Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 399: Sexy Xu Lin

The five knights on the far right were all MMs with high chests. I couldn't help but look back and asked Xin Yu: "When will our guild have so many advanced female players?"

Xin Yu said, "You do n’t often go to guilds. Of course, you do n’t know. There are more than just these beautiful women. Among the 1000 knight players we have selected, there are nearly 30 beautiful women. Oh, beautiful knight, this is a very good name. ? "

I nodded, the name of my heart was good, but I didn't know if it would work or not.

I walked a few steps forward, and suddenly found a straight male player standing in the first row, with a determined face showing perseverance, and his name was displayed above his head: "Battle Sword Pig" !!

I secretly asked Xin Yu: "These guys are not very peaceful, why are they so obediently lined up now?"

Xin Yu said: "Don't you say that you want them to become regular professional players? So Sister Lin draws 5 million from the funds of the guild station every month as our funding. I have told them that the monthly salary is 5000 people, equivalent to ordinary white-collar workers, who do not do such good things, but also just play games ~ "

It turned out to be money, so no wonder these guys would be so at ease.

I walked in front of the sword sword pig and smiled and said, "Hello pig, classmate!"

With the sword, the piglet froze and smiled, "Boss!"

As a result, everyone laughed, and the original serious atmosphere was swept away.

I looked at you all and said in a loud voice: "Everyone listens. From now on, you will be regular employees of Lost Paradise's Yufan company. Of course, they are not signed employees, but our credibility is trustworthy. Every month Must be paid on time. "

There are people below who are happy and whispering. After all, my words are equivalent to giving them a reputation, at least to make them no longer think that they are just idle people who just play games and are not professional.

I also said, "Of course, Yufan Company did not hire everyone to eat big pots of rice. I am solely responsible for this operation. My goal is to form a cavalry regiment that is invincible on the continent of Yueheng!"

At the moment, my words are like dropping bombshells in the crowd, and many players are very surprised. "The invincible, the majestic Quartet", these two words are so NB!

Beside me, Lu Xuehan gave me an admiration glance, and then I said to everyone: "Everyone knows that the combat effectiveness of a professional single soldier like a knight cannot be reflected at all, especially in the heads-up P, except for thieves and other professions Almost all can be said to be able to torture the knight completely. I believe that you all have personal experience. Therefore, my idea is to let the knight players condense together to form a real-scale charge. In this case, the large P mode may be With new changes, the blockade formed by the swordsman and other infantry occupations is completely in front of Iron Rider, and the cavalry formation will become the master of a guild war or even a national war! "

Someone in the queue shouted excitedly: "Boss, just tell us what to do, we must do it!"

I laughed and said, "Don't be impatient, you also know that I'm a very low-level infantry, so I can't take you into charge, I can only choose a captain for you."

I waved my hand to the front, and said loudly, "He is a pig classmate! I hope that everyone will obey the command of the sword pig, and he will directly ask me for everything, understand?"


The people almost agreed, and it can be seen that the prestige of the sword sword pig in the player is still very good.

Piggy with a sword was dying with excitement for a while, looking at me incredibly, it was difficult to be sure that the person in charge of the cavalry regiment I designated was himself.

I smiled and continued, "Of course, as a knight, to play the true power of a cavalry, you must have the assistance of a pet mount. Who among you owns a mount?"

A player immediately departed, respectfully: "Boss, I am the only knight with mounts among so many people!"

I said, "Release your mount?"

The knight immediately began to release the pet. The knight's sword waved forward, and a magical array of six stars appeared in front of him. before.

Xin Yu laughed out loud, Lu Xuehan covered her mouth and smiled. I tried to hold back my smile and said, "Brother, ride up and let everyone see ~"

The little knight immediately stepped on his mount, and a very funny scene appeared: the donkey's legs almost fell down, but it was also loyal, it just supported the heavy body of the little knight wearing armor, but the little knight ’s The legs were relatively long, and the donkey was not tall enough, and the result was that the knight was walking on the ground with his legs.

The knights in the queue laughed and laughed. The knights MM laughed even more loudly than Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu.

I smiled and asked, "Brother, what about your BMW?"

The little knight was embarrassed and said, "Added 10 movement speed, 5 maximum blood, 1 attack, is it okay?"

I smiled: "Is this okay? I'll let you see what the NB mount is!"

After saying that, I reached out and pointed at the sword pig, and said, "Pig out, give you a baby!"

The little pig was terrified by the sword. I hurried over, and I quickly traded him a rhino seal stone. He paused and murmured, "Boss, this thing is very valuable now ..."

I said, "Less nonsense, hurry up and mount the mount and let everyone see!"

