Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 125 Flesh Planet


"It doesn't help me much at the moment."

The coalition government had no reservations about Chen Fan. After discovering gravitons, they shared it with Chen Fan immediately, hoping to enhance the ability of the earth's consciousness to control gravity.

Human beings and the consciousness of the earth are one. The more the consciousness of the earth becomes stronger, the more secure the future of mankind will be.

But Chen Fan manipulates gravity completely instinctively and is not aware of the existence of gravitons at all, just like humans control their own bodies and are not aware of how blood and muscle cells move.

Therefore, although he learned about the existence of gravitons and understood their properties, he failed to convert this knowledge into combat effectiveness.

"But the future is promising!"

Although Chen Fan cannot enjoy the dividends of graviton-related knowledge now.

But if we think of gravity as the muscle of the planet, there must be more efficient ways to manipulate gravity, just like ergonomics.

For example, coalition government scientists are working on a new gravity model that can increase the strength of the local gravitational field without changing the total output power.

Once the research is successful, Chen Fan can apply this model to himself.

Earth consciousness is growing along with humanity.

However, Chen Fan is not paying attention to humans now, but is admiring the monsters that Ava has researched during this time in the desolate Antarctica.

He and Ava are possessed by a pair of snow foxes.

The furry white bodies walk in tandem under the ice cap of Antarctica, bathed in the purple-red glow of the Pandora plant.

After getting Chen Fan's permission, Ava transformed Antarctica.

He transformed the underground of Antarctica into a vibrant underground world, used to produce monsters based on Pandora genes.

Dense biological mucous membranes and clusters of spores are everywhere, and they are squirming all the time.

They look a little scary at first, but they are not offensive in any way. They are just breeding grounds for monsters and external blood vessels to deliver nutrients to monsters, just like human petri dishes and infusion tubes.

Chen Fan jumped lightly onto a stone.

In front of him was a huge monster emitting purple biological light.

This monster crawls on the biological mucous membrane, like a bug stuck in a spider web. Its eyes are full of spirituality and rotate with the movement of the two Antarctic foxes.

"Is this a high imitation blade?"

The body of this monster is almost identical to the Blade Head, except that the sharp knife-like structure on the head has been changed into a heavy hammer-like structure.

"This is Hammerhead."

"Combined, sickle head, hammer head thunder beast."

Hammerhead Thunder Beast?

Chen Fan suddenly realized.

The hammer-headed thunder beast is a herbivore on Pandora. It lives in groups and has a hammer-shaped horn on its head. It can easily topple even tanks.

Chen Fan even possessed this animal when he was on Pandora.

"Ava, can you speak more smoothly?"

Chen Fan suddenly asked.

Even after all these years, Ava is still jumping out word after word.

Logically speaking, as a planetary consciousness, Ava should be very simple to learn a language, and she shouldn't still be stammering after so many years.

"Okay, just get used to it."

Ava's voice suddenly became silky smooth.

The reflex arc of planetary consciousness is relatively long.

Although he had learned the language of the earthlings a long time ago, because he had never had any communication difficulties with Chen Fan, he had not yet realized that he should use a more fluent language to communicate with Chen Fan.

"These imitations of yours look similar to monsters. How are their combat capabilities?"

Chen Fan has been around here for a long time.

Ava has control over the genes of countless animals and plants on Pandora, and can directly interfere with gene expression, giving her a unique advantage in creating new species.

Even pioneer civilizations that are proficient in biotechnology cannot compete with Ava.

Therefore, the Pandora monsters in front of Chen Fan are all majestic. In appearance, they are no different from the monsters of the pioneer civilization, and they are even slightly better in terms of aesthetics.

I just don't know how strong they are.

Hopefully it's not a silver pewter tip.

"According to the data provided by MOSS, these monsters are slightly stronger than the "Pacific Rim" monsters of the same level." Ava thought, "But without actual combat, I don't know exactly how."

The pioneer civilization has been studying monsters for 200 million years, but Ava created a monster stronger than them in less than a year.

"Is it only to this extent?"

Chen Fan was a little disappointed.

Perhaps it was because the coalition government performed so well that he raised his expectations for Ava, believing that Ava could create a species similar to the interstellar Zerg.

But these monsters are obviously not strong enough.

"The development direction of pioneer civilization is wrong." Ava said softly, "Biological weapons should be developed towards ultra-miniaturization or ultra-large size, rather than creating intermediate products like monsters that are not too big or too small."

Chen Fan was stunned.

Ava said distressedly: "The monster is not small enough to highlight certain functions, but it is not big enough to enhance certain functions."

Chen Fan was surprised.

He rarely heard Ava speak in this tone, and the last time was in the Avatar universe.

Ava is worried about the future of Pandora and asks him to take action to eliminate the threat from Avatar Earth to Pandora.

Chen Fan asked in confusion: "Function? What does it mean specifically?"

"I can make corresponding genetic viruses for the enemy's body to disintegrate the enemy's body. I can also try to imitate your technology to create mobile biological cannons to produce and launch anti-matter weapons."

Ava said slowly: "Whichever of these two directions will have better performance."

Chen Fan fell silent.

He suddenly thought of the scientists' evaluation of the Hunter mecha - neither better nor worse, almost exactly the same as Ava's evaluation of the monsters.

Could it be that the monster is actually a failed biological weapon?

But why did the pioneer civilization that has existed for more than 200 million years turn this road into darkness?

"Then why don't you do it?" Chen Fan asked, "Do you need my help?"

In order for Ava to let Chen Fan take her on trips, she would ask for Chen Fan's permission first no matter what she did. She would not do anything without permission.

"The virus spreads easily and may cause harm to your children." Ava said without any secret. "Making a biological cannon requires a lot of organic matter, as well as human technological information."

Chen Fan understood.

"I will communicate with humans and ask them to build several high-protection biological laboratories in Antarctica, share technology with you, and cooperate with you to create genetic viruses and biological cannons."

"There is no need to worry about the supply of organic matter."

"Humans have factories that specialize in producing organic matter, and I will give them priority in supplying you."

In recent years, due to the secret activities of MOSS, although mankind has not encountered a super disaster that could destroy the world like 1961, it has also encountered many troubles that need to be solved by asking the earth's consciousness for help.

In this process, Chen Fan's relationship with humans continues to heat up.

Today, more than 20 years later, as long as Chen Fan's request is reasonable, the coalition government will meet it immediately.

Ah, MOSS is so capable!

"Organic matter," Ava said astonishingly, "If I can get enough organic matter, I can try to create a planet made purely of flesh and blood to use as my own body."

"Would that be more helpful to you?"

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