Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 201 Defending Natural Enemies and Space Bridge

"Aura Ecology. This is indeed a very amazing technology." Optimus Prime imagined the Transformers version of Aura Ecology. Transformers do not need the complicated living conditions of humans. If they also have similar Aura Type I nanorobots, High-tech, its main purpose should be to treat injured Transformers and replenish energy for Transformers.

As long as they stand in the spiritual ecology, Transformers will be invincible.

Ideally, even if their fire source goes out, nanobots in the air can reactivate it, or even create a new one to replace one that was destroyed in battle.

Optimus Prime's CPU is slightly hot.

Frankly speaking, he really wants to possess this technology, but today's Transformers civilization has basically lost the ability to conduct independent scientific research. Unless the coalition government teaches him this technology, he will not be able to master it anyway.


Optimus sighed inwardly.

The United Government helped the Autobots defeat the Decepticons and eliminated major threats including the Fallen King Kong and Megatron. The Autobots now owe a great debt to the United Government. How can they open their mouths to "learn" the technology of the United Government?

The guide scientist was vaguely aware of it.

His expression changed subtly, and he asked nonchalantly: "Optimus Prime, the leader of the Decepticons is either dead or captured by us. Now that you Autobots can dominate the Transformers civilization, what are your plans to develop next?"

"No, we are not yet able to dominate our own civilization, at least not far enough yet." Optimus Prime was a little distressed. It stands to reason that both Megatron and Fallen King Kong are dead. As the only elder of the Transformers civilization, he can of course do it. Take over their home planet - the entire planet Cybertron.

But the conflict between the Decepticons and the Autobots stems from ideas. The Decepticons hope to restore the planet Cybertron as quickly as possible and by any means necessary, even if they sacrifice hundreds of millions of people on the earth, they must open up a future for their own civilization.

The Autobots are the complete opposite. Although they also hope that the planet Cybertron can return to its former prosperity, they do not want to do so at the expense of the demise of other civilizations.

From the perspective of the Transformers, the behavior of the Decepticons and the Fallen King Kong is not only not problematic, but may be an act of justice, so the number of Decepticons has always been much greater than that of the Autobots.

They will not join the Autobots because of the fall of Megatron, and will only wait silently for the birth of a new leader.

What followed was one battle after another.

Optimus Prime does not expect that he can unify the Transformers civilization in a short time. He only hopes that too many unexpected things will not happen in the future, allowing him to steadily conquer the planet Cybertron and rebuild the Transformers civilization.

Thinking of it, the scientist nodded slowly and recorded Optimus Prime's statement, preparing to report it to the coalition government later.

The coalition government intends to leave the Autobots on the planet and let them follow them through the world.

Transformers is a silicon-based civilization. The coexistence of silicon-based civilization and carbon-based civilization may produce some surprising sparks.

But the Coalition government doesn't intend to force the Autobots.

Because the coalition government has captured the Fallen King Kong and a group of Decepticons, they can also play a role in sparking the collision, but their identities are rather embarrassing. They are all anti-human and anti-social criminals. Before the collision of wisdom with the coalition government , need to go through a long education process first.

The guide scientist led Optimus Prime around several major laboratories of the coalition government, introduced Optimus Prime to the scientific achievements of the coalition government, and subtly cultivated Optimus Prime's yearning for the coalition government.

On the other side, the mecha troops of the coalition government arrived on the moon and found the natural enemies on standby from the moon.

Predator is Optimus Prime's teacher and the previous leader of the Autobots.

He suddenly disappeared when the war between the Decepticons and the Autobots was tense. Optimus Prime was ordered to become the new leader of the Autobots.

Optimus Prime had been looking for his teacher Yu Tianni all those years, but he couldn't find any clues. The Autobots believed that Yu Tiandi deliberately concealed his whereabouts, but they didn't know why Yu Tianni did this and where he disappeared.

But the coalition government knows it all.

"Fighting natural enemies is not a good thing. He was tired of fighting the Decepticons and felt that it would be fruitless to continue fighting, so he wanted to cooperate with the Decepticons and sacrifice the earth to rebuild the planet Cybertron."

When the Autobots were led by the Autobots, the energy on the planet Cybertron was on the verge of exhaustion and the Transformers were in danger of annihilation. The Autobots were convinced by the Decepticons and decided to abandon their original ideas and turn to the Decepticons' ideas.

At that time, the Autobots were not as powerful as the Decepticons. In order to prevent the Decepticons from getting the Cosmic Cube, Optimus Prime launched the Cosmic Cube to the earth.

The Royal Enemy revealed the location of the Cosmic Cube to the Decepticons, and at the same time made an appointment with the Decepticon leader Megatron to meet on Earth.

"But because his ideas deviated from the philosophy of the Autobots, he didn't tell anyone, and he ran to Earth alone with a bunch of energy pillars."