With the sword of pig 85, he can naturally control the iron armored rhino, so he is no longer polite. After using the seal stone, the big sword waved, and the magical array of blue six-pointed stars appeared in front of him, but it was better than before. The little knight was much more, and in a flash, a huge rhino appeared in front of everyone, like a small mobile fortress.

Everyone exclaimed, the Cavaliers were so stunned that they don't have to guess. The iron-armored rhino's attributes must be stout!

At this time, the sword-swording pig had stepped on the mount and waved the big sword. I saw the light on the tip of the sword suddenly appeared, and a substance similar to the sword gas appeared. I realized it for a moment. It is convenient for the knight players to attack on the mount, so the melee attack distance has been extended slightly. As for that sword qi, it is only an attack appearance effect.

Almost everyone looked enviously at the sword sword pig, and he put away the mount after showing enough, and walked in front of me to be grateful: "Boss, I am ashamed of this, this seal stone got On the market, you can sell one million if you say less! "

I said, "It's nothing. It's a public item issued by the guild. Isn't it necessary for high school students to wear a school uniform? It is only natural for us to send a mount."

Piggy Sword was surprised: "Does everyone have it?"

I smiled and said to everyone loudly: "I will try to make everyone have a mount, but the rhino mounts that can be equipped at level 80 are limited, only 250, I will distribute to our guild first Upgrade to level 80 Cavalier players and release until the end! "

The crowd was excited, and I said, "Now, members who have learned tame skills after three turns of level 80 come to me to receive rhino mounts. Xin Yu is responsible for counting the list of members who have received the mounts, and the donkey rider. Friends, unbind your cute little donkey and give you a more NB mount! "

The little knight was so excited that he immediately resolved the little wild donkey that he had loved, and replaced it with a tall and powerful rhino seal stone.

Of the more than 200 people, only a dozen people reached level 80, so I sent out a dozen rhino seal stones in my package. This was not my original intention. I originally planned to equip a rhino with at least 50 people at the beginning. It seems that the Cavalry Regiment can only wait one more time, but fortunately, most of the people in this group are 77 to 79, and it will not take too long to rise to 80.

More than a dozen rhino-armed knights were trying out new mounts, and they ran back and forth to make a piece of dust. The rhinos were huge, and the rumbling sound of shaking them shook people's hearts. I couldn't help but secretly, a dozen rhino armored knights could have Such a might, if you can really equip a small cavalry regiment with a total of 250 people, where will NB go? I'm afraid that just the momentum can scare the average player!

The sword sword pig also climbed up to the mount again. I walked over and said, "Let's go to leveling right away. You will lead your brother who is already level 80 to patrol around the leveling area. You are already level 80." , Do n’t come to eat experience, protect the brothers ’leveling grounds, and once a small hostile enemy is found, kill it on the spot!”

After that, I was very upset, and I hated being subjugated in this way. Unfortunately, I chose a swordsman. I'm afraid I have no chance to ride such a tall mount in my life.

After being surprised by the rhinoceros mount, Piggy Sword did not say much, and immediately agreed.

So I turned back to Xin Yu and said, "Where do I go to level up?

Xin Yu nodded and led the way with Lu Xuehan.

On the edge of the green forest, many players take advantage of this great morning light to advance to the leveling point, but most of them are small teams of several people. It is rare for hundreds of people like us to level up together. , The single most disliked by single players is to meet our large leveling team. Generally speaking, the refresh rate of monsters is once every half an hour. Once they encounter a group leveling team, they will often be swept away. The monsters that dots fall in pieces, so large-scale leveling teams are like locusts. After eating one leveling point and then going to the next leveling point, they usually occupy more than three leveling points to achieve saturation.

After about half an hour, after passing through a few trees like a magical array, a large open area appeared in front of us, and the marginal area was covered with lush groves. There was a separate open area behind the woods, which were separated like blocks. On the grass, there are a huge number of wild wolves. These wolves have long hair and are even dragged to the ground.

A quick identification, the attributes are quite powerful-

[Grass Hairy Dire Wolf] (Ordinary Monster)

Level: 90

Attack: 00-2400

Defense: 1400

Qi and blood: 40000


The attack is not bad. For those who are poor in defense and blood, Xinyu should have chosen this leveling zone because of this, but the setting of this hairy wolf is quite weird. I wondered: "The fur is strong Isn't that a characteristic of snowy mountain creatures? How could there be such long-haired animals on this temperate grassland, and would it be difficult to move even with morning mist and dew? "

Lu Xuehan pouted and smiled: "You have too much control, we are just leveling, not to study the creatures. By the way, Xinyu, have those mages come? This kind of fur monster, fire magic burns Pretty fast. "

Xin Yu said, "After ten minutes, the knights will be organized to train themselves!"

