Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 172 The fifth-order insect swarm strikes!

Outside the porthole of the Feinan, distorted starlight flashed across the tortuous space, and Yang Ming no longer felt any novelty about such a scene.

The starlight faded away, Feinan seemed to break through a layer of water, the surrounding space immediately became stable, and the starry sky synchronously returned to normal.

Lu appeared beside Yang Ming.

"Boss, the target ships have turned around. They are indeed looking for Miss Hera."

Yang Ming frowned while thinking, and pushed the square rudder casually, a light blue halo appeared behind the Feinan's tail and sweeping wings, and the strong thrust made Yang Ming stick to the captain's seat.

Hera's experiment attracts bugs?

I have obviously remodeled that transport ship several times. I dare not say that it is more closed and isolated than the original Ram star base, but at least it can be equaled.


"Where did these bugs come from?"

"The route drawn shows that its transition point is the barren star field outside Luofeng's national border."

Li quickly explained:

"Luofeng is already considered to be the fringe of the main civilization of the galaxy. The direction the bugs came from is likely to be an uncultivated star field, the edge of the Milky Way, or even outside the Milky Way. This is not a Zerg race cultivated by the New Federation."

Yang Ming nodded and didn't speak any more, staring at the changes in the gravitational coefficient displayed on the screen, the Feinan was wrapped in silver-white coating again, and crashed into the tiny ripples in the space.

Jump, jump, speed sail.

The performance of the Feinan was maximized by Yang Ming, he chose the shortest route and went straight to the border area of ​​Luofeng.

Luofeng Empire, Ilanduo Star.

Edwan and more than a dozen ministers who were in a meeting were forcibly interrupted by General Fremont and sent to the underground of the palace.

The palace cannon is ready to be opened, and several robots hidden inside have activated the protection system of the entire palace and Ilando City, doing their best to protect the safety of Luofeng Capital.

On the outskirts of the planet Ilanduo, twelve main formations jumped at the same time, and more than twenty formations were suspended above the main cities of the planet.

They are like enemies.

"What's wrong?" Edwan frowned and asked, "The New Federation is calling again?"

"It's bugs, space bugs," General Philemon said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, don't announce this news for now, Major Yang Ming is already on his way back."

Edwan's expression froze, and his eyes were a little empty.

He actually doesn't have a very direct concept of insect plagues, so he nodded calmly at the moment: "Leave it to him, it shouldn't be a big problem."

General Philemon wanted to remind Edwan not to rely on Yang Ming so much, but thinking of the current situation of Luofeng Empire, Philemon wisely chose to shut up.

Edwan asked, "Do you need to ask Sherman for help?"

"It doesn't seem to be necessary," Philemon said, "We now have a military alliance, and the fleets of the three neighboring countries have already begun to mobilize, ready to jump to support us at any time."

"Tell me, how did Ming do it?"

Edwan put his hands behind his back, and asked with a smile: "Is the organization behind him a lie...Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

General Philemon squinted and smiled.

Although His Majesty didn't say it directly, he felt...it was quite similar.

The Luofeng border, close to the star field of the Sherman Empire.

The twelve battle formations under Gudun Maha completed the simultaneous transition and announced on the interstellar public channel that they will conduct military exercises here. A total of 80 warships are arranged in a "fortress formation", wrapping Hera's transport ship in the core position.

On the other side, Dabic's flagship led the main force of the Luofeng Army's reformed 3rd and 4th Defense Fleet Regiment, a total of 360 ships, appeared in the airspace marked by Li, and confronted the target ship head-on. .

Dabic sat in the command room and kept giving orders one after another. The dozen or so orderlies and officers responsible for verifying the orders around him couldn't keep up with Dabic's rhythm.

The two fleets quickly pulled out the defensive nets, the shields were opened, and the main guns were charged.

The five main warships slowly approached the airspace where the target ship was located.

"Attention all ships."

Darbic's calm voice echoed throughout the ships:

"Our enemies are not human beings, but ships that have been assimilated by bugs. When you find the target ship, fire immediately, and don't leave any chance for the opponent to resist!"

The more than 200,000 Luofeng officers and soldiers immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and the efficiency of order transmission increased by 10% again.

The universe is silent and deep.

The main guns of the five advancing battleships and star cruisers have all been charged, and the purple and blue gun barrels slightly distort the space.

The pitch-black ship slowly approached from the darkness of the universe.

"Target ship found."




The main guns of the two battleships took the lead in ejecting ion beams tens of meters in diameter, and the purple light overshadowed the brilliance of nearby stars in an instant!