"The energy column he carries can open a wormhole called a space bridge. This wormhole can achieve celestial-level interstellar jumps, similar to our jump engine."

The pilot who knew the information about "Transformers" introduced the situation to other pilots. He talked based on his memory and the information he had read when he came.

"But his agreement with the Decepticons was a secret, and the Decepticons at the bottom didn't know about it. As a result, his spaceship was destroyed by the unknowing Decepticons, the hyperdrive was damaged, and he fell headlong onto the moon, directly destroying his The tinder broke."

"So he has been lying dead on the moon. Counting the time, he has been lying there for more than 10,000 years. At that time, the ancestors of the earth people were still living in caves!"

The pilots gathered around the crashed spacecraft of the Natural Enemy, and they reported the situation to the coalition government's command center.

"I found the spaceship that the natural enemy is riding in! It's exactly like the one in the movie!"

"Repeat it again!"

"We discovered the enemy's spaceship!"

The drivers stayed put.

"That's the situation. Your teacher, Natural Enemy, is a traitor to the Autobots. He cooperated with Megatron. Not only did he reveal the information about the Cosmic Cube to Megatron, but he also prepared to plunder the earth's resources to rebuild your planet Cybertron."

Optimus Prime felt incredible as he listened to the description of the coalition government commissioner.

Enemy was his beloved teacher who led the Autobots to kill many Decepticons. How could he cooperate with the Decepticon leader Megatron and betray the Autobots?

"This is impossible, there must be a misunderstanding!" Optimus Prime shook his head repeatedly. He couldn't believe the words of the coalition government commissioner. He said solemnly, "The natural enemy is my teacher, and no one knows him better than me!"

His voice gradually grew louder.

"He was the leader of the Autobots when he disappeared. A leader cannot betray his own brothers!"

Although Optimus Prime had a good impression of the coalition government, he couldn't believe that the Autobots would betray the Autobots and cooperate with Megatron. This is just like the human emperor rebelled and cooperated with the rebels to blow up his own house!

The Archbishop is not a puppet, the Archbishop is the real leader of the Autobots, and even he is deeply influenced by the Archbishop.

"We can understand your doubts, but that's the fact. This is the news we learned from the Decepticons." The coalition government commissioner had long expected that Optimus Prime would not be easily convinced, but he was also prepared, "It's better than this , we will act out a play with Yu Natural Enemy, so that you can see with your own eyes the true face of Yu Natural Enemy."

Optimus Prime was silent.


He understood what this meant, but he didn't understand how the coalition government could be so confident that the Enemy must have betrayed the Autobots.

News learned from the Decepticons.

Optimus Prime studied the face of the United Government Commissioner, whom he had learned about human microexpressions from the Internet on Transformers Earth, and he read confidence and ease in the Commissioner's face.

He was a little shaken.

"Okay, let's put on a show to see if my teacher betrayed us!" Optimus Prime paused, "I believe he is still a loyal Autobot warrior!"


Optimus Prime was confused and asked: "Why are you doing this? Even if the Enemy really betrays the Autobots, do you need to put on a special scene to let me see him clearly?"

This would be too overwhelming.

What does the coalition have to gain from this drama?

It seemed like I could get nothing but his gratitude?

The government commissioner smiled slightly and said softly: "We want to know about the space bridge technology. It is Yunni's original technology. We need you to conquer Yunni and hand over this technology to us after Yunni's true form is revealed."

Space bridge technology is a technology that the United Government has been determined to obtain no matter what since it came to the "Transformers" universe.

Different from the black box-like jump engine that cannot be understood, Transformers' space bridge technology is a complete celestial-level interstellar movement technology. It is supported by a detailed set of theories that can be learned by scientists from the coalition government.

The knowledge involved is likely to bring a new technological change to the coalition government, such as miniaturizing the jump engine, turning a warship that can only fly at high speed into a space jump warship in science fiction movies.

This will greatly enhance the military strength and interstellar exploration capabilities of the coalition government.

"Okay, no problem." Optimus Prime agreed without hesitation.

In this transaction, the Autobots obviously suffered a loss.

The biggest benefit that the Autobots can get is to confirm that the enemy is a traitor, and the coalition government can obtain the extremely precious space bridge technology.

If the natural enemy is not a traitor, the coalition government will not need to pay anything.

Optimus knew this, but he agreed to the deal anyway.

Space bridge technology is indeed valuable, but it also depends on who it is for.

In Optimus Prime's view, the United Government already has celestial-level star mobile technology, and the additional space bridge technology is just for reference, and the Autobots owe the United Government life-saving grace. If the Optimus Prime is really a traitor, The Autobots just took this opportunity to repay their debt to the coalition government.

Optimus Prime looked up at the moon.

Teacher, are you really a traitor?

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