Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 148 Shadow

To complete a plan, there are usually three steps: formulation, preparation, and implementation.

After Princess Dana was insulted by the omnic called the Emperor, she began to prepare a revenge plan, but the plan was hindered and stuck in the preparation step.

Since the New Federation Expeditionary Fleet attacked the Luofeng Imperial Palace, the entire palace has been strictly protected by the royal guards controlled by General Fremont, implementing the strictest security level.

There was simply no way Princess Dana could summon the rest of her team into the palace.

After being blocked several times in succession, Princess Dana also had some shakes.

During this period, the old emperor tried to approach her several times, wanting to continue to conquer this beautiful woman, but she avoided her for various reasons.

Princess Dana began to have constant nightmares.

She seemed to have fallen into the deep sea, oppressed by this icy palace, unable to breathe, and could only get some weak comfort from that personal maid.

Finally, just today, Princess Dana tried again to gather other team members. Those members of the Sherman Empire Foreign Affairs Bureau who married into the Luofeng noble family successfully entered the palace.

Of course, Princess Dana didn't know that it was Yang Ming's arrangement behind this, but Princess Dana finally completed the preparations for her revenge plan.

A small luncheon was held in Princess Dana's bedroom. A total of six women, including the princess and her personal maid, drank some wine, and then began some physical contact.

Princess Dana's maid walked out of the palace door with blurred eyes and asked the guards to leave temporarily. No one could approach the princess' bedroom.

The guards fed back the news to the headquarters. General Fremont thought for a few seconds before issuing an order to evacuate all the people. The corridors near the bedroom were quickly cleared.

this kind of thing...

Although uncommon in utero, it can occasionally occur.

After all, the emperor is too old.

When the guards outside the door left, the maid would unlock the biometric lock on the door of the bedroom; Princess Diane led her team members to the emperor's bedroom through a secret passage.

The old emperor, who was admiring the maid's striptease, heard Princess Dana's call.

‘Maybe we can talk, we have to re-establish trust...yes, I can compromise with you, but you have to follow my orders again, it didn’t feel so bad last time. '

The old emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, turned away the left and right maids, leaving the bedroom empty.

Princess Dana came out from the secret passage and arrived in front of the throne.

The old emperor squinted and smiled.

He lifted off his loose robe, revealing his naked lower body, and gestured to Princess Dana.

Princess Dai Na knelt down in front of the old emperor meekly.

The old emperor stretched out his hand to stroke her head, a metal rod slipped out of Princess Dana's cuff suddenly, she grabbed the metal rod and slammed it hard at the old emperor's ankle, the old emperor had no time to dodge, his body twitched violently a few times, Fall back.

'Dirty things! '

Princess Dana stood up, lifted her skirt, and kicked the old emperor's lower body viciously.

The five women walked out of the secret passage quickly, and they quickly took out some portable instruments. The old emperor quickly opened his eyes numbly, regained his ability to move, entered the secret passage surrounded by them, and walked to Princess Dana's bedroom.

In just a few minutes, the old emperor was transported to Princess Dana's bed.

The maid pushed a wardrobe, and several women took out a large number of electronic instruments in it, and quickly started the restart work of this omnic.

They were surprised by the development, and the internal logic program of the omnic had undergone an astonishing change.

Princess Dana kept ordering.

"Format his sports core components, let him be paralyzed in bed from now on, Luofeng no longer needs this garbage! Prince Edwan is enough."

"Retrieve his memory bank and back up all the data."

"Remember, only we know about this matter, otherwise we will definitely be punished. When his term of office ends, we will destroy him directly, and then you can return to your motherland directly. Do you understand?"


Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

But when they touched the old emperor's core database, the old emperor suddenly opened his eyes, and two red lights burst out from his pupils.

This was unexpected by Princess Dana and others.

The old emperor tore off the instrument probe from his body, growled and was about to sit up.

Princess Dana rushed up in a panic.

"Hold him! Destroy his core library!"

Several women nearby reacted quickly and pressed hard on the old emperor's bones and joints. The maid who had witnessed Princess Dana being insulted before did not know if it was for atonement, so she threw herself directly on the old emperor and held it down with her body weight. The omnic's legs.

Princess Dana grabbed a thick power cord, wrapped it around the old emperor's neck, stepped on the edge of the mattress with her left foot, and yanked her body backwards.

The old emperor was struggling violently.

It is not reconciled to being sentenced to death today.

Although the women lacked strength, they had a clear division of labor, and they were desperate to prevent the old emperor from getting out of trouble, which would probably have more serious consequences.

After all, this is the nominal emperor of a country.



Some hoarse, childish voices sounded.

