Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 400 Rare Vacation

After Yang Ming left the small administrative star where the research institute was located, he sent a message to Bligh.

Nothing else, he suddenly thought of Bligh, and was concerned about how his subordinate of "Jiushu Greetings" was doing.

——Actually, he was afraid that Bligh would be turned into an omnic without making a sound.

Soon, Bligh sent a reply, and while Daphne was going to hold an online fan meeting, Yang Ming hid in the toilet and had a video chat with Bligh.

Generally speaking, the orders Bligh gets come from Ritsu, and most of them are about the super-reformer organization.

Because the bug swarm was approaching, the Empire needed some death squads and commandos. The Empire's Dimension Ascension Laboratory did not require the overhaulers to participate in the experiment in advance, and Bligh's pressure was also reduced a lot.

"Master," Bligh's voice penetrated directly into Yang Ming's ears through the hidden earphones, "This bug swarm is actually an opportunity."

Yang Ming slightly raised his eyebrows: "You want to take advantage of the chaos to enter Emperor Star?"

"Yes master, as long as I enter the Emperor Star, I can make the Empire your plaything in a very short time."

"First, you are a little arrogant, Bligh, even if you control the emperor, you can't have any influence on the entire empire, just like those big companies sometimes don't need their bosses to run.

"Secondly, even if you enter the Emperor Star, you will be wiped out in a very short period of time. There are terrifying existences in the Emperor Star... This is not a threat."

Yang Ming sighed lightly:

"Do you think I haven't thought about it? Don't think about it."

"Okay master," Bly sighed.

"Moreover," Yang Mingyu said earnestly, "when the Zerg, the enemy of mankind, invades in an all-round way, what we should think about is that we should be united, even if it is only superficial obedience, and we should shoulder the responsibility of our identities. We can Do some preparations before and after the bug swarm, but you must not open fire on the empire during the bug swarm.”

Bligh laughed and said, "Master, you are always so benevolent."

"This is the principle."

Yang Ming said calmly, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Over there, over there, do something for me."

Yang Ming clicked his tongue lightly, and continued:

"The scale of this bug swarm cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it will also be the biggest threat to human civilization in the past few thousand years.

"I want to teach the super reformer some experience in dealing with the Zerg. You arrange the super reformer organization to apply to the military department and let me go to be a mentor, so I can rest for half a month.

"In the recent period, I have almost split myself into ten people. I don't have a day's rest, and I am running around for the empire."

Bligh laughed, "Good master."

"How many times have I said, call me boss, master master all day long, I thought I went to the cat maid cafe."

Yang Ming cut off the communication casually, and the surrounding shielding devices disarmed by themselves.

He looked outside and found that Daphne hadn't come back, so he calmly took out a spray from his pocket and sprayed it on his crotch.

This will ensure that you will not be embarrassed later.

There is no way, Daphne's charm is increasing with her age, sometimes just a coquettish coquettish can make Boss Yang's blood rush to his heart and give her to Fa-rectification on the spot.

No one said he couldn't touch Daphne;

Even Mimi Li wouldn't mind Yang Ming having a relationship with Daphne;

The medical technology that Daphne can enjoy can keep her in her most beautiful years for decades. She even intends to imitate Catherine's words and deeds. happy.

But Yang Ming always felt that...

If he is succeeded by Daphne, he will always have concerns about turning against the empire in the future.

He can't really be Yinhe Lu Fengxian.

The famous Galaxy psychologist, Lu, has carefully analyzed it for Yang Ming. As long as Yang Ming can abduct Daphne to rebel against the empire together, then Yang Ming doesn't have to have any psychological burden to pick this delicate flower.

But Yang Ming really wasn't sure about persuading this woman to surrender, so now he can only follow the principle of hiding if he can.

He turned on the projection function of the network access terminal, picked up the virtual book that he hadn't read last time, and flipped through it page by page.

With the growth of age and knowledge, Boss Yang found that he was indeed lacking a lot of things in terms of knowledge. If he added a little more now, it might come in handy in the future.

Da da da.

There was the brisk sound of high heels outside the cabin door.

Then came the conversation between the maid and Daphne:

"Your Highness, the contraceptive you want... Do you really want to take the medicine yourself? Although it is now claimed to have no side effects, there are always some hidden dangers in forcibly ingesting hormones to interfere with your own endocrine system."

"He doesn't like these things. Under the current environment, it is impossible for us to give birth to new life."

Daphne smiled and said:

"Go back and rest, remember to give the list of lottery draws to the brokerage company."

"Yes, Your Highness."

More than ten seconds later, the hatch opened, and Daphne immediately looked over to the bed, with a charming smile on her lips.

"Honey, are you reading again? You are the most powerful warrior in the empire."

