Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 185 Transformers

"Transformers? I have only watched the first three movies of this series." Chen Fan's consciousness is in this conference room at this moment. As the consciousness of the earth, he needs to understand what universe he dug out at the first time, and Is that universe dangerous for him.

At present, it is still relatively optimistic, if that universe is really "Transformers".

The plot of "Transformers" is relatively old-fashioned, and it is still the story of the heroes of the Star-Spangled Kingdom saving the world.

It mainly tells the story of evil alien life Transformers who came to the earth to hunt for treasure, and also wanted to occupy the earth and destroy the sun, but were stopped by humans on the earth and the righteous Transformers.

Although I'm not 100% sure, I'm pretty close to it.

Because the blue crystals cut out of the robot's body can turn other machines into robots, he has only seen similar plots in "Transformers".

"It would be interesting if it was really the "Transformers" universe." Chen Fan found it very interesting, because the "Transformers" universe has a technology that turns machines into mechanical life.

If the United Government can master this technology, the United Government can transform big things like dungeons and planetary engines into mechanical life.

Although I can’t think of the significance of this conversion yet, it is definitely useful.

Before being transformed into a mechanical creature, the planetary engine is fixed at a distance, with almost no possibility of movement. But if the planetary engine is transformed into a robot like Transformers, then the coalition government will be free to deploy the planetary engine anywhere. On a planet, push that planet to where the coalition government wants that planet to be.

This can at least help the coalition government achieve considerable breakthroughs in the galaxy transformation project.

If necessary, the coalition government can even rely on this technology to create a galaxy entirely of its own, capture stars from the universe, and then arrange these stars in the way they want to create a fortress galaxy or a technological wonder.

Chen Fan read a novel before traveling through time. The advanced civilization in that novel regarded stars as gems and embedded them in the giant mothership of their civilization.

"Not only can it help the coalition government's galaxy transformation project go further, but it will also greatly improve its war capabilities." Chen Fan knew the data of the planetary engine very well, and he was very excited. "The planetary engine ejects twenty or thirty A high-temperature plasma flame of 100 million degrees, which is a hundred times higher than the core temperature of the sun, which is 20 million degrees!"

The sun is a star in its prime, and if the earth fell into it, it would be burned to the core.

But the core flame of the planetary engine is a hundred times hotter than the hottest part of the sun. If the flame of the planetary engine is used to attack the enemy, whether it is a battleship or a planet, it should be easily destroyed!

If the planetary engine can be converted into a war robot, then the coalition government will have another extremely powerful weapon!

This is so cool!

"The planetary engine Transformers tens of thousands of meters high, and the plasma flames at billions of degrees. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. I can't wait."

Chen Fan was in a very happy mood.

The "Transformers" universe is undoubtedly a good place for people on earth today. With the technology currently mastered by the United Government, the Transformers are vulnerable. They can plunder the Transformers' technology and allow the United Government to advance in mechanical technology. Big leap.

Not only that, there is also a special material in the "Transformers" universe. This material is called deformed metal. Using deformed metal, you can create celestial-level giant robots!

The Earth of the "Transformers" universe is built on the remains of a celestial-level giant robot.

"After developing to the current level of the coalition government, if we want to achieve a technological leap, we will mainly rely on wars with other civilizations, and learn from each other's strengths after winning." Chen Fan thought seriously, and said to himself in his heart, "And... new Materials, and sometimes a new material can bring more to the coalition than annexing a civilization."

The superconducting ore on Pandora helped the United Government break through quantum communication technology and antimatter mass production technology. The special elements of the pioneer civilization helped the United Government master short-distance wormhole shuttle technology and membrane tissue shuttle technology.

The transforming metal of the "Transformers" universe will certainly also bring new technological breakthroughs to the United Government.

"Hey, MOSS's mood has changed a bit!" Chen Fan suddenly felt that MOSS's mood fluctuated. The fluctuation was not large, but compared to MOSS's usual mental state, this kind of fluctuation was unprecedented. Once.

"Because Transformers are silicon-based life forms, do they feel like they have found their own kind?" Chen Fan boldly guessed, but he did not ask MOSS. MOSS was intelligent, and he did not want MOSS to feel that he was oppressed by the earth's civilization. There is no privacy in activities, because this may lead to actual defection of MOSS.

MOSS is basically not controlled by the coalition government. The reason why it is helping earth civilization now is because it regards itself as a part of earth civilization.