Princess Dana froze for a moment.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the palace gate, and she saw Emilia wearing a nightgown and hugging a teddy bear, and two maids who had just arrived here with horrified eyes.


Princess Dana let go of her finger, and the old emperor omnic saw the opportunity, flipped the maid on his body, and rushed towards the entrance of the secret passage with several instruments.


Emilia's teddy bear fell to the ground.

At this moment, Princess Dana suddenly remembered that her daughter's bedroom was nearby, and Emilia had the authority to enter and leave the palace door of her bedroom.


After casting the video.

Yang Ming raised his hand to support his forehead, a little weak to complain.

The execution ability of this princess is too bad!

"Boss, the palace's external network has been blocked. General Philemon has sent a message."

"Come in."

Yang Ming replied with some irritability.

The bust of General Philemon appeared in front of Yang Ming, and he whispered, "Something went wrong..."

"I know what happened, are Emilia's two maids under control?"

"Under control," General Philemon was a little astonished, and then immediately said, "I have suppressed the news. Princess Dana intends to assassinate His Majesty. If this matter escalates... Princess Dana has a noble background from the Sherman Empire. In the past minute, our Majesty has summoned me three times in a row, and I wanted to notify His Highness Edwan, but the communication from His Highness Edwan was suddenly cut off."

Yang Ming immediately said: "Don't let Edwan know about this, I cut off the communication with him."


"General, wait for me in the palace, I will go right away," Yang Ming said, "From now on, no matter what method you use, you must delay His Royal Highness Edwan's entry into the palace."

"I am loyal to His Royal Highness Edwan," Philemon whispered, "I think you should understand this."

"I can turn the palace into ruins in three minutes, but you can't open half of the palace's protective shield," Yang Ming said coldly, "I think you should also understand this."

Philemon adjusted his breathing.

Yang Ming got up and took the Luofeng military uniform sent by the robot stand-in, and put it on over his shirt.

"General Philemon, consider His Royal Highness Edwan's temperament," Yang Ming said, "There are some things we need to learn to make our own decisions, and I will reveal a secret to you later."

Philemon nodded slowly: "Yes, now you have the final say."

Yang Ming put on his military boots, opened the door and walked out.

General Philemon silently hung up the communication, held his eyebrows and thought carefully for a while, then quickly issued an order.

Lieutenant Colonel Ace, who was dating the noble lady in the warm lounge on the upper floor of the prison, was dragged out of the gentle town by Yang Ming just like that, and even made the scantily clad noble lady scream.

Yang Ming needs a driver and a pass.

Lieutenant Colonel Ace performed quite well when the New Federation attacked the palace last time, at least his driving skills were quite mature.

Outside the atmosphere of Ilando, three star cruisers and two battleships of the Fourth Fleet formed a formation and began to keep relatively still with the palace.

Edwan, who was in a meeting, got some news, and when he was about to leave to rush back to the palace, another new news came.

"Your Majesty had a little dispute with the princess. Your Majesty seems to want to harm the princess, but now he has been persuaded by General Philemon. It's just a very simple matter..."

Edwan frowned tightly, and after a little hesitation, he still chose to continue presiding over the economic meeting.

This meeting is very important to Luofeng Empire.

'It's just a little family conflict, which can be dealt with later. '

half an hour later.

Yang Ming pushed open the car door and stepped into the gate of the imperial palace. General Philemon stepped forward to greet him, and more than a dozen of his confidant officers saluted at the same time.

Seeing that there were no guards behind Yang Ming, General Philemon was also taken aback.

"Major Yang Ming," Philemon frowned, "do you trust me so much? It may not be wise for you to appear here alone at such a sensitive moment."

Yang Ming smiled and patted General Fremont on the shoulder: "Why should I not trust you? You will make a wise choice for this country."

"We just seemed to have a conflict of opinion."

"Partners who trust each other will have disagreements, not to mention the age gap between us."

Yang Ming raised an eyebrow at Philemon.

General Philemon shook his head and smiled wryly: "I really, now is indeed the time for you young people. Your courage and courage make me feel confident... Come with me. The situation is very pessimistic. Our Majesty seems to be Become crazy."

"Talk as you walk."

Yang Ming said something in a deep voice, nodded to those officers, and walked into the palace side by side with Philemon.

In the eyes of these officers, Yang Ming, a young officer, walked beside the gray-haired and powerful General Philemon, without any sense of disobedience.

Philemon whispered beside him:

"His Majesty the Emperor transferred more than 500 mechanical guards into his bedroom and filled the bedroom with water.

"Princess Dana and Princess Emilia tried to leave the palace, but I stopped them, and I arranged them in the lounge in the corner.

