Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 161 Emilia's Knight Sword

Amid the sound of pattering water, Yang Ming raised his head facing the shower, luxuriously enjoying the shower in space.

Yang Ming feels very good now.

After half a day of deep sleep, his mental state has recovered to a point where he had recovered a lot, and the previous bursts—releasing red shock waves—somewhat overdrawn Yang Ming's spirit.

After the queen's death, Yang Ming also fell from that state of 'no emotion', feeling tired like a tsunami.

What the hell is that shock wave?

Mental strength? The visualization of thoughts? The special brain waves of the ancient gods?

Yang Ming was not clear.

The extent of his understanding of his body is limited to his amazing endurance. — in every way.

The sound of water stopped, Yang Ming walked out of the narrow 'cylinder' bathing circle, the warm wind blowing from all sides quickly took away the water droplets on his body.

Putting on the underwear made of super-tough material and the space suit in the cabin, Yang Ming took a look in the mirror and found that he had gone through the previous battle...

There is no obvious shape change.

But when he clenches and swings his fists, he can clearly feel his own strength increase.

A series of tests are still needed for how much the value has been increased, but Yang Ming estimates that the increase this time is much greater than the one two years ago.


Yang Ming sighed softly, showing a satisfied smile.

He began to be obsessed with the sense of security brought about by this constant strengthening.

Closing his eyes and opening his hands, a thick red mask appeared around Yang Ming's body, supporting him to rise slowly, and then move left and right smoothly.

Finally, it has a bit of the prestige of "just out of the tank"!

I don't know if Hera's research can produce any results.


Ritsu's voice sounded outside:

"We're almost at Earl Mensa's fief."

Yang Ming remembered that he still had things to do, straightened his collar, landed on the ground smoothly, and opened the door of the lounge.

The two crawler robots passed by Yang Ming's eyes.

The realistic projection of the law appeared on the side.

"Has the matter been investigated clearly?" Yang Ming asked.

"The information that has been captured is vague."

Law said softly:

"The incident happened in Earl Mensa's manor, and relevant information was immediately blocked.

"After all, this is counted as a family scandal of Earl Mensa.

"All I know now is that Earl Mensa's grandson was seriously injured, and it was a penetrating wound to the abdomen. The weapon used to injure him was the metal long sword worn by Her Royal Highness Princess Emilia...the one you gave her, boss."

Yang Ming frowned and asked, "Emilia stabbed the earl's successor?"

"Hmm," Lu shrugged, "The attack was quite ruthless, but because the long sword missed the vital point, this guy is fine."

Yang Ming said: "How old is the Earl's grandson?"

"Twenty-one years old, a typical imperial nobleman, ignorant and self-esteemed, but there was no sign of falling out with Emilia before."

Law added a few more words:

"Before, because Feinan was far away from here, and I devoted all my computing power to maintaining the stability of the live broadcast server, I didn't pay much attention to Emilia.

"Earl Mensa is still restrained now, but he just asked the imperial noble court to intervene, and the son of the earl is more excited.

"Edwan has already received the news and sent his confidant ministers to mediate, and the Imperial Foreign Affairs Bureau has also intervened in the investigation.

"The trouble with this matter is that Emilia voluntarily admitted that she was the grandson of the Earl who seriously injured her. The Foreign Affairs Bureau is also a little embarrassed to be a peacemaker."

Yang Ming thought about it for a few seconds.

"Tell the Feinan to turn around and find the envoy sent by the Luofeng Empire. We can't intervene in the situation even if we go directly there."

"Okay boss, adjust the course now."

Law's figure flickered and disappeared.

The automatic door of the bridge opened, and 026 who was walking towards him saw Yang Ming, subconsciously raised his chest, raised his head, pursed his lips, and put his legs together.

Before the atmosphere became slightly awkward, 026 cleared his throat and shouted into the inside:

"The captain has arrived at the bridge!"

Hera, who was staring at the experimental equipment, immediately turned her head and looked over.

Yang Ming blinked at 026, at this moment he suddenly had the urge to give her a little more salary.

This little girl really added a lot to Feinan.

As for salary increase...

It's all said to be impulsive, and Boss Yang is best at staying rational.

Hera was wearing a white coat and ponytail. At this moment, she lifted the goggles to her forehead, took off the disposable gloves, and stared at Yang Ming with complicated eyes.

When Yang Ming approached, Hera whispered:

"You are not human."

Yang Ming was a little confused.

"What I mean is that you are now a human being on the surface, and your organs and body structure are basically in line with human beings," Hera emphasized specifically, "You are more human-like than ordinary biochemically modified people."

