Chapter 329: Nami, you came just in time!!

The atmosphere at this moment has reached the extreme level of embarrassment!

Gretel didn’t even know how the two people came behind him so quietly!

Therefore, he didn’t know how much of the conversation between him and Sanji the two heard.

However, according to Nami’s ability, if he wanted to track her whereabouts, it would be a matter of ease.

Since she can be here in an instant, it means that they have already paid attention to her!

Grete almost wanted to cover her eyes!

Wasn’t it too hasty to give Nami the Thunder Fruit? How good is it to give it to Usopp?

It makes it feel like Nami is spying on me wherever I go now.

I have no freedom and privacy at all!

This is what men fear most!

Oh, it’s so uncomfortable!

“how? You know what I mean?”

The expression on Nami’s face was full of joking!

As soon as she said these words, Gretel was in despair!

Sure enough, he was completely heard!

At this moment, Gretel urgently needs a younger brother, Bartolomeo!

The ability of the shield It can effectively isolate external matter. Although it cannot isolate the light source of Kizaru, it is enough for electromagnetic waves!

“Bator, come and save me!”

Grete shouted in his heart


“Are all men the same?”

Robin covered his mouth and laughed.

“Sanji has the ability to become invisible. You can’t find him without Haki, so how are you going to do it? asked Robin


Gretel coughed.

He said sternly:”I just help Sanji fulfill his wish, that is his dream!

Then, Grete spread his hands and said,”As you know, I have always been a helpful person, especially when it comes to helping my partners realize their dreams!””

“Sanji’s dream is the Invisibility Fruit, so I gave him the skill of invisibility. Nami, your dream is to draw a map of the entire world, then wouldn’t I give you the extreme speed of the Thunder Fruit and the infinite abilities of the Ocean Magician??”

“You see, Robin’s dream is to interpret world history, and I took Robin with me all the way to find the historical text!”

The more Gretel spoke, the more reasonable he became, and he even started to feel confident!

Anyway, it was already like this, he was showing off!

After listening to his words, Nami and Robin actually felt a little ashamed?

It seemed that Gretel was indeed doing this. What about these things?

The Thunder Fruit himself… He already has the fruit, so is that why he has nothing to eat?

Anyway, it seems to make sense in terms of emotions and logic.

“There’s more!”

“Why did I find you just now?”

“It’s not because I turned around!”

“So why should I turn around?”

“It’s not because after helping Sanji, I didn’t have any ideas, so I turned around and prepared to leave!”

The two asked and answered their own questions, which made both Nami and Robin quite confused.

What Grete said made sense!

Then, Grete walked to Robin’s side, hugged Robin directly, and said in a bad tone:” Look at you Robin, I don’t care if Nami doesn’t believe it, even you don’t believe it, I’m really sad!”

“Oops, I’ve worked so hard and got this result, I’m so sad!”

Grete shouted, and Robin couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

It wasn’t because of what he said, but because he was a little dishonest. Nami is still here!

If there is anything else, we can talk about it later.!

Looking at this scene, Nami’s face became a little unnatural!

Indeed, it is different to witness through the induction of electromagnetic waves and to speak lightly!

This is too uncomfortable!

“I said…”

Nami lowered her head and murmured:”Can

you all keep a low profile!”

“So brave!”

Nami’s voice became softer and softer, and it was already like the sound of a mosquito!

At this time, Grete’s mind suddenly came to a sentence that he had seen when he was watching TV series when he was a child!

“You came just in time!”

I didn’t understand what this sentence meant before.

It wasn’t until I grew up that I understood how terrifying his sentence:”You came just in time.”

Thinking of this, Gretel… Gretel He stretched���He took out his other hand and rubbed Nami’s head, messing up her hair. On the coast, the battle between Luffy and Ace continued!

One can’t use the fruit ability, and the other can’t use the fourth gear!

The pure battle between strength and speed is indeed boring to watch.

No, Perona and Brooke are both asleep!

Xiao Feng on the side could not help but complain.

“How long will these two brothers continue to fight?”

Ivankov turned his head and glanced at Luffy and Ace, then turned back and said,”Preserved egg!”

“It’s your turn, Jinbe!”

Ivankov reminded

“ah? oh!”

“Jinbei directly threw out the four twos in his hand.”

“I explode!”

Jinbei said.

Suddenly, Ivankov jumped in anger!

“I! I! We are comrades in the same camp! Xiao Feng is a Tianlong person! shouted Ivankov

“Moreover, if you want to support my hand, shouldn’t you play an odd two? Why just give out four!”

Ivankov was speechless!

This is a form of entertainment they just learned from the Straw Hat Pirates, called Dou Tian Long Ren.

As the name suggests, there are three parties, namely the pirates, the revolutionary army and The Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons are in the same camp, and the pirates and the Revolutionary Army are in the same camp. In the end, it’s a form of entertainment to see whoever runs out of cards first will win. It

’s just that every time I line up with Jinbei, no matter it’s Xiaofeng and Ivankov were both furious!

Jinbei is so upright!

“Sigh… It’s really abominable to lose to the Celestial Dragons again!”

Ivankov sighed.

After the round, the two men realized that it seemed that the two brothers had disappeared!

Following the traces of the battle, it seemed that they fought all the way from the shore to the forest, and the fight went deeper and deeper., now they can only vaguely hear some sounds! As for the battle between Ace and

Luffy, they are too lazy to watch. They regretted staying to watch the battle in the first place!

It would be great to go on an adventure in the forest!

Among them, the three protectors of the Nine Snake Island, Margaret, Stobby, and Avlandra, who has the blood of a giant, are hunting!

As protectors of the country, the armed color and domineering power of the three of them are in the Nine Snake Island. In Snake Island, apart from the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, they are definitely the top existences!

Every person on the Nine Snakes Island has a symbiotic snake. This snake can not only be used as a weapon, bow and arrow, and crutches, chairs, can also be used… ahem, anyway, it has a lot of uses.

The three brave and skillful protector warriors quickly killed a beast with ordinary arrows.

For them, if the arrows are covered with weapons If it is domineering, the beast’s body will explode directly, and the purpose of hunting will be completely lost!

“Wait a minute…Eflandra, did you hear any strange noises! asked Margaret

“I seem to have heard a little bit,” said Eflandra of giant blood.

“Let’s go, put the prey here first, and let’s go there first to see if anyone will invade our Nine Snakes Island!” said Margaret about strength.

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