Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 228 The mob

"I don't object either." Vladimir changed his attitude after hearing what Craven said. The think tank in his headset also recognized Craven's proposal. "We agree to send troops, and we must act quickly and resolutely." Quintessa's forces are kept out of the solar system."

If you don't make a sound, it will be a blockbuster!

Since we are going to send troops, we must implement our strategies and tactics with a thunderous attitude and steely wrists, and wipe out Quintessa's army outside the solar system in one fell swoop!

Craven nodded and took a deep breath: "Then, let's start voting!"

"I agree!"


"I have no objection."

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

With five unanimous votes, the coalition government determined its response strategy to Quintessa's army heading towards the solar system.

"Then start preparing now."

Time passed peacefully day after day, and the bounty hunter army led by the confinement was getting closer and closer to the solar system.

The fleet soared in the cold and dark space. Each spacecraft in the fleet was angular and ferocious, exuding a cold metallic luster in the intermittent lights. Although the shapes were different, their temperaments were surprisingly unified.

If any civilization in the galaxy saw such a fleet, their people would tremble in fear.

Because this fleet is composed of the most vicious bounty hunters and mercenaries in the galaxy. They are greedy, cruel and murderous. Usually, when they appear alone, they will cause a bloody storm. This time they appeared in groups, it was simply... Moving cosmic disaster!

But the civilizations along the route were lucky.

Because this terrible legion headed straight for the Earth under the command of the creator Quintessa. They just wanted to reach the Earth in the shortest time and complete the mission quickly, and were not interested in anything along the way.

They have approached the solar system, and the Legion's logistics personnel are doing the last maintenance on the weapon system.

"Check the transmission system carefully and don't make any mistakes on the battlefield. The solar system is now in chaos!"

"The barrel of this bolter is rusty!"

"The smart turret of our spaceship is not turning. Who can help us take a look?"

"How long until we reach the solar system?"

"God bless us and help us crush our enemies into dust under our feet!"

The communication channel of the Bounty Hunter Legion is very active, filled with various languages, and those who are slightly hearing-impaired can't hear anything clearly.

This is a sign of confusion.

This bounty hunter corps looks huge and intimidating from space, but the members of the corps are mixed, and the leader is not a general who can lead troops in war, so the interior of the bounty hunter corps is a mess.

If all the members except the confinement had not been brainwashed by Quintessa and served Quintessa's orders wholeheartedly, this patchwork army would have fallen apart long ago.

However, even if this is the case, the internal affairs of the legion are also in a mess.

The members of the legion were not convinced by each other. They stumbled among themselves and even joined each other in fighting, resulting in explosions and ship losses in the legion from time to time.

Only the confinement who was appointed by Quintessa as the commander of the legion can manage them, but this is obviously a tedious and useless chore.

The joy of being honored as the commander of the regiment was quickly exhausted by the endless disputes. Now he wished he could grow another head and leave this job to others.

"Tuding! Are you itchy again?"

"Haha! Last time, I gave you a break for the sake of the overall situation. Do you really take yourself seriously?"

"Don't accept it? Let's fight if you don't accept it!"

"Fight? I'm going to kill you this time!"

There was another noise in the communication channel.

"Enough!!!" Confinement roared, he covered his face, feeling very tired, "We have entered the range of the sun's stellar illumination, and may be ambushed by humans at any time. What kind of grudge can we complete the mission of our god? Then I ended it in private!"

This is almost entering the solar system, and the fighting is about to begin. There is actually internal strife in the legion.

He doesn't know how powerful the humans in the solar system are now, but internal strife gives humans the opportunity to eliminate them.

"Anyone! No matter who it is!" Confinement turned on the radio channel of the whole legion and shouted sternly, "We are about to enter the solar system. Don't fight among yourself at this time. If anyone can't control his emotions, jump out Spaceship, commit suicide on the spot!”

"For God! I'll let you go this time!"

"Haha! Just wash my neck and wait for death!"

The mediation in confinement was very effective. The two quarreling members exchanged harsh words and then exited the communication channel. A brewing bloody conflict was eliminated.

Shuangfang raised his head and looked at the light spots in the distance, feeling a little irritated for no reason. He sighed: "What great things can you accomplish by staying with these losers? I might as well find a chance to escape!"

Not two seconds after saying this, the prisoner let out another long sigh.


Where could he escape to?

His body was newly built for him by Quintessa, and it contained countless trackers and system backdoors. He was sure that he could not escape from Quintessa's grasp.

"My God."

"I just said it as a joke. If you are listening, please don't take it seriously."

"I will definitely bring back the scepter for you!" The confinement's tone suddenly became high-pitched, "I guarantee it with my life!"

It should be fine now.

Although the confinement did not last long with Quintessa, his several big games were not in vain. He found that Quintessa paid special attention to certain formal things.

As long as the formal stuff is in place, Quintessa will overlook his little mistakes.

Confinement sat down slowly.

He routinely turned on the monitoring screen to check the situation near the spacecraft.

Since they were sailing in the deep space of the universe, there were no planets nearby, so they usually could only see pitch black, like what he was seeing now.

The entire screen was black, nothing could be seen, only the lights of other spacecrafts could be seen.

"It's still some distance from the solar system, and we haven't been discovered yet." Quan Quan carefully planned the legion's next actions. He showed a thoughtful expression, "Sneak into the solar system without anyone noticing, get close to the earth, and then take the power Get the staff back."

The wisdom of confinement is not outstanding, or the wisdom of the entire Transformers civilization is mediocre.

The solution he came up with is equivalent to putting an elephant into the refrigerator. The first step is to open the refrigerator door, the second step is to put the elephant in, and the third step is to close the refrigerator door. It sounds like a simple joke.

He said to himself: "During this period of time, you can let those trash cause some destruction on the earth and please my god with human misery."

His voice was transmitted to the flagship of the United Government Space Force without delay through a certain finely processed proton floating around him in the form of quantum entanglement, along with the coordinates of the bounty hunter corps.

"Comrades! Tomoko has found them!"

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