Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 205 Jump Reaction

Listening to Ironhide's artificial voice on the communication channel, Optimus Prime swallowed other questions.

He knew that the test against natural enemies had begun.

As long as Yu Tian En can pass this wave of tests, it doesn't matter whether he asks those questions or not.

Teacher, please prove yourself to us!

"The natural enemies, the Decepticons may be coming for you. I'll stop them for you. You and Obawe return to the base to protect the energy pillar!" Optimus Prime's voice was very urgent. As he spoke, he talked to the other Autobots. Transform.

"Okay, then I'll leave this place to you!" Yunni Enemy increased his power and drove along the road towards the base without any hesitation.

Aubawei is a fiery red supercar with a very cool appearance and very calm. Even at this time, the holographic projection of the driver and co-pilot has not been released.

"Defend the natural enemies, hurry up!" Obawi took the lead, clearing the way for the natural enemies in front.

The natural enemy looked at Obawe twice. He had never seen Obawe. He thought that this was the new Autobot who joined after his spaceship crashed. He was not well-known and not a powerful character.

He turned his attention away from Obawi and started communicating with the voice in his private channel.

"Defend natural enemies, my old friend!"

"Welcome back!"

"Hahahahaha, let's restore Cybertron's past glory together! I guarantee that from now on, you will be one person below ten thousand people!"

Listening to the rampant laughter in the private channel, Yu Tian Enemy suddenly felt a little angry. He said in a cold tone: "Megatron, I am not cooperating with you for fame and fortune, let alone being your lackey. I am doing it for Cybertron!"

Megatron didn't care at all about his feelings against the natural enemy. He laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, you are very noble. You gave up that pedantic idea for Cybertron, and even put aside the hatred between us."

"But no matter what, the plan has started. You have to get those five energy pillars back first."

His tone aroused the resentment of the natural enemy.

"Shut up! I don't need you to teach me how to do things!"

The natural enemy thinks that Megatron is too out of touch, but in fact, Megatron is not as happy as he shows at the moment.

He was sitting in the laboratory of the United Government, with more than a dozen nano-warriors floating around him, each of them staring at him eagerly, waiting for him to make a mistake in his speech so that they could beat him again.

Again - before this, he had been beaten to death several times.

The coalition government used a matrix to resurrect him and asked him if he was willing to surrender. He answered no and was then beaten to death. After being beaten to death, he was resurrected and asked again.

Again and again!

The Matrix blurred the line between life and death, and Megatron couldn't even count how many times he died.

If it were just a simple death, Megatron would not surrender to the coalition government. After all, he was the leader of the Decepticons, and he had a lot of pride in his heart.

But the coalition intensified his pain through means he didn't understand.

Generally speaking, Transformers are very slow to perceive pain, and they can also turn off the perception of many parts when needed, which makes Transformers fearless of death.

But the coalition government not only prevented him from turning off his pain, but also amplified his pain countless times, causing a prick with his finger to hurt as much as ten thousand needles.

This caused him to refresh his understanding of pain every minute. He could not survive but could not survive. In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and finally gave in to the coalition government and agreed to cooperate with the coalition government's actions.

"Very well, don't let me down."

Megatron hung up the communication.

He turned around and said to the nano warriors around him: "That idiot Yuyu Enemy has already fallen into the trap. I have done the job as you asked. Can you please stop beating me?"

The nano-warriors ignored him, turned around and filed out, leaving Megatron alone in this cold laboratory.

Megatron breathed a long sigh of relief and lay on the ground, enjoying the hard-won peace.

Yunni and Aubawei returned to the base.

Yu Tian En felt a little uneasy in his heart.

In order to ensure that the plan is foolproof, he must get rid of Obawi when Obawi is not paying attention, which means he has to kill his companions.

But this trepidation quickly dissipated.

All for Cybertron


Amidst the sound of mechanical friction, the natural enemy transformed back into human form, and Obawe also completed his transformation.

The natural enemy was a little surprised, because he found that Obawe was only slightly smaller than him, and in the car form, his body was more than eight times that of Obawe.

This Obawi is an empty shell.

Yu Tian En made such a conclusion and suddenly felt no guilt in his heart for killing Obawi.

In his opinion, such an empty shell would sooner or later die in the pursuit of the Decepticons. Rather than die in the hands of an unknown Decepticon, it would be better to die in the hands of his famous natural enemy.

It’s Aubawi’s honor!

"Yu Tian Enemy, let's go." Aubawei seemed completely unaware of Yu Tian En Enemy's malice. He walked in front of Yu Tian En Enemy and handed his defenseless back to Yu Tian En Enemy.

The natural enemy showed a sinister smile.

He raised the Rust Gun, a weapon aimed at Transformers. As long as it hits the Transformers' fire, the Transformers will be corroded by rust in a short time and turn into a pile of ashes.

He spoke slowly: "I'm sorry, for the sake of the planet Cybertron, I have to cooperate with Megatron."

Aubawei paused in his steps.


The rust gun roared in the hands of the natural enemy, and the orange rust ray passed through Obawe's chest, and the powerful force drove Obawe to the ground.

Obawi panicked: "Yu Tian Enemy, what are you doing?"

Bang! Bang!

The natural enemy didn't answer. He shot Obawi twice more in the chest, watched Obawi's body being corroded into ashes, and then said to himself: "From today on, you don't have to fight anymore."

There was no one around, so he turned and walked deeper into the base.

He made no secret of his disdain for humans: "Humans are such a stupid race. Such an important place is undefended. Even if I don't do this today, the Decepticons can still take away the energy column."

The camera not far away rotated with his footsteps. This camera broadcast what he had just done live to all the Autobots in 4K resolution. Even the proud expression on his face was captured very vividly.

The Autobots were shocked.

"The natural enemy killed Obawi!"

"He betrayed us?"

"Incredible! He is the former leader!"

"Is he trying to steal the energy column?"

"Ungrateful! We shouldn't have saved him!"

Optimus Prime repeatedly watched the clip of the enemy shooting. At this moment, his heart was very heavy.

Teacher, you are really a traitor.

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