I can only pray to strengthen the stealth to be able to fudge the turret. Two, logically speaking, I am also 90, they will only find that within 50 yards, it is theoretically safer.

Holding his breath, the atmosphere didn't dare to say a word, and finally managed to reach below the fort. I saw that the two above still didn't find me, just staring at Murong Shanshan in the distance, and the soldiers resting at night were called up. , Is fighting with Murong Shanshan's four subordinates.

I started to climb the stairs below the turret lightly, and the Thunder boots I wore underneath showed weaknesses. Even if I was careful, I would still make a slight noise, which made me sweat cold and my heart beat fast. How good it would be to change to bear's paw, now it's okay, if at this time, if you find out, turning the muzzle hasn't shot me into the rock formations underground?

Maybe my RP is good. Two have never looked at me. They have been lying on the aiming line and watching Murong Shanshan and the four orcs below, but the distance control of the little beauty is perfect. No longer stepping forward, the two looked only anxious.

"Hoo ~"

After much pain and suffering, I jumped from the stairs to the attic of the turret, and the sword of warsong slammed the combo on one of them, and once again hit him through the heavy blow, the other was fast. Turning the muzzle in preparation for a fatal blow to me.

At this time, the corpse was still inserted on the blade, and in an anxiety, I immediately bullied my body and kicked my feet on the chest. The normal strength of level 90 was just that, and I immediately flew out under a strong kick. , "Click" broke the attic railing and fell down with a few pieces of wood.

There was a muffled sound, and the ten-meter-high gun turret was not a joke. The head hanged without a hum.

In this way, a dark magic cannon belongs to me.

Checked the properties of the magic cannon-

[Black Pine Magic Assaulter] (Orange Siege Defense Device)

Magic attack: 3200-4000

Defense: 1800

Qi and blood: 100,000

Attack type: Scatter, can cause devastating damage to the target, and can cause certain damage to enemy targets around the target through magic radiation

Attack distance: 1700

Attack interval: 20 seconds

Attack requirements: magic index, each attack requires the user to 100 mana

I took a look at my attributes. Just the equipment alone adds 750 intelligence. The swordsman's mana growth is naturally not as good as the intellectual and professional professions such as mages and priests. If you calculate by the mage's mana growth, you can add a little intelligence It is 10 points of magic value, and the swordsman of my melee profession is a lot worse, probably only 4 points of intelligence can be added to each point of intelligence.

Even so, the intelligence points of nearly 800 points made my magic value exceed 3,000. I can use it at least 30 times with a magic cannon. Besides, I also took a lot of magic potions when robbing Akiba Drugstore. Now It's come in handy.

Clicked on the magic cannon to pick it up, and the system prompts: Congratulations, because you are a player other than Ben, you have obtained the right to use the black pine magic attacker!

No wonder, only the players who are not in the city of Blast can use magic cannons. It is also understandable that if the players in the country can use it, going upstairs will make a mess, and for the players outside the Blast City, the designer thinks Others can't easily intrude here, so I was negligent, and this is my great opportunity.

Immediately adjusted the line of sight of the magic artillery, and aimed at the nearest arrow tower, which is Murong Shanshan not far away, very close, and even several times have attacked the orc summoned by Murong Shanshan, presumably the little beauty also has a headache. Although this arrow tower can control the distance, it is quite annoying. Murong Shanshan must be secretly crying at this time.

Then the launch system was activated, and a casting progress bar slowly flowed. After about 20 seconds, a cricket rang at the muzzle, and a fiery red light ball flew straight out. It is also surrounded by blue light, which also foreshadows the magical properties of this light ball. The recoil produced by firing the magic ball makes the entire turret seem to shake, and the power of the light ball can be seen from this.

"Boom ~!"

A brilliant spark exploded at the top of the arrow tower. For a moment, the extremely powerful light ball almost took off half of the top of the arrow tower. Several operations hidden inside the arrow tower were lifted together with the ceiling. The rest Several also panicked and forgot to attack.

I checked it, and the blood of the arrow tower was lost for more than half an instant, and it was not completely destroyed.

