All the sand and gravel storms swept towards Luffy!

“Rubber rubber… tomahawk!!”

boom! !

The blood, sweat and violent gravel collided instantly.

In the access corridor leading to the ground.

“You just understood the text of the historical text on it, right?”

Robin was led by Link and ran upwards. After a while, she asked.

“Well, it’s like using the power of a certain prop

Link nodded. He just happened to have drawn an item that can communicate universally: [Translation Konjac]

Props: [Translation Konjac].

Introduction: It is a translation item similar to konjac. If you eat it, you can understand all strange languages, whether they are foreign languages or alien languages, and you can also communicate with them. The same work works not only for language, but also for words.

It can be said that it is not only the communication language but also the written text. With the work of [Translation Konjac], Link can still understand even the ancient text on the historical text.

“Is it a prop again…”

Robin looked up at him, and was deeply impressed by Link’s props and the appearance of his [Prop Master].

[Thanks to ‘Phantom Love Juexiu’ for the point reward! ! ! ! 】

Defeated Crocodile! ! Robin, there are endless wonderful things waiting for us on the sea! !

Although Link did this through props, it also gave Robin a common feeling in his heart and he was willing to continue communicating with Link.

This was also the reason why she was led away by Link without resisting.

“Speaking of which, is it really okay to keep that straw hat boy?!”

She brought up the issue again.

“I’ve said it before, Luffy is very strong and reliable at critical moments!!”

Link smiled and turned to look at Robin:

“Just now in the underground sacrificial hall, you clearly read out the content about [Pluto] recorded on the stone tablet. Why didn’t you read it out in the end?” Robin was silent for a moment after hearing this, “Maybe that’s how I am. A woman~”

“Obviously at the beginning, this was also the goal that Crocodile and I were pursuing together, but I betrayed her at the last moment.

Speaking of this, her eyes flashed with sadness, and her tone contained a subtle self-mockery:

“Either you are betraying, or you are walking on the road of betrayal, you will always live in the shadow of darkness…”

As Robin spoke, he subconsciously resisted because of this thought and wanted to pull back the hand held by Link.

She seemed not to be tolerated by this world at all.

However, Robin suddenly discovered that no matter how strong she was, her wrist still did not move at all.

She was startled, then raised her head, and met Link’s gaze:

“In this world, on this sea, no one is born alone!!”

Link looked into Robin’s dark eyes and read the truth word by word.

“Remember what I said to you before?!”

“This sentence……”

Robin’s eyes trembled slightly. She had not forgotten what Link said when she left after her first meeting.

How could she not understand that Sauro, the one who saved her and was her only friend, also said this.

It was precisely because this sentence brought back so many memories that she subconsciously blocked all these words and did not want to think about them.

Perhaps, she had already given up on this sentence.

But for some reason, after Link said it, the surge deep in her heart gradually emerged.

“Although I don’t know who originally said this sentence, I deeply believe it.

A slight smile gradually bloomed on Link’s face:

“Although I don’t understand your true thoughts, I can feel that your intentions are developing in a good direction~”

“If it were me, in that situation, I probably wouldn’t tell Crocodile about [Pluto].”

Although he was smiling, Link’s eyes still revealed the truth:

“And if I read it correctly, you were already determined to die and wanted to treat this place as your final journey.”

“Someone once said, [The world is so big, I want to see it]. This ocean is so vast and boundless, and there are miracles happening in every corner. Why not keep traveling?”

“Maybe in the next moment, you will be able to meet what you want to see and the person you want to see!!”

Link said, just at this moment, a faint light appeared at the entrance of the passage in front, and the two of them had arrived at the entrance of the passage.

The morning sun has just risen from the sky, cutting through the shrouded darkness, seeming to indicate something.

Just like sunlight passing through the night, dawn quietly crosses the horizon.

In the rising sun, the first ray of sunshine fell on Link’s body, illuminating him. The smile on his face seemed to be an angel who came to the world to save the confused people.

The figure that seemed to be bathed in holy light stood before Robin’s eyes.

Let her deeply engraved the scene in front of her in her mind.

“So, there are endless wonderful things waiting for us on the sea, how can we just stop?!”

Link laughed, and in the morning light, he completely pulled Robin out of the darkness underground! ! !

boom! !

The cave behind the two people collapsed violently.

At the same time, a huge raised part was stirring upwards on a certain floor, as if there was a huge force pushing upwards from the ground.


boom! ! !

The ground looked like a volcano erupting, and a huge sandstorm spewed out from under the ground.

And in the center of the sandstorm, a figure quickly flew out.

But just by looking at the way this figure’s limbs drooped subconsciously, it was clear that he had lost consciousness and ability to move.