Yang Ming spread his hands: "Well, I'm not happy about it."

Hera said: "The specific data is still being analyzed, and now there are three things that can be confirmed, the first is the special magnetic field that appears in your brain domain, the second is that the various indexes of your cell activity have skyrocketed in a very short period of time, the third is The third is that when you erupt, there are at least a dozen organic compounds in your body that humans do not have."

"Then what kind of creature do you think I am?" Yang Ming asked with great interest.

After thinking carefully, Hera came up with a word that surprised Yang Ming: "Ancient God."

"Why?" Yang Ming asked back.

"You're constantly evolving.

"Before and after a battle, your body structure has undergone obvious changes. ——I said obvious, but in your eyes it may be a very small degree.

"And after you injected the gene stabilization solution, your boiling body soon gradually returned to normal, which shows that there are more possibilities for evolutionary variation in your genes."

Hera thought seriously:

"I imagined what would happen if your evolution continues to move forward... If you can keep rational, you will still be a human being, a powerful human being, and you will be close to a theoretically possible god-level life form , if you lose control, the cells in your body will start to proliferate infinitely, and the direction of evolution is very similar to the life form of the ancient gods."

Yang Ming: ...

As expected of a biologist.

Hera almost studied him thoroughly!

"Okay, Hera," Yang Ming folded his arms, "For the sake of you not being able to leave my palm in the future, I can confide a truth to you."


"I accepted Kigrove's transformation experiment, which is a product of the Sherman Empire's Valkyrie plan."

Seeing that Hera was a little astonished, Yang Ming raised his hand and hugged Hera's shoulder.

"My real name is Hanton, the third officer on the Kigrove experimental ship, this is my biggest secret, and now you are the only one alive to know.

"To tell you this, I feel like I need to be honest with you that we value each other.

"I am loyal to the empire, but what I got in exchange for the transformation experiment was a near-death experience, and when the crisis broke out, I was abandoned by those experimenters, so I don't want to have too much intersection with the imperial officials now, but I can't let go of this country.

"I'm from the Empire, you didn't guess wrong before, but my current political position is..."

"Ming," Hera's eyes flickered slightly.

On her beautiful face without much expression, there was obvious emotion at this moment.

Gentle, warm, and full of emotion.

"I'm glad you can reveal this to me, but you don't need to explain too much to me. I can understand your loneliness. We are satisfied partners outside of work. I love you, Ming."


She took off the goggles, the white coat slipped back, a pair of slender arms hooked Yang Ming's neck, and kissed him proactively.

Yang Ming waved to the robot in the corner, the latter bowed his head and left in a hurry, by the way, he set the bridge to privacy mode and turned off most of the lights.

This is the best reward for soldiers after a tragic war.

Boss Yang said so.


Two galaxies later.

Yang Ming admired his partner's beautiful body, and covered the sleeping Hera with a blanket.

He hurriedly left the captain's exclusive lounge and began to prepare to sneak into work.

Under Law's mobilization, the transport ship of the Luofeng Empire's "emergency" envoy was docking at a civilian spaceport to replenish energy.

——Although the energy of the transport ship itself only used less than one-tenth.

Nowadays, lurking, smuggling, espionage, and smuggling have become Yang Ming's professional skills.

With the help of Law, he effortlessly touched the inside of the transport ship and found a corner to hide.

Being idle is also idle, Yang Ming began to listen to Lu's report on the reaction of various forces at home and abroad in the Sherman Empire to the Zubin Star War.

The White Ghost really became popular in the Sherman Empire and became the 'hardcore top class'.

There is nothing to say about this.

Yang Ming didn't want to use this false identity to collect money, the appearance of the white ghost was just for him to harvest the Zerg to improve his strength.

The official of the Sherman Empire publicly commended the White Ghost, and invited the White Ghost to approach the imperial government, and they will give the White Ghost the honor and respect it deserves.

Unfortunately, Yang Ming didn't intend to talk to them.

The news that interested Yang Ming appeared half a day late.

Millions of inhabitants were lost on Zubin, and major cities were destroyed by insect plagues. Naturally, the Sherman Empire placed the blame on the New Federation.

The major media within the empire lashed out, and anti-new federal demonstrations reappeared everywhere.

The inhumanity and shame of the new Federation have become the headlines of many countries in the galaxy.

The border of the New Federation, which had just stopped for half a month, began to gather powerful fleets of the empire again. The whole New Federation was also a little angry, but they still chose to endure.

It is the foreign policy of the new federation to firmly deny the bug burying plan.

Actively preparing for war but avoiding the main decisive battle is the current military policy of the new federation.