The pitch-black battleship seemed to be activated instantly, and a golden energy shield appeared strangely on the outer layer.

The ion beam collided fiercely with the energy shield!

The three star cruisers fired one after another, and three dark blue beams hit the energy shield.

The pitch-black battleship was still moving forward, and faint cracks appeared on the protective cover.

The porthole of this battleship was suddenly knocked open!

The densely packed bugs flew out of the porthole and rushed into the cosmic space, which was close to a vacuum environment. They galloped freely against the light halo that appeared on their abdomen, and flew in all directions.

The Luofeng soldier who witnessed this scene through the detection equipment became even more tense.

These worms, which were about five meters long, seemed to be nothing more than particles at the moment.

More ion beams appear from behind!

The auxiliary guns of dozens of main battleships began to cover and shoot, quickly strangling and killing the 'flying insects' trying to escape.

The outer protective cover of the pitch-black battleship suddenly shattered, and the ion beam of the main gun went straight to the hull!

Two seconds later, the warship that appeared strangely was lit up and turned into a huge fireball, devouring the swarms that were trying to escape.

Darbic breathed a sigh of relief.

"General, the target warship has been destroyed...it's really a bug."

"Well, release a space interference wave," Darbic said, "The role of this battleship may only be an inducement."

As soon as Dabiqi finished speaking, a piercing siren sounded suddenly from the testing platform not far away.

"General! Large-scale leap!"

"The space factor drops sharply, and it is estimated that the space will start to expand in three minutes!"

"Prepare to retreat!"

Dabic reacted extremely quickly: "The warships in front retreat immediately, the third type of tactic! The swarms that can jump are not enemies we can deal with! The whole ship is ready to evacuate at any time!"


The five main battleships at the forefront quickly retreated.

The 360 ​​warships in the whole ship maneuvered in an orderly manner, and quickly gathered together from the neatly arranged fan-shaped formation. The brigade consisted of two battleships, six star cruisers, twelve gunboats, three shield ships, and more than ten auxiliary ships. , gathered into nine jagged firepower units in the shortest possible time.

Ahead, there were only a few wrecks left of the pitch-black battleship, and a few large and bloated special bugs still retained a relatively complete body.

Their bodies are stronger than human warships.

What kind of insect is this?

Darbic pursed his lips tightly.

All the data is synchronized to Lady Goddess, and Lady Goddess has already learned what happened here, so there is no need for him to report it.

Faint ripples appeared in the space ahead, and a huge and bloated 'battleship' appeared out of thin air.

Dabiqi subconsciously stood up, and the busy crowd around him also fell silent, staring at the battleship that appeared on the screen with wide eyes.

The length of the battleship is about 30,000 meters.

On the periphery of the ship, the limbs of golden adult insects are connected, densely packed, wrapped in an unknown number of layers, but there is no sense of chaos.

"Full ship shooting! Auxiliary ships start retreating and jumping!"

Darbic roared loudly:

"Don't lead them to the administrative star! The transition location is set to the frontier no-man's land! Move fast!"

The crowd around him started to run immediately, the voice of the orderly was trembling, but luckily the transmission of the order did not have any effect.

The light of the ion beam continued to shine.

But compared to the golden energy shield bursting from the outer layer of that battleship, these shellings are nothing worth mentioning.

The energy shield did not fluctuate at all, and the giant Zerg battleship was accelerating slowly and firmly.

Behind this battleship, sixteen 5,000-meter-class Zerg warships completed their transitions one after another.

The outer layers of these large Zerg battleships began to disintegrate, and their volume shrunk by about one-third, and the bugs flying in a near-vacuum environment formed an overwhelming dense array, quickly passed the 'flagship', and rushed towards Luofeng Third and Fourth Defense Corps.


"Boss, it's the fifth-order insect swarm."

There was also a bit of urgency in Lil's voice.

"The Dabic fleet is retreating while fighting. These bugs are not interested in fighting. They have a clear goal and continue to accelerate towards the transport ship where Miss Hera is."

Yang Ming frowned and asked, "What do bugs rely on to fly in a vacuum?"

"Simulated gravity," Law said softly, "Current research has proved that bugs can construct a simulated gravitational field. The larger the number of bugs, the stronger the simulated gravitational field created."

She said softly: "It is estimated that in about six hours, they will pass by the star system where the eleventh Luofeng administrative star is located. This administrative star has a population of more than 200,000 people, and the development degree is very low."

Yang Ming fell silent.

The pitch-black battleship was stopped in time, and it would take at least dozens of galactic hours for these bugs to approach Hera.

