Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 466: The Ghost Says

In the cabin of the ferry boat, 'Yang Ming' calmly returned to his seat, took out the speech and began to study it by himself.

Yang Ming is certain at this moment that Li is definitely not the so-called playing by ear and adapting to circumstances, she has planned everything in advance; or, by calculating various possibilities, she has a glimpse of the timeline that is now moving forward.

According to the theory, both she and Levi had already reached the other shore, that is, the high-dimensional world, but were stopped by the Faya people;

Then, it is reasonable and reasonable for Li to have many abilities that Xiaoli students do not know.

This high-level omnic stand-in robot is really exquisite.

It has the same weight as the main body, has the same skin condition, and simulates the feeling of "a strong warrior walking carefully" to the greatest extent. It possesses powerful mobility, and even in small-scale battles, it can not reveal its true nature. Stand-in robot facts.

Even the thing's analog soundtrack has been tuned to perfection.

What's even more exaggerated is that Daphne helped match Yang Ming's clothes, and this stand-in robot is wearing exactly the same military uniform and leather boots. Yang Ming just needs to stick the knight commander's badge on the stand-in's chest to complete the match. all pretense. ——There are dozens of styles of imperial military uniforms.


'Yang Ming' cleared his throat, and the guards at the side immediately looked over.

"Grand Duke, please order us."

"It's okay," 'Yang Ming' said calmly, "I'm just a little nervous... well, nervous, you know, the next speech will be open to all imperial officers, and it will also affect the imperial reception to a certain extent. With the internal environment down, I’m still under a lot of pressure.”

Both guards showed unabashed admiration.

One person said: "Your contribution to the empire far exceeds the honors and awards you have received. Sir, please don't be nervous. The whole army is proud to listen to your words."

"My hometown was plagued by insects. You arrived at a critical moment and saved my family and people. Sir, if you have any orders, please pass them on to us. I can die for you!"

"Oh, young man," 'Yang Ming' said with a smile, "You should live for this country, not for me. You should be loyal to the army, not to me personally."

"This is not loyalty, but faith! My lord!"

Yang Ming smiled and patted the man's arm, and said warmly: "Okay, go and rest, I'm going to board the boat soon."

The two guards gave a military salute, and then stood upright in the corner.

'Yang Ming' continued to study the speech in front of him.

In the bathroom, Yang Ming, who was wearing a sensory helmet, had a new speech written by Barber in front of him.

Yang Ming sneered, but didn't read Li's essay.

Li is not a qualified leader, and this kind of new federal election speech does not make any sense on the side of the empire.

[I have my own plan. 】

Yang Ming wrote a line in the air.

Li immediately stopped the transmission of the speech, and returned a gesture sign of 'yes'.

Her plan is moving forward in an orderly manner.

Yang Ming controlled the substitute robot, calmly left the ferry, and entered the special protective ship that was waiting in the air. The prince and elders who had been waiting for a long time warmly greeted him.

Facing the imperial prince, Yang Ming didn't give him any good looks.

In the future, these princes will be empty-paying princes, the kind who have to report to the Royal Administration if they want to leave Emperor Star;

As for these three elders who held a little bit of legislative power, Yang Ming didn't even bother to talk to them.

The former Great Elders of the Presbyterian House were directly forced to death by him. These people were regarded as the 'legacy issues' from the past. Whenever Yang Ming smiled at them, they also had to consider whether the white ghost was grinding their teeth.

Yang Ming nodded, found a corner, and continued to study the speech.

The prince and the elders didn't feel embarrassed, they still talked and laughed together according to their previous rhythm.

'What is the ultimate purpose of reason? '

Yang Ming kept thinking in his heart.

At this stage, his communication with Law has not been cut off, and he can occasionally get information feedback from Law.

The venue for the live broadcast is ready.

The imperial soldiers located in each military port, each ship, each planetary defense force surface station, and each special security post have assembled early, waiting for the appearance of the white ghost.

Next, Yang Ming only needs to show his face;

But today, it is destined not to be peaceful.

At 10:02 a.m. Emperor Star time, the white ghost Hanton arrived at the command ship of the Prince of Glory.

The news spread rapidly through various information communication channels such as social platforms and public opinion media.

Because Yang Ming arrived at the command ship ahead of schedule, he got twenty minutes of rest time.

However, before Boss Yang had time to enter the rest room, he was stopped by Daphne who rushed over.


Daphne looked a little nervous.

Yang Ming calmly made a silent gesture, and pointed to the lounge: "Go in and talk."