As long as the new federation keeps declaring internally that it's "small victory", "no loss", and "still insisting on the line of freedom and democracy under the coercion of the oldest power in the galaxy", the public opinion market will not collapse.

Fighting resumes on the New Commonwealth frontier.

Yang Ming was quite pleased with this.

Yang Ming resumed the battle on Zubin Star.

The tragic scene of the imperial soldiers' heroic charge against dozens of hundreds of bugs remained in his mind for a long time.

Although the powerful empire is internally decayed and high-level degenerates, the soldiers from the common people still maintain their blood. This is the cornerstone of the Sherman Empire's enduring prosperity.

"Let me tell you, how can we defeat the Sherman Empire?"

Yang Ming raised this question with great interest.

Law's projection appeared on Yang Ming's watch. She was the size of a figurine, pinching her chin and thinking for a while.

"There's only one path."


"Destroy the powerful fleet of the Sherman Empire," Li said softly.

"Pretty," Yang Ming stretched.

Lu smiled and said: "Boss, Miss Hera seems to be more determined to you. Your sweet words are too lethal to her whose feelings are as white as paper."

Yang Ming glared at Xiaolu, who was giggling, not at all guilty.

"I am sincere, and I have nothing to deceive her."

Then, Yang Ming sat there and fell into deep thought.

Lu walked around on the dial with his hands behind his back for a while, seeing Yang Ming's gloomy face, he asked in a low voice: "Boss, is there something that Lu didn't deal with?"

"No, I was thinking about an unrelated question."


"Let me tell you," Yang Ming mused, "If a planet, a planet that is about 0.75 level, far from reaching the level of a first-level civilization, with a population of seven or eight billion people, suddenly appeared in the border of the Milky Way, it would What will happen?"

Law froze for a moment, then nodded slowly, and said quickly:

"At the civilization level of 0.75, there is no way to make full use of all the energy of the planet, and there is no way to carry out interstellar travel.

"In this case, only half of the people must live above the dignity line, and the resources that everyone can enjoy are limited, because the technology is underdeveloped, the living environment is relatively primitive, and the personal pursuit of the people is limited. A planet supports seven or eight billion people. Population is possible.

"I'm really not good at predicting this kind of thing, boss.

"Probably speaking, the Sherman Empire will have more slaves, the New Federation will have more black immigrant laborers, and each country will have a little more cheap labor. In ten or twenty years, there will be only poor and poor people on that planet. The old man, then reduced to a half-resource star.

"Actually...boss, can I tell the truth?"


"If what you are doing now is for the better survival of this planet, then I suggest that you enter the Sherman Empire as soon as possible to manage power."

Law said softly:

"Only by gaining a certain right to speak within the empire can we truly protect this planet.

"It will be difficult for the Luofeng Empire to make the Sherman Empire face up to it within a hundred years, and our Dark Star Project is for card bugs to cope with the assessment, and there is no way to directly appear in the public eye. What is needed to protect such a planet is international influence and a fleet. .

"Boss, how much time do you have?"

"I'll just ask casually." Yang Ming waved his hand calmly, "Delete the content of the conversation just now."

"Yes, boss."

Then Yang Ming sighed softly, looked at the palm-sized porthole, and stared at the empty starry sky through the porthole.

He was just talking about a possibility.

And it's more likely to be 'friendly'.

The Earth, Minx Harbor, "Abyss", Galactic Civilization, the Ninth Calamity... He still hasn't been able to find a clear clue about the truth behind this.

All I can say is, be prepared.

"Boss," Lu reminded, "Edwang has already started a meeting with the envoys online, and you can come on stage."

The hatch opened, and a maintenance robot walked in holding an imperial military uniform.

Yang Ming hurriedly changed into his military uniform, put on his leather boots and military cap, and his aura became extremely fierce.

A few minutes later.

In front of the conference room in the middle of the transport ship, a group of soldiers from the Luofeng Empire eagerly stared at Yang Ming's figure.

Yang Ming knocked on the door, pushed the door open and walked in.

Edwan's projection looked over, and immediately said:

"...This is your secret assistance, and all your actions later will be supervised by Major Yang Ming.

"In the name of Emperor Luofeng, I appoint Major Yang Ming as the ambassador of Luofeng, with full authority to deal with the case of imperial princess Emilia's wounding."

Yang Ming immediately gave a military salute.

In front of Edwan's courtiers, he would of course give Edwan face.

The foreign minister who was sitting on the main seat hurriedly got up, Yang Ming nodded to him, and sat down directly.

"Report what you have learned."

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