So the second wave of attacks continued. After 20 seconds, the arrow tower burst into a bright light again. This time it was resolved. The top of the entire arrow tower completely exploded, leaving only a towering arrow tower base. Lost combat effectiveness.

My heart was instantly refreshing. This arrow tower attacking the 3200 would cost hundreds of millions if I bought it at the station. Now that I ’m fine, I can solve 100 million in the Japanese city with two attacks, a sense of achievement. However born.

The defense of the arrow tower is 1400, and there is a lot of blood and blood, about 200,000, but it can only withstand two attacks of magic cannons. It can be seen how horrible the magic attack of 4000 is. Definitely no residue left!

Fortunately, the position below Murong Shanshan has been surrounded by a large number of guards. I thought that the guards were so small during the day. Now I know how outrageous I am. The guards here should belong to a certain branch. The troop seems to be endless, and the whole square is full of people. Fortunately, Murong Shanshan and her four orc subordinates are of the iron plate type. For the time being, there is no danger.

So I continued to deal with the arrow tower. As Murong Shanshan expected, the range of the magic cannon was 1700, more than three times that of the arrow tower, so the dozen or so arrow towers were all within range. It takes a short time to kill one, and it takes about one minute.

Ten minutes later, all the arrow towers were razed to the ground, and Murong Shanshan was also surrounded by the groups. Even the player can be seen in the distance. It seems that Japanese players who are still in the game at night also found this Edge of the accident.

Dozens of mages were killed immediately, and the magic of each department quickly began to condense. The goal was Murong Shanshan surrounded by guards!

More soldiers and knights did not advance. They already knew that the two invading Chinese players were ranked first and second in the rankings respectively. This level of players is not what they can deal with, but to protect their attack power. A powerful mage is more sane.

But unfortunately, they never thought that I had controlled the ultimate killing weapon in the city. Maybe their strategy could trap me and Murong Shanshan here, but now it's not working, what is waiting for them will be No doubt killing!

Reversed the direction of the magic light cannon, aimed at the positions of dozens of players, directly locked the most central mage, and determinedly pressed the launch button.

I saw the progress bar moving at a constant speed. I couldn't explain the tension in my heart. The goal this time is not. It is too exciting to have a living player as a target! Most of these Japanese players are not good birds. On the forum, they blasted the city of the wind as the first main city of Yueheng and insulted the four main cities of China. Of course, it is even more bad to call the Chinese inferior races. It's irrelevant, so I don't have any guilt at all. This kind of dispute is an inextricable knot.

"Boom ~!"

The magic light ball attacked fiercely. After half a second, it had accurately burst into the crowd. The first wizard was instantly burned into the fly ash by the light of the light. The nearby melee professional players were also not spared. The magic light ball affected the power. Even if I had to bear more than 5,000 blood that would be killed, let alone these people.

In the scream, none of the players within the range of the magic artillery attack were spared, and all went back to the city for free. The remaining dozens of players who were far away were stunned. When they reacted, I started After the second attack, it was another large-scale spike. There were only two or three people left this time. They looked at me, I looked at you, and finally fled away in unison.

Below, Bai Guang violently rises, Murong Shanshan wipes out a guard with a sword sword, and I also help to clear out the surroundings, so that she will be easier to solve.

Seeing that everything was done, when I was about to go down, Murong Shanshan sent a call request--

"Don't go down first, you look at the fort gate behind, it seems to be locked. Use the turret to open the gate! In addition, the power of this turret is too great, once the national war will cause us a lot of trouble , After using it, find a way to destroy it! "

I smiled, but the little MM thoughtfully, I just wanted to let go and just left.

At a glance, the gates behind are all made of iron sheet, which looks quite firm. I don't know if the magic cannon can be opened. Let's try it!

Aim and attack!

After the "Boom ~" sound, the door shook suddenly, and it seemed that even the fence was driven. The steel-made door was really strong enough, and after a magic cannon attack, it did not fall suddenly.

So I cleared my mood and started again.

The second attack seemed to be more powerful than the first, and the deafening sound echoed throughout the valley. Even, a crack had appeared between the huge stones of the city wall, and it seemed to be on the verge of collapse!