"Yes," Daphne immediately nodded, and walked in together with Yang Ming on her arm.

The four battle maids following behind her immediately moved forward, guarding the front and rear passages, and Dawa thoughtfully activated the shielding device.

"Listen to me, Hanton." Daphne's eyes were a little bloodshot, and her expression was very solemn, "Today's speech should be cancelled, you shouldn't come here rashly, I just sent it to prevent you from coming All my information was intercepted by them, and they wouldn't let me leave here."

"They? Who?"

"The four elders of the military department," Daphne said, "There are hundreds of warships nearby, most of which are directly controlled by them, and two formations were transferred overnight, and they just want to harm you! Handon!"

"I'm not going to die, Daphne."

Yang Ming said softly: "Have you forgotten? I can use the technology of cell regeneration to come back alive, it only takes a while."

"No, Hanton, you shouldn't take this risk!"

Daphne said:

"Let's go back now. With your strength, you should be able to leave safely. Let's go back to Emperor Star immediately and apply for asylum from our uncle.

"At this moment, they don't care about the so-called public opinion. They can, they can use such a lame reason as the empire has been infiltrated by foreign forces to cover up their attacks on you! They!"

"Daphne! Look at me!"

Yang Ming held Daphne's delicate arm, and the eyes of the two were entangled with each other.

Yang Ming felt a little unbearable in his heart, bowed his head and moved forward.

Daphne thought that Yang Ming wanted to kiss, although it was inappropriate at the moment, but she could not refuse the request of the man she loved, so she closed her eyes slightly.

Yang Ming's nose voluntarily rubbed against hers, and a safe electric current enough to stun was quietly released. Daphne opened her eyes, and then her body fell backwards, and Yang Ming held onto her back.

'This silly princess. '

Yang Ming shook his head.

Yang Ming, who was hiding in the bathroom of the ferry car, said, "Let her return to Emperor Star safely."

A line of small characters appeared before Yang Ming's eyes:

【If the imperial diva dies here, it will trigger a bigger tsunami of public opinion. 】

"I don't need to use this method to achieve my goal."

【Yes, you have this qualification. What you lack is ten to twenty galactic years of development time, and mechanical civilization can sweep the galaxy. I hope she won't cause us any trouble. My original plan didn't take Daphne's follow-up into account. 】


Yang Ming said in a low voice, helped Daphne to the side sofa, and called the eldest baby and the second baby in.

He doesn't need to worry about the rest of the matter, he will arrange everything.

All that needs to be done now is to wait for the speaking time to come.

Yang Ming raised his hand and adjusted the operation interface of the perception helmet, adding a simple countdown in his line of sight, then he held his breath and stared quietly ahead.

If fate can be traced, then now, the fate of hundreds of billions of human beings has begun to converge towards this small cabin.

Yang Ming thought of the game background when he played "Abyss".

In the empire at that time, because of the continuous insect plagues and the continuous pursuit and interception of the two camps of freedom and democracy, the national strength declined, the external plundering mechanism failed, the overall development of the empire declined, social problems became more acute, rebels everywhere, and the army mutinied happens sometimes.

In the current empire, because of the intervention of the white ghost in the early stage, there is no hidden danger of insect infestation, and the new federation cannot hold its head up. Although there are many problems in the country, because the empire's external plundering mechanism is functioning healthily, class conflicts are constantly squeezed by the government. The benefits are suppressed and diluted.

Historical trends seem irreversible.

Yang Ming couldn't help thinking at this moment.

The Fayas have formulated the rules of the game in the Milky Way, so is the fate of the various regimes in the Milky Way also under the calculations of the Fayas?

Or, the Fayas just observe and predict, and they can't really interfere too strongly with the complex collective of the material world?

High-dimensional world.

The reason why the empire has such a system is rooted in the personal ideals of the founding emperor Levi Sherman.

Individual dimension.

Personal dimension enhancement at all costs.

What does Levi Sherman have to do with greatness if he uses the empire's system to efficiently integrate resources and use methods that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years to meet his own needs?

Of course, looking at it from another angle, Levi Sherman is forging ahead, while Yang Ming's mentality most of the time is that of "this is fine".

There is no way, the concept of not endangering the safety and interests of others is just the basic quality of the youth on earth.

‘Is this a manifestation of a relatively backward form of civilization? '

Yang Ming felt that this was not necessarily...

Boom, boom, boom.


Yang Ming stopped his racing thoughts, 'Yang Ming' straightened his collar, stood up slowly, and nodded to the eldest child.