In fact, Xin Yu ’s words are a bit redundant, because many knights have already drawn out their big swords and started leveling. A group of people have formed a line to advance. Although there are many dire wolves, they ca n’t hold up more people. Besides, these knights are not a few with high defenses, and some equipment. Fortunately, there is a Need for Shield, and even the defense value can exceed 2400. In this way, the terror wolf cannot break the defense at all, and this leveling is not dangerous.

Not long after, dozens of players of the mage contacted by Xinyu came, followed by a few priests MM, and Xu Lin also came along. As a female mage whose guild fire output is much higher than everyone, she did not fail. The reason for coming, but what surprised me is that Li Qing also came over. She was a summoner who was superfluous, mostly to mix experience.

At this time, Xu Lin was well equipped, and her whole body was shining orange. It is estimated that at least half of her body was equipped with orange. It is not difficult to imagine that her magical attack must have been so powerful that she was a mad player. , Blood Red and Ye Qiu's equipment is already very NB, but compared to Xu Lin still slightly inferior.

What makes people speechless is that Xu Lin's robe design is quite special. The chest is actually a black translucent bust underwear, a delicate belt is tied around the waist, and the upper body has a white skin lotion to the double peaks. On the outside, you can even see a slight bulge on the bust. You can still see a shallow cleavage in such retro clothes. It can be seen that Xu Lin's body is actually more authentic, much stronger than Li Qinghe fruit. . Fortunately, the robe design also has a veil-style coat with a complex rune, soft and elegant.

I took a closer look and found that there was no transparent **** Xu Lin's white shoulders, so I laughed: "Sister Lin's robe is so beautiful and sexy, it makes people think about it."

Everyone was stunned. Several players nearby stayed there. In the guild, no one dared to tease this generous and decent real boss, and I was the first one.

Who ever thought that Xu Lin was not angry, she smiled and said, "Yes? Why haven't I heard you before?"


I suddenly remembered the days before playing Yueheng. Xu Lin was wearing the same **** clothes, but at that time I didn't dare to speak like I do now. Probably, I have experienced a lot together and didn't really think of Xu Lin as Boss, maybe we all now treat her as my older sister.

Xu Lin is 24 years old and is the oldest of our group. Liu Yun is the same age as her and has the same characteristics as her. That is, she has experienced a lot. She has already taken off her simple coat. Some people may say Guozi and Li Qingzhuang are pure and flirtatious, but absolutely no one will say that Xu Lin. The mature and generous first impression of her is stability and trustworthiness. This is why I will always support her. For others, I am afraid I've long since stood alone.

Xu Lin glanced at Xinyu next to me, and suddenly laughed: "Forget it, let's say, Xinyu, the jealous girl, will say that I have taken love horizontally ~"

Xin Yu said immediately: "You can seduce whatever you have the ability to do, hum, I'm afraid it only works for middle-aged and old men with beer belly. Lin Fan won't eat yours."

Xu Lin was speechless, came over and asked to join the team, and after I pulled her name in, the leveling officially started. A dozen knights had a tacit understanding to slowly move forward around the mage. The fire department in the mage team The magic flew into chaos, and those long-haired wolves were probably the most afraid of this kind of fire attack. They were burnt out three or two times ~ ~ The little blood was also quickly consumed 殆Exhausted.

After a while, my experience bar actually went up a little bit, and I was immediately pleased. I did not expect that the 95-level monster gave me a lot of experience, so I pulled out the sword of the Warsong and went to lively, always chatting with me beside me. At this time, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu also remembered that they were leveling, so the multiple arrows and healing wave light began to flash.

I have to say that Xinyu ’s physical attack has reached the point where it can be overwhelmed. The attack range of multiple arrows is about the same as the sword energy. Although the instantaneous explosive power is a bit worse, the cumulative damage output of the attack is not better than the sword energy once every two minutes. How many times stronger, this is why Xin Yu can directly rise to level 88. Me Rong Shanshan and me, melee swordsmen, are upgraded by great experience, and super rain attack output professions such as Xin Yu and Xu Lin are directly Relying on monster killing upgrades is enough to be proud of the heroes on the level.

There is no single attack on the field that can be compared with me. I can drop a **** dire wolf in two or three seconds under the extremely high attack of nearly 3000. This makes the surrounding knights marvel and envy. The tongue was endless, and Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan behind me looked happy, as if they were praised.

About half an hour later, a knight suddenly came over riding a rhino, and said in a panic, "A large number of players with unknown identities appeared in the southeast direction, coming towards us!"

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