Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 136 Inside and Out of the Plan


Yang Ming, who was 'standing guard' at the corner, turned his head and saw Hera walking quickly.

She changed into her previous attire, and the dress made her look a little more cute.

"I'm fine." Yang Ming glanced at the only remaining officer next to him, "They just asked me to fill out a form and took a look at my ID card. I'm intact."

"How could you break the law? They must have misunderstood."

Hera made a hesitant look, and blinked lightly at Yang Ming.

This means that the plan is progressing smoothly.

Hera said: "I suddenly had a problem with a subject project, and I have to go back to the meeting now. Sorry, I can't continue to accompany you for the time being... You can understand me, right? This is a very sudden situation."

Yang Ming hurriedly said: "But, we have just arrived here, and I have already ordered all the things we will need for the next itinerary."

"I'm really sorry," Hera took the initiative to move forward and gently hugged Yang Ming.

She whispered in Yang Ming's ear: "I put the gift for you in your suitcase. I planned to give you a surprise when we went back. It was an exquisite card bag, nothing special. And , I will always use the backpack you gave me."

Yang Ming blinked.

This seems to be something that was not planned.

Hera let go of Yang Ming, and carried the suitcase forward. The officer at the side took the initiative to move forward, but he didn't shy away from it, and directly helped Hera lift the suitcase.

Yang Ming frowned watching this scene.

"I'll take you out."

Hera turned her head to look at Yang Ming again, and shook her head slightly at Yang Ming.

Her eyes were flickering slightly, and with her colored lenses for photography, she stopped Yang Ming from moving forward with her eyes.

"Be careful on the road," Yang Ming reminded.

Hera squeezed a stiff smile, lowered her head and left in a hurry.

Yang Ming walked to the window, looked down at the armored hover vehicle below, the smile on the corners of his mouth gradually faded, and his gaze gradually became sharper.

Hera lowered her head and got into the back seat of the suspension vehicle, and the officer turned to the co-pilot's position.

Law sent a text message:

[Boss, everything is going well. The taxi prepared for you will arrive in two minutes. 】

Putting his hands in his pockets, Yang Ming turned around and walked towards the room where he and Hera hadn't lived before. After closing the door, Yang Ming quickly rushed to the closet, dragged the suitcase out and started searching.

He has never worn any of the clothes here, so there is nothing wrong with throwing them here.

Soon, Yang Ming found a single earplug in his shirt pocket.

This is a device that plays recordings.

Yang Ming put on the earplugs, lightly knocked on his glasses a few times, picked up his camouflaged network access terminal and spare glasses, and gently closed the door.

Hera's voice appeared in the earplugs.

"Okay, partner.

"When you hear this, our plan should have advanced to the fourth step.

"I should have gained my father's trust, and followed him to that secret base, the place where I have a vague impression in my memory.

"I actually concealed two details from you. This is a logical loophole in our plan. I don't know if you have discovered it, or if you have discovered it, but you didn't intend to take me away, but to enjoy the information for yourself.

"I accept this, but I want you to take full advantage of the sights and sounds that are about to be recorded by me."

In the elevator, Yang Ming slightly raised his eyebrows.

Hera's voice continued to sound:

"One of the loopholes is that it is impossible to come out in a short time after entering the base. I may be cleaned of my memory for the second time, or I may be placed under house arrest by Professor Pat.

"If I'm carrying a lot of abnormal things, like my colored contact lenses, or the elastic hairpins in the capsules I swallow, they're likely to notice something strange.

"To put it simply, we can't ignore each other's subjective initiative, so when I leave your side, you'd better hide quickly and get ready to receive the signal I'm sending you.

"The second loophole, you deliberately ignored the fact that I was once out of control.

"I don't know what your purpose is, or, there is a lot of information that I haven't shared with me, and you want to use me to approach this base... These are all possible.

"But I have no other choice but to work with you.

"This is my only courage... It's strange, my nature is timid and weak, I dare not resist them, but when you appear, secret agent Alex, I suddenly have the courage to challenge them.

"If there was a part of your plan waiting for my rendezvous, it doesn't have to be now.

"Even if my father and Professor Pat let me go, I still have a more powerful enemy, and that should be the man behind the scenes manipulating me. I have to figure it out.

"Good luck.

"Secret agent."

In front of the hotel, Yang Ming opened the back seat of the taxi, pinched the earphone in his hand, and gently crushed it.

This unmanned rental hover vehicle drove in the opposite direction to the armored hover vehicle.

Yang Ming began to accept the message from Li, which was a tracker installed on Hera so that he could determine the location of the entrance to the base.

This hover vehicle will be Yang Ming's next hiding place, and he will continue to maneuver in a slightly further area.

Three minutes later.

Hera arrived at the area where the entrance of the base was located, which was the hot spring town that Yang Ming tried to go to last time.

And the color contact lenses of Hera's left eye have sent back the first set of pictures.

That is, necrosis.


"Father, what's the matter?"

Hera was slightly shocked as she looked at the land surrounded by metal sheds and protective shields.

The grain fields that were about to be harvested were gone on both sides of the road. Instead, there were patches of ashes. There were drones or small attack boats patrolling everywhere, as if they were on guard for something.

There were also many sentries on the road, and the defense became very tight.

Because this is Dr. Naldo's vehicle, the journey is naturally smooth.

Nardo said: "The plant necrosis caused by some unknown reasons is most likely due to the research I conducted underground."

He glanced at the two officers in front of him and said nothing more.