Daphne was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

Walking out of this door, waiting for Yang Ming were two teams of energetic honor guards.

Along the red carpet laid out on the ground, Yang Ming walked towards the 'studio' of the command ship. There was already warm applause in front of him. Dozens of noble officers who had been waiting for a long time were clapping vigorously there.

Yang Ming raised his hand and waved it, but what he got was the unenthusiastic response from these non-front-line combat noble officers.

There is nothing to care about.

This place is about to turn into a sea of ​​flames, and the more than 1,800 people on this ship will all become victims of Li's plan.

Yang Ming walked to the podium with a smile, and nodded slightly to everyone.

He wasn't quite sure if he could finish today's speech, but at this moment, he already felt the attention from all corners of the galaxy.

The non-glare spotlight gathers light;

The shooting levitation ball, which has been prepared for a long time, moves symbolically.

The on-site director, who seemed hundreds of times more nervous than Yang Ming, made a gesture of invitation to Yang Ming;

Dozens of aristocratic officers who acted as spectators here, as well as the princes, elders, generals, and officials who acted as background boards and sat on the stepped seats behind Yang Ming, were all watching Yang Ming's figure at this moment, waiting for an inspiring Heartfelt speech.

Yang Ming put his hands behind his back, his expression was relaxed, and then there was silence for thirty seconds.

He seemed to be thinking about something, but also seemed to be waiting for something.

Finally, when the technician couldn't bear to check if there was something wrong with the instrument, Yang Ming said a word:

"They asked me to tame you."

In the palace, the old emperor, who sat listlessly in the seat and was severely frustrated, sat up straight with his eyes wide open.

The human individuals waiting behind all kinds of communication equipment widened their eyes at this moment. They had a premonition that this was not an ordinary speech.

In the virtual conference room, the expressions of those old people who were waiting for Yang Ming to speak showed slight changes.

"Cut off the live broadcast!"

"This Hanton, he really wants to take the opportunity to challenge us, the Sherman family!"

"What's going on? Can't cut off the live broadcast, our control program has been modified... We lost contact with the Prince! Damn! How did he do that!"

"Start the Emperor Guard system! Quick! Start the Emperor Guard 2.0! Hurry up! We've been fooled!"

"Ino! Make a difference!"

Director Ino frowned tightly, then directly cut off his own communication, and rushed to the communication base next to the laboratory.

There is a professional team there.

In the command ship of the Prince, Yang Ming raised his head slightly, looked at the astonished expressions of the noble officers below, and sighed softly in his heart.

When he puts on the perception helmet, he will feel more confident for no reason.

No one can stop him, because at this moment, and perhaps only at this moment, the core soul of the empire structure, Levi Sherman's greatest reliance, mechanical thinking and physique, is on his side.

So, said the ghost.


"They asked me to tame you.

"Instill in you some ideas that the empire is invincible, the empire is great, and being born in the empire is a blessing for you pariahs, such thoughts.

"I got this speech yesterday, and I waited until today before I could breathe out the breath I was holding...

"Fuck formalism, bureaucratic capitalism, imperial hegemony politics!

"I'm not crazy.

"You don't have to worry about my spirit being affected, or being bewitched by someone.

"I am Hanton, the white ghost, the hero of the empire and the nightmare of the nobility of the empire.

"Before this conflict broke out, I always felt that the empire could be saved only because of some problems in the system, but as I learned more and more real history, I realized that the empire was hopeless.

"The empire has realized a constitutional monarchy a long time ago. The emperor became a symbol and used the cabinet for political management. It's just that this cabinet is unknown because he is hidden in the shadow of the imperial power. His name is, Xie Elman family elite power faction.

"In a corner that we can't see, there is a virtual round table. The old people sitting on the round table are all 300 or 400 years old. They first use their bodies to prolong their lives as much as possible. After it was broken, he uploaded his consciousness to the server, and then continued to control a lifeline of the empire until his self-consciousness collapsed, passing this lifeline on to his descendants.

"When I first came into contact with the empire, I felt... well, this empire is okay, the imperial power is bound to the Emperor Star, the empire is constantly restraining the nobles, and the empire is respecting its people.

"But when I walked to the core of the empire, I realized that those lies were only fabricated to maintain the internal stability of the empire.

"The Empire fears no one.

"The inheritance of tens of thousands of years has allowed the Sherman family to have unparalleled wealth. They pushed the emperor out and made the emperor their spokesperson. By the way, they locked the emperor in the emperor star to publicize it to the outside world. Look, we are here to respect public opinion. , Obedience to public opinion, the emperor has no real power at all.

