Vulgar Master

Chapter 152: Prince Mausoleum of Miyun Reservoir

Miyun Reservoir, the capital, but the outer ring.

This is Zhou Bawa's hometown. The reservoir is the place where their generation played from childhood to adulthood. Miyun's location and economy are not comparable to the city, tourism is not comparable to Pinggu next door, and moving the government to speculate land is not comparable to Tongzhou. No.

In the past two years, the local specialty is the reservoir fish, which is delicious and has no earthy smell. Apart from that, if there is anything commendable about this place in Miyun, it is probably Shangfeng Shangshui.

The capital has been short of water since ancient times, and Miyun is a major water source to the north of the capital. According to Feng Shui, this kind of place is a treasure of Feng Shui. You know, the water source that feeds a city cannot be said by feudal superstition. become a bad place.

What are the treasures of Feng Shui?

The house is either a yang house or a yin house.

I heard that when Dorgon first entered the capital of the Qing Dynasty, a feng shui master gave advice to find a feng shui treasure land suitable for building a new palace, which is in Miyun. ? The anode will fail, and the extreme will be reversed. It must be that this place is not suitable.

Therefore, Dorgon still followed the rules of this land later, chose the old palace of the former dynasty to be stationed, and also played the name of following the orthodox imperial power of the former dynasty.

These are all hearsay and gossip, but after careful consideration, there are actually some causal truths. Although China does not have the argument that foreign monarchs are divinely granted, there has been a saying of the "Son of Heaven" since ancient times.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, when the King of Zhou attacked the feudal lords, he used "Only I, the King of Zhou, have the spirit of the brigade, I am worthy of virtue, and only the gods of heaven" are used as the slogan of political correctness. .

These are not feudal superstitions, but a way to control the minds of the people.

It is difficult for a person to surpass all living beings, so he plays a banner, and he is only the spokesperson of the illusory "orthodox".

Dorgon also thought so at the time. Although he seemed to be talking about local geomantic superstition, the positive side will decline, and the extreme will be reversed, but what he actually said was that they could not enter the customs with a posture of surpassing the previous dynasty, and they could not step on other people's old houses to build high as soon as they came. Instead, it is necessary to play the orthodox banner of the former dynasty, to live in the former dynasty palace and say that he is the heir, so that he can rule the local people.

The sayings of the ancients are difficult to study, and the emperor's mind is not to be said lightly. These are just the words of a family of researchers of later generations. The listeners should all take it for pleasure, and they should not be taken seriously.

Anyway, Miyun, a treasure land of Feng Shui, has never built a palace, but such a treasure land, the emperor will not build a palace, who would dare to build a mansion in this place? Are you better than the feng shui of the imperial family? Are you going to rebel?

Therefore, if the yang house cannot be completed, the yin house should be built.

During the Qing Dynasty, many mausoleums were built in Miyun, where many royal children of the court were buried, including Prince Baylor.

The most famous of them is the tomb of Yongqi, the fifth elder brother.

Well, it's the one who shot the little swallow with an arrow in "Huanzhugege".

Of course, this is not the one in the TV series, this is the real imperial prince, the son of Qianlong who was once highly regarded, but unfortunately he died early and was buried in Miyun, a treasure land of feng shui.

When the reservoir was built back then, the prince’s mausoleum and the prince’s tomb were dug out from under the reservoir. Many cultural relics were also unearthed, and many people came from the government’s cultural relics department.

At that time, many burial objects were recovered and preserved as cultural relics, and some are now displayed in museums. However, I heard that only the "remains of the fifth prince" were later missing.

It is said that the cultural relics department of the government recovered it, but there is no local exhibition, and there is no relevant record. It is also said that the poison on the corpse exceeded the standard. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, it was taken away and buried or cremated.

Because history said that Brother Wu died of tuberculosis, and wild history even said that he was born with a strange disease. Otherwise, Qianlong loved him so much, but he did not let him be the prince. Maybe there is something tricky in it.

Anyway, folk rumors, there are all kinds of bizarre rumors, but few people really know where the corpse of the fifth brother went.

Although Zhou Bawa is a local native, he didn't say that he has nothing to study about it. When he was a child, he came to the reservoir to fish for fish. He never paid attention to related things, just heard about it.

But today, probably because of the appearance of the "worldly world" in recent months, Zhou Bawa has learned a lot of new skills, so that he has discovered his hometown and things he hadn't noticed before.

"In your expert's eyes, the decision to determine acupoints has been triggered, the situation is regulated, the water in the Longsha caves, the feng shui tombs, the gold points and the acupoints, you have vaguely discovered the traces of the buried remains of your compatriots."

Zhou Bawa had just arrived at the farmhouse under the Miyun Reservoir with the car. The little boy hole in his eyes collapsed, and this information appeared in the expert's eyes. That Zhou Bawa's newly acquired acupuncture decision suddenly took effect, saying that he found his compatriots in this place. remains.

Gee, what does that mean? What sibling remains? Grain eater?

Zhou Ba waxed his lips, but before he could think about it, he got off the car and arrived at the party place, so this matter could only be put on hold for now, and then got off the car first.

Zhou Bawa got out of the car, and in front of Miyun Reservoir, there were green mountains and green waters, farm game, river valley drifting, fresh air and pleasant scenery.

Several cars with other students also arrived, and there were about twenty or thirty people in total. At this class reunion, about half of the class came.

This is not bad. After two years of graduation, the classmates can still save such a big bureau. After entering the society, how can there be so many large-scale alumni reunions, everyone is already busy, how can there be Time to come out and gather.

You are like Lin Yujing. She is in the same class as Zhou Bawa in high school. She is also a classmate, but she didn't come to this party. Hurry back to my In contrast, Zhou Bawa is just an idler. He is diligently busy with his career behind his back every day.

In the farmhouse, old classmates who are familiar with each other greet each other, and friends who have not seen for a long time will soon enter the atmosphere. Zhou Bawa also has buddies who used to play together.

"Young, Lao Zhou, you are here too. Why do you feel like you haven't changed much in the past two years, and you still look like this."

Zhou Bawa: "You fart, the labor and management are so handsome, you pretend you can't tell, right?"

"You're still as shameless as ever."

Zhou Bawa glared at him. Back then, if he dared to say that, he would be dragged outside the classroom and hit a tree by himself. Of course, now everyone is a college student, and they are prudent and can't do that, which is a pity.

The old classmates greeted each other, reminisced about the old and greeted each other. There will always be some embarrassing scenes. Among them, the ex sees the ex, and some of them are the most topical and have the most work to do. whole.

"Hey, look over there, we've met." Among the old classmates at the party, some people watched the excitement and looked in the direction they were pointing. The old man Zhou Bawa.


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