Chapter 126: Chopper will continue to lower the average bounty of the Straw Hats!!

Ace and Smoker were fighting in a small restaurant, and the huge smoke and fire clash directly pierced the roof of the restaurant.

The two came directly to the aerial confrontation!

If we just talk about the ability of Devil Fruit, the two people are naturally equal to each other. Maybe Ace always has a kind heart and is not willing to hurt the navy.

Otherwise, with his ability, defeating Smoker would be a very simple matter!

Ace went to sea three years before Luffy, and realized Haki when he was being pursued by the Lieutenant General.

If Ace uses Haki to fight Smoker, it’s obvious that Smoker is no match at all.

On the other side, Luffy, who was being dragged away by Gretel, looked at the fireworks in the sky and exclaimed,”It’s awesome!”

“Unexpectedly, Ace ate a Devil Fruit, or a natural Devil Fruit.”

“No, I must defeat him once in the future!”

Luffy said this, but he also deeply realized that his current strength is not enough to reach the level of a natural system user!

“Hey, Grete, when can we develop the domineering spirit you mentioned!”

Luffy asked.

Gretel sped towards the port, not forgetting to respond to Luffy’s words:”It won’t be long, I can already use the most basic ability of the armed color, iron block, you should also hurry up and practice. Only then”

“I was chased away twice by a colonel from the small East China Sea branch. I was really sorry for my dream!”

When a colonel from a branch goes to the headquarters, he is at most the rank of major, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, and then brigadier general and general. At this time, I don’t know how far he is from the combat effectiveness of a general.

But once he repairs Once you have mastered your domineering skills, and then combine your domineering power with your skills, you can instantly increase your combat effectiveness by a huge amount!

By then, it should not be a problem to face a navy that is not at the level of an ordinary general in the navy!

“Your brother will catch up later. Let’s go to the ship first, otherwise it will be troublesome if we are targeted by the remaining navy.”

“Well, then let me take you away!”

Luffy instantly reversed the situation and broke away from Gretel’s restraints. Then he stretched his arms and catapulted Gretel to a distance! It has to be said that using the elasticity of rubber to travel is indeed fast, but it is a bit time-consuming.

Rao. Is it because of Gretel’s physical condition, or was it because she was so angry that her blood surged?

“Hey, Luffy, can you slow down a little? Actually, we’re not in such a hurry! Gretel said quickly.

But Luffy simply ignored Gretel’s words and ejected again!

“Alas, I am numb!”

《”About My Captain of Resentment”

When we arrived at the port, the Golden Merli had already sailed several hundred meters away from the port and was walking around the coastline. The people on the ship were still holding binoculars and looking for their friends on the shore..

I had to do this because of the presence of warships in the port.

“I saw Luffy! said Nami, who was holding a telescope.


“it’s here! Nami waved and shouted, and said to Usopp:”Usopp, bring the boat closer to the coast and let the two of them come up!””

“Well, I’m doing it.” Usopp responded.

However, Zoro immediately interrupted Usopp’s operation.

“I can’t see any more…”

In Zoro’s horrified eyes, a figure flew over from over there!

Luffy took Gretel and ejected directly from the rocks on the coast!

It hit Zoro’s head steadily. On the body!

Perfect landing!

“Okay, let’s head towards the river and enter the depths of Alabasta!”

After Luffy landed, he clapped his hands deliberately and assumed a commanding posture that a captain sh

ould have.

But the next second, Zoro hit him on the head with a scabbard!

“How many times do I have to tell you! Don’t get on the boat like this, you’ll hit me every time!”

Zoro gritted his teeth and really wanted to chop Luffy.

Last time, if Nami hadn’t stopped him, he would have succeeded!

“Hee hee hee hee~” Luffy was not angry at all after being beaten, and it didn’t hurt anyway.

“I finally met Ace!”

Luffy said with a smile.

“Ace? Did you say you were waiting for your brother in Alabasta?”

Nami said a little surprised.

“That’s right~ Ace has become stronger again!”

Luffy said:”Before going to sea, he had not eaten the fruit, so I had never defeated him. Now that he has eaten the natural devil fruit, he must be even more powerful!”


The Straw Hats looked shocked.

Gretel came to Robin’s side. The two seemed to be about the same age and both wore black clothes. They really matched each other. Moreover,

Robin’s IQ was quite high and he was a normal person. It also makes it easier for Gretel to avoid any shady scenes when talking to her.

“Luffy, have you never defeated Ace once?”

Usopp, Nami, Sanji, and Chopper were all extremely surprised!

You know, Luffy was very powerful even before changing jobs. He head-butted the black cat Crow, kicked the fish-man dragon, and… Punch Admiral Creek.

But with this level of ability, Ace has never been beaten even once, and that was before he even ate the Devil Fruit.

Think about it, this is really terrifying.

But Zoro sees this Come on, this is normal

“Hey, hey, hey, do you think that an ordinary person can become the captain of the Yonko Whitebeard’s second division? Sauron interrupted them.

As a bounty hunter, in addition to knowing the pirates in the East China Sea, he also knew the world-famous great pirates.

“The bounty for the second-in-command of the Yonko Regiment is over one billion berries!”

“So as the third in command, Ace, Luffy’s brother, certainly won’t be that bad!”

“One billion!!!”

At this time, not only Usopp and others, but also Luffy’s eyes widened and his ears pricked up.

“Does this mean that the total bounty of our entire pirate group is less than one-tenth of the bounty of Luffy’s brother Ace?”

Nami covered her mouth. This news was too shocking.

Although she had already known that he was the captain of Whitebeard’s second division, only by telling the specific bounty could we understand his strength more intuitively.

“Even Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai, has a bounty of only 80 million.”

Usopp murmured.

At this time, Gretel coughed twice, interrupting everyone.

“Hey, who said that the total bounty of our pirate group is less than one-tenth of Ace’s!”

“Did I forget to give you an update on our partner Robin?”

Gretel pointed his gaze at Robin, went up and put his hand on Robin’s shoulder.

“Robin was a character who had a bounty of seven to nine million beli on his head at the age of eight. Didn’t I tell you that?”

Grete asked back.


At this moment, everyone realized that Grete had indeed mentioned it when he introduced Robin.

But because Robin was still an enemy at that time, they didn’t pay much attention to it.

Now, everyone remembered that Robin had a bounty of seven thousand ninety-nine. One million, more than double Luffy’s 38 million!

It is truly the highest bounty of the Straw Hats!

Calculating it this way, the Straw Hats’ bounty at the moment has reached 171 million!

Even if it is On average, everyone has more than 20 million!

At this time, everyone looked at Robin, and then at Chopper…”Chopper, why don’t you even have any bounty? You have seriously lowered our pirate reputation.” The average value of the group!”

Everyone said with disdain.

Chopper:… Then I guess I will continue to lower it in the future.

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