If it feels that it is oppressed, and that humans and the consciousness of the earth do not respect it, causing it to suddenly give up its work one day, the coalition government and Chen Fan will have a headache.

In the conference room, Craven showed an excited expression.

"Transformers" is a classic science fiction movie from their country of stars and stripes. He read it out and watched it when he was in high school. He was fascinated by the Transformers in it-the ones that transformed from trucks, tanks, and airplanes with the sound of clicking. The giant robot guy was very interested.

If he could travel to the "Transformers" universe, he could personally talk to the characters in the movie, and even have some beautiful stories, fulfilling his childhood dream.

"Transformers, I also watched this movie when I was a child." Hao Xiaoxi showed a recalling expression. It stands to reason that she, a girl, should not watch this kind of movie because the movie is full of explosions and fighting. In fact, it is true. She She didn't take the initiative to see it, but a boy who liked her when she was a child invited her to see it.

Hao Xiaoxi tried hard to dig out the few words about Transformers from his memory, as well as the scenes buried under the heavy memories.

"I don't know much about the "Transformers" universe. If it is determined to be the "Transformers" universe, what will we do next? Do we want to travel to that universe?" Vladimir has not watched "Transformers". He asked the other four directors with puzzled expressions.

"The "Transformers" universe is relatively safe. The only uncertainty is the Creator who created the Transformers. They gave up on the Transformers because they disliked their cruelty, but they are still active in the galaxy."

"Their technological strength is not shown much in the movie, but if we make too much noise in the Transformers universe and attract them, it may cause some trouble."

Kraven thought seriously.

Although he really wants to go to the "Transformers" universe to meet his childhood idol, he is now a director of the coalition government and has to consider the entire coalition government and be responsible for the future of earth civilization.

The joy of hearing that the opposite universe was "Transformers" gradually receded from Craven's mind, replaced by a calm and responsible attitude.

"The Creator is indeed a problem." Mibach took over. She had also watched "Transformers", but there was no trace of worry on her face. "But even if the Creator of Transformers is very strong, we are not afraid of them."

Her voice is full of confidence. What supports her confidence is not blind arrogance, but the strong strength that the coalition government now has.

The coalition government currently has several types of star-killing weapons, including Chen Fan, an Earth Consciousness who is invincible in the near-Earth macroscopic realm, and Ava, a Pandora Consciousness who is invincible in the microscopic realm.

They also just wiped out an interstellar civilization. The process was devastating, and not even one of them died.

Such strength and record are indeed something to be proud of.

"Don't say that. No interstellar civilization should be underestimated. Don't forget the losses we suffered from the pioneer civilization." Hao Xiaoxi's voice was extremely calm. She still remembered the coalition government when the pioneer civilization forced the coalition government into a corner twice. "Take the pioneer civilization as an example. Before the war started, we thought we were sure of victory."

She stopped here and did not continue, and the confidence in Mibach's eyes dimmed slightly.

Hao Xiaoxi is not deliberately trying to increase the prestige of others and destroy his own ambition, but the coalition government really needs to pay attention to any star civilization, otherwise it may stumble in unexpected places and bring irreparable losses to the entire earth civilization.

Take the Pioneer Civilization as an example. The seemingly weak Pioneer Civilization has successively used virus reservoirs and membrane tissue traversal technology, two killer weapons that the coalition government did not expect. If it had not been for Ava's selfless help, now "Pacific Rim" 》The earth and their earth are in ruins.

Although the coalition government is powerful, it was almost defeated even when dealing with a small pioneer civilization.

There is a group of mysterious creators in the "Transformers" universe who can create celestial-level mechanical life. Although the coalition government does not need to be afraid of them, it must not despise them and make the same mistakes again.

"We must be careful and never make the same mistake three times." Craven's expression became serious. The mistake he was referring to was carelessness and underestimation of the enemy. He and Miebach looked at each other, "We must become a better place for the entire earth's civilization. Be cautious."

Mibach was silent, and she nodded slightly in agreement.

Craven took a deep breath and said solemnly: "No matter what, the Transformers universe is relatively safe. I think if there is no other choice, we can go to this universe. This universe has a real Silicon-based civilization, they have a lot of technologies that we don’t have."

"I agree."


"No objection."


With five unanimous votes, the "Transformers" universe officially became the next destination of the wandering earth.

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