Of course, this is the calculation result of the opponent not making another jump, but only sailing straight forward.

Higher-order bugs can withstand the stress of sublight travel.

As long as the opponent continues to accelerate, it will eventually become an unstoppable torrent, engulfing Hera's transport ship.

Moreover, this matter should not have involved the people of Luofeng and the soldiers of Luofeng.

Let Hera enter the territory of the Sherman Empire and lead the swarm to the east?

Although it is not very authentic to do so, it is true that only the Sherman Empire dreadnought can fight against this level of insect swarm.


Yang Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and one thought after another quickly flashed through his mind.

He is not a mother-in-law.

But now, what he has to consider is how many innocent people will be involved by this group of high-ranking bugs.

"Boss, after calculation, there are a group of sixth-order adults among these bugs," Li Kuai said, "They may make a short-distance jump at any time!"

"Send a message to Hera."

"Yes, boss... already connected."

The efficiency of Lu's action this time made Yang Ming couldn't help but look sideways.

She explained: "026 has been keeping in touch with me."

Yang Ming swiped his left hand across, and the figures of 026 and Hera appeared on the projection screen.

Hera was tied to a chair by 026.

She was short of breath, her face was flushed, and her eyes were slightly bloodshot. After seeing the image of Yang Ming, she immediately shouted:

"They're coming! Ming! They're coming to me! Kill me, right now! They're all high-level bugs, and I can see their queen! That's already an existence close to a god-level civilization!

"My experiment offended them!

"Don't hesitate. I have no regrets or nostalgia. Your insistence on protecting me is a betrayal of the human race!"

"calm down!"

Yang Ming scolded in a low voice.

Hera pursed her lips tightly, forced back her tears, and stared at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming closed his eyes, rubbed his forehead twice, and exhaled slowly.

Lu Kuai said: "The fifth-order insect swarm is not invincible. They come from the corner of the Milky Way. This disaster is just one of the dangers lurking in the Milky Way."

"Hera, I want you to make a choice," Yang Ming said, "Go to Sherman or go to the New Federation. Give me your answer now."


Hera paused in her words, frowning tightly, with some thoughts in her eyes.

Half a minute later, Hera replied calmly:

“Rather than seeking refuge in these powerful countries, I am more inclined to destroy myself.

"I had a hunch a long time ago that the Zerg communication experiment I conducted might arouse the anger of the Zerg... But I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful Zerg swarm outside our sight.

"If you only give me these two choices, I will choose to return to the New Federation and the place where everything originated."

She actually chose the New Federation.

Yang Ming thought briefly, and then said slowly: "Okay, I'm on my way back and I'll pick you up in about four hours."

Hera asked in a low voice: "Ming, can't I even decide whether I live or die? This is my basic human right."

"Sorry, you can't right now."

Yang Ming said calmly:

"Instead of having this idea of ​​giving up on yourself, it is better to carry out experiments that can truly threaten the Zerg.

"The New Federation has been cultivating bugs for so many years, why are you the only one who has attracted the attention of the high-level bug swarm?

"Hera, you are on the right path, and your future achievements will be limitless.

"Don't be afraid of threats, Hera. Constantly defeating threats and challenging the strong is the only way to become a hero. Think about the movies you have watched. You long for heroes, long for the protection of heroes, and even more eager to become a hero yourself.

"Now, you have this chance."

Hera's frown slowly eased, and she looked at Yang Ming.

"Boss!" Lu's calm voice was a little more urgent. "The Zerg tribe has divided its forces. About one-tenth of the bugs are moving towards the first star of the Luofeng Empire. They want to force us to give up Miss Hera."

Yang Ming subconsciously clenched his fists and gave the answer after a few seconds:

"Let the Luofeng soldiers do what is consistent with their status, with the main purpose of protecting the safety of the Luofeng people.

"Send a call for assistance to the surrounding military allies and ask the fleets under our control to jump immediately to prepare to stop the enemy.

"Hera's transport ship sailed out of the Fallen Border and sailed in the international public star field, avoiding the trade route administrative star. Remember, do not jump at this time, otherwise the insect swarm will most likely follow the jump. Keep the sailing speed at a medium speed, etc. I'll go over and meet up."

Yang Ming said slowly: "026?"

"Boss! I'm here!"

026 jumped out immediately.

"No matter what method you use, bring Hera to me alive."

"Yes!" 026 gave a decent military salute.

But Hera suddenly said: "Let me go, 26."

026 suddenly hesitated: "Uh, but you..."

"I'm going to the laboratory," Hera said calmly, "My idea has not been completed yet."

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