Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 240 Quintessa’s proposal

Quintessa fell into deep thought, and she remained silent for a long time. The complicated thoughts entangled her, making it impossible for her to utter any words. Even if her compatriots cut off communication now, she might not do anything.

But her compatriots did not do this, but waited quietly for her thoughts to end.

On the other side of the distant starry sky, a fleet emitting brilliant crystal light suddenly stopped in the dead silence of space. It instantly changed from moving at 60 times the speed of light to becoming stationary.

Inertia seems to be non-existent on this fleet.

Time passed by minute by second, and Quintessa's compatriots did not rush Quintessa, but waited silently.

".It is my fault."

Quintessa suddenly made a frustrated sound. She slowly lowered her proud head, exuding a decadent temperament.

"It's all my fault."

"So be it."

"I should face consequences for what I did."

"I wish you a safe journey."

Quintessa sighed.

She hadn't communicated with her compatriots for a long time, and she didn't know what her compatriots thought of her. Today's words made her feel enlightened.

But it was too late.

She has been acting arbitrarily in the galaxy for too long, and all the civilizations in the galaxy have bowed to her. She has hardly encountered any setbacks, which has clouded her intelligence.

She thought about how she originally left the Creator's civilization and stayed to manage the Transformers' civilization. In fact, she didn't want to drive the Transformers' civilization to cause trouble in the galaxy. She just simply felt attached to her creation and wanted to spend more time with her creation.

She didn't know how she got to where she is today step by step.


Quintessa was in a very low mood, and she no longer expected help from her compatriots.

Her compatriots have already traveled half the distance between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, and the remaining energy is not enough for them to turn back. Once energy is lost in the empty and dead space, even the creator civilization that has experienced a technological explosion will not survive. possible.

The only possibility is to wait for her compatriots to arrive in the Andromeda Galaxy, establish a foothold there, re-store the energy to return to the galaxy, and launch a rescue operation across the galaxy for her.


Quintessa was now repentant.

She had done so many wrong things, and her civilization had been silently waiting for her to come to her senses until it was completely disappointed in her over a long period of time.

She has no face to spend the huge manpower and material resources of the entire civilization to save her who is hopeless.

The Andromeda Galaxy is full of unknowns.

Although it is still unclear what the situation is in the Andromeda Galaxy, none of the ancient civilizations that left the Milky Way have returned, which is enough to illustrate the problem.

She couldn't bring trouble to her civilization at this critical juncture.

"We will meet again in the Andromeda Galaxy." Quintessa's compatriots said slowly, "You are still a part of our civilization, and we will not sit back and ignore you when you are in danger."

Quintessa shook her head: "You have gone too far, you can't come back, and I don't want you to come back for me."

The resources consumed by the river system-level expedition are staggering.

The Creator civilization hollowed out the stars on one side of the Andromeda Galaxy and turned tens of thousands of prime-age stars into old red giants. Only then could they gather the resources needed for a river system-level expedition.

Even if her compatriots successfully establish a foothold in the Andromeda Galaxy, it will be a problem to collect so many resources again.

She didn't want her fellow citizens to be burdened by her.

"We can no longer return." Quintessa's compatriot paused, and then he slowly said, "But our information can."


Quintessa was startled.

"We can threaten your enemies for you. In fact, we have planted many space bombs in the galaxy. These space bombs can destroy the entire galaxy in an instant."

Quintessa's compatriot spoke slowly.

"What?" Quintessa was shocked, "Why are you placing so many space bombs in the galaxy?"

"This is just in case." Quintessa's compatriot was silent for two seconds, and he explained with a heavy heart, "If we encounter a powerful enemy that we cannot resist in the Andromeda Galaxy, we will bring the enemy back to the Milky Way. , and then use the power of the galaxy to destroy them."

Although the Creator's civilization is a well-intentioned civilization, goodwill does not mean cowardice!

If the enemy forces them into a corner, they will use all their means to fight back with everything they have, even if it comes at the cost of the ultimate sublimation of hundreds of billions of stars in the entire galaxy!

Quintessa fell silent again.

After a while, she shook her head, with bitterness in her eyes: "Please don't use this method to protect me. It is inconsistent with the concept of civilization. There is no need to provoke an unknown and powerful enemy for me."

Quintessa has woken up and she doesn't want to cause trouble for her civilization.

Moreover, even if the Creator civilization threatens mankind by detonating the Milky Way, mankind will not necessarily be afraid, because she is still in human hands.

Other than that, she still hasn't figured out the details of human beings.

Her knowledge of humans is limited to the UFOs released by humans when they destroyed an army of bounty hunters.

She was amazed by that aircraft. Not only was the outer shell absolutely smooth that even the creator civilization could not polish, it could also perform sharp-angle turns at high speeds without any loss of speed.

But she knew that this UFO was by no means all of humanity.

Because humans have the ability to create such an aircraft, they have the ability to create instruments with other functions based on the principles of this aircraft.

Not only that, humans have also mastered a space jump technology.

That kind of technology is completely different from the space gate. It is possible for humans to use this technology to escape when the galaxy explodes. Even if they actually cannot do it, as long as they have this idea, the threat of the Creator civilization may be ineffective.

Threatening humanity in this situation does neither her nor the Creator civilization any good.

"We don't know the actual situation you are in now. If you think the threat of force is not advisable, what else can we do for you?"

Quintessa's compatriots are full of goodwill towards Quintessa, and he really wants to rescue Quintessa.

"Give me your advice, Quintessa."

"Please don't worry about your civilization, because we are far more powerful than you think now. When you return to our civilization, we will synchronize the database for you, and you will understand everything by then."

Quintessa pursed her lips, and a warm feeling of emotion surged through her heart.

"Trade, buy me back."

When she said these words, Quintessa felt a slight sense of shame, because it seemed like she was treating herself as an object, but she let the shame disappear in an instant.

Dignity is precious, but freedom is even more valuable.

"The people who captured me have a different technological system from ours. They definitely want to learn from me the technology of our civilization. Please allow me to trade some of my technology with them to redeem my freedom." (End of Chapter)

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