And directly below this figure, an extended, blood-soaked rubber fist also rose into the sky.

“Let me just say that Luffy is very reliable, right~?”

Link looked at Crocodile, who was punched through the entire underground floor and knocked to the ground from below, his face covered in blood, and the rubber fist on his chest, and said with a smile.

The weather in Alabasta is finally going to clear up~! ?;!.:”,'”;;!.;:.;::?,.:’,::?.!:”..’;”;,”;”;,;,,!

Robin also looked over blankly. Did the guy in the straw hat also achieve this step in defeating the Shichibukai? !

And this strange [Props Master] in front of me…

Robin’s eyes were blank again: “What kind of people are you…”

The earth gradually wakes up, and a ray of morning light breaks the tranquility of the night.

When the citizens of Albana wake up from their slumber…well, they didn’t sleep at all yesterday! !

First, there were the shouts of beating and killing from nearly 2,000 members of the Baroque Working Society and the King’s Army outside the capital.

Then there was the violent sound of destruction coming from the palace.

There was so much movement that they didn’t dare to sleep at all, and they spent an unforgettable night.

Fortunately, when the first ray of sunshine fell in the morning, the city gradually became calmer.

The rebellion and commotion outside seemed to have been resolved.

Well, originally all the senior cadres had been mobilized by Crocodile. Those billionaires and millionaires outside were all abandoned by Crocodile to attract firepower and divert attention.

It didn’t have much power to begin with, but it was killed by the king’s army led by Alabasta’s two patron saints, Bell and Gaka, without much effort.

As for the movements in the palace, some residents who were a little bolder only dared to look through the windows from a distance.

And it couldn’t be seen clearly, it was very blurry in the dark night.

Only now at dawn, accompanied by many neighbors, did one person have the courage to come out of the house in twos and threes and get together to discuss.

Just at this moment the citizens were talking anxiously.

Inside the ruins of the palace.

“They won’t have a problem, right?”

On a piece of ground that was still intact, a group of Straw Hat Pirates gathered there. Chopper looked worriedly at the ruins in the distance.

“No problem. Although Luffy is impulsive and reckless, he still won’t let his guard down at critical moments, and…”

Nami comforted him next to him: “Even if there is an accident, Link is still here. He is the most reliable man on our ship!!”

“With him here, no matter what danger or difficulty it is, it will be easily solved!!”

Nami obviously has great confidence in Link and Luffy.

Although the others didn’t say anything, the expressions on their faces showed that they had similar thoughts to Nami.

Even Weiwei, who rushed back because she was worried, expressed her belief.

But her eyes that looked at the ruins in the distance from time to time also showed that she was a little worried at the moment.

“They’re coming!!”

Suddenly, Sauron’s eyes moved as he was sitting on a stone on one side, and he immediately looked into the distance.

Sanji, who was smoking next to him, raised his head almost at the same time.

Wherever the two looked, two figures slowly appeared on the horizon.

“It’s Luffy and Link!! Hey!! Link, Luffy, you’ve finally come out!!!” Usopp looked at Link and Luffy and waved happily.

Speaking of two people, it was mainly Link’s figure, because Luffy was being picked up by Link and hung on his shoulders.

His whole body was limp, like a piece of rubber, and he couldn’t lift up any strength.

After the battle between Luffy and Crocodile, Link specially cleaned the battlefield, found Luffy who had won the battle and had relaxed and fallen asleep, and carried him here.

As for Robin, the woman disappeared after saying those words after being taken out of the tunnel by Link.

Link also had some speculation in his heart as to where she had gone.

Those words must have touched her a lot, and they would meet again soon.

“Is Luffy injured? It’s not good. Go find a doctor quickly. Doctor…ah, I am a doctor myself!!”

Chopper suddenly woke up. After Link approached, he and Usopp rushed forward to greet Luffy and put him down.

Then, although Chopper was panicking, he didn’t move slowly at all. He also very professionally stopped Luffy’s bleeding and bandaged it.

“how’s it going?!”

Zoro was not worried about Luffy’s injury at all, and he was indeed not worried at all.

Listening to Luffy’s snoring sound, he knew that even though he was unconscious, his physical condition was still very good.

“How is the result?!!”

Not only Zoro, but also everyone else cast their gaze over.


Facing everyone’s expectant gazes, Link just nodded slightly: “He is no longer a problem.”

call~! !

The Straw Hat Pirates all breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, because the previous Hawkeye behaved like a jewel, no matter how little they said they didn’t care about the Shichibukai.

But when we actually face it, there is still a lot of pressure.

Now, after getting this result from Link’s mouth, they just felt that the mountain on their shoulders suddenly collapsed! !

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