"Go to my institute and talk about this again, Hera... It wasn't me who misappropriated your research results eight years ago, but I had to protect you and publish your research results in my name."

Hera frowned and looked at Naldo: "Where are the few months of memory I lost?"

Naldo said: "I personally performed the removal surgery for you."

"This is the love a father has for his daughter, right?"

"Yes, you can resent me, but this is the only way I can protect you," Naldo looked at Hera with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, "I was a little impulsive just now, and now I regret taking you back. , you had already left safely..."

"I remember what happened there."

Hera whispered:

"I remember Professor Pat and the topics you studied."

Naldo was a little shocked: "This is impossible!"

Hera spoke calmly:

“It is Sample No. 1 that has the ability to reproduce, and Professor Pat is studying how to induce Sample No. 1 to continue producing.

“The direction of your research is how to induce Sample No. 1 to hatch a special sample that can reproduce.

"The topic I participated in that year was how to achieve cross-regional communication between Sample No. 1 and ordinary samples."

Naldo suddenly felt that the daughter in front of him was strange.

"Hera, you..."

"Take me back, father, I have something to ask Professor Pat."

She looked out the window, her eyes becoming a little distant.

"They're already brewing for disaster, right?"

"No, you can't remember this," Naldo was still muttering.

Hera snorted and looked out the window, slightly lost in thought.

Of course she didn't remember.

But as long as you know Professor Pat and his father's original professional fields, you can easily deduce this information.

The scenery outside the car window changed to the low buildings of the town and the worried old people gathered at the entrance of the town.

The sky began to narrow.

They drove into the underground parking lot, and at the other end of the parking lot, broke through a camouflage wall and entered a heavily guarded arched hole.

The metal armored vehicle stopped in front of the last guard post.

Professor Pat's voice came through the walkie-talkie in the guard's hand:

"Oh Naldo, why did you bring Hera back, she didn't have to get involved anymore."

Professor Pat seemed a little annoyed.

In the car, Naldo glanced at Hera and immediately said: "Professor, I think Hera is an indispensable talent for our experimental project. This is not because I have a father. I will show you her recent... research results.”

Pat became a little emotional: "This is not a matter of honoring our ancestors! Nardo! There is no honor here! You have to learn to protect your family!"

"But professor..."

"Professor," Hera said suddenly, "I have forgiven you for your hasty behavior in trying to subdue me."

Pat fell silent.

Several guards put their fingers near the biological safety of the laser rifle.

Professor Pat spoke again, his voice becoming a little deeper:

"Nardo, I hope you won't beg me a second time. I'm just a researcher here after all, and I'm not the one responsible for administration.

"Bring her in...remember to get tested first. This is a necessary step."

The guard put away the walkie-talkie, and the security gate in front slowly opened.

Naldo glanced at Hera and explained in a low voice: "Professor Pat's wording was a bit confusing... There was no pleading, just a normal job application."

"I understand," Hera nodded and continued to look out the window.

More and more details were transmitted to the outside receivers through her contact lenses.

Autonomous taxis drive normally on the express lane of the Ring of Stars Highway.

In the back seat, Yang Ming sat there, tapping the projection screen in front of him, as if he was doing copywriting work.

On the screen, photos overlapped one after another, and the mystery of the secret base was unveiled bit by bit in front of him.

It’s just the opponent’s deployment and control, and those safety gates that are several meters thick...

Lu reminded: "Boss, it is very dangerous for a single soldier to break in. We must be equipped with enough heavy firepower for individual soldiers."

"What do you think of the recording Hera left for me?"

"She's smart, smarter than we expected."

Law sighed:

"This is a very good talent, but her identity is too complicated. She has actually been prepared. After returning to this base, she will not be able to leave safely again.

"She pinned her hopes on you, boss, and she's using you."

Yang Ming wondered: "Use me? How to use me?"

"She wanted to take advantage of the money-grubbing traits her boss displayed."

Lu analyzed it carefully:

"Boss, if you are really a federal agent, follow her plan, get the information, escape abroad, and in turn threaten the new federation to obtain a large amount of wealth.

"It's very likely that something like this will happen, and she's betting on that possibility."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "You mean, she has been trying to deceive me?"

"You're taking advantage of each other."

Law clicked his tongue softly:

"Her disadvantage is that intelligence and information are completely suppressed by us, and she is just a scientific researcher who is obsessed with research.

"She doesn't know your true identity, boss, nor does she know that we will send this information directly to the Sherman Empire.

"As long as she continues with the plan, we're always on the winning side."

Yang Ming shrugged: "This will be my most unfulfilling victory... She has started to be tested."

Several new pictures popped up.

With the help of two female staff members, Hera entered the full-body scanner, holding the backpack in her hand.

After walking out of the scanner, she took off the decorations on her body. The camera position of her pendant-shaped network access terminal was affixed with a signal interference patch, and she could only use basic functions such as projection and storage.

This color contact lens did not escape the fate of being detected, but obviously the security staff here did not find anything unusual. (Color contact lenses are divided into two layers, the main body and the film. When Hera takes off the contact lenses, the film will stick to the fingertips, and the film will be reattached when the material analysis is completed and reloaded.)

Judging from the pictures that popped up later, the colored contact lenses were worn by Hera again.

'Here are my contact lenses. '

Yang Ming seemed to be able to hear Hera's voice explaining to the staff.

A few minutes later, Hera entered the underground base.

Yang Ming frowned slightly.

Finally started.

In a sense, this should be his first contact with the space Zerg.

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