"The palace's external communication has been completely cut off... Is that what you did right?"

"Well," Yang Ming thought for a while, "Go and visit Princess Dai Na and Her Royal Highness first."

"This way."

General Philemon made a gesture of invitation, led Yang Ming to turn left and right, and pushed open the door of a lounge.

Everywhere inside the palace is resplendent, except for the rest room prepared for the guards on duty.

When Yang Ming arrived, Princess Dai Na and several young noble wives were standing in the corner. Their faces were anxious, with anxiety on their brows, and they were all facing the corner.

Emilia curled up in the corner, her eyes were a little dull, she was only thirteen years old this year, and she couldn't accept the scene she saw before.

"General Philemon!" Princess Dana was about to rush up immediately, "My daughter and I must leave here immediately... Uh, Major Yang Ming?"

Philemon stepped aside, revealing Yang Ming with a serious face.

Princess Dana only felt that she saw a pair of extremely sharp eyes.

Yang Ming made a gesture, and Philemon turned his head and closed the door of the lounge.

"Princess, before you do these things, don't you know how to prepare a few laser guns?"

"You, what are you talking about?"

Yang Ming stepped forward. Princess Dana's plump body trembled, subconsciously backing away.

"The imperial palace has been under my surveillance a long time ago," Yang Ming said slowly, "I will not allow anyone to take away the throne that belongs to Edwan, neither you nor the old emperor, if your actions do not have me With your permission, do you think it can go so smoothly?"

General Philemon shrugged slightly.

Princess Dana retreated to the sofa. She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down, and whispered: "You have to understand, who are you talking to!"

Yang Ming said indifferently: "The hidden spy of the Imperial Foreign Affairs Bureau, Dana Neves, the adopted daughter of Earl Mensa, of course, claims to be the daughter of Earl Mensa."

Princess Dana's pretty face turned pale.

"You have to understand," Yang Ming said slowly, "the intelligence organization of the New Federation was defeated by Edwan and I. I just don't want Edwan to have too much dislike for the powerful Sherman Empire. It is a job for you, and now there is a huge flaw in your job, you may be silenced by your boss, right? The empire does not allow this kind of scandal."

"Enough!" Princess Dana yelled. "Tell me what you want! I've had enough of you self-righteous bastards!"

"I don't want to do anything," Yang Ming offered to stretch out his right hand, "We can cooperate."

Dana froze for a moment.

Yang Ming took the initiative to grab Princess Dai Na's right hand, ignoring her subconscious struggle, bowed his head and kissed her hand.

This was common etiquette in the Sherman Empire.

"I am a staunch Edwanist and a friend of your daughter's."

Yang Ming said with firm eyes:

"I'm here in part because of the trauma your daughter suffered.

"To Edwane, she is the last of her family.

"To make up for her trauma is to tell her the truth. Your daughter just can't accept the killing of her parents. Based on what I know about her, she can accept the truth."

Princess Dana tremblingly said: "This, this is impossible! What do you know?"

Yang Ming said a date and time.

Princess Dana's pupils trembled, that was the exact moment she was insulted by the omnic.

"As I said, the palace has been under my surveillance all the time," Yang Ming said, "This matter is announced, or it is known in a small area. You can choose now. I respect your guardianship of Emilia." identity."

Princess Diane swallowed.

She suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure.

The young man in front of him is a beast, a beast that can directly dismember her!

"You... Maybe you can comfort her for me, Your Excellency the Viscount."

Princess Dana lowered her head and walked aside, facing the wall, she raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes.

The women in front retreated to the left and right, each watching Yang Ming warily.

Yang Ming took a few steps forward, leaned over to approach Emilia, and gently rubbed her head.

"The bounty hunter is here and can help you solve all your troubles. How much pocket money have you saved?"

Emilia's lips trembled, she slowly raised her head, her eyes gradually became brighter, and the eye sockets began to turn red rapidly, and she tried her best to endure.

She asked in a hoarse voice, "Can you provide amnestics?"

"Yes, but my amnestic operation is not as advanced as that of the New Federation," Yang Ming said, "I can help you out of this nightmare. Your mother has a lot of things that I can't explain to you. She didn't do anything wrong. When you understand Truth, you will understand her and support her."

Princess Dana turned her head in astonishment.

"But, but..."

"Come with me," Yang Ming said, "I will help you once for free at a loss this time, and if there is another time, it will be another price."

Emilia looked at the big hand stretched out in front of her, the black leather gloves were warm.

Without hesitation, she tightly grasped Yang Ming's little finger, and was dragged out of the shadowed corner by Yang Ming.

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