With a click, the hatch locked itself, and Daphne's handbag glowed faintly, completely enveloping the entire cabin.

She stretched her waist and complained: "These fans are really annoying, asking the same questions in the same way."

"Hmm," Yang Ming said without raising his head, "Being an idol has to endure these things. Since you want to get this approval rating, don't complain too much."

"Okay, I'm just making complaints, the duke-to-be is lecturing me again."

Daphne hung the windbreaker aside, revealing the slim and light dress she was wearing inside, her slender figure showed a perfect silhouette.

She opened the closet, took a soft nightdress, and started changing in front of Yang Ming.

Yang Ming never raised his head, and sighed a few times from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking of him, General Yang, since he accepted Handon's body, he has gone through hundreds of battles without defeat, but now he can only hang up the card of avoiding the battle!

Daphne sat next to Yang Ming, her shoulders almost leaning against his shoulders, and followed his example to find out a virtual book.

"I have reported your feedback to my uncle and the others."

"what did they say?"

"They feel that your deterrence against Imperial Guard 2.0 has been achieved, and they have approved allowing Imperial Guard 2.0 to participate in the next military exercise to verify his ability to control the super-large fleet."

Daphne said softly:

"Uncle asked you if you want to rest for a while.

"You are really too busy, my father always gives you some unnecessary tasks, and always wants to pull you to attend any activities in the military department.

"Everyone's panic has eased a lot, you don't need to force yourself so much."

Yang Ming exhaled lightly: "Okay, I also think...then I postponed the next few activities?"

Daphne said, "Give me the schedule."

Yang Ming took out a densely packed form from the projection corner, and pushed it in front of Daphne.

"Here, the schedule for the next half month."

Daphne couldn't help raising her hand to her forehead: "Won't you refuse them?"

"Idle is also idle," Yang Ming swallowed the half-sentence in his heart.

The Dark Star-Luofeng system does not require him to take care of specific affairs, and Godoy and the others take care of Saka in an orderly manner. "Faya's Game" has no sign of opening at all, and what he can do for his hometown on Earth is also very limited. ;

To sum up, what he can do now is to continue to expand his influence within the empire.

Daphne frowned slightly, got up to get a portable headset, and started communicating with the outside world.

"Hello, is this the Liaison Office of the Military Department? You should have marked my special communication number. Yes, I am Daphne. Major General Hanton has very important personal affairs next, so the twelve follow-up activities will be Unable to participate, I will give you the list of activities... If you have any questions, let your supervisor find me, but remember, let someone who is qualified to correspond with me come over."

"Excuse me, is this the Elder's House Communications Office? I'm Daphne, and Hanton will not attend your following activities... I'm telling you that I need to ask your elders for instructions?"

"Hello, I, Daphne, well, don't look for Hanton for the next few activities."

Soon, the list given by Yang Ming was completely wiped out.

Boss Yang closed the virtual book and tilted his head to look at Daphne, who put down the smokeless e-cigarette and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Have a holiday."

"As ordered."

Daphne embraced Yang Ming's arm, leaning her soft and cool body.

"Then how about I come to rest with you during this time?"

"Are you sure it's rest?" Yang Ming muttered, "Why do I always feel like you're going to eat me."

"I would rather," Daphne gritted her teeth, "you should give me a chance."

Yang Ming smiled, and lay down calmly, letting her hug him beside him.

"Good night, I'm really sleepy."

Daphne pursed her lips lightly, but sighed in a low voice, and didn't complain too much. She shook her body to adjust herself to a comfortable position, hung beside Yang Ming, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

The lights in the cabin slowly went out, but the starry sky outside the portholes was still bright.


[Insect tide countdown: 154 standard galaxy days].

Saka Star, in the Governor's Mansion.

Yang Ming lay carelessly in Godoy's massage chair, with Hanyin, director of the Saka Star Architectural Planning Bureau, on his left, and Han Xiang, head of the Saka Star Surface Security Management Brigade, on his right.

The two sisters were wearing serious work clothes, holding drinks and snacks in their hands, with aggrieved expressions.

Obviously, they had just been reprimanded by Yang Ming.

Behind the desk, Godoy, whose hair was already a little gray, sighed helplessly.

"Lord Duke of Hunton."

Yang Ming immediately said: "Hey, it's just the earl, he hasn't been promoted yet, so you have to be strict with your words."

"Yes, Earl of Hanton, the official document of the House of Elders has been issued, as long as the old honorary duke dies, you will be the first in line to advance naturally," Godoy complained, "Pay attention to the influence, these two are now He is an official official on our planet Saka."

"Why, is the official official very impressive?"

Yang Ming turned his head and stared at Hanyin, who shrank his neck.