The third attack is also the last attack, and the effect this time surprised me speechless!

The magic light ball hit the gate like a cannonball, and flew forward with the gate. It pulled away with a chain rope and tens of meters of the city wall and flew out. Suddenly, the city wall cracked in a large area. The defensive attic above the giant gate also shattered and fell, and there were countless deaths and injuries, and the voice of a crying father and mother.

Murong Shanshan, who was still on the phone with me, was probably dumbfounded. She murmured, "Lin Fan, are we going to make the basket too big this time ..."

I said, "Big P, didn't you want me to do that!"

At this time, the strength of the rear player organization came over again. The few people who escaped just now must have reported. The people brought this time especially said that the mage was the main force. We cannot defeat such a team. We can only quickly go away!

Thinking of this, I looked at the NB killer weapon that was more NB than the photon cannon. If I could take it as a bazooka, then NB!

So I tried to carry it up hard, but it kept me moving even when I tried harder. At this moment, Murong downstairs was anxious and cursed with a smile: "Stupid, what are you thinking! Quickly destroy it! Such Things ca n’t be taken away, anyone with a little thinking ability can think of it! "

I was a little embarrassed, and then gave up my crazy thoughts, raised the sword of warsong and chopped it down. After a "dang", the magic artillery was cut off from it, and the cut was neat.

Somewhat uneasy, I waved the sword of warsong and cut it several times repeatedly, and cut the whole magic cannon into N pieces like a big pie.

I jumped off the turret directly, lost more than 2,000 blood, and immediately after landing, Murong Shanshan pulled towards the city of high winds. In the back, a large number of Japanese players rushed in, but when they arrived, they only watched Behind the originally fortified fortress has become a mess, and the creator of the figurine has escaped from the dilapidated city wall, at this moment has disappeared into the night, it is too late to chase.


I ran out of N in one breath before stopping. Murong Shanshan and I were both out of breath. In the moonlight, Murong Shanshan's face looked red and red because of the movement. She looked back at the scene in the direction of the fortress far away. A large area of ​​the ruined city wall collapsed to the ground. There is no doubt that it would take a lot of time to build the city wall, just like the construction of the Great Wall in ancient China, and it also required a lot of funds. These funds should all be It is drawn from the tax of the city of blast, and soon the game consumption of Japanese players will increase.

After all, Murong Shanshan is just a little girl. Now she is a bit scared when she sees this scene. She can't help but worry and says, "Lin Fan, have we destroyed half of the fortress, have we done too much?"

I shook my head and said, "It's not too much, it's just a fortress. Sooner or later, we will start the war. We are just pre-emptive. What Chinese traditional thinking over the years has been is pre-emptive. Active offense is always good. Besides, this is only in the game. Here, the game is completely different from reality. No one can control us. It is because reality ca n’t go without the Yasukuni Shrine, so it is realized in the game. This is understandable! ”

Murong Shanshan immediately showed a charming smile ~ ~ said: "Well, this Wild Fortress, we have done very successfully, and in the next time, we will not have to clash with the players and the City of Storm. , Directly bypass the city of wind and enter the ancient mountains, where the monster level is very high, and the monsters have been strengthened a lot more than other leveling points, so local players generally do not regard it as a leveling point , They are more willing to call it an adventure area, that is, people like us who are adventurous are willing to go. "

"Well, it's okay to go early. You can't find the gods and animals you said in a few days. Let's go back to Yinyue City. Anyway, that's just a legend. No one can be sure whether it will be set like that in the game. of."

Murong Shanshan pouted and chuckled: "Well, listen to you this time. It ’s okay to finish it early. Many things in the guild are waiting for us to do, and it's time to start forming a cavalry regiment. It is impossible to complete the formation of the Cavalry Regiment by myself. If you were my deputy, I would not have to worry about it anymore ~ ​​"

I couldn't help laughing: "Please! Lost Paradise also needs me a lot, and besides, Sister Lin has never been willing to let people go, for fear I'll run away with you that day!"

Murong Shanshan grinned, looked at the time, and said, "It's not early, go to bed early, tomorrow I will go into the ancient mountains to look for the beast!"

So off the line and rest.

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