After taking the task, I walked away and came to the periphery of the village. I found that many people were killing monsters, but the leveling object they chose was chickens raised by the villagers. The attack power was low, but the experience was also lower Pitifully low.

Shaking his head, I continued to go deep into the woods outside the village, and within a few steps I saw a group of wild dogs wandering among the trees.

Pulling the broken sword behind me, I picked the nearest wild dog and chopped it down!


The red numbers burst on the head of the wild dog. It seems that this time it was a fatal blow. Otherwise, it would be strange that I could do such damage with my highest 3 attack!

Sure enough, the subsequent attacks were hovering between 2 and 3. Fortunately, the wild dogs were only level 2 monsters, and I was able to fight 30 dogs with relatively easy blood.


The first wild dog fell, and I rushed over and pulled it on its body, and found three copper coins and a piece of fur. Dogskin: Quest item!

It seems that this is the dog skin that the defense hack needs. The next thing is much simpler. After I kill a dog, I sit down and rest for a while. During the rest, the blood is returned. Although it is a bit slower, it saves time. Money, it is estimated that no one can afford medicine to level up now.

In a few minutes, twenty dogskins were collected, and the wild dogs would no longer be out of quest items, and I have also risen to level 2, the attack power has increased a little, and the blood has changed from the original 60. After 80, it seems that there is still a lot of qi and blood for each level. After the upgrade, 5 points were obtained. Immediately added to the strength without hesitation. It is impossible for anyone to bring it in the early stage. Everything depends on yourself. Coming to kill, how can you do it?

Seeing that the village is getting farther and farther, and the number of players who come here to kill wild dogs has gradually increased, but I have found that most of them have not collected wild dog skins. It seems that few people know to take this task. After all, the defense soldier just walked around the village entrance, and his face was not written with the word "mission".

Immediately ran back to the village and handed over the task, only to find that the defense soldiers were quite generous. After killing 20 wolves, 80 copper coins were given. At this time, the money was very important. Only at the tenth level began to take office. Who knows how much it would cost at that time? Maybe not, or maybe a gold coin! (1 gold coin = 100 silver coin = 10000 copper coin)

With the last experience, I hurried around in the village. I talked to me whenever I was OK, and it turned out that I got the task!

[Task: Bloody Counterattack]

Mission: Help the village head to destroy the wolf packs in the wild wolf valley on the east side of the village and bring the village head 50 teeth of wild wolf! Be careful, it's best to find more companions before going there. The wild wolves there are quite fierce. The strongest young people in the village have already died a lot under the teeth of wild wolves!

This task is relatively difficult, because it can be seen in the task that the level of the wild wolf is not low, and the village chief also prompted the need to form a team to complete the task. Well, let's go first, other tasks can be done.

[Task: Collect Tomato Fruit]

Mission: Ahua in the village planted a lot of tomatoes on the hillside, but recently the wolf often appeared outside the village. Please collect 10 tomatoes for Ahua.

[Question: Village Defense]

Mission: Kill the feral wild dogs outside the village, get the teeth of 20 wild dogs and give it to the defense hack!


Picking fruits and killing wild dogs should not be a problem. Anyway, killing wild dogs is not slow to rise. It is also a good choice to do tasks while leveling. Just that task has given 200 experience. You must know that killing a level 1 monster Given 10 experience, leveling up a task is twice as fast as others ~

Looking at the players who are practicing in the distance, I am not too bad to disturb the good interest of the group of people who are leveling (mainly they are obviously a group, and they will blame P for losing face for a while), So I walked directly around half of the village and went into the woods from the east. I can see the tomato planted in the distance!

After killing dozens of wild dogs in succession, none of the dog's teeth came out. I was a bit depressed immediately. Could it be that the task was playing with me?

I walked into the woods again, only then I realized that the level 1 wild dog was still killed, but the level 3 monster in front of me: the feral wild dog!

Silent, smashing the broken sword and rushed to the front to make a sword!


The red number reminds me that the defense of the level 3 wild dog is much higher than that of the level 1. With my current level 2 attack, the level 1 monster usually drops more than five drops at a time.

Level 3 wild dogs have a total of 50 points of blood. In this way, I have to cut 17 swords to get a monster, and it bites me quite frequently. Although I only drop 2 points of blood each time, when I hit By the time a wild dog was finished, his own blood volume had fallen to the bottom line.

Experience +30!

Squat down and turned over the body of the wild dog, and found that in addition to the 14 copper coins and a tooth, there was a tattered armor. Pick it up and look at the attributes:

Wild Dog Leather Armor (White Equipment)

Defense: +5

Much better than the novice clothes on me, at least the defense also came up ~ ~ Put it on right away, it just happens to be leather armor, I will use it in the future after I become a thief. If you wear this when you take office, it will be too miserable.

After the defense was 3 points higher, I could basically sit down and rest after hitting two wild dogs, and the teeth of the wild dog were not produced by every wild dog. When I killed about 100 wild dogs, Finally gathered the teeth of 20 wild dogs!

I have to say that the explosion rate in "Yueheng" is really not high. When I finished killing more than 100 wild dogs to level 3, there was no equipment except one leggings and the leggings were still cloth armor-wild Dog shorts, defense +1, same as the novice's leggings attributes, but also a very short shorts. I do n’t know what she would look like if I gave such a piece of equipment to Xu Lin?

At level 3, the attack and defense have been strengthened a bit, and it's time for me to continue challenging higher-level monsters!

At this time, the 7-9 attack can cut the level 3 wild dog to 8 damage. You can get a level 3 monster without ten swords. The speed of upgrade is definitely not comparable to those rookies who kill chickens at the village entrance.

Continue to march on the hillside behind the woods, and there was something weird all along the way, not even the shadow of a wild dog!

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