"Then what?

"The legislative power is in the House of Elders, and the real power of these elders comes from noble families that have been passed down for many years, and these noble families are the vassals and followers of the Sherman family.

"The army is more thoroughly controlled, and disobedient ones are eliminated early. The truly talented and courageous generals who obey their commands only get an honorary title in the end, and then wait for the war to come in the army. When the war is won, they have accumulated Merit, but not enough merit to be promoted, but to wait for age.

"So you will find that the generals of the empire usually retire after working for a few years after being promoted.

"That's how they control the military.

"Today's live broadcast, I shouldn't have said this to you, because... Despair, all I see in it is despair, the empire is essentially an exploitative machine, and this machine continues to gather resources to the Emperor Star Circle, The imperial aristocracy transported wealth, making these aristocrats drunk and dreaming, using only 1/10,000 of the population of the empire, consuming 40% of the empire's resources.

"Then what? What do we get?

"What the public can get is the pride of being in the most powerful political system in the galaxy, the nerves paralyzed bit by bit by the Sherman family, and the distorted thoughts bit by bit. You could have enjoyed more resources. Get more respect!

"You could have given young people more chances to be promoted! Let most people survive decently through hard work, not like now!

"There are hundreds of billions of people in the remote areas of the empire, and then? Do these people have the opportunity to surpass the current class? No, most people don't!

"When I went to Saka for the first time, I thought it was a famine planet, a planet that had experienced wars, but it was not. It was just weakened, because of the exploitation of imperial nobles and imperial star circle capital. And weakened.

"A lot of people starved to death there!

"When I was on Yaha Star, I saw countless times, young men and women sitting on the street in despair, they can't see the direction of the future, they can't see the way forward, they can only keep killing their ideals, let I bowed my head to reality, lowered my expectations of life, and made myself a screw and a hermit crab under the strict social system.

"What else makes me feel hopeless?

"And you, my countrymen, my dear people.

"You no longer long for basic freedom, you turn a blind eye to the tragic experience of the empire's 60 billion slaves at this stage, and you can always find some self-paralyzed reasons to escape from the actions of the imperial nobles.

"But have you ever thought about your current life, are you willing to let your children and grandchildren experience it?

"Forget it, it's useless to say these things. I'm not blaming you. Everyone has the right to pursue a better life. I also know that the current empire is like a dark cloud. When they don't overwhelm the people, the people It is impossible to really resist the system of the empire.

"However, are we going to remain indifferent to the actions of the Sherman family's elite elite?

"Resources are occupied by them, power is blocked by them, and the ascending channel is in their hands. They have designated 60% of the empire as a blood-sucking area. They are secretly maintaining the interests of the nobles, so as not to lose their own power. Take control.

"Your descendants are but their slaves!

"The only difference is whether it is a high-level slave who is close to independent human rights, or a low-level slave who has been deprived of the right to a normal life.

"Yes, you can't do much, because the power of the empire has nothing to do with the people.

"But at this moment, imperial soldiers who can hear me shouting, you should remember... You must remember! If one day, when you feel that the order you received is not in the interests of the empire, it is not in line with your own For core values, just ask your boss.

"Is this an order from the Sherman family!

"Okay everyone, I can only talk here today, because the ship will be destroyed soon, they planted the bomb in advance, and what I can do is to interfere with the live broadcast signal in advance, so that I can On this occasion, in this form, I will talk to you about these topics.

"When my body is blown up, please don't be angry, because anger alone cannot defeat these enemies.

"My beliefs will not be destroyed, and my ideals will not be melted away.

"This is the last chance for me to tell you these things recently. When you bow your heads, please live a good life and don't worry about gains and losses. The empire has existed for tens of thousands of years. This situation cannot be changed with one or two parades, one or two The count's death was improved.

"I hope you can think about it and find the path to truly liberate yourself.

"Empires don't last forever.

"If the revolution needs blood to be poured, then I am willing to be this blood donor.

"I won't really die, I have completed the ancient god transformation, I can use some high-dimensional world technology to be reborn, it just takes some time.

"The one who died here today is the white ghost, the hero of the empire.

"I will come back one day, back here, back before you, back to this human civilization called the Sherman Empire. At that time, I hope to hear someone call me Comrade Hunton, not , Grand Duke of the Empire."


The tyrannical flames devoured everything.

I almost vomited blood.

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