Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 117 Debut

At this moment, General Stark suddenly had the urge to lift this man's spiritual cap and see if he had any brain.


"The monsters are heading toward our city!"

"You let us just leave it alone?"

General Stark couldn't stand it anymore.

"What the hell are you thinking?!"

If the Hunter Project is over, then General Stark will have no desire or desire for these five people on the screen, so there is no need to pretend to be a gentleman.

He is a warrior!

He now wants to find out what the bosses above are thinking. How can they make such a stupid decision to abolish the hunter plan and not let him send people to stop the monsters?

"Give me a reason!"

He was furious.

The face of the person who was insulted by him turned dark, and he said in a deep voice: "General Stark, please pay attention to your attitude when speaking to me. My country has funded you a lot of money in the past time!"

"Hunter, no longer needed!"

"that's all!"


The man's screen went black.

"General Stark, the aliens have mecha technology that is far more advanced than ours, and they are willing to help us fight against the monsters." Another person on the screen said, "There is no need to continue the Hunter Plan."

There was a false smile on his face.

In fact, the aliens not only promised to help them fight off the monsters, but also promised to give them some other help.

All they have to do is do nothing.

As long as you mind your own business and free up the battlefield for aliens, you can save the bottomless pit of the hunter plan and get some benefits from other places.

What a bargain!

As for why aliens are so nice to them?

Who cares?

Anyway, they got tangible benefits!

Even if the aliens break their promise and stop helping them fight off monsters in the future, they can still use nuclear bombs to deal with them for a while, and then restart the hunter plan.

They are simply ending the hunter program, not destroying existing hunters.

The hunter is just a machine, you can just activate it when needed.

"Aliens will also help us build walls along the coast. Experts say those walls are extremely strong and can withstand attacks by level six monsters."

"And hunters can't win reliably against level 3 monsters."

"The Hunter Plan has placed a heavy burden on taxpayers over the years, and many countries have tightened their welfare policies, leading to a sharp deterioration in domestic people's livelihood."

"General, on behalf of humanity, we thank you for your service."

"But the Hunter program has outgrown the times."

"Until the wall is built, we will continue to provide you with funding, but only to maintain existing hunters."

"After the wall is built, the hunter plan will be completely over."


The screens of these four people also went black.

At this moment, General Stark stood in front of the dark big screen, unable to say a word.

Is the Hunter Plan over like this?

He felt empty in his heart, as if a piece of his heart had been ripped out.

"General, Eureka Raider."

The person next to him looked hesitant.

Logically, they should have immediately dispatched the Eureka Raiders to intercept the monster, but they were explicitly asked not to do anything.

"Let them prepare." General Stark said with a heavy heart. "Let's see how the aliens fight the monsters first. If they are defeated by the monsters, we will have reason to dispatch the Eureka Raiders."

The Eureka Raider is a fifth-generation Hunter equipped with more advanced technology than the Danger Wanderer. Scientists spent a lot of effort developing it.

But it seems that it is no longer useful.

The person next to him pulled up the satellite video for General Stark.

The monster's route is clear and the sky is clear. The base can clearly locate the monster's real-time location based on the monster's life signal, and then use satellites to capture real-time footage.

General Stark remained silent.

He knew that the aliens' performance determined the future of the Hunter Project. If the aliens won, the Hunter Project would be completely finished.

"Prometheus self-test completed!"

"Entering the battlefield!"

The scientists of the coalition government are worried that Cthulhu performed too well and beat the sickle head to death in one fell swoop, leaving Monkey King and Prometheus with no chance to perform.

As a result, a new monster appeared the next day.

Isn't the opportunity here?

"According to the original plot, shouldn't the next monster appear after a long time?"

The scientist was checking the various data of Prometheus on the tablet while chatting with his colleagues.

His expression was unusually relaxed, and there was no trace of worry on his face.

"No surprise, it's quite normal." The colleague replied with a smile, "The pioneer civilization built a wormhole on Earth 3. As long as there is enough energy, monsters can be transported to the Earth at any time."

"It was slow in the original work, probably because there wasn't enough attention paid to it."

"Last night, Cthulhu violently attacked Scythehead. The pioneer civilization must have been stunned. They hurriedly sent another monster over to check the situation. They wanted to see why the people on earth suddenly became more powerful."

"It makes sense!"

The scientist's speculation was almost indistinguishable from the facts.

The pioneer civilization was indeed stunned, so they quickly threw a monster over to see if there was a technological explosion on earth, so as to decide their next strategy.

If the people on earth really experienced a technological explosion, they would postpone their attacks on other planets and concentrate on attacking the earth.

"No more chatting, Prometheus is here!"

Updated late today! More updates tomorrow!

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