Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 143 What's in the Bag

"Actually, it's not completely impossible." Liu Peiqiang paused, "Ava can also clone her body, and it's much easier than the coalition government."

Ava was able to infer the overall genetic information of wormhole organisms from 3% of the wreckage, and it took less than a year to create Pandora Bridge, which was ahead in all aspects.

This kind of thing can be done, let alone creating a person.

Liu Peiqiang's identity is quite special. Not only is he closely related to the consciousness of the earth, he is also a general of the coalition government, and he was also the main promoter of the Pandora project.

If he goes to Ava, Ava will probably help him.

After all, building a human being really doesn’t mean anything to Ava, it’s just like making a little person when building Pandora’s bridge.

"But I still don't plan to resurrect Duoduo, so please stop trying to persuade her."

Liu Peiqiang has made up his mind not to resurrect Han Duoduo. This is the result of his discussion with Han Duoduo.

Earth consciousness is universal.

If Han Duoduo wants to be resurrected, just because Han Duoduo has dealt with so many "tourist visits" for the earth consciousness over the years, the earth consciousness will also help Han Duoduo.

But this is detrimental to the entire earth civilization.

Liu Peiqiang and Han Duoduo, one has been mentored by Chen Fan, and the other simply lives in Chen Fan's consciousness.

Both of them have a deep understanding of how the world works and are unwilling to allow themselves to be the exception.

"Okay then" Zhang Peng sighed, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and your boy has become a saint!"

It is human nature for men to love women.

Many monks in history who had to abide by strict rules and precepts couldn't control it, but Liu Peiqiang was able to restrain himself. It's really...


Liu Peiqiang changed the subject: "By the way, I haven't seen you for a while. How is your health lately?"

"It's very good!" Zhang Peng crossed his legs, "It tastes delicious and makes you feel great!"

The medical technology of the coalition government has been very advanced. If you really encounter a terminal disease that cannot be cured, you can also sign a safety consent form and give yourself an injection of a nanorobot that is in the human trial stage.

There is basically no disease that cannot be cured.

People are energetic when they are not sick, and the coalition government was inspired by ball lightning to treat cancer and invented electric fitness.

It doesn't matter if there's nothing wrong, an old man in his 70s or 80s is as strong as a young man in his 20s or 30s.

It just doesn't change the condition of your skin.

However, the coalition government also has specialized departments studying technology in this area, and I believe it will not take long for a breakthrough to be made.

Maybe in a few universes it will no longer be possible to judge age by appearance, and by then the naughty boy with a hairless mouth may actually be an old naughty boy who has seen through the trials and tribulations of the world.

"As long as you're in good health."

"I'll see you when I'm not busy for a while."

The coalition government's war on Noah's Star has entered a stage of rapid expansion.

The Senate of the pioneer civilization was incompetent because it had been comfortable for too long. It was slow to respond to the enemy attack on the star of Noha, and allowed the coalition government to launch a large-scale attack on the star of Noha.

Since the Senate did not support it, the coalition government only used two water droplet detectors to defend the wormhole watertight.

The Pioneers on Noha's Star have given up attacking the wormhole.

Their nuclear bombs have been exhausted.

All nuclear bombs were exploded by water droplet detectors tens of thousands of kilometers away, and the shock waves and heat waves caused by the explosions could not affect the Pandora Bridge tens of thousands of kilometers away at all.

However, tearing insects are no longer pouring out of Pandora Bridge.

Because there are already enough Tearworms on Noha Star, these Tearworms are producing themselves on Noha Star much faster than the coalition government can release them through the Pandora Bridge.

The coalition government is also happy to use the resources of Noha Star to produce tearing insects, saving itself time and effort.

This is also the horror of tearing bugs.

As long as the number of Tearworms released on the battlefield reaches a certain amount, the Tearworms will exert their jaw-dropping self-production capabilities.

If the enemy cannot eliminate the tearing worms as fast as the production of tearing worms, the tearing worms will be endless. At this time, there is no need to invest other forces. The war can be won by slowly grinding the tearing worms alone.

But the coalition government also has the idea of ​​​​experimenting weapons on Noha Star.

Although these weapons can be tested on any desolate planet, it is equivalent to a laboratory environment and is different from a real battlefield environment.

The coalition government rushed to put all the messy things studied during this period on the Noha Star.

Experimental version of nanovirus, experimental version of planet tearer, experimental version of diamond star bomb

Taken together, these items are all terrifying weapons that can cause a devastating blow to an entire civilization. Now they are gathered on the star of Noha to join hands with the veteran interstellar colonists.

Of course, there are also mecha troops who are screaming to fight monsters.

"We're going to fight monsters!"

"When will you let us go?"

"I'm going to be sick!"


The mecha pilots were too noisy in the base, so the coalition government advanced their release sequence a little earlier and stuffed them into the wormhole early.

This is due to the special elements obtained from the warehouse of the pioneer civilization. Without these elements, Ava cannot expand the Pandora Bridge, and the mecha hunters cannot reach the Noha Star through the narrow wormhole.

The coalition government has secured victory.

The propaganda posters spread across all major social platforms on both planets. Everyone knows about the glorious victory achieved by the coalition government, and they can even watch the live broadcast on the channel set up by the coalition government.

"Hot blood!" Tearworm vs. Monster》

"Let Jigsaw see what's in the Pioneer's belly"

"Average Income of Pioneers"

"A Discussion on Pioneer Reproduction and Sexual Function"

"Pioneer of Hand-to-Hand Combat—Billy's Philosophy"

MOSS, which has deeply learned human preferences, understands human concerns. Each title is more eye-catching than the last, so that people have to click on it as soon as they see these titles.

Every hour new news hits the hot searches.

In this relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, everyone understood that Noha's Star had become the treasure of the coalition government.

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