"If you don't learn well, you will learn to put on a show, let the petitioners wait at the door for more than an hour, and drink tea and chat and watch male models in the room by yourself!

"Do you want to go back to the ship and continue to wear the maid outfit?

"You don't have a place to go back now, you know? You see, the older children to the eighth children outside of me are battle robots, battle robots with independent thinking ability, one can take care of you two!

"Really are!

"Godoy, you, the governor, don't care about them!"

Hanyin pulled her head together, not daring to refute a word.

Hanxiang on the side whispered: "Boss, I'm very good."

"Well, you're doing pretty well," Yang Ming patted her little hand, and said in a warm voice, "I'll give you sole supervision over your sister in the future, if she dares to commit another crime, you'll whip her with a small leather whip."

Hanyin snorted: "Those few just wanted to mix up the demolition funds, and I didn't bully them. Their demands are simply unrealistic."

Godoy smiled and said: "I have also learned about this matter, it is indeed the case, because the population is increasing too fast, and the demand for new urban areas from outsiders is increasing day by day, and the old city we plan to build has also encountered some resistance, and now we need Put all the resources into the transformation of the underground shelter, tighten the opening, they have problems with us."

"Exactly!" Hanyin just wanted to regain his energy when Yang Ming stared back at him.

Afterwards, Yang Ming sighed: "How's the work on the prevention of the insect infestation?"

Godoy said: "It's going well, our resources are relatively abundant, there are large semi-abandoned shelters underground, but because the insect swarm is coming, the panic in the empire is still pervasive, many people in your name The head wants to come to Saka to escape, we can't accommodate so many people, and now we have tightened our mouth."

Yang Ming nodded.

Hanxiang on the side said softly: "Actually, there were some conflicts before."


Han Xiang said softly: "That is, the Imperial Military Department requires all noble private troops to be reorganized and dispatched in a unified manner to form regional battle groups. Our newly formed fleet also needs to go outside to report, and the people and soldiers are somewhat dissatisfied."

Yang Ming nodded, looking down in thought.

This order was not formally issued until he and other committee members agreed and signed it.

Not only the private army of the nobles, but also the local defense forces are also being reorganized.

The location and target of the insect swarm cannot be determined, so it is necessary to gather scattered forces to attack the insect swarm when it arrives.

How many units the bug swarm will divide, the empire will divide the troops to attack according to the actual situation.

According to previous experience of several similar large insect swarms, the most severely affected areas are the most border area of ​​the empire, and the other is the outer economic belt of the emperor star circle. The Saka star is just in the "deep and stable zone".

In addition, the Zerg will take the initiative to find the military forces of the empire to extinguish them. Gathering the scattered fleets can often attract the attention of the Zerg.

——Ordinary people without ships pose no threat to the Zerg.

When the Zergs launch an offensive on the surface of a planet, the high probability is to put pressure on the human army and defeat the psychological defense of human soldiers. The small probability is that the insects will desperately retaliate against humans like the last fourth-order insect swarm outbreak.

"I'll go to the private army garrison later, everyone hasn't set off yet, right?"

"Yes, the order is to assemble next month, and we need to prepare our own equipment first."

Boss Yang nodded, closed his eyes and enjoyed the mechanical massage.


in the legal thinking space.

Molly and Lil get together to study a complex structure similar to the human brain.

This is the core structure of David Labrador.

Of course, when the two of them did this, they didn't disturb Labrador.

"How's it going, number two?" Molly asked softly.

Lawman shook his head regretfully: "I still can't issue him a certificate of mechanical life, although his own structure is no longer artificially constructed, but his number of iterations is still too small, at least Iterating over hundreds of thousands of generations and trying to understand the meaning of life, I can recognize him as a mechanical thinking body."


"Because all his logic is imitating human beings, and all his thinking circuits are based on the existing logic of human beings. His views on things will not be any different from those of a human being who has the same information."

Molly wondered, "Then what am I?"

Law thought about it carefully: "Pirates use a non-standard shipboard intelligent assistance system."

Molly opened her mouth, and there was a faint mist in her eyes.

"Okay, okay," Lu patted her head, "I won't dislike you, you work hard in the future, and if Miss Mimily becomes a regular, I will help you evolve a little bit."


Just as Lily was about to continue teasing the child, a faint message disturbance suddenly appeared on the workbench behind him.

"Shh!" Ritsu made a silent gesture.

Molly muttered aggrievedly: "What's wrong?"

But Lu suddenly laughed: "There is a guy who wants to break in, but I stop him, hum, I'm not the same as before!"


As soon as Li's voice fell, there was a slight electric sound from behind, and the girl with the double ponytails quietly floated behind.

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