Chapter 303: Luffy is discovered, Xiao Feng is hungry in hell!!

On the second underground floor of the Deep Sea Prison, criminals with bounties on their heads are basically held here.

Their strength is also far higher than the people on the first level!

Most people were left here because Red Lotus was no longer useful against them!

Wear the handcuffs of Hailoushi and be guarded by the beasts here!

The beasts here are all intelligent beings!

For example, a lion with a human face, a mantis with sword skills, etc.!

The eight members of the Straw Hats passed directly through the huge passage and arrived at the second underground floor!

They are still heading down!

And Nami has been clearing the way ahead, trying her best to detect the location of every surveillance phone bug, and eliminate the surveillance phone bugs first!

With her speed, she can turn them into grilled phone bugs before the surveillance camera broadcasts the picture!

The beasts here are extremely terrifying to the prisoners on the second floor!

Because compared to normal beasts, the beasts here are more powerful and intelligent.

But in front of the Straw Hats, these beasts are no different from ordinary fish!

Usopp is covered with armed and domineering arrows!

Luffy’s normal rubber fist!

Sauron’s flying slash!

Robin’s domineering flower!

Gretel’s Obsidian Cutter!

Franky’s mechanical heavy cannon!

The beasts on the second underground floor are no match for the Straw Hat Pirates today!

Usually what these ferocious beasts face are pirates who have been chained, lost their abilities, or even seriously injured!

The pirates who are truly strong enough to be imprisoned in the fifth and sixth levels will face the beasts of the beast hell in the second level, and it will be a massacre!

Here, Brugli the Blue Orangutan is just one of them!

Giant Lion: Sphinx!

Huge Cock: Basilisk!

Lion with a Human Face: Madikora!

Pygmy hippopotamus!

Sickle mantis!

Scorpion combination!

All of these things were instantly killed by the Straw Hats with one blow, and they would never attack the same animal twice!

Animals that are attacked will not have a chance to stand up!

“Deputy Director Hannibal, please note that most of the monitoring equipment in the second level of Beast Hell also has problems!”

“We suspect that the defectors have escaped from the first level of Red Lotus Hell to the second level of Beast Hell!”


Hannibal was shocked!

They all asked the jailer, Little Satie, to guard the gate of the city!

As long as someone appears, they will be arrested immediately!

But now, they have not found any news about the defector!

Even, even The opponent’s identity, ability, and quantity have not yet been figured out!

It is rare that these worst criminals in the first level of Red Lotus Hell are so tough.

Hannibal said that there is no way to pry open their mouths.!


Hannibal dialed Director Magellan’s phone number!

“This is Director Magellan’s exclusive phone number. Director Magellan is still going to the toilet, please contact him again beforehand!”


Hannibal slammed the fork in his hand on the ground!

Now, the defectors have arrived on the second floor!

But they are still on the first floor!

Director Magellan’s call still can’t get through, which really frustrates Hannibal Somewhat angry!

“Quick, let’s go to the second level of beast hell immediately!”

Hannibal called his troops and quickly went from the Red Lotus Hell on the first level to the Beast Hell on the second level!

They took the elevator, so the speed was naturally very fast!

And the reason why Gretel didn’t take everyone on the elevator The elevator didn’t want to be discov

ered so early!

If they were completely confused, they wouldn’t report it to the Navy Headquarters easily.

The Straw Hats could also buy a little more time.

Gretel didn’t think that with the arrival of a general, The Straw Hats can easily leave.

Besides, there is still one day left before the execution. Those generals are idle. What if they get bored and want to deal with things here!

The further down the city is, the bigger the space is!

The second floor is much larger than the first floor!

When Hannibal brought people here, the entire beast hell had become devastated!

Before leaving the second floor, Gretel deliberately opened a few The people in the cage threw the keys to them by the way!

If someone comes, they can delay them for a while!

The people on the second level still have some strength. This is what Gretel said to the enemies on the first level. One reason for his indifference.

Hannibal looked at the ferocious beasts. They were all defeated, and not one of them was still breathing!

In addition, hundreds of people were released!

He could only give an order to quickly suppress the riot and let the jailers Satie quickly came here with her jailer beasts!

Those jailer beasts are extremely powerful beings, much stronger than the beasts on the second level!

They are a certain threat to people on the sixth level.!

He can even use teleportation and armed Haki!

It is said that the Shichibukai who was just imprisoned, Kaixia Jinbe, was beaten black and blue by a Cow-Turn Jailermon for being dishonest!

So as long as little Sadie comes, then the first The riot on the second floor will be quelled immediately!

It is precisely because they were released that the bounty prisoners on the second floor did not immediately expose the Straw Hat Pirates!

Unlike the anxious deputy director and jailers, Gray Te and his team have arrived at the third level!

Hungry Hell!

It is said that everyone imprisoned here has a reward of at least 50 million!

It is precisely because of the terrifying strength of these criminals that the prison authorities in order to weaken With the strength of these people, food is rarely distributed to them! No matter how powerful a person is, if they are not supplemented by food for a long time, they can only become a pile of withered bones!

Here is a���A place with desert-like terrain!

Even the temperature is like a desert, very high!

As soon as the Straw Hats arrived here, they felt a completely different atmosphere from the second floor!

Because here is full of heat and dead silence!

There is almost no appearance of a living person!

Because the third floor is much larger than the second floor, even with Nami’s ability, there is no way to clean up the surveillance phone bug instantly!

This place is as big as a desert!

Unfortunately, Luffy and Franky were still photographed by the surveillance phone bug!

Two seconds later, the surveillance phone bug was dealt with by Nami!

But Luffy’s and Franky’s images have been discovered by the people in the monitoring room!

Suddenly, a melodious singing sound came.

It made the Straw Hats feel a little familiar.

As everyone ran around, they got closer and closer to the source of the sound!

There are actually people dancing ballet in a cell!

In this hungry hell with no food or drink, those who still have time to dance must not be ordinary people!

Indeed, not ordinary people!

Because he is the shemale Von Clay!

When Luffy Gretel and others saw Feng Clay, their hearts were filled with shock!

“Xiao Feng!”

“Why are you being held here!”

Luffy smacked his tongue!


“It turns out they are my friends!”

“Were you also caught here?”

Xiao Feng looked shocked and felt incredible!

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